So, it has been pointed out that part of the reason we don't get a new ship very often is that it costs money to design it. To that end, how about helping out the devs a tad by gathering our suggestions, ideas, and desires for the next C-Store ship here. This should help Cryptic release a ship we actually want, and therefore let them earn both our respect and a profit at the same time.
For this thread, please only submit suggestions for the ships' designs, features, etc. Try to make this reasonable, of course, rather than suggesting an "I win" setup... we don't want our ship designs in a lock box, after all, we want something we can buy on the KDF side of the C-Store
[EDIT] For those of you not interested in doing the design suggestions, please feel free to place a vote for which of the suggestions you like, and why. If you see a design you are opposed to... don't vote for it. Let's keep this a positive feedback resource for possible KDF Fleetyard assets.
So, post your own design statistics below. If you want to submit individual C-Store ships, T5 and Fleet versions, 3-Packs, or even Small Craft I welcome all ideas. To get the ball rolling, here's my
Request for a Bird of Prey 3-Pack, reposted from it's original thread (and modified according to some of the feedback I got on its setup):
Basic Stats
Hull: 27500
Shield Modifier: .88
Fore Weapons: 5*
Aft Weapons: 2
Crew: 65
Device Slots: 2
Base Turn: 19
Impulse Modifier: .2
Universal Bridge Officer Seating: 2 Lt Commander, Lieutenant
Battle Cloak
+15 Weapons Power
*The fifth fore weapon slot may only be filled with a Burst Disruptor Dual Beam Bank, though the other fore weapon slots may accommodate additional Burst Disruptor Dual Beam Banks.
Burst Disruptor Dual Beam Bank [Acc] [CrtH]x2:
Combining several experimental technologies, these weapons are unique to this ship and are only compatible with its systems. They discharge a volley of five pulses in approximately half the time it takes to discharge a standard dual beam bank. The strobe effect that results from this not only offers a unique visual display, but also provides improved accuracy. This comes at the cost of higher drain on the ships systems when firing, however, and increases the time between volleys. In game terms, these fire 5 pulses for approximately 80% damage per pulse of a standard dual beam bank, in half the discharge time and an increased cycling time, resulting in identical base DPS. They receive an innate Accuracy bonus of +2.5% and Critical Hit Chance bonus of 1%, in addition to other modifiers, and drain -12 Weapon Power when firing other weapons. They fire from the wingtip cannons, which pivot to match the direction of fire.
Consoles: 2 Engineering, 3 Science, 5 Tactical
Assigned Bridge Officer Seating: Commander Tactical
Universal Console - Enhanced Fire Control System:
Passive. This console alters the behavior of Fire at Will when used with the Burst Disruptor Dual Beam Bank. First, the system automatically designates your currently locked target as the priority target; put another way, you will always fire at your locked target even when Fire at Will is active, assuming that target is withing the firing arc, with additional attacks being determined randomly and without an increase in the maximum number of targets for Fire at Will. This does not affect weapons other than the Dual Disruptor Burst Bank. Second, this console will also reduce the global and duplicate ability cooldown of Fire at Will to 15 seconds, bringing its cooldown in line with other weapon special attacks. This portion applies to Fire at Will itself, therefore could potentially affect other weapons, allowing Fire at Will to be cycled as often as Cannon: Scatter Volley, etc. May only be used on these ships.
Consoles: 4 Engineering, 2 Science, 4 Tactical
Assigned Bridge Officer Seating: Commander Engineering
Universal Console - Cloaking Distribution Module:
Passive. This console alters the standard cloaking behavior by redistributing Shield power to Auxiliary, rather than actually disabling shields. This will allow the ship to retain shield power during the initial stages of cloaking, and increase stealth when fully cloaked. Any Shield power level increases applied after cloaking will be redistributed as well, allowing the potential for shields to "flicker" back up until that power is distributed away from shields. Power returns back to its normal settings at the usual power distribution rate upon leaving cloak, rather than "snapping" back up; this leaves the ship more vulnerable than under normal circumstances for a few seconds after dropping out of cloak. May only be used on these ships.
