Mirror Warbirds have been added to existing Lock Boxes!
Romulan Players that open these existing Lock Boxes will have a chance at receiving new variant starships:
Tholian Lock Box has a chance of containing a Mirror Universe Ha'apax Battle Cruiser Warbird
Temporal Lock Box has a chance of containing a Mirror Universe Ha'nom Guardian Warbird
Dominion Lock Box has a chance of containing a Mirror Universe Ha'feh Assault Warbird
These ships may be traded while packed, but can only be unpacked by Romulan Republic Captains.
Well... I.. uhm... guess that explains it..
I'm really trying to keep an open mind about it, despite how much I am personally disgusted.
I was really starting to get excited about the Mogai (and Ha'apax) with its bridge layout. I can certainly understand it being more along the lines of a 'destroyer' given how it was used in the movie.
Furthermore, while the 'Dehlen' probably does seem like it would fit better as more of a support attack ship, the 'feel' of flying it and the visual appearance just does not work for me. I constantly find myself at the bottom of the map while cruising around sector space in it(I fly manually most of the time) and I just find the bloated, compact design kind of repulsive for a Romulan vessel - who typically tend to utilize curved, sweeping designs. It seems like such a dumb thing, but it's enough to completely turn me off to where I don't know if actually want to play a Romulan character on Holodeck now.
Also disappointed with the changes to the Mogai, it offered something different in the previous form. Now it is just another engineer heavy tactical ship that I am used to seeing... It is not so bad I suppose but it has definately lost its lustre by loosing the science secondary focus.
Someone above mentioned a compromise could be adding a fleet valdore retrofit option to the fleet store to give the alternate configuration, I liked that idea.
so to get a science focused vessel i have to be in a fleet?
they are still non-existent then to any one not in a fleet (does not effect me personally as i am in a fleet) i just find that LOL worthy
it's ok just join a fleet then you can get your science ship! just pay 20 a character and there you go!!
Where has anybody said anything about having to be in a Fleet? It's been laid out in two posts in this thread by myself and it's even been put together in that album.
I guess the more I look over the actual information, it's not as bad as my initial knee-jerk reaction.
The Mogai Retro and Fleet actually has a bridge layout I wish I could accomplish with more ships. Kind of wish it still had the science consoles instead of engineer, but I suppose I can accept that as its imperfection. It's not as interesting as the Grav Well set up I had in mind, but I can certainly see running a potent tankscort with it:
After reading everyone's feedback, I see the bottom line as this:
As I started beta testing as a sci, I liked the idea that I wouldn't have a ship with a cmdr lvl seat in the sci category. I adapted, starting building a dmg-sci spec, and planned on using the mogai as my ship at launch. I would get the retro fit, and then the fleet version, and the loss of my cmdr lvl sci power would be balenced by my sci abilities to augment my singularity powers and associated consoles.
That has been ruined. The only options for sci are now the ha'apax and it's associated craft. I don't want a sci cruiser, and it looks like most other sci style players don't either.
The old warbird set up was great- Tac players could go for T'varos and Dhalans, Sci could take the mogai with a dps build, and Eng could take the D'dex, with pretty much any build they want. The Ha'apax is ugly, totally divergent from cannon (or refined Romulan taste) and should be scraped. (I.E. give us something else).
Please restore the ships Cryptic, if you actually listen to us, then listen to the feedback. If the ships stay the way there are now, not only do I have no intention of buying the Legacy Pack, but I doubt I'll have much to look for to at launch.
I don't just represent my own opinions in this. Through out beta I've provided my fleet with the stats and changes on the ships, mechanics (without spoiling all the amazing story) so that I could run ideas for builds etc by them.
They all agree: The warbird changes are terrible. Noone in my fleet wants to buy those ships now, and if it's not changed, some are even shying away from playing a romulan. To see this reflected in the forums is concerning.
Even if this was just a test, to see players reactions, it was a bad one. I'm used to Cryptic introducing small scale changes to balance the game- that is not the case here- here you have simply destroyed all your good ideas and replaced them with, for lack of a better word: refuse.
