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New DOff Dilithium Costs



  • venser1000venser1000 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    If they were releasing quality fun, reasonably bug free missions and story content on a regular basis, this might not be so bad, as thing stands now this is asking way too much.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    mirai222 wrote: »
    Yes, actually, for most of us it is. I have other things to spend my dilithium on. 1k every 2-3 days is enough to get me to stop using the General Recruitment.
    So.... going from 24k each 3 days to 23k is really a major problem for you?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    So.... going from 24k each 3 days to 23k is really a major problem for you?

    Maybe you've missed the point entirely.

    There are like 5 2-day recruitment missions, so thats like 5k right there, then there is the grinder cost to upscale which is gonna be hwo much Dili from 125 whites, 25 Greens, 5 Blues to get 1 Purple...? :confused:
  • obsidiusrexobsidiusrex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Maybe you've missed the point entirely.

    There are like 5 2-day recruitment missions, so thats like 5k right there, then there is the grinder cost to upscale which is gonna be hwo much Dili from 125 whites, 25 Greens, 5 Blues to get 1 Purple...? :confused:

    Yes,on another thread it's been confirmed that the recruitment missions were going bye-bye, to be replaced with Dillithium DOff packs. That just means you have to part with even more of your hard-earned Dilithium to buy something that used to be free. And then you have to spend even more Dilithium if you want to trade up for better DOffs. That's the rub right there: now paying for something that used to be free, and paying multiples more for something that used to cost a lot less. In addition to now having to shell out Dillithium for STF and Romulan gear, starbase projects, and everything else for which one uses Dilithium (Dilithium market, Dilithium Exchange, Ships, etc.).

    That LTS fiasco didn't bother me too much, but this? Now I'm starting to see the value of my monthly stipend deprecate... as in, how much will I need to convert to Dilithium to get what I want, vs. what I'd like to get on the C-Store? Or am I gonna have to shill out another $10 / month to get my rewards, in addition to what I've already ponied up for the LTS? No wonder they've got a sale on them now, if the ultimate plan is to just gouge customer on Dilithium.
    I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
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  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I heard on another thread that the recruitment missions were going bye-bye, to be replaced with Dillithium DOff packs. Someone correct me if I'm wrong...

    That just means you have to part with even more of your hard-earned Dilithium to buy something that used to be free. And then you have to spend even more Dilithium if you want to trade up for better DOffs.

    Ah yes true, very true.
  • obsidiusrexobsidiusrex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Ah yes true, very true.
    Yeah, I had to reread what you were saying to get it, so I edited my previous post to better explain the ire most of us are expressing here in this thread.
    I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
    And remember to follow the rules.
  • kobayashlmarukobayashlmaru Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Maybe you've missed the point entirely.

    There are like 5 2-day recruitment missions, so thats like 5k right there, then there is the grinder cost to upscale which is gonna be hwo much Dili from 125 whites, 25 Greens, 5 Blues to get 1 Purple...? :confused:

    Add to this that alts further impact this equation. It takes time to grind all that dilithium which significantly limits the time available in-game to do something else. Right now it's a 5 min in and out and I enjoy the rest of my time playing the game. Now it will take me hours per toon to manage the very simple task of DOff assignments.

    I don't know about others here, but I have a day job and a kid. It's a tight balance already between managing my game time and personal life. This type of increase in commitment may actually force me to quit playing, regardless of if I want to or not.
    Kobayashi Maru
    Join Date: Sept 2008

    "Holographic tissue paper for the holographic runny nose. Don't give them to patients." - The Doctor
  • es0archeres0archer Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ah....SWTOR Free to play sounds better and better each day....

    Lifetime member.......not proud of it!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Yes,on another thread it's been confirmed that the recruitment missions were going bye-bye, to be replaced with Dillithium DOff packs. That just means you have to part with even more of your hard-earned Dilithium to buy something that used to be free. And then you have to spend even more Dilithium if you want to trade up for better DOffs. That's the rub right there: now paying for something that used to be free, and paying multiples more for something that used to cost a lot less. In addition to now having to shell out Dillithium for STF and Romulan gear, starbase projects, and everything else for which one uses Dilithium (Dilithium market, Dilithium Exchange, Ships, etc.).

    That LTS fiasco didn't bother me too much, but this? Now I'm starting to see the value of my monthly stipend deprecate... as in, how much will I need to convert to Dilithium to get what I want, vs. what I'd like to get on the C-Store? Or am I gonna have to shill out another $10 / month to get my rewards, in addition to what I've already ponied up for the LTS? No wonder they've got a sale on them now, if the ultimate plan is to just gouge customer on Dilithium.
    I've see no confirmation that the Tac/Eng/Sci/Civ recruitment missions will be changed, JUST the doff pack and Up grinder.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • megraemegrae Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    well.... with the changes the OP posted.... i don't see a reason to even grind them.

    to make a purple they want 5k dilithium (when 8k is all you can even refine a day) and 5 of my current blues... thats just crazy.