Consoles: 2 Engineering, 4 Science, 4 Tactical
Assigned Bridge Officer Seating: Commander Science
Universal Console - Emergency Holographic Recovery Teams:
Active. Self. A multiple redundant system of holo-emitters dispersed throughout the ship allow for a large number of holographic crew to be deployed temporarily. These holographic teams immediately set to work responding to emergency conditions present, clearing Engineering and Science debuffs and status effects over a period of 20 seconds. During this same period, Crew is automatically recovered at an accelerated rate, crew injury and death is prevented, and minor shield and hull heal-over-time effects are applied. This can be used while cloaked, but this also prevents any shield recovery. Modified by Starship Hull Repair (hull HoT) and Starship Shield Emitters (shield HoT). In game terms, this applies the effects of fully trained Engineering Team I and Science Team I, with the heals spread into 20 sec heals-over-time and an additional Crew Recovery effect. May only be used on this ship.
Console Set Bonuses
2-Piece Set Bonus: Isometric Pulse Warhead:
Active. Attack Modifier. This modifies the next torpedo fired to detonate in a 5km burst, applying an Electrical damage over time effect with a large penalty to Perception and Accuracy over a base duration of 10 seconds. Modified by Starship Weapons Training, Starship Projectile Weapons, Starship Particle Generators, and Starship Projectile Weapons Specialization (damage); and Starship Countermeasure Systems (duration). It is resisted by Electrical Damage Resistance % (damage) and Starship Sensors (duration).
3-Piece Set Bonus: Combat Auxiliary Systems:
Passive. All energy weapons now use Auxiliary Subsystem Power to determine damage output, and drain Auxiliary Subsystem Power when firing with other weapons. In addition, Beam Overload divides its power drain between Weapons and Auxiliary Subsystem Power; this reduces the immediate impact on damage output, but potentially affects the [Amp] effect from the ship's Warp Core. The benefits to Beam Overload only apply if used with the Burst Disruptor Dual Beam Bank. This does NOT reallocate the ship's innate +15 Weapons Power or the Weapons Subsystem Energy Drain resistance bonuses from sources such as the Systems Engineer duty officer Marion Frances Dulmar.
This 3-Pack is meant to serve as a KDF equivalent of the Andorian Escort 3-pack, or the MMSV 3-pack via the full 3-piece set bonus. They do have strengths and limitations compared to each, especially in terms of durability, balanced by flexibility and the battle cloak. Each of the console abilities is modified from an existing one on another ship, except for the Tactical console that basically just fills the role of your captain's disruptor pistol (I told you to shoot that one, petaQ!). By filling two roles, it brings us into closer balance with less development time on the devs' end (at least that's the idea), and hopefully gives them a set that would sell to folks that enjoy either Federation equivalent.
Prototype Klingon Battlecruiser
Base Hull: 40,000
Fore Weapons: 5
Aft Weapons: 3
Base Turn: 10
+10 power to Weapons and Engines
Shield Modifier 1.1
Console Slots: 5 Tactical, 2 science, 3 engineering
Cloaking Device
Base Crew: 2,000
Device Slots: 4
Boff Layout: Lt. Cmdr. Tactical, Commander Engineer, Ensign Science, 2 Lt. Universal
Special Console - Enhanced Tactical Alert
The prototype klingon battlecruiser in question has been designed to accomodate the most experienced and skilled crew the Empire has to offer. While this console is equipped, all boarding party debuffs (like Assimilate Ship and Boarding Party) are removed after 1 second. Taking advantage of the transporter signature of the failed boarders, you launch a counter-offensive on the enemy ship. This functions similar to Boarding Party, but does not launch any shuttles of your own, works faster, but can still be cleansed by effects like Tactical Team. The attackers further sabotage the ship's superstructure which results in a small hull DoT effect.
