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Retro Set Change, bad idea



  • bridgernbridgern Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Balancing the game is not the problem, the problem is they modify a tiny part of the game and keep everything else unchanged, that way there will be never balance. One season should be dedicated to balance the game, instead of bringing in new unbalanced stuff.

    If you ever meet a person or a PVP fleet in STO like the Spanish Inquisition, you are ****ed with this set or without it.
  • echodarksidedechodarksided Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    To pick up on Bridgers concern, PvE at the high end is generally balanced against most common configurations, builds, and results.

    There is going to be a lot more dieing in high end space pve with this change. You can't remove one of the biggest shield heals used by top tier builds in the game today and not expect it to have significant impacts.

    I support the change, but big change always brings unforeseen consequences- and this is a big change.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Or they can, ya know, adapt and do things differently. I've used the Borg shield and it isn't as bad as some peeps try to claim it is.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • orondisorondis Member Posts: 1,447 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    There is going to be a lot more dieing in high end space pve with this change. You can't remove one of the biggest shield heals used by top tier builds in the game today and not expect it to have significant impacts.

    To be honest I think that's the point. Forgetting for a second the teamwork involved in a space STF (not blowing up a generator before everyone is ready for example), the Borg set makes is ridiculously easy to tank non-insta kill damage.

    Basically even the 2-piece Borg set takes away the challenge in an STF and so far there is no signs of that changing.
    Previously Alendiak
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  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The insta-kills need to GO AWAY as a tradeoff for this, then. :mad:
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  • outlaw51825outlaw51825 Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Or they can, ya know, adapt and do things differently. I've used the Borg shield and it isn't as bad as some peeps try to claim it is.

    6700 vs 4700. To each side facing... that's a 2000 point difference. It's EXACTLY as bad as we say it is.
  • lotusteadragonlotusteadragon Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    All I use is the Borg Retro 4 piece set on my Assault Cruiser, and I don't die in STFs. I don't die in PvE. I only die in PvP combat, and that's usually against a group of escorts. LOL

    I'm fine with this change as long as it balances things out.
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    Couldn't the same change be effected by swapping the third and fourth bonuses?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    6700 vs 4700. To each side facing... that's a 2000 point difference. It's EXACTLY as bad as we say it is.
    Except that one has very good innate regen and the other doesn't regen worth squat......
    My character Tsin'xing
  • pointedearspointedears Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    At the risk of re-igniting the flames, allow me to attempt to explain the reasoning behind this change...

    The Borg Space Set was originally balanced around the concept of players using all four pieces. This included the Regenerative Shield.

    After the set went live, it became very evident that the vast majority of players did not wish to use the Borg Shield. Instead, they began running 2- and 3-piece conglomerations of Borg Set + Other Shields (and frequently Other Engines or Deflectors).

    is it not better to give players choice in what they do/use in game rather than to restrict players options ?

    The trouble this presented, is that the passive heal procs present on the 2- and 3-piece Borg Set bonuses were intended originally to offset the downside presented by having a low-capacity shield array in an end-game environment where heavy spike damage was present (STFs). When you remove that shield from the mix, and replace it with a high-capacity alternative, you begin to receive all of the benefits and none of the downsides.

    Hence an imbalance came to pass.

    i dont see how this is an imbalance ? the borg gear was and still is very easy to use and is available to all, your not limited by currency just time in obtaining the pieces involved. All players strive to achieve the best build possible, basically what your saying is the borg set is/was still weak and was offset by the shield heal. So why not tweak the rest of the borg set rather than nerf the shield heal ?

    Even after the Borg Set Bonuses were toned down several months ago, nothing really changed. The vast majority of players continued to run Borg 2- or 3-piece, plus a shield of their choosing, benefiting from a design oversight to a degree that left combat in an imbalanced state.

    id hardly call this the crux of imbalance in game combat. This just seems to be a focal point either due to a vendetta that you yourself have or the pvp community. Considering the amount of time the shield heal is active/procs, i would hardly say its an I win button

    By removing the Console from the Borg Space Set, we've brought a semblance of balance back to that equation. Now, in order to benefit from the set bonuses in the manner that was originally intended, players must use the Shield that was intended to be a part of the package as a whole.

    so players are forced and limited instead of being given options ? cant sya i like gameplay being restricted, hardly smart to take away options/choices ?

