PS - there is still traelus satellite repair mission, contraband mission on DS9, the doffing, PVP missions, on KDF side we have the turret killer and defeat fed captains missions..
so with these you could come to 1200 - 1400, even more pro toon a day
Agreed, let us hope that CRYPTIC does not nerf those to. I wouldn't be surprise that they have those missions on the scope as well.
i really hope folks will get into PVPing more - you can easily do 2k dill from 3 to 5 quick matches.
How to make things less drastic?
Easy - reward EVERYTHING we do ingame with a little Dillithium. Also replays of Episodes missions (200Dill each)..
In all honesty, I wished they added at a 450 Dilithium reward per-mission completion. I wouldn't mind running my alts through the storyline if they had a Dilithium reward attached to them.
I love PvP, I do them more with my KDF than Fed, but PvP in this game is all but dead.
Seriously, why doesn't missions reward a small amount of dil? It takes the same amount of time, even more than an STF.
Scale it to difficulty, so easy mode nets palty dil, while elite gives 240.
I second this
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
edited November 2012
An exploit the quicky missions may be, but it is a creative one that has helped starbases grow, and F2P players get DL, and ultimately Zen. Why someone would spend hours jumping characters I don't know. Maybe its my ADD talking. They're just being greedy. The fleet I'm in has a couple for our own use, but others are welcome to use them as well. And tips are welcome for using them. in fact... if I have the DL, I tip the author of the quickies I used, therefor, I'm technically not getting the full 1440 anyways.
Anyways... I have also played legit story driven Foundry missions, and very good ones too.
There are some animations that are annoying, like the venting green gas which is meant for SPACE missions and not ground, and the Q Flash, but the fact is where there's a will there's a way. If the people with 40+ alts are abusing it, then that is the problem. How someone can have that many I don't know. However... I would welcome more ways to get DL if we're having to spend it for everything.
And in regards to this "Time rewarded" thing, hello idling players. There was an exploit on Team Fortress 2 for a while regarding the drop system and players just idling and getting rewarded with item drops.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Honestly, if the players in question were just logging in for the two minutes it takes to do the Foundry daily 3 click routine - refine - and log out, I doubt Cryptic will care much about loosing that type of server load.
I guess it depends really. The PWE F2P model seems to really be based around keeping you in the game longer so you'll be more likely to spend cash to avoid all the grinding (ie. Impulse buying, if anything you could say the long time console clicking needed to get anything of value actually made people MORE likely to impulse buy, but only Cryptic with it metrics can know for sure). If people stop logging in they will never do impulse spending. BUT, this would be balanced by the loyal hardcore base reaching deeper into their pockets to make up the decreased Dil for bases and gear.
I guess its up to the hardcore trekies to reach into their pockets again
I cant wait to see how far dilithium prices will drop. Its been stable at 158 for along time. This will make it drop even further. Its going to be great for zen buyers. Ill have to grab some popcorn and watch this all unfold..
I cant wait to see how far dilithium prices will drop. Its been stable at 158 for along time. This will make it drop even further. Its going to be great for zen buyers. Ill have to grab some popcorn and watch this all unfold..
Expect the worse once that trash of a season hits this Tuesday, they didn't even have the decency to implement the thing on their typical Thursday mornings. Least give people time to prepare for the horror which is to come.
The market will be influenced there is no doubt about it, but how bad it will be influenced, lets see this upcoming Tuesday, the day that will live in infamy in STO history.
I'm hoping all this back fires on Cryptic badly, really I am, they need to learn that its becoming too much.
Expect the worse once that trash of a season hits this Tuesday, they didn't even have the decency to implement the thing on their typical Thursday mornings. Least give people time to prepare for the horror which is to come.
