Alright lets go through this list and see whats wrong.
T'Varo: this ship went from being the uber tactical ship to being just another escort with 4 tacs, even though the boff setup still leans towards the 5 tacs. yes now it's a ltcmdr universal but thats going to be tactical for pretty much everyone. the previous setup made much more sense for this ship
Mogai: The mogai was the ONLY science based ship that wasn't a cruiser, now you've moved it from science to engineering, and romulan science captians just lost their ship. In fact,t here is not a single ship other than the hakonna that has 4 science consoles. the boff change obviously makes sense since you switched the consoles from science to engineering, but please please please please PLEASE PUT IT BACK. The Mogai was great before. hell it's consoles even fit with science more than engineering.
Dhelan: I'll admit i wasn't happy with only the 3 tac consoles, but giving this the 5 tacs just makes no sense. at least you gave it 3 science instead of 3 engineering, and the lt cmdr science but honestly since you removed the 4 science consoles from the mogai, than this ship should be 4 tac, 2 eng, 4 sci, not the 5 tac 2 eng 3 sci.
Fleet Ha'apax: I can slightly understand this, but personally i was so excited to fly this ship. 4 tac, 4 eng, 2 sci. A big cruiser with 4 tac slots, i was super excited. Dropping that down a slot is really disappointing. hopefully if a scimitar 3 pack is released it'll make up for it.
in short, ROMULANS NEED A 4 SCIENCE ship that isn't a big cruiser like the hakonna, we had one with the mogai, but now that thats gone science captains are really at a huge disadvantage.
Now i'll admit i can gladly work with these and if this is what it is, then so be it but i really think you need to rethink these.
*edit* for the record, i've always been planning on playing tactical, but it's still upsetting to me to see the one go-to ship for science captains who didn't want the cruiser is now gone.
[*]Changed console and device slots on all of the following ships:
- T'Varo Retrofit
- Was: 4 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci, 3 Devices
- Now: 3 Tac, 3 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
- Fleet T'Varo Retrofit
- Was: 5 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci, 3 Devices
- Now: 4 Tac, 3 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
- Dehlan
- Was: 2 Tac, 1 Eng, 1 Sci, 3 Devices
- Now: 2 Tac, 1 Eng, 1 Sci, 2 Devices
- Dhael
- Was: 3 Tac, 1 Eng, 1 Sci, 3 Devices
- Now: 3 Tac, 1 Eng, 1 Sci, 2 Devices
- Dehlan Retrofit
- Was: 3 Tac, 3 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Devices
- Now: 4 Tac, 2 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
- Fleet Dehlan
- Was: 3 Tac, 4 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Devices
- Now: 5 Tac, 2 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Devices
- Mogai Retrofit
- Was: 4 Tac, 2 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Devices
- Now: 4 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci, 3 Devices
- Fleet Mogai Retrofit
- Was: 4 Tac, 2 Eng, 4 Sci, 3 Devices
- Now: 4 Tac, 4 Eng, 2 Sci, 3 Devices
- Fleet Ha'apax
- Was: 4 Tac, 4 Eng, 2 Sci, 4 Devices
- Now: 3 Tac, 4 Eng, 3 Sci, 4 Devices
[*]Altered the Boff Seating for all of the following ships:
- Dhael
- Was: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 Ens Science, 1 Ens Universal
- Now: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 2 Ens Science, 1 Ens Universal
- Valdore
- Was: 1 LtCmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
- Now: 1 LtCmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 Ens Science, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
- D'ridthau
- Was: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
- Now: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
- Ha'apax
- Was: 1 Ens Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 Lt Science
- Now: 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science
- Haakona
- Was: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 Cmdr Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
- Now: 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
- T'Varo Retrofit
- Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Universal
- Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
- Dehlan Retrofit
- Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Universal
- Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Science, 1 Lt Universal
- Mogai Retrofit
- Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Science, 1 Lt Universal
- Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Ens Science, 1 Lt Universal
- Fleet T'Varo
- Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Universal
- Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
- Fleet Dehlan
- Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Universal
- Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Science, 1 Lt Universal
- Fleet Mogai
- Was: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Ens Engineering, 1 LtCmdr Science, 1 Lt Universal
- Now: 1 Cmdr Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Engineering, 1 Ens Science, 1 Lt Universal
- Fleet Ha'apax
- Was: 1 Ens Tactical, 1 LtCmdr Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 Lt Universal
- Now: 1 Ens Tactical, 1 Lt Tactical, 1 Cmdr Engineering, 1 Lt Science, 1 LtCmdr Universal
but if you must have a 5 tact ship for romulans make it 5/3/2 or better yet make T'varo back to 5 tacts make 5/2/3 lowering its survivability a bit. Along with lower hp and shield mod if this hasn't happened yet. Making it a lethal but very much a glass cannon.