Given that they've already got the models for the Refits...one might wonder if they couldn't break out Fleet "Refits" which although they may need to be tweaked - could retain similar stats as those that certain folks want. There appears to be those two sides - unhappy/happy.
While it wouldn't do anything for the T'varo...imagine:
Fleet Dhelan and Fleet Dhael.
Fleet Mogai and Fleet Vadlore.
Fleet D'deridex and Fleet D'ridthau.
The only options for sci are now the ha'apax and it's associated craft. I don't want a sci cruiser, and it looks like most other sci style players don't either.
SA T5 Ha'nom Guardian Warbird X, X
X X, X X, X, X, X
X, X, X
Consoles 3, 2, 4
Weapons 3/3
Hull 30000
Shield Mod 1.3
Crew 1500
Turn 10
Devices 3
+15 Aux
Can load cannons
Sensor Analysis
Subsystem Targeting
Fleet Ha'nom Guardian Warbird Shipyard Tier 5 X, X
X X, X X, X, X, X
X, X, X
Consoles 3, 2, 5
Weapons 3/3
Hull 33000
Shield Mod 1.43
Crew 1500
Turn 10
Devices 3
+15 Aux
Can load cannons
Sensor Analysis
Subsystem Targeting
for the low low price of... how would tacs feel if they could only get decent layouts via store, AH, LB?
In case anyone still doesn't get it, the acronym "SA" refers to Sub-Admiral, which is the equivalent of the Federation Rear Admiral. In other words, SA ships are the free ships you get at level 40. Therefore, the following ship is a free science warbird for all Romulan toons.
SA T5 Ha'nom Guardian Warbird X, X
X X, X X, X, X, X
X, X, X
Consoles 3, 2, 4
Weapons 3/3
Hull 30000
Shield Mod 1.3
Crew 1500
Turn 10
Devices 3
+15 Aux
Can load cannons
Sensor Analysis
Subsystem Targeting
Plus, the Temporal lockbox will drop a Mirror Universe version of the above ship, which you can probably purchase for EC later. And if the current Mirror ships are any indication, they are going to be very affordable.
So, quit your complaining about not having Romulan science ships, because you will be getting a free one!
Mogai was a perfect mix of Tac and Science. making it an engineering escort is dissapointing, and to be frank, this reemphasis on engineering just doesn't seem to fit. The personality we have been shown of Romulans in general sould suggest they would be Science heavy in a similar way to the Klingons being Tac heavy. Also no more Cmdr Science eliminates a few playstyles.
As a Science captain, I am VERY dissapointed, because I am getting screwed HARD.
Mogai: The mogai was the ONLY science based ship that wasn't a cruiser, now you've moved it from science to engineering, and romulan science captians just lost their ship. In fact,t here is not a single ship other than the hakonna that has 4 science consoles. the boff change obviously makes sense since you switched the consoles from science to engineering, but please please please please PLEASE PUT IT BACK. The Mogai was great before. hell it's consoles even fit with science more than engineering.
I'm honestly surprised at some of the reactions to the Mogai... has anyone considered running Aux2Batt on it with the new setup yet?
It occurs to me that that could be... frightening.
For me not being able to use GW on any Mogai is unacceptable, all of my builds are CC, and the only reason i want to go rommie is to fly the Mogai, and im not going to buy it with the new changes, So thanks Cryptic you just lost a lifer, that has no problem spending real money on new ships:(
For me not being able to use GW on any Mogai is unacceptable, all of my builds are CC, and the only reason i want to go rommie is to fly the Mogai, and im not going to buy it with the new changes, So thanks Cryptic you just lost a lifer, that has no problem spending real money on new ships:(
If your only reason for making a Romulan was to fly the Mogai, well... you can still do that. If your only reason for making a Romulan was to fly the Mogai with Gravity Well... well, that appears to no longer be an option, and you're left with a choice - do you like the Mogai more than Gravity Well, or vice versa? There are plenty of ships, Romulan included, that can use Gravity Well, after all.