Yes it will be interesting, However..even being launched on a tuesday, you know its going to take a few days, if not longer to fix the stuff that breaks from season 7. Ill bet the servers wont even be stable for a couple days. I have yet to see a patch, or season launch without any hiccups..
turret killer - 480
asteroid mining - 250
dangerous space - 480
dangerous ground - 480
traelus repair - 480
2170 dillithium plus the 2000 ill get from contraband = half of my daily pensum in less than 40 minutes
i haven't done any pvp yet - there are 2 or 3 more pvp missions for dill.. plus defera missions
asteroid mining is BS, i will not do this every day..
thinking about creating a foundry mission which would have a story and complete these 3 missions too:
- turret, dangerous space, dangerous ground.. so you could earn 1440 in a single run
I started playing in August and actually got really bored with the missions and content quite quickly. There was one thing that did keep me interested though. The idea of building a Starbase.
At first I thought it would be a pointless exercise due to the high costs involved with the projects and the fleet marks. But then I found the 50 fleet marks from the foundery missions...I'll admit at first I went down the "i'll not be using the quick mission" route. That was until my first foundery mission (while fun) took around 45 minutes to complete. I quickly found the shorter ones and jumped onto them.
Now someone who has his solo base is making big noise saying the clicking should be removed...well you've effectively killed my solo base. Thanks mate.
Old players who've had time to grind through the DoFF missions will be relatively untouched. 10k over the 100000 limit and you get a nice amount of FM's. Not so easy for new people who have to grind up to the 100k first.
As of yesterday, my daily game play was :-
Getting up 30 minutes early, logging on and doing dailys and lore with characters
Reading up on starbase costs on way to work, effectively engaging with the game while offline
Feeding starbase on return home from work
Grinding through STF's pre change
Building up characters so I can have more running STF's.
I'd say easily 6 hours a day, 12+ at weekends.
Off the back of the above I expanded my roster (Zen from Cash) increased DoFF slots (Zen from cash) got the Oddy set (Zen from Cash), got Tactical escort retrofit (Zen from Cash and effectively plan was all character in the fleet version paid with...yes more cash) and effectivelty kept the economy churning with my spending on DoFF's
Effectively PWE had succeeded in hooking me into the game and pricing model.
Come Wednesday
I'll be binning most of the Fed alts below lvl 50 and rolling Klingon's
I'll then be turning in Contraband like a bandit.
I'll not be needing to spend as much time playing and without the starbase being my big project i'll not need to log on as much or engage with the game when i'm not playing it. (or care to do so)
Effectively PWE will now have to re-engage me to get me back to my previous level.
So maybe I should be thanking you for setting me free. No, I don't see you as my hero.
Brandon asked me for some more information, so here it is.
We have listened to the feedback of the Foundry author community, and have taken steps to encourage our players to play some of the missions created by their fellow players. To that end, we have made some changes to the Investigate Officer Reports daily mission:
Fast "clickie" missions are not eligible for daily because they discourage exploring the community authored stories.
Longer, well-crafted missions have always granted XP and EC at the end, and will continue to do so. Missions with no combat will also still grant diplomacy points.
These longer, well-crafted missions are the ones that will be eligible for the Foundry Daily.
Fast, Kill-One-Guy or Click-One-Console missions will not give credit for the daily.
Non-combat missions are still eligible for the daily.
A nice side effect of this will be to make the Hot filter more useful, as it will no longer be so dense with short "clickie" missions.
Hope this clarifies things for all of you. And now I have to get back into my hidey-hole, preparing Season 7 patch notes and builds and stuff.
I agree that console clicking is lame, but I also agree that I don't want to spend an hour to earn 1440 dilithium.
I think this is how Cryptic should have done it:
- Investigate Officer Reports is now a weekly mission (6 day 20 hour = 164 hour cooldown)
- Investigate Officer Reports now awards 7 * 1440 = 10080 dilithium
- Investigate Officer Reports now only requires one Foundry mission completed:
-- If there is a current Featured mission for your faction, that is the required mission
-- Otherwise, any of the past Featured missions will satisfy the requirement
I understand the frustration, but from the perspective of the foundry authors, this was needed. The free daily Dilithium didn't kill the economy before, so I think Cryptic will create a new way to get some basic daily dil without much effort. Just give them a bit of time to implement something before crying the game is doomed.
I agree that console clicking is lame, but I also agree that I don't want to spend an hour to earn 1440 dilithium.