    This is not a change we undertook lightly, as we're always hesitant to take things away from players that have already earned them through a potentially time-consuming process. In fact, this is why we added the previous 4-piece bonus (Borg Tractor Beam) to the 3-piece set, instead of including it as one of the bonuses of the new "Alt Set." So that players that had already earned this equipment lost nothing, and did not have to go out and earn new equipment in order to get something they already had.

    lightly ? i guess you never learn and as a team are hell bent on fixing what doesnt need to be fixed, im not gonna rage or be non constructive but i severely think your priorities are wwrong as of that of the team. How about fixing the things that are actually broken in game ?

    We're watching the aftermath of all of this very closely to ensure that our motivations for making the choices that we did, match up with the results that players are experiencing. It may come to pass that the Borg Set items, or associated Set Bonuses, now need to be improved under this new design. That's something we'll continue to keep on our radar.

    without a doubt if you are going to force this through then no question that the borg sets must be improved before this change goes live, id rather lose the shield heal than to have to use a weak set

    As one result of the feedback we've already received in relation to this change, we're performing another performance review of all of the STF set bonuses, with a specific focus on the 3-piece abilities. This includes the Heavy Graviton Beam, Gravitic Anchor, and Mask Energy Field. All of these powers will be improved in some manner, along with an upcoming patch.

    this whole change to me sseems a very destructive one and personally i dont think implementing this change will see the benefits your looking for. I think your priorities are wrong and this is just a band aid to an underlying issue. Im not going to add anything further here because Ive fed back so much regarding bugs in the past and i feel feedback would fall on deaf ears.

    I dont envy you however, with other mmos around the corner in november, if you make a mistake now, STO could end up pushing a lot of players away and i dont just mean the borg set change. Season 7 isnt looking good right now, and alot of people will feel forced out because they cant afford the money for it.

    You say that no one item should be a must have ? wlel it seems in season 7 if you havnt got lots of money to dump into the game then you are going to be at a disadvantage :rolleyes:
  • captainbmoneycaptainbmoney Member Posts: 1,323 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    At the risk of re-igniting the flames, allow me to attempt to explain the reasoning behind this change... [The flames aren't going away any time soon]

    The trouble this presented, is that the passive heal procs present on the 2- and 3-piece Borg Set bonuses were intended originally to offset the downside presented by having a low-capacity shield array in an end-game environment where heavy spike damage was present (STFs). When you remove that shield from the mix, and replace it with a high-capacity alternative, you begin to receive all of the benefits and none of the downsides.
    [yes. it was a great healer set with 2-3 piece. So what? Now you've taken that away. How about making the Borg Shield a Covariant Cap X6 With Regx3?. MAYBE some people will actually use it. Regen Borg Shield has always known to be useless in PVP.]

    Even after the Borg Set Bonuses were toned down several months ago, nothing really changed. The vast majority of players continued to run Borg 2- or 3-piece, plus a shield of their choosing, benefiting from a design oversight to a degree that left combat in an imbalanced state. [When something is good enough you don't just rip it off of peoples ships because you want to make yourself look good.]

    My responses are in the dark red. Its the Borg Set. Not the Bort set...

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  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    At the risk of re-igniting the flames, allow me to attempt to explain the reasoning behind this change...

    The Borg Space Set was originally balanced around the concept of players using all four pieces. This included the Regenerative Shield.

    After the set went live, it became very evident that the vast majority of players did not wish to use the Borg Shield. Instead, they began running 2- and 3-piece conglomerations of Borg Set + Other Shields (and frequently Other Engines or Deflectors).