    Twilight, Particle Physicist that stole the ship.
    Original Signup date: August 4, 2008
    LTS since Pre-Order
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    megrae wrote: »
    well.... with the changes the OP posted.... i don't see a reason to even grind them.

    to make a purple they want 5k dilithium (when 8k is all you can even refine a day) and 5 of my current blues... thats just crazy.
    There's always been easier ways to get purples. The compactor was never really a good one.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • obsidiusrexobsidiusrex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    es0archer wrote: »
    ah....SWTOR Free to play sounds better and better each day....


    Man.. .and I just made this rule - today - and already have to use it twice.
    I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
    And remember to follow the rules.
  • megraemegrae Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    There's always been easier ways to get purples. The compactor was never really a good one.

    true.. i already have plenty.. but i still liked grinding ones that i didn't have a use for.. usualy in the white and green area.. and well even those prices are off-putting, alot.

    Twilight, Particle Physicist that stole the ship.
    Original Signup date: August 4, 2008
    LTS since Pre-Order
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    There's always been easier ways to get purples. The compactor was never really a good one.

    Not without a fleet and abundance of EC's. :)
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    There's always been easier ways to get purples. The compactor was never really a good one.

    NO THERE's NOT. Stop making TRIBBLE up.

    If you've got a bunch of blue refugees and the missions pop. Sure. Otherwise no. Allt he various DoFF missions i'm aware of require high quality doff inputs, sure they tend to give better quality outputs, and thats great, but you need high quality to even put in if you want purples out. And your not garyunteed to be able to do them anywhere near as often. if you want large quantatis of purple DOFF's the grinder IS by far and away the best and largely only methiod of getting them.

    EDIT: Oh, yeha if you meant what he said, well yeha sure you cna mass aquire blue/purple ones, but not for littile fleets.
  • tehjoneltehjonel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i'm against this change. please abolish the dil costs on the personnel officer.
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    So what you do with it it? before Fleets you could trade it for 3 rares, might not be a "fair" tradeoff but at least chances are whatever will come out will be better that what you had put it.

    Oh no disagreement there, my point was you can't endlessly do it to get a better doff, you need extra inmput beyond that.

    TBH the biggest issu i have is i'm ot sure what the design intent is here. My gues is they se the dil costs over high as a saftey meashure.
  • es0archeres0archer Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Man.. .and I just made this rule - today - and already have to use it twice.

    LOL...it made me laugh...thank you, but I was just saying what everyone is thinking. If it is stormy...just try to move somewhere where the sun apear to shine more, although it doesnt sounds good either...
    Lifetime member.......not proud of it!
  • emperormakemperormak Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The more I think about this, the more I like it.

    I was starting to get bored with DOFFing, but quitting something is always hard.

    If these changes go through, quitting DOFFing will not be hard at all. It will be one of the easiest decisions I've ever made.

    This same strategy would work for the healthcare industry too. If you want to encourage people to quit smoking, just take the price of a pack of cigarettes from $6 up to around $300. America would be smoker-free in a matter of weeks.
  • zorbanezorbane Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    emperormak wrote: »
    The more I think about this, the more I like it.

    I was starting to get bored with DOFFing, but quitting something is always hard.

    If these changes go through, quitting DOFFing will not be hard at all. It will be one of the easiest decisions I've ever made.

    This same strategy would work for the healthcare industry too. If you want to encourage people to quit smoking, just take the price of a pack of cigarettes from $6 up to around $300. America would be smoker-free in a matter of weeks.

    I think there would be a civil war if that happened :P
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  • emperormakemperormak Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    There is a small group of people that will really profit from this.

    Leaders of the highest level fleets. There were already several fleets selling T3 or T4 ships when most fleets were T1 or T2. With these changes, the attitude of "I can wait...eventually my fleet will be T4 or T5" will die. If your fleet isn't close to there when these changes occur, you probably won't ever get there. And that means one thing. The few fleets that get to T5 will be able to charge 100m ec for a T5 ship. And people will pay it. Because that's the only way they'll ever get that ship.

    Of course this all assumes they don't drastically reduce DOFF input requirements for starbase construction.
  • mirai222mirai222 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    So.... going from 24k each 3 days to 23k is really a major problem for you?

    I don't make anywhere near 24k each three days on a given character. The average player doesn't make anywhere near 24k each three days. Dilithium grinding isn't for everyone.

    Oh, and look, the projects for the new Reputation system also require dilithium. Something more to spend my dilithium on.
  • husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    OK serious question now....

    Why is the personal officer accepting Bribes... perhaps they need to get arrested.

    Or is it that Starfleet charges all its officers a paper work tax?

    Really I don't understand how this makes sense. lol

    Between this and the new personal grind... I think Cryptic can Bite me... I'll be playing MechWarrior after all I guess.
  • es0archeres0archer Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    I used to grind a lot back in the early days but when doing the Defari Daily for the 186th time its BORING and fact is, I dont have to do it ... until Cryptic tried forced me with Fleets and adding a Dilithium cost to pretty much everything new.