I think this is how Cryptic should have done it:
- Investigate Officer Reports is now a weekly mission (6 day 20 hour = 164 hour cooldown)
- Investigate Officer Reports now awards 7 * 1440 = 10080 dilithium
- Investigate Officer Reports now only requires one Foundry mission completed:
-- If there is a current Featured mission for your faction, that is the required mission
-- Otherwise, any of the past Featured missions will satisfy the requirement
I would've limited the daily turnin to 3 per account, thats the max dilith conversion on 1 toon. Now I'll just avoid the foundry altogether and do more predictable/higher paying missions. When I get bored I'll go play MWO.
if cryptic takes out the clicky mission then thats it, im done for fleet stuff. am trying to run and progress a small fleet and without it its near impossible. its alright for larger fleets but im running 3 guys with some alts and this game isnt my life! dont be a jerk cryptic! if the game wasnt soo imbalanced against small fleets i wouldnt need to resort to this but heh imbalance = cryptic
and oh yes games are meant to be fun not an endless grind with little reward. as its stands those elite fleet weapons are close to impossible for a very small fleet. fleet size and progression requirements should be levelled
if cryptic takes out the clicky mission then thats it, im done for fleet stuff. am trying to run and progress a small fleet and without it its near impossible. its alright for larger fleets but im running 3 guys with some alts and this game isnt my life! dont be a jerk cryptic! if the game wasnt soo imbalanced against small fleets i wouldnt need to resort to this but heh imbalance = cryptic
What do you mean "if" ? They ARE removing them from Holodeck next week - they ARE already gone on tribble.
This is a done deal - there is no "if" in what Zero has said.
There is a lot of "if" in the details of what counts. Basically, the entire intent of the change will be undermined if folks simply figure out the way to make a mission count without taking more than 10 minutes to play.
If that is the case, we'll have a brand new round of "clickies 2.0," and all of the grinders will still just ignore the real Foundry missions.
They are on a mad dash for rocks. Given the choice to do something painfully repetitive and boring for 10 minutes compared to something exciting and fun for 45 isn't a hard choice for them.
We need NW's timer based rewards system. Otherwise we'll probably see a new version of "clickies 2.0"
There is a lot of "if" in the details of what counts. Basically, the entire intent of the change will be undermined if folks simply figure out the way to make a mission count without taking more than 10 minutes to play.
If that is the case, we'll have a brand new round of "clickies 2.0," and all of the grinders will still just ignore the real Foundry missions.
They are on a mad dash for rocks. Given the choice to do something painfully repetitive and boring for 10 minutes compared to something exciting and fun for 45 isn't a hard choice for them.
We need NW's timer based rewards system. Otherwise we'll probably see a new version of "clickies 2.0"
It could be - but this is just a stop-gap measure in my opinion and had to be implimented in a hurry - S7 by many accounts goes live in a few days - and so does the new log-in system which allows you to switch between alts without logging out.
This means the old clickie could be cut down to a total turn around of less than a minute
so even someone with just 10 alts could generate 14,400 dilth in 10 min!!! - that is insane - and 10 alts is fairly common - there are probably 1000's with 30+
So now come next week that report takes the farmers from 2 min on the old system to 10 min under the new - that will be a significant deterrent.
The Neverwinter System was designed and owned by Cryptic - it's only still in Beta testing - so it will take some time.
Ooookkaayy .
I have read 20 pages of this self important "let me tell you what you should play and how you should play in MY game" PC BS that generally went from a farce to a bad comedy .
Thank you , each and every one of you selfless and self righteous crusaders .
In the name of "it's only fair" and "it's not fair" , you have managed to sit your collective asses next to many a STO player , and you've managed to have the gall to tell them how they should play ... as it is absolutely SO clear , that if they were not running "clicky missions" , they'd be busy playing THREE 25-45 minute missions for 1000+ Dil .
Yeah , you guys keep telling yourself's that ... because that's just what is (not) gonna happen . :rolleyes:
Now let me tell you why I'm glad Cryptic implemented the changes they had :
Cryptic runs on numbers & metrics .
