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For the Jem'hadar QQ'ers



  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The JHAS was the cannon-fodder ship of the Dominion in DS9. So how did its stats get so crazy? That's easy -- just as Lance Armstrong or Barry Bonds!

    In all seriousness, reducing the bug's turn rate from 20 down to 17 would go a long way towards bringing it in-line with other lockbox ships. The alternative is to start producing new lockbox ships with 20 turn rate + 5 tac console slots. + similar BOFF station layout so that exclusivity of the JHAS stops becoming a problem.

    Yet another option: Introduce a new escort class ship with 5 forward weapon mounts!!! yeah right...
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    inktomi19 wrote: »
    If the whole team is focusing on the JHAS, but they are depending on my for DPS, I need to be able to keep it lined up.

    Well, there are other targets, and there is control.

    The JHAS is not un-killable, and not solely killable by other JHAS.

    inktomi19 wrote: »
    You don't need to fly around all crazy to maneuver away from enemy fire, just get out of the front 45.

    When it's focus fire time, I do exactly that. I rely on the healers to keep me alive.

    The only time I go full on defensive maneuvering is when I'm very specifically being focus fired by multiple ships.

    inktomi19 wrote: »
    Or the number of players. If you drive players away from the game then they don't buy anything.

    And yet key sales keep rolling out, I really don't know how many players have actually left the game over lockbox ships - no one does.

    So it's a tenuous speculation at best, really.

    inktomi19 wrote: »
    The players who buy master keys can't be the only ones Cryptic caters to. I don't mind so much if the lockbox stuff remains the best, but other pay ships like the fleet stuff ought to be competitive.

    Its all on the exchange. Just like 5x MK XII purple tac consoles (30 to 60 mill each, 150 mill for a set of 5 at the low end), and MK XII ACCx3 Guns (15 to ??mill each, again a few hundred million invested).

    inktomi19 wrote: »
    The players who buy master keys can't be the only ones Cryptic caters to. I don't mind so much if the lockbox stuff remains the best, but other pay ships like the fleet stuff ought to be competitive.
    Maybe. That doesn't mean that existing problems shouldn't be corrected a bit.

    There really should be more competitive Starfleet and KDF ships before anything else is added.

    They are competitive, in PvE - Cryptics target market. This game is a PvE focused game, it has PvP. This is the reality we all live in.

    I think Cryptic is still trying to find the balance point between "has a clear advantage and therefore promotes MASSIVE SALES" and "pisses off PvP subforums but still promotes MASSIVE SALES".

    Because "has a tiny advantage, and promotes WEAK SALES" is clearly not in the strategy when you invest that much artist time into a new ship that is funded solely through one of the very few "micro" transactions this game actually has (a consumable, random one at that).

    Here's why Fleet Ships are not toe to toe with lockbox ships: they were never intended to generate massive revenue.

    They require ZERO art assets.

    All they are, are stats on a spreadsheet. No new art was created, in fact old art was recycled.

    New art?

    Ody 3 pack mega-premium purchase, Vesta 3 pack mega-premium purchase, Soon-to-be-released Kumari 3 pack mega-premium purchase, Lobi ship mega-premium purchase, Lockbox ship mega-premium purchase.

    What this means is that Fleet Ships were never intended to generate tons of revenue.

    It took old favorites, brought them up a notch (required some spreadsheet tweaks at most) - used recycled art, and it promoted the Starbase system.

    I'd love it if it weren't true, but I'm not going to spend endless days on the forums crying about it either. (not directed at you, just this sub-forum in general)

    I'm not buying any of them, because I dislike the sales strategy presented to me on them.

    My options are:

    Ships I like but retained BOFF layouts I dislike (Defiant)
    Ships I like but will get no discount from my previous Cstore purchase (Fleet Nova, Fleet Saber)

    I'm not spending 5 to 20 million on a ship (much less actual money, or a load of dilithium) for a BOFF layout I dislike, when I can just pony up an extra 30 to 60 and get a Mobius (went as low as 50), JHEC (will likely go as low as 50, I got one for 45), Wells (went as low as 34) from the exchange when the price hits rock bottom.
  • inktomi19inktomi19 Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well, there are other targets, and there is control.