EDIT: If the console isn't competitive enough, you could add in that it buffs all your boarding party shuttles by giving them enhanced speed and defense.
5/3, 5 tac consoles.
1 Hangar Bay
Variant 1 has a special Weapon that's a Heavy Disruptor Repeater Cannon- Fires a set amount of shots at the rate of CRF3 or a point defense console, uses plasma repeater weapon ammo mechanic. Once out of ammo, goes onto CD with length based on your subsystem repair skill. Give it a nice hull damage bonus.
Second higher tier variant has some sort of special scaling weapons bonus warp core, obviously with KDF core icon. 5% all power levels > Weapons, +SIF or something, built in transwarp destinations to all PvP areas like Ker'rat.
Both are part of some set called "Might of the empire." take whatever bonuses you don't use from the warp core and put them there, or something along similar lines.
Stick whatever cloak, boffs, and consoles on it you want.
...that I wanted to include here as well. Each looks like an interesting take on the theme of that tread. If you want to toss a vote at either of those ideas, post 4a and 4b respectively seems a good way of doing so.
Fleet Qorgh Raptor, (5 Tac Console escort)
All stats are the same as the Fleet Qin except.
T2 Starbase
16 turn
125 crew
Universal Ensign.
35,000 Hull
3/2/5 Console layout.
Fleet Pach Raptor (Battle Cloaking Escort)
All stats are the same as the Fleet Qin except.
T3 Starbase
150 crew
Universal Ensign.
Battle Cloak.
33,000 Hull
3/3/4 Console layout.
This is unrelated to ship design, but I'm going to throw this one out there. KDF Fleet ships that have no discount ship, so everything except the B'Rel Retrofit and the Gorn Varanus should be reduced to down to 3 FSM to buy.
I can pay for a C-Store ship and get a skin, a console and a FSM discount fed side. Where's our C-Store Escort that gives a FSM discount? Where's our C-Store Battlecruiser that gives a FSM Discount?
Oh and if a C-Store version comes out than I don't care if they jack up the price to normal.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
Imperial Survey Ship:
Base Hull: 32000
Weapon slots: 4 fore, 3 aft
Base Turn: 12
1.2 Shield mod
3 Device slots
+10 power to Weapons and Auxiliary
Cloaking Device, can mount dual/heavy cannons
Bridge Officers:
LT Eng
LT Eng
Console Layout:
3 Eng
4 Sci
3 Tac
Console: Universal: Long Range Sensor Calibrator (more or less similar to the Nebula's console, seeing as there are now cloaked ships on both sides in PvP).
Basically a well rounded ship with that nice CMDR Science slot, but that Klingon firepower and maneuverability we all love.
Anyway, here's my suggestion for a K'Vort that I made here some time ago. It was before LoR, so you can still see her proposed stats being normal and not all over the place.
Now I know that I called it a battlecruiser and yet I didn't give her a Comm.Engineer Boff slot. That's because it's been called a battlecruiser on screen, but I see it more as a fusion of battlecruiser/destoryer (something in STO terms akin to the Chel Grett possibly).
I also prefer this cause the KDF battlecruiser market is somewhat saturated and I'm also considering the so many times mentioned "new Negh'var", so with it comming (hopefully) the KDF will have more than enough variations of ships with Comm. Engineering Boff slots.
I didn't go into detail of the cloak, because people say it should have a battlecloak being the larger sister of the B'rel and we know that KDF ships other than BoPs have regular innate cloaks. So I'm leaving this one to Cryptic, or someone much more knowledgable in game mechanics.
Hehe, if anyone has any concept art to submit I welcome it! This thread is intended as a way for us to help the devs give us something we want when they give us our next ship. Mostly, I'm just trying to help the devs get something done for us instead of complaining that they haven't... it seems more productive. So, any positive feedback and suggestions, from specs to art, are absolutely welcome here
32,000 hull
.9 shield mod
15 turn
One hangar. Comes with Ferasan Predator Fighters.