I would not call it unreasonable that those metrics of Foundry usage were skewd by the users of the clicky missions .
And now that those are nerfed ... , some real numbers of the usage of the Foundry will come to light ... -- or they would if they were not partially there already .
Take a look at how many play through's most missions get .
Take a GOOD look .
I hope those numbers rise ... for your sake's .
But weather they rise , or remain in the "few hundred play-through's at best" that the average Foundry author these days can hope for (on a very-very good day) , so I hope that the spite disguised as "in the name of fairness" has payed off in some f-ed up way , and that it won't come back like a boomerang to bite you in your collective fanfic lovin' a$$es .
* or ... it could be that I'm taking this way 2 seriously and I need a break .
RIGggggggHT ! Like nobody has multiple accounts NOW.
Just make it so you can only do 12 daileys between all 48 of your toons because they're gonna take 2 hours each
Good thinkin
Oh so you were suggesting that Investigate Officer reports be limited to 3x per account *in addition to* eliminating console clicking? I thought you were proposing an alternative to the console clicking change.
In that case, why do you feel that Investigate Officer reports needs to be nerfed further than what is already on tribble?
Oh so you were suggesting that Investigate Officer reports be limited to 3x per account *in addition to* eliminating console clicking? I thought you were proposing an alternative to the console clicking change.
In that case, why do you feel that Investigate Officer reports needs to be nerfed further than what is already on tribble?
I suggested only allowing 3 investigate daily cashouts per account as the OP suggested it's a major exploit to let a guy with 48 toons get his 1440 dilith on ALL of them per day. I figured if they let the current quick-clicks stay only allowing 3 per account wouldn't allow 1 toon to get his max refining limit thus killing the exploit. A person with multiple accounts would still be limited by the 3 allowed rule, and since dilith and zen aren't transferrable between accounts the problem would be solved.
thinking about creating a foundry mission which would have a story and complete these 3 missions too:
- turret, dangerous space, dangerous ground.. so you could earn 1440 in a single run
If you make it, KDF will come.
But really, I would play it.
[SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC] Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
Yes - now that you mention it there are a lot of over-lapping KDF dilthium missions that I should look into.
Thanks for the heads up:D
I will be working on my next thread dedicated to the KDF - "Roll a KDF and Make up all the Dilthium you need!!"
Heres how: (coming soon)
There have already been a couple "how do you make your Dil" threads, and it is overwhelmingly obvious that you can make your 8k Dil quicker on the KDF side.
Like the Pi Canis Sorties + the "optionals" mission earns you more than half a toons Dil, in about 30 minutes.
It's only takes about an hour already to earn the 8k.
So whatever they decide for the new way Foundry missions will be rewarded, the consideration of the 8k/hour and/or 100+ Fleet marks/hour that could be made.
[SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC] Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
And now that those are nerfed ... , some real numbers of the usage of the Foundry will come to light ... -- or they would if they were not partially there already .
Take a look at how many play through's most missions get .
Take a GOOD look .
I hope those numbers rise ... for your sake's .
This is what I was missing. I was looking at it from the point of view that Cryptic was going to willingly loose impulse purchases by loosing some of the people that A) only logged in to do the dailies, and got fed up with grinding and whipped out their credit cards partway through the grind. The Foundry author's complaints were never going to make Cryptic loose their impulse sales, so I just couldn't figure out WHY they were doing this. But as so many of Cryptic's questionable decisions, it all makes a lot of sense when you consider NW. They once mentioned that PWE didn't know what to make of the Foundry in STO and NW, probably because it wasn't directly monetized. Now I think Cryptic is seeking better metrics to figure out how much more to invest in NW's Foundry equivalent and probably whether STO keeps its one full time foundry guy.
Sadly, I don't think its going to be as popular as some would like to believe, particularly in the light of the grind ramping up in S7; but it remains to be seen what further metrics and experimentation Cryptic will want. Expect to see actual rewards added to some chosen Foundry missions so Cryptic can gather metrics about how many people will play them over a long period of time.
