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For the Jem'hadar QQ'ers



  • zarxidejackozarxidejacko Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    JHAS is fine, i have it but don't fly it often because i find my fleet hoh'sus and temp destroyer much more versale and fun :) Only really good pilots can make JHAS ultimate weapon and we all know them by names and how to deal with. I have seen alot of unskilled players in bugship, poor things... Ship is powerfull yes but its all about pilot\captain in my opinion.
    2010 is my join date.
  • silverashes1silverashes1 Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    JHAS is fine, i have it but don't fly it often because i find my fleet hoh'sus and temp destroyer much more versale and fun :) Only really good pilots can make JHAS ultimate weapon and we all know them by names and how to deal with. I have seen alot of unskilled players in bugship, poor things... Ship is powerfull yes but its all about pilot\captain in my opinion.

    true but even the best can be outmatched by a better ship when the ship is almoast a garenteed victory vs 80% of the player base something needs ajustment
  • fxadbfxadb Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    while this is true on paper, in reality its far from it. while we all have the ability to grind di credits or zen for the bug and the gear it would take well over a year to do it realistically because of real life interference. plus what about the people with out the time or the money? should they get screwed over because they have long hours at a job or lack of money? gear helps but there isn't a massive game breaking difference between MKX and MKXII so i don't consider that a issue since there is no way to realistically balance that. but the bug makes a huge diff i took my pos setup from my diffiant when i got the bug and i was wiping people that beat my diffiant with ease and these were not average pvp players. given the significant differences between the bug and others something needs to be done and since escorts already dominate the game it should prob be Nerfed in someway.

    Oh, so you don't want to put resources, work or time in, and you want the same gear that the guys that do? Wow. I mean WOW lol. Sure, JHAS currently and objectively is the best escort ship in the game. But so was the defiant before JHAS was introduced. Was defiant free? Was it the same as any other ship in the game? Of course not. It was better. It had more console slots and better turn rate. That's why ppl wanted it. And paid for it. Or put in work and time. Did ppl cry "oh cryptic you screwed us over with that defiant ship bwaaaa"? Or "you pay-to-win- sons of borg, you paid to win"? Or "Defiant is better than my <insert random T3 ship here> and it needs to be nerfed"? Probably. Dunno. Wasn't there.

    So is JHAS currently the best escort ship in the game? Sure. Until the next best thing comes along. Is it OP? Does it win in all circumstances and scenarios? Nope, not by far. In fact, as some have already pointed out it's probably about 60% captain, 40% ship. A lacking one or the other means you'll try another time. Does it have a counter? Sure. Get a cruiser or a sci ship and tank it for a nice draw if you like. Or put together a winning build for some other ship. Or put in resources, work and time and buy it. You can do it by putting in any two of the aforementioned. So either do that, or cry us all a river.

    Oh and btw, I'm strictly free-to-play. And yes, I like my JHAS. Except I like my BOP on my other toon even more - no BOPs for feds tho, so JHAS yes please.

    Edit: And please don't think JHAS is invincible vs other escorts. it's not. I know how to take it out, even an advanced build that has superior fire power, tanking ability and turn rate. If you don't, that's not my problem - as they say, learn to play.
  • stevehalestevehale Member Posts: 437
    edited February 2013
    The Defiant-R could be obtained for free before free to play. While it was a great escort it wasn't the best and it certainly wasn't in the same class of ridiculousness currently possed by the bug ship. It was the most stylish though, until MVAM came along.

    The Jem ship is better in nearly every way that counts (oh but only a little bit:(!) and natural progression is no reason for something to outclass everything else for any amount of time. All ship can be destroyed but there is no sense in a ship being so much stronger than others in it's class.

    The game needs the variety that balance encourages. The bug hurts variety. Hurts balance.
    Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
    It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
    May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
  • chk231chk231 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wait! What? Someone here spent $1000 on getting the Jem Hadar bug ship? Wow, that's a gambling problem. I've spent 20$ here and there, but $1000? Wow. Since the bug ship is probably the most powerful escort in the game, if you spent $1000 to get it, well I guess pay to win is true. :P
  • maximus614maximus614 Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Again, you are trying to justify a pay to win scheme, because you waste money on lockbox ships that are at the least 50% superior to the highest end fleet ships. U are also wasting money on cstore TRIBBLE for consoles. This is the definition of pay to win, the bane of gaming. Of course this only becomes a problem in pvp,, and unfortunately this money is spent for pvp and the purchased ability to have a great advantage.