5/2 weapons
Battle Cloak
Commander Tactical, Lieutenant Commander Tactical, Lieutenant Engineer, Lieutenant Universal, Ensign Universal
Bortas: Honour Tank
Base Hull: 105000
Weapon slots: 6 fore, 2 aft
Base Turn: 8
0.6 Shield mod
4 Device slots
+10 power to Weapons and Engines
Cloaking Device, can mount dual/heavy cannons
Bridge Officers:
LT Eng
LT Uni
Console Layout:
4 Eng
2 Sci
4 Tac
Nanotrit Armour - Passive
This newly developed armour is currently being tested on the Bortas. It is capable of effectively reducing incoming damage to the hull and increases damage resistance across the board. Furthermore the integrated intelligent nanoswarms help with the repairs to the hull keeping it in pristine condition even in the thickest of combat.
Though all of these capabilities are power intensive and come at a strong cost to the shields.
The basic idea is to create a hull tanker instead of going for the shield craze.
28,500 Hull (Fleet 32,000)
1.3 Shields (Fleet 1.43)
13 Turn
4/3 Weapons Load, Can Equip Dual Cannons
BOFFS: Cmdr & LtCmdr Sci, Lt Eng, LtCmdr Tac
3 Devices
Consoles: 4S/3T/2E (Fleet Adds 1E)
Comes With Weapon: [Tachyon Burst Torpedo]
Fires a Photon Torpedo with an additional 40% damage as pure shield damage, with a 15% chance to reduce the target's shield resistance.
See the ship in my signature for a updated picture, the ones in the thread are sorta outdated.
current negvar model, or an overhauled one, with the large underslung guns seen in DS9. these fire a disruptor version of the andorian wing guns
5/3 weapons
42,900 hull
1.1 shield mod
25 inertia
COM eng
LTC tac
LT eng
LT sci
ENS tac
basically the kdf's avenger
Hull: 29,000
Shields: 6,600
Shield Modifier: 1.2
Weapons Foreward: 4
Weapons Back: 3
Crew: 250
BOFF LtCmdr Eng
BOFF LtCmdr Sci
BOFF Lt Universal
BOFF Ens Universal
Device Slots: 3
Eng Consoles: 2
Sci Consoles: 5
Tac Consoles: 2
Turn Rate: 11
Impulse Modifier: 0.15
Inertia Rating: 50
Bonus Power: +5 shield, +5 eng, +5 aux
Abilities: Subsystem Targeting, Sensor Analysis, Standard Cloak
Special Console: Mine Field
Mine Field Console
This console lauches a mixture of 30 [CrtD]x3 level 51 mines surrounding the ship. The mixture consists of:
Chroniton Mines
Cloaking Tractor Beam Mines
Plasma Mines
Photon Mines
Transphasic Mines
Cool Down: 3 min
I would love a BoP 3-pack. But your stats are a little bit... incredibly overpowered.
That would be the best boff layout of any ship in sto. You trade an ensign power for a ltc one. Not even the recluse is that good. Besides they are still all universal. Even the commander since there is a version for each variant.
To top that you have 5 front weapons and 4-5 tac consoles. And more hull than the other bops.
I would say stick to the usual bop layout: Universal: Cmd, LtC, 2 Lt
Maybe lower the hull a bit and I would probably go with a 3 3 3 base console layout and add one for each variant. So that tac gets 4 tac, sci 4 sci and eng 4 eng. That follows the unsiversal nature of the bop a bit better.
It would still be better than the fleet bops.
My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
Compared to current BoPs my design is overpowered; compared to the alternatives the Federation and Romulan Republic have available, it remains incredibly squishy. I did intentionally make it better than the BoPs we have, in an attempt to bring the KDF Fleetyards into parity with the alternatives available elsewhere. The Fleet BoPs... need a balance pass.