Edit: apparently the "Spotlights Rewards" for Foundry are already coming with S7. Let the metrics begin to roll in! Lets cross out fingers and hope for the best. While the Foundry is not my favorite part of STO, its clearly someone else's favorite thing. I bet they're as apprehensive about all this as a lot of players are about the hamstringing of the STFs in favor of the ultra long and boringly repetitive FAs.
- Academy LORE - 480 DIll - 3 minutes
- Trealus satellite repair - 480 Dill - 5 mins
- Turret killer, dangerous space, dangerous ground - are done inbetween doing another missions, stf's etc, so you don't have to bother - 480x3 Dill
- Contraband on DS9 - 2000 Dill for 5 Contraband
- 3x Foundry mission - 1440 (3x480) for 3x40 minutes
Don't worry - since they killed the Fed side B'Tran daily - I am sure some of those daily KDF missions are up soon to be removed - if they don't they could have a very nasty Fed side revolt on their hands. And they won't be moving over to the KDF - they will be moving on - and before they do there will be a Fed Hissy fit here on the forums of EPIC scale - so expect a KDF nerf VERY SOON.
No doubt, I play them all the time - I love stuff from Captainrevo and others like him, but one has nothing to do with the other.
Agreed, let us hope that CRYPTIC does not nerf those to. I wouldn't be surprise that they have those missions on the scope as well.
In all honesty, I wished they added at a 450 Dilithium reward per-mission completion. I wouldn't mind running my alts through the storyline if they had a Dilithium reward attached to them.
I love PvP, I do them more with my KDF than Fed, but PvP in this game is all but dead.
I second this
Anyways... I have also played legit story driven Foundry missions, and very good ones too.
There are some animations that are annoying, like the venting green gas which is meant for SPACE missions and not ground, and the Q Flash, but the fact is where there's a will there's a way. If the people with 40+ alts are abusing it, then that is the problem. How someone can have that many I don't know. However... I would welcome more ways to get DL if we're having to spend it for everything.
And in regards to this "Time rewarded" thing, hello idling players. There was an exploit on Team Fortress 2 for a while regarding the drop system and players just idling and getting rewarded with item drops.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I guess it depends really. The PWE F2P model seems to really be based around keeping you in the game longer so you'll be more likely to spend cash to avoid all the grinding (ie. Impulse buying, if anything you could say the long time console clicking needed to get anything of value actually made people MORE likely to impulse buy, but only Cryptic with it metrics can know for sure). If people stop logging in they will never do impulse spending. BUT, this would be balanced by the loyal hardcore base reaching deeper into their pockets to make up the decreased Dil for bases and gear.
I guess its up to the hardcore trekies to reach into their pockets again
Expect the worse once that trash of a season hits this Tuesday, they didn't even have the decency to implement the thing on their typical Thursday mornings. Least give people time to prepare for the horror which is to come.
The market will be influenced there is no doubt about it, but how bad it will be influenced, lets see this upcoming Tuesday, the day that will live in infamy in STO history.
I'm hoping all this back fires on Cryptic badly, really I am, they need to learn that its becoming too much.
Yes it will be interesting, However..even being launched on a tuesday, you know its going to take a few days, if not longer to fix the stuff that breaks from season 7. Ill bet the servers wont even be stable for a couple days. I have yet to see a patch, or season launch without any hiccups..
turret killer - 480
asteroid mining - 250
dangerous space - 480
dangerous ground - 480
traelus repair - 480
2170 dillithium plus the 2000 ill get from contraband = half of my daily pensum in less than 40 minutes
i haven't done any pvp yet - there are 2 or 3 more pvp missions for dill.. plus defera missions
asteroid mining is BS, i will not do this every day..
thinking about creating a foundry mission which would have a story and complete these 3 missions too:
- turret, dangerous space, dangerous ground.. so you could earn 1440 in a single run
At first I thought it would be a pointless exercise due to the high costs involved with the projects and the fleet marks. But then I found the 50 fleet marks from the foundery missions...I'll admit at first I went down the "i'll not be using the quick mission" route. That was until my first foundery mission (while fun) took around 45 minutes to complete. I quickly found the shorter ones and jumped onto them.