    Just realize that any ego boost you get is in your own mind, becausr most people will give you (the pay to win scrub) no credit or respect when they recognise the ship in question and its pilot are made of cheese. I blame sto for this, its sad really, coulda had some decent pvp

    The 1st thing you need to ask yourself is this.

    While knowing this game is geared towards making money and people spend money on it to gain an advantage, why then do you continue to play it when you have such a problem with it? It may be just a game, but its just like life,,,everyone does what they have to do to win.

    As far as ego boost,,,your creating a strawman argument now,,,i never once stated that this boost my ego or makes me feel better cause i "payed" for "some" of the stuff i have, (as ive grinded like others for some of the other stuff)

    So hence,,,your justification is this,," you get to drop money that i dont have wah wah wah,,,your only stroking your own ego wah wah wha,,,,,,ect ect.....
  • silverashes1silverashes1 Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    fxadb wrote: »
    Oh, so you don't want to put resources, work or time in, and you want the same gear that the guys that do? Wow. I mean WOW lol. Sure, JHAS currently and objectively is the best escort ship in the game. But so was the defiant before JHAS was introduced. Was defiant free? Was it the same as any other ship in the game? Of course not. It was better. It had more console slots and better turn rate. That's why ppl wanted it. And paid for it. Or put in work and time. Did ppl cry "oh cryptic you screwed us over with that defiant ship bwaaaa"? Or "you pay-to-win- sons of borg, you paid to win"? Or "Defiant is better than my <insert random T3 ship here> and it needs to be nerfed"? Probably. Dunno. Wasn't there.

    So is JHAS currently the best escort ship in the game? Sure. Until the next best thing comes along. Is it OP? Does it win in all circumstances and scenarios? Nope, not by far. In fact, as some have already pointed out it's probably about 60% captain, 40% ship. A lacking one or the other means you'll try another time. Does it have a counter? Sure. Get a cruiser or a sci ship and tank it for a nice draw if you like. Or put together a winning build for some other ship. Or put in resources, work and time and buy it. You can do it by putting in any two of the aforementioned. So either do that, or cry us all a river.

    Oh and btw, I'm strictly free-to-play. And yes, I like my JHAS. Except I like my BOP on my other toon even more - no BOPs for feds tho, so JHAS yes please.

    Edit: And please don't think JHAS is invincible vs other escorts. it's not. I know how to take it out, even an advanced build that has superior fire power, tanking ability and turn rate. If you don't, that's not my problem - as they say, learn to play.

    actually i DID put the time and the money to get the ship as you seem to have missed when you read my post. thats how i know that its OP. also i never said that i didnt have builds to kill bugs. i have one for each fed toon of mine. in matter of fact my best build is on my adv escort as its my fav ship, so actually read the posts you quote before using the lame "learn to play" bull thats used every time someone says somethings op

    p.s. i also said that it was really hard and long to grind for the ship not impossible, and thouse that get the ship from exchange cant be free to play(not saying you since i dont know how you got it) since someone had to buy it first. also i belive i said that gear helps but doent make a massive diferance since the differant marks arent much better than the one below(like 5-10% if that)
  • polie05polie05 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    momaw wrote: »
    "I have spent time/money/sacrifice therefore I deserve to be better". At some level, you believe that you have earned the right to easy victories because of your investments. This kind of thinking is the complete opposite of competitive gaming. In any official competition, all players are provided with equivalent equipment. Be it a Starcraft 1v1 or the Olympic games, it is a fundamental part of the rules that all competitors start with the same tools so that the only thing being challenged is their skill. If you can buy an edge in equipment, then the game ceases to be fair and the winner cannot in any reasonable fashion be considered more skilled or more worthy of winning.

    Really what they need to do for this game is to divorce PVE equipment grinding from PVP competition. Every PVP player should have the same options available to them. But they won't do that because some of the biggest spenders in the game are people dropping hundreds of dollars to gain that 5% edge or unique ship/console and stomp on people who didn't spend as much.


    You obviously have never competed in the Olympics, therefore you have not earned the right to talk about it. You analogy is completely wrong, and no not everyone/everything is equal in the Olympics. As a past competitor I have first hand knowledge of this.

    It also does NOT take a years worth of grinding, Broken got his last bug after 2 months of grinding, and he was not hitting it that hard. He bought another one at the current exchange prices.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    i would love to know how people actually grind EC so easily
  • srspellssrspells Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    sell stf drops get a capital of 50 mil then buy low and sell high on exchange ive bought all my best gear doing this repeating same steps.

    tour,stf drops and foundry missions, also grind dil sell keys.
    || Open Door Policy ||
    | Dues Ex Mechina |
    Fleet Leader
  • maximus614maximus614 Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    srspells wrote: »
    sell stf drops get a capital of 50 mil then buy low and sell high on exchange ive bought all my best gear doing this repeating same steps.

    tour,stf drops and foundry missions, also grind dil sell keys.