The boff setup comes from the Fleet Norgh, with the Commander seat designated by specialty. The 4 boff seating also limits your available boff Space traits. I did consider trading one of the two Universal Lt seats for a pair of designated Ensign seats, of the other two specialties than the Commander one, but I felt that the loss of a Space trait was more of a balance than more restricted seating.
I restricted the payload by requiring one fore weapon to be the Burst DBB. You also have to choose between having no useable 2-piece set bonus or using a torpedo, limiting your skillset options. Further, this BoP is a tad slower than its compatriots.
The consoles and set bonuses are also toned-down compared to the other factions' versions, and are all basically rip-offs of something available to either the Federation or Romulan Republic. The Tac one is the only unique console, and really just allows your captain to point his disruptor at his tactical officer and say "I told you to shoot that one." (in an appropriately menacing tone), while allowing you to cycle FAW as often as CSV; the squishiness pretty much kills the use of a suppression build. The Eng is a more limited version of the Tulwar Dreadnought Warbird console; shields drop slower when cloaking, but still drop, and they come back more slowly upon decloaking than would normally be the case. The Sci is a self-only version of the Vesta MMSV console with an anti-cheese component. The 2-piece set bonus is akin to the Nadeon Detonator, though as a DoT w/debuff rather than disable. The 3-piece allows you to stand in for a MMSV, though with a LOT less shields, no innate Aux power bonus, no Sensor Analysis, no Subsystem Targeting, no crowd control Runabouts, etc.
Basically, yeah, it's better than current BoPs, but not all that OP when you look at the whole picture and the current state of the game.
As for the other factions: Well look at the kumari. The actual kumari has a terrible bo layout. That leaves the charal and khyzon. They have the good old escort layout. That is not very flexible but it is ok. Now your BoPs have: better bo seating (not only higher ranks with 2 ltc but also almost all universal. While your cmd my be fixed you can still basically choose depending on your ship), battle cloak, more turn. At the price of what? A little hull any a tiny bit of shield. Due to the bo layout your BoPs will still be more tanky and probably do more dmg as well, since your 5tac console variant is rather nice. Not to forget the cloaking bonus.
What do the romulans have? Well the comparable ship would probably be the dhelan. The dhelan lacks a front weapon and has an inferior boff seating but wins in hp and shield. Also the dhelan has the better cloak. I still kind of think your BoPs boffs win over the fleet dhelan. And there is the sing vs warp core thing. But we should try to get fed ship quality before we try to challenge romulan supremacy anyway I think
Your burst dbb does not sound so bad. As for the set, most ships are better off without their special sets anyway I would say. And the turn of 19 is still pretty good. Better than a usual escort. And we have plenty of turn buffs anyway with the special mine consoles.
Better than the current BoPs is ok. But your ship overshoots the goal a bit I think. You can tune it down a notch and it will still be on kumari lvl or better in my opinion
My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
They're intended as a three-pack, hence their vaguely similar BOff layouts, and each is meant to stick to the presented theme of each race - Orions favoring Eng, Gorn favoring Sci, Nausicaans favoring Tac - while leaning towards a division that their current ships don't really favor. e.g., the Orion ship is Tac-skewed because most of the existing Orion ships have a heavy Sci favor, but all remain Eng-centric.
I'm not an expert on balance so these may be under- or overpowered.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
This sums up what I'd like to see from the super-neghvar/avenger counterpart(no point in repeating it).
For the console though, I would like to see something along the lines of a 'Fragmentation Module' that modifies standard torpedos to explode into multiple micro-torpedos on impact(think cluster launcher mixed with torpedo point defense). This would give KDF a counterpart to the VATA and Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo Launcher without being direct copies.
I think to have never seen anyone talk about the balaur in a year or so, so here's my chip for it.