Now someone who has his solo base is making big noise saying the clicking should be removed...well you've effectively killed my solo base. Thanks mate.
Old players who've had time to grind through the DoFF missions will be relatively untouched. 10k over the 100000 limit and you get a nice amount of FM's. Not so easy for new people who have to grind up to the 100k first.
As of yesterday, my daily game play was :-
Getting up 30 minutes early, logging on and doing dailys and lore with characters
Reading up on starbase costs on way to work, effectively engaging with the game while offline
Feeding starbase on return home from work
Grinding through STF's pre change
Building up characters so I can have more running STF's.
I'd say easily 6 hours a day, 12+ at weekends.
Off the back of the above I expanded my roster (Zen from Cash) increased DoFF slots (Zen from cash) got the Oddy set (Zen from Cash), got Tactical escort retrofit (Zen from Cash and effectively plan was all character in the fleet version paid with...yes more cash) and effectivelty kept the economy churning with my spending on DoFF's
Effectively PWE had succeeded in hooking me into the game and pricing model.
Come Wednesday
I'll be binning most of the Fed alts below lvl 50 and rolling Klingon's
I'll then be turning in Contraband like a bandit.
I'll not be needing to spend as much time playing and without the starbase being my big project i'll not need to log on as much or engage with the game when i'm not playing it. (or care to do so)
Effectively PWE will now have to re-engage me to get me back to my previous level.
So maybe I should be thanking you for setting me free. No, I don't see you as my hero.
I think this is how Cryptic should have done it:
- Investigate Officer Reports is now a weekly mission (6 day 20 hour = 164 hour cooldown)
- Investigate Officer Reports now awards 7 * 1440 = 10080 dilithium
- Investigate Officer Reports now only requires one Foundry mission completed:
-- If there is a current Featured mission for your faction, that is the required mission
-- Otherwise, any of the past Featured missions will satisfy the requirement
I would've limited the daily turnin to 3 per account, thats the max dilith conversion on 1 toon. Now I'll just avoid the foundry altogether and do more predictable/higher paying missions. When I get bored I'll go play MWO.
They fixxed it alright.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
What do you mean "if" ? They ARE removing them from Holodeck next week - they ARE already gone on tribble.
This is a done deal - there is no "if" in what Zero has said.
Assuming you're using the dilithium to power a fleet starbase, this solution can be exploited because STO is FTP.
There is a lot of "if" in the details of what counts. Basically, the entire intent of the change will be undermined if folks simply figure out the way to make a mission count without taking more than 10 minutes to play.
If that is the case, we'll have a brand new round of "clickies 2.0," and all of the grinders will still just ignore the real Foundry missions.
They are on a mad dash for rocks. Given the choice to do something painfully repetitive and boring for 10 minutes compared to something exciting and fun for 45 isn't a hard choice for them.
We need NW's timer based rewards system. Otherwise we'll probably see a new version of "clickies 2.0"
It could be - but this is just a stop-gap measure in my opinion and had to be implimented in a hurry - S7 by many accounts goes live in a few days - and so does the new log-in system which allows you to switch between alts without logging out.
This means the old clickie could be cut down to a total turn around of less than a minute
so even someone with just 10 alts could generate 14,400 dilth in 10 min!!! - that is insane - and 10 alts is fairly common - there are probably 1000's with 30+
So now come next week that report takes the farmers from 2 min on the old system to 10 min under the new - that will be a significant deterrent.
The Neverwinter System was designed and owned by Cryptic - it's only still in Beta testing - so it will take some time.
RIGggggggHT ! Like nobody has multiple accounts NOW.
Just make it so you can only do 12 daileys between all 48 of your toons because they're gonna take 2 hours each
Good thinkin
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
I have read 20 pages of this self important "let me tell you what you should play and how you should play in MY game" PC BS that generally went from a farce to a bad comedy .
Thank you , each and every one of you selfless and self righteous crusaders .
In the name of "it's only fair" and "it's not fair" , you have managed to sit your collective asses next to many a STO player , and you've managed to have the gall to tell them how they should play ... as it is absolutely SO clear , that if they were not running "clicky missions" , they'd be busy playing THREE 25-45 minute missions for 1000+ Dil .