    The JHAS is not un-killable, and not solely killable by other JHAS.
    It's not unkillable, just harder to kill. A team that has a JHAS is going to need to support it less than they do an escort.
    When it's focus fire time, I do exactly that. I rely on the healers to keep me alive.

    The only time I go full on defensive maneuvering is when I'm very specifically being focus fired by multiple ships.
    And you can do it more effectively than an escort can.
    And yet key sales keep rolling out, I really don't know how many players have actually left the game over lockbox ships - no one does.

    So it's a tenuous speculation at best, really.
    It's not just the lockbox ships, but a lot of things. I played the game when it was new, and it definitely bled subscribers.
    Its all on the exchange. Just like 5x MK XII purple tac consoles (30 to 60 mill each, 150 mill for a set of 5 at the low end), and MK XII ACCx3 Guns (15 to ??mill each, again a few hundred million invested).
    I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.

    The only serious escort choice is the JHAS, and that would be a problem even if everyone got one for free.

    It's as if it's in it's own tier.
    They are competitive, in PvE - Cryptics target market. This game is a PvE focused game, it has PvP. This is the reality we all live in.

    I think Cryptic is still trying to find the balance point between "has a clear advantage and therefore promotes MASSIVE SALES" and "pisses off PvP subforums but still promotes MASSIVE SALES".
    This is why I don't get why a reduction in turn rate would be a problem -- it's barely a relevant characteristic in PvE. I've seen dual cannons on freaking carriers in PvE! NPCs barely manuever at all, and it's usually pretty safe to just pull up to a dead stop a few km away and mash your spacebar.

    I'm not sure anyone who doesn't PvP would notice if the JHAS had 17 turn instead of 20 if no one told them.

    Alternatively, I could see improving the turn on virtually everything else, but except for the Wells and the JHAS, the ships with 12+ turn rates already seem pretty balanced.
    Because "has a tiny advantage, and promotes WEAK SALES" is clearly not in the strategy when you invest that much artist time into a new ship that is funded solely through one of the very few "micro" transactions this game actually has (a consumable, random one at that).
    Ships don't need to be overpowered in order to sell well -- look at the Galaxy-R and Galaxy-X. Or the Excelsior for that matter.

    Ships like the Vesta and Oddy seem to have sold well too, and while those have some very powerful stuff about them, none of it has made other ships of their class obsolete.

    Turn rate is the most important characteristic of escorts. The JHAS went with the baseline (16) and made it 25% better. That would be like a new cruiser with 50k hull or 10 guns. Except for the Wells and the JHAS, changes of that magnitude pretty much don't happen.

    I'd like to see the JHAS have it's turn rate brought in line with the current "nimble" escorts at 17, but even if it was 18, that would probably be a lot better. There still wouldn't be a reason for using another escort, but at least the others could be competitive.
    Here's why Fleet Ships are not toe to toe with lockbox ships: they were never intended to generate massive revenue.

    They require ZERO art assets.

    All they are, are stats on a spreadsheet. No new art was created, in fact old art was recycled.

    New art?

    Ody 3 pack mega-premium purchase, Vesta 3 pack mega-premium purchase, Soon-to-be-released Kumari 3 pack mega-premium purchase, Lobi ship mega-premium purchase, Lockbox ship mega-premium purchase.

    What this means is that Fleet Ships were never intended to generate tons of revenue.

    It took old favorites, brought them up a notch (required some spreadsheet tweaks at most) - used recycled art, and it promoted the Starbase system.
    If they are offered for sale, Cryptic obviously wants to sell them. They're just bad values.

    My point is that if cryptic wants to make money, they need to offer some things that are nearly as good as the lockbox ships.

    It's basic sales -- offer a high end model with the very best of everything, then a mid-range model which is "second-best" but at a dramatically reduced price, and then a low-end which costs a little less than the mid-range but with lower specs.