On the other hand, if this change goes through, the Mogai will be the only Escort-style ship in the game that can pull off an Aux2Batt build, and that's pretty powerful stuff. I'd be willing to bet that, given the power of an Aux2Batt build in a Cruiser, this change won't stick all the way to Holodeck.
Joined January 2010.
On the other hand, if this change goes through, the Mogai will be the only Escort-style ship in the game that can pull off an Aux2Batt build, and that's pretty powerful stuff. I'd be willing to bet that, given the power of an Aux2Batt build in a Cruiser, this change won't stick all the way to Holodeck.
I'm thinking you might be right, though the change does call into question the overall theme of the faction what with it now having several Engineering-heavy ships instead of a Tactical-Science focus.
I'm thinking you might be right, though the change does call into question the overall theme of the faction what with it now having several Engineering-heavy ships instead of a Tactical-Science focus.
I can see where you're coming from in regard to faction flavor, but unless I miss my guess, the Mogai under these changes will be all but hands-down the best ship in the game. Battle cloaking, Singularity power access, full Aux2Batt build that has access to AP:O 3 or AP:B 3, the changes to EPtW... this is a ship that can run all of the parts of Aux2Batt that it needs to be stellar (I'm assuming a choice of RSP over DEM for the LTC Eng slot, since cannons don't really need the Dulmer/DEM interaction; regardless, both options are available).
With these changes, this ship will have the output of the highest damage beam build in the game, but with access to a battle cloak, higher tier Tac abilities, cannons, and singularity powers. It's honestly pretty ridiculous.
Joined January 2010.
If your only reason for making a Romulan was to fly the Mogai, well... you can still do that. If your only reason for making a Romulan was to fly the Mogai with Gravity Well... well, that appears to no longer be an option, and you're left with a choice - do you like the Mogai more than Gravity Well, or vice versa? There are plenty of ships, Romulan included, that can use Gravity Well, after all.
On the other hand, if this change goes through, the Mogai will be the only Escort-style ship in the game that can pull off an Aux2Batt build, and that's pretty powerful stuff. I'd be willing to bet that, given the power of an Aux2Batt build in a Cruiser, this change won't stick all the way to Holodeck.
The T'varo retrofit and Dhelan retrofit can also run aux2bat builds by using their universals as eng. The Vet ship also can, and the Jemhadar HEC.
The T'varo retrofit and Dhelan retrofit can also run aux2bat builds by using their universals as eng. The Vet ship also can, and the Jemhadar HEC.
Huh, good call on the Chimera and the Jem HEC. I hadn't really looked at the Chimera that seriously since it's only got 9 consoles and non-Fleet stats, though, and the HEC... yeah, lockbox ships.
The Mogai and T'varo still beat them both out, though, with their access to battle cloaks and Singularity powers.
The Dhelan could run a lesser version of the Aux2Batt build, but it'd be hurting for either offense or defense because of the missing LTC+ Engineering seat that you need to cram in either RSP or DEM... that's the reason that I didn't mention the Steamrunner in my first post. It could theoretically run an Aux2Batt build as well, but losing that LTC Engineer station means losing quite a lot.
Interesting that these changes have made Romulans arguably the best faction at DPS Aux2Batt builds and shifted them away from Science. I'm not sure that I like it thematically, but you can't really argue against the fact that it made a couple of the Rom ships downright scary.
Joined January 2010.
I'm thinking you might be right, though the change does call into question the overall theme of the faction what with it now having several Engineering-heavy ships instead of a Tactical-Science focus.
I'm honestly surprised at some of the reactions to the Mogai... has anyone considered running Aux2Batt on it with the new setup yet?
It occurs to me that that could be... frightening.
My first thoughts exactly. Whoever seriously thinks that the Mogai got nerfed is wrong on so many levels. It is now A LOT more powerful than before. I predict costs of purple Romulan Technician DOffs will reach absurd levels on the Exchange soon after launch.