    But the thing is I still dont have to do it, new stuff is connected to yet another grind so I have no reason to do it and the new content is Fleet Actions and forced grouping, we might do them a few times but then its just farming, be it Accolades (that apparently are "a horrible thing from the dark ages") or just Marks farming, either we reach then (Accolades) or we eventually get bored out of our minds by doing them.

    Its work, the basic notion of Dilithium grind was to get Zen out of it but someone is greedy and want people to do the reverse, buy Zen to get Dilithium since apparently the gambling addicts that hocked up with Lockboxes are not enough, everyone must pay.

    Sorry but I am going to say this, the Subscription system failed because ultimate there was not enough content to fork off $15 each month because months passed and nothing new was there to play and F2P system will fail you keep treating us like if we are cash cows that have to pay even more that a subscription for the privilege of farming.

    At one point you be back were you started, stop looking at the players, be them Silver or Gold as cattle to exploit.

    ^^ THIS....SO MUCH THIS! Thank you for posting it!
    Nough said.
    Lifetime member.......not proud of it!
  • docroadie69docroadie69 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It's amazing with the 179 'pissed off' posts (180 counting mine) I have yet to read a DEV or Cryptic Rep response on this issue as to why they have made it this way.

    Please Cryptic--come defend your way of greed. Explain to us that we have it all wrong and are getting upset over nothing.
  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The devs haven't responded to this because this incredibly crazy price hike is how its going to be, no matter how pissed we all are.

    Bran and Bort commented in the other thread regarding the outrage around the (falsely) assummed removal of dilithium from STF runs to clear up that issue. But they responded because they could respond in a "calm yourselves, children - you'll still get dilithium" manner.

    All they can say to the changes to the DOFF grinder is "working as intended - suck it, fools!"

    Oh, and they are adding dilithium costs to the reputation system and the embassy projects, too. So now, along with fleet projects and fleet gear, they are adding 2 more new dilithium sinks AND rasing the dilithium costs on doff grinding while still keeping everyone capped at 8k refining daily, and I can't stand to even grind the 8k as it is. Too damn repetitive.

    Is the goal to make people just stop logging in? Seems like that is what they are working towards in my opinion.
  • dablackhawk1dablackhawk1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i fully agree with alot of the people the cost is way to high for such a low reward item it self if it ever goes over to halodeck i will not do that ill just get fleet marks and buy them from there and ill get one of the many choices i can get
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Wow, the markets are reacting already. Dil exchange closed up 2points yesterday from hoarding this announcement made.

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

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  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    You know, here's a crazy thought on a better monetization schema:

    Make the projects (including DOff recruitment) all take 7 days. Offer "project speed boosts" for dilithium and/or ZEN.
  • somriksomrik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    boglejam73 wrote: »
    The devs haven't responded to this because this incredibly crazy price hike is how its going to be, no matter how pissed we all are.

    Bran and Bort commented in the other thread regarding the outrage around the (falsely) assummed removal of dilithium from STF runs to clear up that issue. But they responded because they could respond in a "calm yourselves, children - you'll still get dilithium" manner.

    All they can say to the changes to the DOFF grinder is "working as intended - suck it, fools!"

    Oh, and they are adding dilithium costs to the reputation system and the embassy projects, too. So now, along with fleet projects and fleet gear, they are adding 2 more new dilithium sinks AND rasing the dilithium costs on doff grinding while still keeping everyone capped at 8k refining daily, and I can't stand to even grind the 8k as it is. Too damn repetitive.

    Is the goal to make people just stop logging in? Seems like that is what they are working towards in my opinion.
    See the dilithium costs to rep and embassy projects, I dont mind. Its a sink like fleet projects.

    For yourself you have your rep and everyone in your fleet contributes to the Embassy. Fine.

    But Holy TRIBBLE the Doff grinder costs increase + 1k for general recruitment?

    People who already have a pretty good doff set(mostly blues/purples with some greens or better) arent all that affected. They already have theirs.

    No what this really does is shaft new characters. "Oh you want to fill out your doff roster and get better doffs? Dilithium please. Oh you dont have enough because you cant grind it out yet? TOO BAD NO DOFFS FOR YOU."

    Fleet progression might slow down too by a bit. Common doffs are still needed and those prices are going to shoot through the roof.

    Refugees too. A no dilith cost to get a free doff? Gonna be paying out the nose in EC for those.

    I mean I've already filled out my 3 free char slots. I was thinking about buy more char slots because I want a Tac on the Fed side. Now? Now I dont think Im going to do so.

    Cryptic/PW needs to get it through their heads. You can only go so far as to add grind. We're not sterotypical Chinese Gold farming players. We dont have that time to devote to grind that much dilith.


    We get the raw form of it. We can be swimming in it. But its useless if its not refined and thats limited to 8k(9k for Vets) a day.

    You have already bottlenecked the production of Dilithuim. There's no need to further drive down the supply of dilith.
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