    A certain portion of the population will always shell out top dollar to have the very best, and the high price on that makes the price of the mid-range look much more reasonable. The trick is that the second-best has to offer almost as much benefit as the top of the line, otherwise customers just go for whatever is cheapest.

    To work with the JHAS, there would need to be some pay ship with stats just a bit below the JHAS. the problem is that all the pay escorts have much reduced stats compared to the JHAS, so they look like bad values. People who already bought one feel suckered, and people who are already using the cheapest option don't have a reason to move up.

    Suppose I have a vanilla Patrol Escort -- what reason is there for me to buy another escort?

    Maybe the Andorian ship will narrow the gap some, but there are still a half-dozen pay escorts which are TRIBBLE compared to the JHAS.
    I'm not buying any of them, because I dislike the sales strategy presented to me on them.

    My options are:

    Ships I like but retained BOFF layouts I dislike (Defiant)
    Ships I like but will get no discount from my previous Cstore purchase (Fleet Nova, Fleet Saber)
    Those are problems too.
  • fearganfeargan Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    playhard88 wrote: »
    I'm getting a litte tired about this topic, so lets made some points clear. This ship need a balance is right, but not as hard as all the QQ are screaming

    I will quote one of the qq'ers post for make this easy:

    The Jem'hadar attack ship is the only special ship that don't have any unique console/weapon/Ability (galor, d'kora, tholian orb, tholian recluse, temporal ships, etc...all of them have something "special"), so what can they add to the ship for make it interesting? stats.

    1 - Yes, is right, defiant have 17 and jemmy have 20. But defiant have the cloacking ability, jem'hadar have no speciall ability. Maybe 18-19 is a good turn rate value for balance, 1 point of BASE TURN rate is a huge diference for and escort

    2 - Irrelevant, we all know that escorts survialbly depends 100% on shield tanking and speed, a litle more of hull is totaly irrelevant, that won't make u "OP".

    3 - Yes but other escort can (and should) stack 2 o 3 Field generator consoles, in the end the jem'hadar is the escort with less shield in the game.

    4 - So? There are plenty of ships in this game with 1 or 2 Universal boffs, and 99% of the jemhadar captians use the same layout as the fleet patrol escort. I see no problem here.

    5 - Defiant have 5 too (plus can use the cloack for an deadly alpha strike), and i don't see anybody crying about that.

    And what about the wells? is better than any other sci ship in the game and i don't see the QQ Army talking about it.

    There are more important issues with pvp balance, so please stop the flood in the balance topics so we can keep them clean as posible

    I have no intention of reading all the butthurt and QQ this thread undoubtedly has within its pages.
    I do want to say one thing to Playhard88: You sir... are Hired.
    You win this debate and life in general. *Award*

    That is all. :cool:
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    feargan wrote: »
    I have no intention of reading all the...

    You should at least have read the date on the posts.
    [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
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    Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
  • highlethighlet Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Kind of interesting this is the same guy going ballistic over how OP Romulan ships are.
  • seansamurai1seansamurai1 Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    As a bug user. It is slightly OP. I will disagree with the 'A complete noob/idiot can use it' statement. Thats simply not true. Smashed plenty of bugships myself with Kumari's, Fleet patrol scorts and even a voyager ship with no energy weapons and a sci at the helm. Im terrible at sci as well.
    If anything, the wells class is more OP, it has higher shields than most cruisers (I had mine upto 14000), the destroyer loads cannons, it has things like backstep which is just a get out of jail free card. The temporal also has real good hull strength and an even more ideal BOff layout. Whilst it doesnt turn on a dime, it still has a good rate (certainly comparable to other escorts) if its kitted right.