The nerfs to the T'Varo however are not surprising at all. Did some of you really think it would stay as the battlecloaking Bugship it was before?
The changes to the Dhelan are a bit unexpected, but I guess the devs wanted to give us an incentive to purchase this ugly, fat space chicken.
Maybe if Cryptic disseminated this information there would be less of a problem with this.
Patch notes say nothing and we can't be logged into the server 24/7 (and not everyone is in the beta)
Mogai: The mogai was the ONLY science based ship that wasn't a cruiser, now you've moved it from science to engineering, and romulan science captians just lost their ship. In fact,t here is not a single ship other than the hakonna that has 4 science consoles. the boff change obviously makes sense since you switched the consoles from science to engineering, but please please please please PLEASE PUT IT BACK. The Mogai was great before. hell it's consoles even fit with science more than engineering.
Wait pls... dont miss with the Mogai:mad:
The Mogai was unique, interesting, and fun. I feel the change to engineering is a detriment. Sure the Dhealan has it now, but it just doesn't fly the same. besides that, I think this shift to mowards engineering doesn't fit. Romulans are always painted as a subversive lot; to me that says science, so Rumulan ships should have a science bent in a similar fasion to how klingon ships are a bit more tactically oriented and agressive. These changes seem to kill the flavor.
As a science captain who was looking orward to the Mogai despite usually flying dedicated science vessels, I am very dissapointed.
Whoosy bloody idea was to make the Mogai a Science vessel in the first place? It looks like a Romulan version of the bird of prey, it is an escort.
Thanks for making it like a patrol escort, one of the best ships in game.
Now..why would it bad as a science ship? 4 forward weapon slots and -40 power.
You cant run as much power on it as on a fed ship.
So you are either wasting the science potential, or the tactical one.
But now came the good change.
Why? Because now it has 4 armor slot consoles.
Armor slot consoles dont need Aux power to work, so you can get that aux power into the weapons and that is good for the ship's 4 forward weapon slots.
Now the Mogai is a viable ship for Tactical captains in endgame PVE! Thanks!
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Maybe if Cryptic disseminated this information there would be less of a problem with this.
Patch notes say nothing and we can't be logged into the server 24/7 (and not everyone is in the beta)
Yes, no doubt Cryptic did a...pretty bad job...with the info at first.
The info was in this thread though. It's in other threads as well.
I understand the initial reactions...mine is the second post in the thread. I said the same thing in a few places. I didn't type any of the expletives that I was muttering looking at those patch notes.
I zipped through to the Flotilla and then stepped outside of the "race"...to put together the two posts with the info in it. Somebody else out there grabbed screenies of the ships. So even though Cryptic did a...meh...job with the info - others did try to get it out there. In this very thread, even...and folks just kept going on and on and on - not having read the thread.
Personally, I kind of got happy in my pants at the thought of the Ha'nom (though I hate that the Fleet version is T5 Shipyard...bah!). A battle cloaking RSV (3 Tac/2 Eng/5 Sci consoles though) that can use cannons...bazinga! Dayum! Don't let Cryptic know...lol.
Whoosy bloody idea was to make the Mogai a Science vessel in the first place? It looks like a Romulan version of the bird of prey, it is an escort.
Mogai wasn't a science vessel ever. it was roughly analagous to an advanced escort. The control abilities can be very nasty. I do agree a single ensign engineering is kind of bad, though, but the LtC science had some very nasty possibilites.
Frankly the bit about the power is nonsense since ALL romulan ships have the -40 Power. The number of forward firing weapons doesn't mean much (and since it can fit DHCs and DHCs have less of an impact on weapon power than beams, that's actually better than a 3/3 ship with beams powerwise). A forward weapons layout also benefits science abilities more than engineering abilities.
Science heavy layouts make sense for Romulans since they were always quite subversive, and the Mogai was awesome since it was a science escort. To be honest we NEVER needed tanky escorts.