    The trouble this presented, is that the passive heal procs present on the 2- and 3-piece Borg Set bonuses were intended originally to offset the downside presented by having a low-capacity shield array in an end-game environment where heavy spike damage was present (STFs). When you remove that shield from the mix, and replace it with a high-capacity alternative, you begin to receive all of the benefits and none of the downsides.

    Hence an imbalance came to pass.

    Even after the Borg Set Bonuses were toned down several months ago, nothing really changed. The vast majority of players continued to run Borg 2- or 3-piece, plus a shield of their choosing, benefiting from a design oversight to a degree that left combat in an imbalanced state.

    Gawd forbid people actually find and use good set combinations, right?! Sometimes I think you people go out of your way to sabotage the game! Seriously; because fitting properly is half the game. So, you're watching for people to find good combos, and then you nerf those set combinations! And then people will find other good combinations, and in come Borticus again to take it away! Sigh.

    See, this is the thing I see you uncomprehending on: there will always be a best set combination (unless you're planning to make every set equally good, at which time you might as well pull the plug on the game altogether). So, even after this nerf, in your next installment you will have observed that people are now predominantly using something else, and "Hence an imbalance came to pass." Don't you see the cycle and fallacy of that reasoning?

    Let me tell you something else: imbalance is a good thing! Without imbalance no one would ever prefer and be motivated to obtain set X over set Y. Think about that for a moment.

    Also, your statement that "you begin to receive all of the benefits and none of the downsides," is simply untrue. MACO Mk XII shield, while larger in cap, has significantly lower regen.
    This is not a change we undertook lightly, as we're always hesitant to take things away from players that have already earned them through a potentially time-consuming process. In fact, this is why we added the previous 4-piece bonus (Borg Tractor Beam) to the 3-piece set, instead of including it as one of the bonuses of the new "Alt Set." So that players that had already earned this equipment lost nothing, and did not have to go out and earn new equipment in order to get something they already had.

    Now see? Here you are suddenly completely reasonable again. If only you let the above sentiment guide your decisions!

    N.B. Kira's Golden Rule of Nerfing: for every 1 vote to give people something, 10 votes should be required to take it away again.
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    You guys need to run the full borg set with 1 SIF gen and 1 Shield Emitter equipped. Together with TSS, HE, EPtS, Subspace Mod, BFI and Aux2SIF, I'm grinning at the elite gate healing through the beams save a torp to the face. On just 53 aux power. In an advanced escort.

    Get rid of the random instant kill invisitorps and most people won't cry for loss of MACO in pve.

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  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited October 2012
    So the Borg assimilated module

    Is being removed from the game , it
    Is being rendered unworking ?

    If it is I consider it a ultra rare item it gives
    5 weapons power compared to 3.5

    It is a stand alone good module to have

    If we who have are going to have it taken away
    What are we being compensated with ?

    Or is it simply not going to stack with the 3 piece set
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
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  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Or they can, ya know, adapt and do things differently.

    Unless what thing you did differently proves to be successful too: then Borticus will come and take it away too.

    N.B. I really wish I could openly express how much all this ticks me off, but doing so would no doubt cause me to generate content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    So the Borg assimilated module

    Is being removed from the game , it
    Is being rendered unworking ?

    If it is I consider it a ultra rare item it gives
    5 weapons power compared to 3.5

    It is a stand alone good module to have

    If we who have are going to have it taken away
    What are we being compensated with ?

    Or is it simply not going to stack with the 3 piece set

    no it's still there it's part of a new 3 piece set with a torp and a beam weapon
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    So the Borg assimilated module

    Is being removed from the game , it
    Is being rendered unworking ?

    If it is I consider it a ultra rare item it gives
    5 weapons power compared to 3.5

    It is a stand alone good module to have

    If we who have are going to have it taken away
    What are we being compensated with ?