    No ones mentioned BoPs with BCs shooting torps from cloak that has a 21 base turn though.
    Although as we know, should you spot it and give it a stern look, it will explode.:D

    Oh bummer, its a necroed post. Apologies.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's funny how the most oftenly destroyed ship on screen of ALL Star Trek-dom is unquestionably, hands down, the best ship in the game. Fast, powerful, rugged, and the most maneuverable ship outside of KDF BOPs. Yet in actual Star Trek shows, bugships were destroyed by the handfuls every time they were shown in combat. When you saw them on screen, chances were, they were all destroyed in a matter of seconds.

    Bugships in Star Trek made Dominion War era Mirandas look like Sovereigns in terms of ruggedness.

    Yet in STO, they are the best ships to get.

    The Bugship is a crutch. It makes less competent players really think they're better than they really are, and gives them a totally rude awakening when they try another ship. Even a fine ship like the Akiras. They no longer have the OP stats to prop them up. In the hands of a good player? It's a ridiculous ship.
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Nice zombie raisin'
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • captainednacaptainedna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's funny how the most oftenly destroyed ship on screen of ALL Star Trek-dom is unquestionably, hands down, the best ship in the game. Fast, powerful, rugged, and the most maneuverable ship outside of KDF BOPs. Yet in actual Star Trek shows, bugships were destroyed by the handfuls every time they were shown in combat. When you saw them on screen, chances were, they were all destroyed in a matter of seconds.

    Bugships in Star Trek made Dominion War era Mirandas look like Sovereigns in terms of ruggedness.

    Yet in STO, they are the best ships to get.

    The Bugship is a crutch. It makes less competent players really think they're better than they really are, and gives them a totally rude awakening when they try another ship. Even a fine ship like the Akiras. They no longer have the OP stats to prop them up. In the hands of a good player? It's a ridiculous ship.

    It bugs you dont have one :rolleyes:
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It bugs you dont have one :rolleyes:

    I don't. So what else do you have to say about that crutch of yours? :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  • borgresearcherborgresearcher Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    the ship still sucks in 1vs1, 4 eng consoles and 1 sci, and afterall it is an esconoobort
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The bug ship is great for general pew-pew, but it lacks access to high level cc's like gravity well, so it doesn't fare as well for PVE farming. I prefer my other trusted T5 ships like the Fleet Advanced, Mobius, and even the new Tal Shiar Destroyer for more profit-oriented roles :)

    Yes, bugs are great for PVP, but I make the bulk of my EC's in fleet actions, where 1st place purple drops are far more consistent than picking up Kerrat scraps.
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    As escorts go (not comparing it to the Wells or escort-cruiser hybrids), the JHAS is the best. 2nd best might be the Fleet Patrol Escort or the MVAE. The JHAS hits harder, speed-tanks better (due to the .22 impulse mod that most people overlook), and self-tanks better than most escorts. In the hands of a highly skilled player, a JHAS can be a very difficult opponent. I've seen a JHAS flown by the likes of Strike worked over by 3-4 other escorts and manage to survive/take 2-3 guys down before finally dying.

    I would LIKE to see it nerfed slightly, at least in the impulse modifier and maybe a point less in turnrate. . .but that's not likely. Cryptic has a ton of monetary potential in the JHAS (because it's basically 'OP'), so they're not gonna kill that golden goose.

    I will agree, though, that there are other similarly 'overpowered' ships. The Wells is bloody ridiculous, especially in the hands of a skilled engineering captain.

    I think the more realistic approach is that Cryptic should do a balance pass on all ships, especially some of the C-store ships that cost 2000-2500 zen. Buffing BoPs somewhat would be great (give them the same impulse mod as the JHAS, for example, and boost the effects of the battlecloak somehow). Making raptors actually competitive with Federation escorts in PvP would be nice.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • kylephoenix3kylephoenix3 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Bug ship is an another p2w ship what fills its purpose. nothing more. standard STO business. Since STO is not canon, dunno why it has star trek in its name, if someone telling that bugship should be the weakest. Sure it should be, but this is not star trek. if its about pvp unballance, then wtf is ballanced in this game? Nothing, and never will.
  • kylephoenix3kylephoenix3 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    timezarg wrote: »
    As escorts go (not comparing it to the Wells or escort-cruiser hybrids), the JHAS is the best. 2nd best might be the Fleet Patrol Escort or the MVAE. The JHAS hits harder, speed-tanks better (due to the .22 impulse mod that most people overlook), and self-tanks better than most escorts. In the hands of a highly skilled player, a JHAS can be a very difficult opponent. I've seen a JHAS flown by the likes of Strike worked over by 3-4 other escorts and manage to survive/take 2-3 guys down before finally dying.