    Also farm kerrat,,,if done right you can drop some good stuff every now and then i have a fleetmate who can easily make 10 mill a day or more just messing with kerrat.
  • maximus614maximus614 Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    patrickngo wrote: »
    But STO PvP is NOT the Olympics, in fact it's not even significant to the game itself (if it were, don'cha think they'd have put some actual effort into development??)

    for PvP to be a "Sport" the outcomes have to MATTER, and to be quite blunt, taking a motorcycle to a bicycle race (Jem ship in the public ques) isn't a display of skill, it's a display of crutch. Basically, were STO PvP treated by the Developers as a "Sport" it would have to be divided into classes, and the Jem'bug would wind up, not in the "Escorts" class or the "Tier 5 class", but in it's OWN class-separate from the Fleet ships, and largely separated from the other Lockbox ships as well-because it IS that much better a piece of hardware.

    Which would mean, treated "Like the Olympics" you'd have a hard time finding/scheduling a match-because while it's gotten MORE common than it was, it's still rare enough that the bulk of matches PuGged don't have one, and when one IS there, it seriously unbalances things unless there's a matching one on the other side.

    What you're not getting (and will likely never quite get) is that when a Bugship comes in and Pwns in an Arena or C&H, the players around him don't think "Wow, he's good", they think, "Wow, Pay to Win."

    Sometimes with the appellation "Douche" if hte jem pilot does the whole 'trash-talk' routine or starts hanging around the spawn area.

    Glory is not derived from easy victories, esp. if you're out to pump your reputation with living opposition. It's derived from taking near-equal to statistically inferior gear, and winning.

    There is no "Misunderstanding competition" here-and your bugship doesn't earn you respect, because it's so easy even a moron can run it well.

    i dont hang around spawn areas however someone did it to me the other day and i blew her up in 10 seconds,,,she didnt spawn camp me anymore :) The bug is not as OP as your making it out,,,you sound as if someone on the opposing team in the arena has a bug that means your team is doomed,,,that is TRIBBLE. As many on here have stated yes it helps to have a good ship,,,good consoles/weapons/ and ship build,,but ultimately its TEAMWORK that wins in the arena,,,i have a bug with almost all mark XII purple everything and that ship does no good when i get on a TRIBBLE team that wont communicate or call targets. Fleet patrol,,fleet defiant,,bug,,heavy escort carrier doesnt matter if your on a team that communicates and all plays their part you can do heavy damage in all those ships.
  • shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited February 2013
    i would love to know how people actually grind EC so easily
    My only source of EC is loot drops and DOFFs.

    Though, once I got a Wells ship and sold it for 100mil EC. And, I bought several of the Recruitment Packs and resold them for about 4-6mil EC each.
  • chk231chk231 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If you're Klingon, do a ton of marauding missions and sell contraband. Also, people always undercut when selling contraband on the exchange, so if you know what days and times contraband is at its lowest and highest, you can buy low and sell high and make a nice profit. You can do this with other items as well.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    i would love to know how people actually grind EC so easily

    Selling contraband, or using it for dil*
    Farming SB24, Kerrat
    DOFFing for resale (the doffs themselves)
    Farm dil, turn to zen, buy and sell items from Cstore
    Farm NADORC mission from DOFFing
    Buy low sell high on ex
  • srspellssrspells Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thing is almost every one I see in pvp doesnt use a free to play ship they either use time ships, bugs, or cstore ships, so to be honest its all pay to win dont kid your selves, you still grind for zen to buy stuff or pay for it out of your wallet.
    || Open Door Policy ||
    | Dues Ex Mechina |
    Fleet Leader
  • maximus614maximus614 Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    patrickngo wrote: »
    All other factors being equal (i.e. the composition of the rest of the team, player skill levels, etc. etc.) it IS that OP, because it IS that much better. It's the equivalent of taking a Labroghini Murcilado(sp?) up against a 1987 Buick Grand National or GNX. the GNX might be a fast car but it's NOT in the same class of fast car as the Lambo, the run isn't even competitive.

    Now, I'm NOT in the crowd that wants a nerf-I just want some competition available that isn't "buy a Bugship"-it NEEDS competitors, and it ain't GOT none.

    You savvy that?

    no i dont savvy that, ive been beat in my bug by people with lesser ships.