Personally, I kind of got happy in my pants at the thought of the Ha'nom (though I hate that the Fleet version is T5 Shipyard...bah!). A battle cloaking RSV (3 Tac/2 Eng/5 Sci consoles though) that can use cannons...bazinga! Dayum! Don't let Cryptic know...lol.
I do think it's strange that the Haakona and the sub ships have such wildly different layouts considering if you are using the haakona and seperate you ARE using one of those sub ships.
I do like the layout of the science one somewhat, but I was kind of looking forward to being able to use them with the separation console.
The 3-4 armor slots will let you deal damage and then take the punishment for some reason.
And yes, we need tanky escorts because only a few cruisers can hold agro and tank well.
Good luck getting one in your team. If you dont, you'll need to be able to at least survive the alpha strike and the threat the 4 forward weapons generatre.
The -threat consoles dont do much. At least if you do as much damage as I do, the elite stf bosses will still target you.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
I do think it's strange that the Haakona and the sub ships have such wildly different layouts considering if you are using the haakona and seperate you ARE using one of those sub ships.
I do like the layout of the science one somewhat, but I was kind of looking forward to being able to use them with the separation console.
The Haakona Separation console is still there...for the Ha'apax, Haakona, and Fleet Ha'apax; but yeah - gets into the discussion about what kind of buff will somebody get for flying the Support/Escort compared to flying the actual Ha'nom or Ha'feh.
The 3-4 armor slots will let you deal damage and then take the punishment for some reason.
And yes, we need tanky escorts because only a few cruisers can hold agro and tank well.
LOL. This quote is priceless.
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
Well... I.. uhm... guess that explains it..
I'm really trying to keep an open mind about it, despite how much I am personally disgusted.
I was really starting to get excited about the Mogai (and Ha'apax) with its bridge layout. I can certainly understand it being more along the lines of a 'destroyer' given how it was used in the movie.
Furthermore, while the 'Dehlen' probably does seem like it would fit better as more of a support attack ship, the 'feel' of flying it and the visual appearance just does not work for me. I constantly find myself at the bottom of the map while cruising around sector space in it(I fly manually most of the time) and I just find the bloated, compact design kind of repulsive for a Romulan vessel - who typically tend to utilize curved, sweeping designs. It seems like such a dumb thing, but it's enough to completely turn me off to where I don't know if actually want to play a Romulan character on Holodeck now.
Someone above mentioned a compromise could be adding a fleet valdore retrofit option to the fleet store to give the alternate configuration, I liked that idea.
How many times do folks have to mention the Ha'nom and Fleet Ha'nom?
Why are people so intent on spreading false information?
Log in, go to the Ship Vendor, look. If you can't Rom, then look for folks that have...have perhaps looked at the Ship Vendor, eh?
Heck, /u/SecretDragoon over on Reddit even put together an album: http://imgur.com/a/XJtdD#0
they are still non-existent then to any one not in a fleet (does not effect me personally as i am in a fleet) i just find that LOL worthy
it's ok just join a fleet then you can get your science ship! just pay 20 a character and there you go!!
Where has anybody said anything about having to be in a Fleet? It's been laid out in two posts in this thread by myself and it's even been put together in that album.
Ha'apax Advanced Warbird - Eng
Ha'nom Guardian Warbird - Sci
Ha'feh Assault Warbird - Tac
No Fleet required. 3x SA vessels instead of just the one.
So much bad information being tossed around - like folks are trolling Cryptic...cause you can't accidentally be this wrong - you have to work at it.
The Mogai Retro and Fleet actually has a bridge layout I wish I could accomplish with more ships. Kind of wish it still had the science consoles instead of engineer, but I suppose I can accept that as its imperfection. It's not as interesting as the Grav Well set up I had in mind, but I can certainly see running a potent tankscort with it:
EPtS, RSP, Aux2Sif
Still going to have to mull over the Ha'apax for a while though. I'm sure there will be ways to make it shine somehow.