But barring that, that's just too much stuff to test all at once.
I could always buy the whole "Klingons don't have dedicated sci ships" grudgingly, but Romulan are a different matter....
T'varo was tactical, dehlan was engineering, mogai was science. why ruin that?!
Overall I think it is the Fleet Mogai that should be the one with 5 Tac, 3 Sci and 2 Engi consoles and a Lt.Cmdr. Sci, similar to FED's Fleet MVAE. Personal opinion, sure, but I just feel it would be the right thing to do, especially considering fanbase's love for this design.
i personally love the new changes, Dhelan to 4 tacs yay, i love the looks of that ship ;D
Why not just all give em uni stations, who cares anyway. Let ppl use what they want, this is all static dumbness if you ask me.
not gonna lie, i'm glad the Dhelan got the extra tac, but it shouldn't have 5, the t'varo should. and i'm not happy with the dhelan changes when it means the mogai loses it's science base.
Now if the dhelan was 4 tac, 2 eng, 4 sci, then i wouldn't have an issue because we'd still have a 4 sci ship, but we don't.
So that's the feedback I'm going to provide to Cryptic. What's the incentive to purchase?
And Cryptics record regarding beloved canon ships had rather mixed results so far. The Galaxy sucks, the Defiant is great. Just as an example.
I do wonder if there will be more ships at launch that we don't know of yet..... or how long it will take until we get more options...
But that wasn't one of the ones I was looking at purchasing with money/resources. So I don't know, I mean I know they'll come out with other ships later. Maybe one of those will pique my interest? We'll see.
There has been a lot of feedback regarding the D'deridex and no single feedback was appreciated regarding to that.
Look at the T3 Valdore. It is really Science loaded and look at all the other Valdore variants. Suddenly all out of the heaven the whole ship class shifts into heavy engineering departments.
Either there is a Fleet Valdore Type not turned on or there was no thinking behind it.
So far the responsible dev has proven himself good for mocking canon iconic ship lovers. First the Galaxy, D'deridex and now Valdore.
This is no good step dear devs.
You did not want to buy your favorite ship ??? Because you don't like the stats ? Just curious...
To be fair, the D'deridex went from horrible Boff stations to boring and now sits quite well as an Ambassador clone. So I guess someone did listen after all. Now more turn rate and the Ambassador console layout please !
Fleet Valdore would be nice, and give it the old stats.
Just one stat. The turn rate. Which is a turn rate I agree with it having. It's just I've flown a Vo'Quv. I've flown a Galaxy. I'm really just not keen on getting back into something with such a terrible base turn rate again.
I may fly it at the T4 level band. Because I have a ton of experience flying slow turning ships and so I don't share some of the players' complaints about going from a nimble escort to a whaleboat for 10 levels.
But nah, I'm not planning on flying it at end-game. It may be my favorite. But I can appreciate it from afar.
I was planning on the Mogai. That ship blew me to pieces quite a few times with its annoying HY Torps back in the day. So there's a love-hate thing going on there. And it looked like something I was really interested in ... an offensive styled ship with enough room for science based trickery.
In it's new configuration, not really that interested.
The other ship I was considering was the T'Varo. Sure it was very powerful. But, heh, I'm sooooo glad I didn't buy the starter pack. I almost did. And if I had, I'd be annoyed that they kind of promoted it with the T'Varo and then yoinked it back before launch.
The T'Varo, it's like, yeah ok, argue it was OP and what not. But the Starter Pack cost real dollars, not dil-zen. And if it's not on par with the best escorts/raptors/bop's/kumaris in the game, then why bother? I won't.