    Or is it simply not going to stack with the 3 piece set

    The Borg Console is becoming part of a new set (like the Console/Beam/Torpedo sets from the Lobi store). The weapons come at Tiers 2 and 4 of the Omega Reputation (that's the Kinetic cutting Beam and Omega Adapted Plasma Torpedo, respectively). The Beam is a beam that does Kinetic damage, and the torpedo is a scaled back version of the Unimatrix Command Ship's Plasma Energy Bolt.
    I still don't like the change (they're fixing what isn't broken), but it looks like those weapons might almost be worth it. Now, if they give us our SHIELD NEUTRALIZER, it might actually be a change for the better. But they WON'T give us a better power, so it's NOT.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    khayuung wrote: »
    Get rid of the random instant kill invisitorps and most people won't cry for loss of MACO in pve.

    I actually always thought they were just a rumor, and naively thought I must not have been paying attention enough somehow. So they *do* exist then?
  • husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,642 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    lol You guys are funny...

    Borg set is still overpowered even after this change.

    Its not about finidng good combos and patting yourselves on the back... EVERYONE runs the 3 piece borg maco shield combo... cause its OP. If you think you found some super secret squirrel combo and your the only smart player in the game that knows about it think again. lmao

    Its like some of you have never played a MMO before... if you find a combo that is much better then everything else, or get told hey run X combo its better then everything else... and no I don't mean just a little better (lets be honest Borg 3 piece gives you Hazards 6 and TSS 2.5 for free on demand with no globals.)... it won't be forever... its a given it will be changed in the future.

    EVERYONE runs the same set... yay for diversity.

    This is the best change Cryptic has made in a long time.
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    yup on tribble in my defiant-R with the now 2 piece borg and a maco mk xi shield still could tank in elite

    only thing i hate is the ninja change it with out putting it in the patch notes
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    husanakx wrote: »
    lol You guys are funny...

    Borg set is still overpowered even after this change.

    Its not about finidng good combos and patting yourselves on the back... EVERYONE runs the 3 piece borg maco shield combo... cause its OP. If you think you found some super secret squirrel combo and your the only smart player in the game that knows about it think again. lmao

    As often in my encounters with you, you're totally missing the point again.

    In this case, you're grossly confusing best with overpowered. By your rationale everything which is better than something else is OP.

    And guess what?! (now we're getting to the quintessence of you missing the point): there will always be a best combo set, even after your buddy Borticus nerfed this one for you.
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I actually always thought they were just a rumor, and naively thought I must not have been paying attention enough somehow. So they *do* exist then?

    Oh, YES. I died 3 times to them in one match, once. They also tend to hit for 20k+, or 70k with a crit (I've gone from 58k hull and 9k shield to nothing with one invisitorp). Be warned: They're out there, and they've killed more people than cancer.
  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    husanakx wrote: »
    ...This is the best change Cryptic has made in a long time.

    This simple is absolutely correct.
    Best change I have seen since I joined this game a year ago.

    People are going to HATE it, as this thread is evidence of.
    Time for people to put on their big kid shoes and realize that IF they are indeed a good player, THEN they will adapt by using other ideas, and other builds, than the one EVERYONE is currently using.

    I expect we will see more diversity in the way people build their characters and ships, and I bet that *gasp* amazingly many of them will work just fine, and eventually a new amazing combination of Equipment, Doffs and Skills will be discovered.

    THree Cheers for the DEVs for making this decision, when they knew how unpopular it would be despite the absolute rightness of the choice.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    hippiejon wrote: »
    (...) and eventually a new amazing combination of Equipment, Doffs and Skills will be discovered.

    And then the likes of husanakx and you will again scream red, and bwaah, EVERYONE is using the same thing, OP!!! And it needs to be nerfed!

    It's really amusing to see people so not getting this. :)
  • spacepenguin121spacepenguin121 Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    In this case, you're grossly confusing best with overpowered. By your rationale everything which is better than something else is OP.

    And guess what?! (now we're getting to the quintessence of you missing the point): there will always be a best combo set, even after your buddy Borticus nerfed this one for you.