As I started beta testing as a sci, I liked the idea that I wouldn't have a ship with a cmdr lvl seat in the sci category. I adapted, starting building a dmg-sci spec, and planned on using the mogai as my ship at launch. I would get the retro fit, and then the fleet version, and the loss of my cmdr lvl sci power would be balenced by my sci abilities to augment my singularity powers and associated consoles.
That has been ruined. The only options for sci are now the ha'apax and it's associated craft. I don't want a sci cruiser, and it looks like most other sci style players don't either.
The old warbird set up was great- Tac players could go for T'varos and Dhalans, Sci could take the mogai with a dps build, and Eng could take the D'dex, with pretty much any build they want. The Ha'apax is ugly, totally divergent from cannon (or refined Romulan taste) and should be scraped. (I.E. give us something else).
Please restore the ships Cryptic, if you actually listen to us, then listen to the feedback. If the ships stay the way there are now, not only do I have no intention of buying the Legacy Pack, but I doubt I'll have much to look for to at launch.
I don't just represent my own opinions in this. Through out beta I've provided my fleet with the stats and changes on the ships, mechanics (without spoiling all the amazing story) so that I could run ideas for builds etc by them.
They all agree: The warbird changes are terrible. Noone in my fleet wants to buy those ships now, and if it's not changed, some are even shying away from playing a romulan. To see this reflected in the forums is concerning.
Even if this was just a test, to see players reactions, it was a bad one. I'm used to Cryptic introducing small scale changes to balance the game- that is not the case here- here you have simply destroyed all your good ideas and replaced them with, for lack of a better word: refuse.
While it wouldn't do anything for the T'varo...imagine:
Fleet Dhelan and Fleet Dhael.
Fleet Mogai and Fleet Vadlore.
Fleet D'deridex and Fleet D'ridthau.
SA T5 Ha'nom Guardian Warbird
X, X
X, X
X, X, X, X
X, X, X
Consoles 3, 2, 4
Weapons 3/3
Hull 30000
Shield Mod 1.3
Crew 1500
Turn 10
Devices 3
+15 Aux
Can load cannons
Sensor Analysis
Subsystem Targeting
Fleet Ha'nom Guardian Warbird Shipyard Tier 5
X, X
X, X
X, X, X, X
X, X, X
Consoles 3, 2, 5
Weapons 3/3
Hull 33000
Shield Mod 1.43
Crew 1500
Turn 10
Devices 3
+15 Aux
Can load cannons
Sensor Analysis
Subsystem Targeting
for the low low price of... how would tacs feel if they could only get decent layouts via store, AH, LB?
The low, low, low price of...free?
In case anyone still doesn't get it, the acronym "SA" refers to Sub-Admiral, which is the equivalent of the Federation Rear Admiral. In other words, SA ships are the free ships you get at level 40. Therefore, the following ship is a free science warbird for all Romulan toons.
Plus, the Temporal lockbox will drop a Mirror Universe version of the above ship, which you can probably purchase for EC later. And if the current Mirror ships are any indication, they are going to be very affordable.
So, quit your complaining about not having Romulan science ships, because you will be getting a free one!
It occurs to me that that could be... frightening.
Joined January 2010.
In regard to hating Star Trek 2009:
Mogai was a perfect mix of Tac and Science. making it an engineering escort is dissapointing, and to be frank, this reemphasis on engineering just doesn't seem to fit. The personality we have been shown of Romulans in general sould suggest they would be Science heavy in a similar way to the Klingons being Tac heavy. Also no more Cmdr Science eliminates a few playstyles.
As a Science captain, I am VERY dissapointed, because I am getting screwed HARD.