    And again in team environment it doesnt matter how good your ship is if your team is TRIBBLE your gonna lose.
  • polie05polie05 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
  • silverashes1silverashes1 Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    just because you can be killed in it doesnt mean its not op, after all trico mines were broken op but they still could be beaten
  • magnumoftheblackmagnumoftheblack Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Instead of crying how one ship is OP, why not learn how to fly the one you are in.

    There are way too many people crying about how one ship is OP over another.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    One thing that might even the odds a lot is to give any fleet ships that don't have a universal yet an ensign universal. This will make many of the other Fleet escorts much more appealing alternatives to bugship. Bug should still have its own advantages like speed and turn, but other escorts should have an advantage over it also.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • magnumoftheblackmagnumoftheblack Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Every PVP ship in game has its advantages and can be used over another. Stop complaining that the ship you chose cannot do what you wanted it to do. Perhaps you should move to a ship that does what you want rather than demanding nerfs on other ships so that you can feel superior by consistently destroying it.

    Oh who am I kidding? I am just spitting in the wind here.

    I am the type of person that takes a ship that people feel is inferior and then "LEARN" about it; outfit it correctly and then go into battle. Rather than use a cookie cutter design that everyone else has and then complain that I can't kill every ship in the universe.
  • doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Every PVP ship in game has its advantages and can be used over another. Stop complaining that the ship you chose cannot do what you wanted it to do. Perhaps you should move to a ship that does what you want rather than demanding nerfs on other ships so that you can feel superior by consistently destroying it.

    Oh who am I kidding? I am just spitting in the wind here.

    I am the type of person that takes a ship that people feel is inferior and then "LEARN" about it; outfit it correctly and then go into battle. Rather than use a cookie cutter design that everyone else has and then complain that I can't kill every ship in the universe.

    Except the JHAS has every advantage across the board and no disadvantages. Some people complain that it has no uique special console with a special power, even though it still got an extra console slot as if it had one. Most of those consoles are cheap gimmicks and a waste of a slot.

    The bug grief is nothing new. It's been a problem since it was introduced. A while ago, it was just rare to see one in a PvP match so players just sort of put up with it. People are only becoming more vocal now simply because there are significantly more of them since Cryptic saw fit to reintroduce them, twice.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    doomicile wrote: »
    The bug grief is nothing new. It's been a problem since it was introduced. A while ago, it was just rare to see one in a PvP match so players just sort of put up with it. People are only becoming more vocal now simply because there are significantly more of them since Cryptic saw fit to reintroduce them, twice.

    Don't forget, they've mentioned they're planning to do it again recently as well...
  • maximus614maximus614 Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    patrickngo wrote: »
    Like I said, I don't WANT to see the Bugship nerfed-I want it to have some competition other than "Buy a Bugship".

    In tabletop wargaming, there is a sort-of-rule in how features are developed that can be summed up as the 40/40/20 rule.

    Properly balanced, 40% of the time a team of equal skill (either team) will win-that is, both sides have a flat 40% chance based on skill and gear. the other 20% is dumb luck and random factors.

    the problem with the Bugship is that it's JUST good enough to break that 40%-a team with one vs. a team without one, shifts the balance to somewhere in the area of 50% vs. 30%, with the same 20% "Dumb luck" effect. when one assumes equal levels of skill on both sides, equivalent component gearing, similar passives, similar team composition (aka Ceterus Paribus in economics terms)

    The solution is NOT to nerf-nerfing is BAD. The solution is to introduce ship-types at the faction-exclusive level (i.e. non-lockbox) that can shift that 20% back to the middle of the graph.

    The Devs came pretty close with the Fleetscorts (Patrol and Tactical), but that's only for one side of what is (supposedly) a two-faction game, and it was ONLY close-maybe a 5% shift, given that the bugship's still got turn rates and shields over it's nearest competition.

    45/20/35 is still doable for a relatively balanced game, assuming some restriction were to apply to the 'top ship' that does not apply anywhere else-but that's adding needless complexity to the system, and is a Nerf (Nerfs are BAAAD.)

    A better solution would be to introduce 'competitor' designs at the Fleetship level (Fleetships ARE character bound, after all, and costly in their own right). Since the Bugship's got 3 out of 3 for speed/shield/firepower, a few designs with 2 out of 3 (and different between Fed and Klink), but running some alternative advantage (say, bonus power the Bug doesn't get on the fed side, integral Battlecloak on the KDF side) should be sufficient.