    I would LIKE to see it nerfed slightly, at least in the impulse modifier and maybe a point less in turnrate. . .but that's not likely. Cryptic has a ton of monetary potential in the JHAS (because it's basically 'OP'), so they're not gonna kill that golden goose.

    I will agree, though, that there are other similarly 'overpowered' ships. The Wells is bloody ridiculous, especially in the hands of a skilled engineering captain.

    I think the more realistic approach is that Cryptic should do a balance pass on all ships, especially some of the C-store ships that cost 2000-2500 zen. Buffing BoPs somewhat would be great (give them the same impulse mod as the JHAS, for example, and boost the effects of the battlecloak somehow). Making raptors actually competitive with Federation escorts in PvP would be nice.

    Buff my Mogai, i paid for it. OP is the skill in this mmorpg. get OP TRIBBLE and youre skilled.
  • captainednacaptainedna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ mammy banned me from exchange so I can't buy a bug ship from it and make myself look stupid when a sci ship kills me QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Bug ship is an another p2w ship what fills its purpose. nothing more. standard STO business. Since STO is not canon, dunno why it has star trek in its name, if someone telling that bugship should be the weakest. Sure it should be, but this is not star trek. if its about pvp unballance, then wtf is ballanced in this game? Nothing, and never will.

    Offended that your crutch is called for what it really is? A crutch?
  • sjokruhlicasjokruhlica Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There are two types of people: Those who have JHAS's, and those who complain about them and secretly wish they had one. :D

    They're not the " Instant win" that everyone seems to think they are. I've been beaten by Defiants. I've been beaten by raptors. Hell , I got beat in a 1V1 by an Atrox the other day (damn feedback pulse!) While I win more than I lose, in the end it still comes down to the skill of the player and careful selection and use of of boff skills.
  • verusisraelverusisrael Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There are two types of people: Those who have JHAS's, and those who complain about them and secretly wish they had one. :D

    They're not the " Instant win" that everyone seems to think they are. I've been beaten by Defiants. I've been beaten by raptors. Hell , I got beat in a 1V1 by an Atrox the other day (damn feedback pulse!) While I win more than I lose, in the end it still comes down to the skill of the player and careful selection and use of of boff skills.

    I could not put it better. My raptor out dps' s my bug and I have 5 mkXII purple tac consoles while my raptor has 4 mkXI blues. Same exact boff layout. Almost the same skill points.
  • playhard88playhard88 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    6 months old post...let it go
    John Sheridan@playhard88 - FED Tactical
    Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
    K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
    Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)
  • captainednacaptainedna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    skollulfr wrote: »
    gear = win by calculator.

    Join here http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/forumdisplay.php?f=351
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    skollulfr wrote: »
    no thanks.
    i have tribes ascend, blacklight and planetside 2 among other games installed on my pc.
    all of which have working pvp(shocker) in place of the chained exploits and animation locks this game calls 'skill'.

    like i said
    all the skill in the world wont change the outcome of a fight where your hitting for 200 dps with 20% resists and your attacker is hitting for 1k dps while carrying 70% resists.
    dont get me wrong, even ghost recon online sufferes from the above 'win by calculator' example on account of scrubby 'premium' armor & ammo.

    its just that this one is so mechanically broken beyond that, that i dont bother

    Well if you like other games we get the Halo Dropship soon... And also I find that Skill makes a huge difference in PvP. I take ships that are often underpowered and easily run circles around players in far better ships. Simply because I know what I am doing. Is PvP perfect? Hell no. But it is not as bad as you make it sound.
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