Wait pls... dont miss with the Mogai:mad:
"Liberty, Equality, Justice, Peace & Cooperation"
For me not being able to use GW on any Mogai is unacceptable, all of my builds are CC, and the only reason i want to go rommie is to fly the Mogai, and im not going to buy it with the new changes, So thanks Cryptic you just lost a lifer, that has no problem spending real money on new ships:(
"Liberty, Equality, Justice, Peace & Cooperation"
If your only reason for making a Romulan was to fly the Mogai, well... you can still do that. If your only reason for making a Romulan was to fly the Mogai with Gravity Well... well, that appears to no longer be an option, and you're left with a choice - do you like the Mogai more than Gravity Well, or vice versa? There are plenty of ships, Romulan included, that can use Gravity Well, after all.
On the other hand, if this change goes through, the Mogai will be the only Escort-style ship in the game that can pull off an Aux2Batt build, and that's pretty powerful stuff. I'd be willing to bet that, given the power of an Aux2Batt build in a Cruiser, this change won't stick all the way to Holodeck.
Joined January 2010.
In regard to hating Star Trek 2009:
I'm thinking you might be right, though the change does call into question the overall theme of the faction what with it now having several Engineering-heavy ships instead of a Tactical-Science focus.
I can see where you're coming from in regard to faction flavor, but unless I miss my guess, the Mogai under these changes will be all but hands-down the best ship in the game. Battle cloaking, Singularity power access, full Aux2Batt build that has access to AP:O 3 or AP:B 3, the changes to EPtW... this is a ship that can run all of the parts of Aux2Batt that it needs to be stellar (I'm assuming a choice of RSP over DEM for the LTC Eng slot, since cannons don't really need the Dulmer/DEM interaction; regardless, both options are available).
With these changes, this ship will have the output of the highest damage beam build in the game, but with access to a battle cloak, higher tier Tac abilities, cannons, and singularity powers. It's honestly pretty ridiculous.
Joined January 2010.
In regard to hating Star Trek 2009:
The T'varo retrofit and Dhelan retrofit can also run aux2bat builds by using their universals as eng. The Vet ship also can, and the Jemhadar HEC.
Huh, good call on the Chimera and the Jem HEC. I hadn't really looked at the Chimera that seriously since it's only got 9 consoles and non-Fleet stats, though, and the HEC... yeah, lockbox ships.
The Mogai and T'varo still beat them both out, though, with their access to battle cloaks and Singularity powers.
The Dhelan could run a lesser version of the Aux2Batt build, but it'd be hurting for either offense or defense because of the missing LTC+ Engineering seat that you need to cram in either RSP or DEM... that's the reason that I didn't mention the Steamrunner in my first post. It could theoretically run an Aux2Batt build as well, but losing that LTC Engineer station means losing quite a lot.
Interesting that these changes have made Romulans arguably the best faction at DPS Aux2Batt builds and shifted them away from Science. I'm not sure that I like it thematically, but you can't really argue against the fact that it made a couple of the Rom ships downright scary.
Joined January 2010.
In regard to hating Star Trek 2009:
Not counting the SA ships...
Cmdr Tac/LCdr Uni: 3
Cmdr Tac/LCdr Sci: 2
Cmdr Tac/LCdr Eng: 2
Cmdr Eng/LCdr Sci: 2
Cmdr Eng/LCdr Uni: 2
Cmdr Sci/LCdr Sci: 1
...the SA ships...
Cmdr Tac/LCdr Tac: 1
Cmdr Eng/LCdr Eng: 1
Cmdr Sci/LCdr Sci: 1
...combined possibilities...
Cmdr Tac/LCdr Tac: 4
Cmdr Tac/LCdr Eng: 5
Cmdr Tac/LCdr Sci: 5
Cmdr Eng/LCdr Tac: 2
Cmdr Eng/LCdr Eng: 3
Cmdr Eng/LCdr Sci: 4
Cmdr Sci/LCdr Tac: 0
Cmdr Sci/LCdr Eng: 0
Cmdr Sci/LCdr Sci: 2
...giving us...
5x Tac-Sci
5x Tac-Eng
4x Tac-Tac
4x Eng-Sci
3x Eng-Eng
2x Eng-Tac
2x Sci-Sci
0x Sci-Tac
0x Sci-Eng
...hrmmm, eh?