So there's my whole reasoning. Not exactly airtight logic, but since it's all based on my own opinion about my own money/resources ... it works for me.
ship change feedback
ok, so now the T'Varo isn't a cross between the bug and a brel anymore, so thats good. imagine its keeping the EBC? that should stay a brel unique thing imo. giving it the old Dehlan station and console setup was proboly a good choice for balancing it.
now the Dehlan is the escort of the group, with the 5 tac consoles. its more balanced on that ship, with a more pedestrian turn rate, geting that boon. i really like the station setup, 2 LT eng with the LTC sci and a COM tac i can do some interesting things with.
the Dehlan having more heavy sci displaces the mogia, now its eng flavored. its got an armatige style station setup, but without the unpopular 3 tac ens. that LT uni i could see go ether way for eng or sci. ligitamatly great station setup on a great ship. it gets to keep 3 devices i see, to go with its destroyer turn rate. sorta the counterpart to the breen ship, only with that nice LT uni
not a thing to talk about for the d'deridex i see. why? did it really not change? i can only hope it got the station and console setup the ha'apax lost, that would be perfect.
i see the ha'apax lost that regent station setup, and now its 1 universal ENS away from being just like the odessy and bortas. do it, make this the romulan flagship with the universal LTC and ENS with the COM eng. between the d'deridex and Ha'apax, we DONT need a 3rd huge war bird, being flagship over both, we dont even need the ha'apax being a ship bigger then the d'deridex! a ship larger then the d'deridex makes no sense, and that things not hollow, so it has massively more volume. cut the size of that model in half, and give it a 10 turn rate.
the Haakona change is head desk worthy, now nothing has a commander sci. WHY UNDO THAT? just to get the separation console i guess. now those arent 2 separate ships that do 2 separate things, 1 is just better then the other. why did you lessen the number of ship choices by 1? its just a ha'apax with a universal LTC, does it even look different?
no stats on the mirror romulan ships, what are they based on and whats different? let me guess, thats the only way to get a d'deridex with a prime universe level of tac, right? hope i can snag one wile supplies last. this STINKS of actual unique faction ships being placed in lock boxes, under the guise that they are mirror universe, as apposed to lock box ships being non faction only. mirror universe ships are an ensign swap ONLY, between 2 counterpart ships. there are no such counterparts here. what gets swaped? the T'Varo and Dehlan getting the setups they had before, under the guise of them being mirror? that undoes that balance pass. does the mirror hapax get its regent setup back? THIS IS NOT MIRROR, THIS IS UNIQUE FACTION SHIPS IN LOCKBOXES :mad::mad::mad:
Here's Part#1 (SA and VA (Zen)):
edit: Heh, forgot the En Eng on the Ha'feh - girlfriend came home and wanted to talk. Ahem, I apologized and told her that she was more important... /cough
edit2: Added the Shipyard Tiers...
The Fleet T'Varo got reduced in hull from 33000 to 29700.
Fleet Dhelan and Fleet ha'feth have 34650 and 34100.
So lets compare to the federation fleet defiant, another ship with 5 consoles. 33000 hull.
So romulans now get 5 tac consoles, 1100 or 1650 more hull, in addition to the cloak and singularity. graned we still have the powerloss, but then look at the T'Varo! Why would the T'varo get that huge hull nerf and lose the 5th tac console. Honestly the T'varo is just not appealing at all anymore.
Ah, I see. I really want to fly a D'deridex, so I'm still hoping a little. I even got myself two purple MKXII RCS consoles, just in case.
At least the Vo'quv has it's ghastly BoP pets that I love, they kill stuff fast.... The D'deridex seems like a carrier right now, only they forgot to add the hangar bays. :eek::o
Edit: I hate that my apostrophs get replced by question marks ! Dumb forum change
The T'varo has an Enhanced Battle Cloak...ala B' yes, they needed to make it more BoP and less Escort.
That really helps me visualize those ships
Otherwise its just a wall-o-text for me lol
I really wish they'd put something like that in the c-store on the description of the ships.
It's turn rate isn't BoP enough to justify the hull nerf, if that's what they're really going for.
Lol, yeah - I kept looking at the notes - kept drinking more caffeine - looking at the notes - drinking more caffeine...I was getting nowhere. It was just a bunch of white squiggly stuff on a black background.
Have to say, I'm psyched about the Ha'nom there...I had been grumbling whenever I got the chance about the lack of Sci. Course, while it's all subject to change - have got something better to aim for, imho, than the Fleet Ha'apax Refit that was there before as the placeholder.
so.... confused.... unable to check for a few more hours. and got to do the tutorial all over before i can even get to the flotilla, great. all that time wasted flying the sorties to get my d'deridex, now thats all gone :mad: i know that character was doomed, but i wnted to test endgame and give feedback on that. pretty fat chance on that now