Balaur Support Battleship
Base hull: 42000
Fore weapons: 4
Aft weapons: 3
Base turn: 7
+10 power to Shields and Auxiliary
Shield modifier: 1.1
Console slots:
- 4 ENG
- 3 SCI
- 3 TAC
Bridge officers: Cmdr Sci, LtCmdr Universal, LtCmdr Eng, Lt TacCan equip Deployable Repair Platforms (the Varanus' console)
Special ability - Siege mode (3 min cooldown):
Disables engine
+50 to Starship Hull Repair
+30 to Starship Targeting Systems
+50 to Starship Weapons Training
+10 to Starship Shield Emitters
-100% engine power after 5 seconds
+33% auxiliary power after 5 seconds
+33% shield power after 5 seconds
+33% weapons power after 5 seconds
+500% threat generation
-20% defense value
During this mode, the Balaur becomes a static weapons platform capable of aiding all nearby allies and attract enemy fire.
While active, the siege protocols redirect engine's power to the shield, auxiliary and weapon systems, increasing both defensive and offensive capabilities.
Due to very high power load on the ship systems, once deactivated the siege mode cannot be reactivated until all the systems return to normal condition.
i vote for this.
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
I like this idea. The Orions need more ship choices.
I would buy it from Cstore or the Fleet store and gladly make a Ferasin toon to fly it.
*GASP!* he's infected with the augment virus! enact sterilization and containment protocols! :P
anyway, i had an idea for a sort of raptor/vo'quv hybrid vessel with some specialized consoles and hangar
tentatively named the Jev'Batlh Assault Carrier
i'm not really good with console numbers and layouts, but i bet others in this thread could put some numbers down that would be good for the ship ^^
all of the assault carriers come with one hangar and built in battle cloaks, and they can load cannons
Tactical variant: Jev'Batlh
weapon - Rotary Plasmonic Disruptor bank - a special forward arc weapon usable only on the 'Batlh line of assault carriers, a special hybrid plasma/disruptor bank similar to a dual beam bank, but with 6 emitters rather than two, these emitters fire a near continuous stream of fire, and though less powerful per shot than a standard beam bank, the ROF is MUCH higher, it has the same firing arc as a DBB and is also affected by BFAW and BO
Engineering variant: Botjan'Batlh
console (universal) - Tactical Holo Armor - once activated it gives the ship a large hull heal and hull damage resist, also..similar to the Scimitar's secondary shielding, it gives a temporary hull over the existing hull (with some cool hologram armor graphics) that protects the hull until it's depleted (shields still take damage normally
Science variant: Ylyep'Batlh
weapon - Mach law'Hegh Mine Launcher - launches 4 cloaked mines, these mines stay cloaked until an enemy draws within 5km of them then they decloak, and begin firing small point defense weapons while traveling toward the vessel to ultimately detonate. (the mines are targetable). the launcher is affected slightly by Dispersal Pattern Alpha and Beta, but will not deploy as many mines as a normal mine launcher would using the same abilities.
set bonus when 2 of the 'Batlh set is equipped:
<> +5% bonus to plasma and disruptor damage (the rotary bank receives both bonuses, therefore a +10% increase in damage)
<> cooldown for launching the Mach law'Hegh mines normally is reduced from slow recharge to average recharge (of course tweaking would be necessary to make it not too weak or too powerful)
set bonus when 3 of the 'Batlh set is equipped:
<> gain "Rotary Bank Overload Circuit" allows you to temporarily fire the Rotary beam bank in an Overload state, similar to the singularity power Overcharge, increasing the damage and rate of fire of the rotary bank, the ability then goes on cooldown for 2 minutes
<> QIb'pach automated platforms gain lesser versions of the 'Batlh set (QIb'pach platforms detailed below)
new hangar type: QIb'pach automated platforms
these platforms are launched from the 'Batlh assult carriers, they are similar to the beam turret devices commonly found, however, they have shields and hull just above that of a federation runabout
the platforms are stationary, though they have a subspace jump to quickly change position periodically
the blue quality platforms come standard with:
> 2 disruptor beam banks
> photon torpedo launcher
> BFAW 1
> BO 1
> subspace jump
i welcome any constructive criticism on the design ^^