My first thoughts exactly. Whoever seriously thinks that the Mogai got nerfed is wrong on so many levels. It is now A LOT more powerful than before. I predict costs of purple Romulan Technician DOffs will reach absurd levels on the Exchange soon after launch.
The nerfs to the T'Varo however are not surprising at all. Did some of you really think it would stay as the battlecloaking Bugship it was before?
The changes to the Dhelan are a bit unexpected, but I guess the devs wanted to give us an incentive to purchase this ugly, fat space chicken.
Patch notes say nothing and we can't be logged into the server 24/7 (and not everyone is in the beta)
The Mogai was unique, interesting, and fun. I feel the change to engineering is a detriment. Sure the Dhealan has it now, but it just doesn't fly the same. besides that, I think this shift to mowards engineering doesn't fit. Romulans are always painted as a subversive lot; to me that says science, so Rumulan ships should have a science bent in a similar fasion to how klingon ships are a bit more tactically oriented and agressive. These changes seem to kill the flavor.
As a science captain who was looking orward to the Mogai despite usually flying dedicated science vessels, I am very dissapointed.
Thanks for making it like a patrol escort, one of the best ships in game.
Now..why would it bad as a science ship? 4 forward weapon slots and -40 power.
You cant run as much power on it as on a fed ship.
So you are either wasting the science potential, or the tactical one.
But now came the good change.
Why? Because now it has 4 armor slot consoles.
Armor slot consoles dont need Aux power to work, so you can get that aux power into the weapons and that is good for the ship's 4 forward weapon slots.
Now the Mogai is a viable ship for Tactical captains in endgame PVE! Thanks!
Yes, no doubt Cryptic did a...pretty bad job...with the info at first.
The info was in this thread though. It's in other threads as well.
I understand the initial reactions...mine is the second post in the thread. I said the same thing in a few places. I didn't type any of the expletives that I was muttering looking at those patch notes.
I zipped through to the Flotilla and then stepped outside of the "race"...to put together the two posts with the info in it. Somebody else out there grabbed screenies of the ships. So even though Cryptic did a...meh...job with the info - others did try to get it out there. In this very thread, even...and folks just kept going on and on and on - not having read the thread.
Personally, I kind of got happy in my pants at the thought of the Ha'nom (though I hate that the Fleet version is T5 Shipyard...bah!). A battle cloaking RSV (3 Tac/2 Eng/5 Sci consoles though) that can use cannons...bazinga! Dayum! Don't let Cryptic know...lol.
Mogai wasn't a science vessel ever. it was roughly analagous to an advanced escort. The control abilities can be very nasty. I do agree a single ensign engineering is kind of bad, though, but the LtC science had some very nasty possibilites.
Frankly the bit about the power is nonsense since ALL romulan ships have the -40 Power. The number of forward firing weapons doesn't mean much (and since it can fit DHCs and DHCs have less of an impact on weapon power than beams, that's actually better than a 3/3 ship with beams powerwise). A forward weapons layout also benefits science abilities more than engineering abilities.
Science heavy layouts make sense for Romulans since they were always quite subversive, and the Mogai was awesome since it was a science escort. To be honest we NEVER needed tanky escorts.
I do think it's strange that the Haakona and the sub ships have such wildly different layouts considering if you are using the haakona and seperate you ARE using one of those sub ships.
I do like the layout of the science one somewhat, but I was kind of looking forward to being able to use them with the separation console.
And yes, we need tanky escorts because only a few cruisers can hold agro and tank well.
Good luck getting one in your team. If you dont, you'll need to be able to at least survive the alpha strike and the threat the 4 forward weapons generatre.
The -threat consoles dont do much. At least if you do as much damage as I do, the elite stf bosses will still target you.
The Haakona Separation console is still there...for the Ha'apax, Haakona, and Fleet Ha'apax; but yeah - gets into the discussion about what kind of buff will somebody get for flying the Support/Escort compared to flying the actual Ha'nom or Ha'feh.
LOL. This quote is priceless.