Yeah , you guys keep telling yourself's that ... because that's just what is (not) gonna happen . :rolleyes:
Now let me tell you why I'm glad Cryptic implemented the changes they had :
Cryptic runs on numbers & metrics .
I would not call it unreasonable that those metrics of Foundry usage were skewd by the users of the clicky missions .
And now that those are nerfed ... , some real numbers of the usage of the Foundry will come to light ... -- or they would if they were not partially there already .
Take a look at how many play through's most missions get .
Take a GOOD look .
I hope those numbers rise ... for your sake's .
But weather they rise , or remain in the "few hundred play-through's at best" that the average Foundry author these days can hope for (on a very-very good day) , so I hope that the spite disguised as "in the name of fairness" has payed off in some f-ed up way , and that it won't come back like a boomerang to bite you in your collective fanfic lovin' a$$es .
* or ... it could be that I'm taking this way 2 seriously and I need a break .
Oh so you were suggesting that Investigate Officer reports be limited to 3x per account *in addition to* eliminating console clicking? I thought you were proposing an alternative to the console clicking change.
In that case, why do you feel that Investigate Officer reports needs to be nerfed further than what is already on tribble?
I suggested only allowing 3 investigate daily cashouts per account as the OP suggested it's a major exploit to let a guy with 48 toons get his 1440 dilith on ALL of them per day. I figured if they let the current quick-clicks stay only allowing 3 per account wouldn't allow 1 toon to get his max refining limit thus killing the exploit. A person with multiple accounts would still be limited by the 3 allowed rule, and since dilith and zen aren't transferrable between accounts the problem would be solved.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
If you make it, KDF will come.
But really, I would play it.
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
Yes - now that you mention it there are a lot of over-lapping KDF dilthium missions that I should look into.
Thanks for the heads up:D
I will be working on my next thread dedicated to the KDF - "Roll a KDF and Make up all the Dilthium you need!!"
Heres how: (coming soon)
There have already been a couple "how do you make your Dil" threads, and it is overwhelmingly obvious that you can make your 8k Dil quicker on the KDF side.
Like the Pi Canis Sorties + the "optionals" mission earns you more than half a toons Dil, in about 30 minutes.
It's only takes about an hour already to earn the 8k.
So whatever they decide for the new way Foundry missions will be rewarded, the consideration of the 8k/hour and/or 100+ Fleet marks/hour that could be made.
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
This is what I was missing. I was looking at it from the point of view that Cryptic was going to willingly loose impulse purchases by loosing some of the people that A) only logged in to do the dailies, and
Sadly, I don't think its going to be as popular as some would like to believe, particularly in the light of the grind ramping up in S7; but it remains to be seen what further metrics and experimentation Cryptic will want. Expect to see actual rewards added to some chosen Foundry missions so Cryptic can gather metrics about how many people will play them over a long period of time.
Edit: apparently the "Spotlights Rewards" for Foundry are already coming with S7. Let the metrics begin to roll in! Lets cross out fingers and hope for the best. While the Foundry is not my favorite part of STO, its clearly someone else's favorite thing. I bet they're as apprehensive about all this as a lot of players are about the hamstringing of the STFs in favor of the ultra long and boringly repetitive FAs.
- Academy LORE - 480 DIll - 3 minutes
- Trealus satellite repair - 480 Dill - 5 mins
- Turret killer, dangerous space, dangerous ground - are done inbetween doing another missions, stf's etc, so you don't have to bother - 480x3 Dill
- Contraband on DS9 - 2000 Dill for 5 Contraband
- 3x Foundry mission - 1440 (3x480) for 3x40 minutes
Don't worry - since they killed the Fed side B'Tran daily - I am sure some of those daily KDF missions are up soon to be removed - if they don't they could have a very nasty Fed side revolt on their hands. And they won't be moving over to the KDF - they will be moving on - and before they do there will be a Fed Hissy fit here on the forums of EPIC scale - so expect a KDF nerf VERY SOON.