    Possibly an update to the "Smallboy" Escort on the Fed side-give it a higher turn rate and a 5th TC, and 5% more power available in 2/3 slots-thus it's still weak (.77 shield multiplier, small crew, thin hull) but has TEETH (5 tac consoles like it's big brother) and MOVE (a Fedscort that has Bug turn rates) add 1 ens. uni slot.

    The paradigm with Raptors is that they're kind of hard to manuever and get on target, and they rely on conventional cloak instead of Battlecloak. It may not be optimal to upgrade the Raptor into a Bugship competitor, since the KDF already has a chassis that moves LIKE a bugship (the Bird of Prey), but lacks both weapons, and weapons feeding consoles. unfortunately we already GOT two updated raiders-and only one of them has more than one trick (the Hoh'sus).

    So...take the Qorgh raptor-it's usually the FIRST raptor a new KDF touches, and give it teh Norgh treatment-turn it into a Tier 5 ship. Give it a high turn rate (17 maybe, not as high as equivalent FEdscorts of the same tier) and Bugship-equivalent shielding...and 4, not 5, tac consoles. (since the Devs are eXTREMELY reluctant to give KDF both 5 Tac consoles, AND the ability to get out of their own way...) add 1 Lt. Uni slot.

    TWO retrofits (well, one retrofit, and one Retro-of-a-retrofit), each close to but not exactly matching the Bugship's performance envelope, each having something that the other two lack.

    at least, that's my two strips of latinum.

    Note that I, as a player, would probably never USE a "Bugship killer" chassis even if it were available to me, given that I have this irrational (toonicidal?) love for the Bird of Prey class, and it's NOT a good fit for the role (which is why those rare times I GET a bugship kill are so cool. same for a Vesta kill, Timeship kill, etc. etc.)

    If they nerf my bug i will quit,,,i highly doubt they will nerf it as too many people spent much money or countless hours/weeks grinding to get it.

    I would be perfectly fine with them upgrading some other escorts,,,maybe up their turn rate 1-2 points, higher impulse mod.
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    maximus614 wrote: »
    If they nerf my bug i will quit,,,i highly doubt they will nerf it as too many people spent much money or countless hours/weeks grinding to get it.

    Priceless...and you know what? if they do not buff my nebula I will quit as well....but wait, they do not care, because they already have my money. :rolleyes:
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • thegrimcorsairthegrimcorsair Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    [Deep Breath]

    Leave it alone. The bug, just, leave it alone. It might have been lightyears ahead of every other escort ever at one point, but with the introduction of Fleet Ships, it's not nearly so far above every other possible escort that it's an unbeatable monster. Aquitaine hit the nail on the head a bunch posts back.

    It IS the best escort. Period. Flat out.

    It is not some sort of Lovecraftian-inspired fire-breathing tentacle monster sent to violate you in your bed at night. Virtually all of what's out of whack with it is out of whack with every other ship in the game, chiefly, the massive ballooning of survivability across all ships care of the poorly designed passives on things like Elite Fleet Shields and rep system heals. All of which profoundly improve the durability of ships like the bug which are designed around mitigating damage and maintaining useful combat endurance by not getting hit.

    If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
  • maximus614maximus614 Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    Priceless...and you know what? if they do not buff my nebula I will quit as well....but wait, they do not care, because they already have my money. :rolleyes:

    Priceless to you as you dont have one and hate others that do,,,for those of us who do have it,,,we spent a lot of money and or a hell of a lot of time grinding to get a ship with these stats and for them to turn around and nerf it is bogus.

    If they want to up some stats on other escorts thats fine.

    Dont nerf what i worked hard for as well as dropped money on too.
  • thegrimcorsairthegrimcorsair Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    maximus614 wrote: »
    Priceless to you as you dont have one and hate others that do,,,for those of us who do have it,,,we spent a lot of money and or a hell of a lot of time grinding to get a ship with these stats and for them to turn around and nerf it is bogus.

    If they want to up some stats on other escorts thats fine.

    Dont nerf what i worked hard for as well as dropped money on too.

    Except you don't own it. It's just another ride in the theme park Cryptic owns. ;)
    If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
  • mavhaxmavhax Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    maximus614 wrote: »
    Priceless to you as you dont have one and hate others that do,,,for those of us who do have it,,,we spent a lot of money and or a hell of a lot of time grinding to get a ship with these stats and for them to turn around and nerf it is bogus.

    If they want to up some stats on other escorts thats fine.

    Dont nerf what i worked hard for as well as dropped money on too.

    Said as if the Great Science Nerf never happened.
    Do you think you really have spent more for your crutch ship, than us Sci guys / mvam drivers have spent in respecs over the last few years to keep our sci abilities as viable as possible?
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