    Best should be situational depending on ship class and build function with real tradeoffs involved. What we have now where basically everyone is using the same combo clearly reflects how OP it is. This is a really simple concept, and its amusing to see people arguing that their one gear combo to rule them all is not OP. :rolleyes:
    TRIBBLE | -Show Me Your Critz-
    Svarog | Veles | et al.
  • eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    husanakx wrote: »
    lol You guys are funny...

    Borg set is still overpowered even after this change.

    Its not about finidng good combos and patting yourselves on the back... EVERYONE runs the 3 piece borg maco shield combo... cause its OP. If you think you found some super secret squirrel combo and your the only smart player in the game that knows about it think again. lmao

    Its like some of you have never played a MMO before... if you find a combo that is much better then everything else, or get told hey run X combo its better then everything else... and no I don't mean just a little better (lets be honest Borg 3 piece gives you Hazards 6 and TSS 2.5 for free on demand with no globals.)... it won't be forever... its a given it will be changed in the future.

    EVERYONE runs the same set... yay for diversity.

    This is the best change Cryptic has made in a long time.

    I wouldn't say it's overpowered, but it's still a very good set and it performs absolutely well even without an high capacity shield. I dunno why I even bothered getting the Omega and KHG sets, should have stopped the grind after obtaining this set :confused:

    Now I'm eagerly awaiting my cutting beam (2000 kinetic damage when used in conjunction with the retrosets tractor beam) :)
  • abcde123123abcde123123 Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    lol everyone runs 3 borg + maco/khg not because it's OP, (lemme use caps here)


    This sums up all items in this game: 99.9% of chicken stuff and 0.1% of actually useful items. And then there's major whine or this is OP and that isn't. Make other useful items and useful set combinations, so that there's an actual choice.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Best should be situational depending on ship class and build function with real tradeoffs involved.

    Cute in theory. They even tried, with sets that make you turn faster, fly faster, or add defense value. Like the Jem'Hadar space set, for instance. But, lo and behold, people are not using it.* And you know why? Because the Jem'Hadar set was made for 'hit-and-run' attacks, not for hanging in there against a Cube, whereas the game content itself only centers around DPS. So, as a result, in practice 'best' really only boils down to one thing: 'that set which makes you die the least.' Cubes are bricks, spheres move slowly, and the Borg don't have fast-moving Escorts. So, why ever fit the Jem'Hadar set, when the only thing you really need to counter as much as possible, ever, is incoming DPS?
    This is a really simple concept, and its amusing to see people arguing that their one gear combo to rule them all is not OP. :rolleyes:

    Damnant quod non intellegunt! Seriously. It's only amusing to you because you don't look at root-causes. If you want 'situational' fitting to occur, then ask Borticus for, I dunno, different situations, maybe? If you want variety, have him offer content that truly varies from one another (and not just 'varies' in DPS output).
    What we have now where basically everyone is using the same combo clearly reflects how OP it is.

    No, what we have now is people having found the optimal fit against the only thing this game throws at you: DPS. That is not OP. In fact, it's the only sensible thing to do. You may not like that, go against the grain, and fit, say, the Jem'Hadar space set on your cruiser anyway, because you want to show the world that you like variation. And a good pilot will likely pull it off even. But, on a whole, choosing a sub-optimal fit just means you'll die faster.

    * PvP comes with entirely different rules. In PvP, people really *do* want faster engines, higher turn-rates, higher defense value, etc. NPCs are just dumb, though. As the lady in Prometheus said: "That is because I am human, and you are just a robot."
  • husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,642 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Hmmm yes we can say its not op its just a bit better then every other option cause the other options suck...

    Well seems to me they are boosting the other sets at the same time... so there really is nothing to be concerned about there.

    The real issue goes deeper then the Borg set alone.

    The real issue is the game has far to many heals. Cryptic decided to buck the traditional Trinity MMO system with STO a bit... and they have allowed every ship to have heals. In many games a DPS class simply doesn't get healing abilities. Defensive ones perhaps, but not healing ones. This was a really cool twist on tradition and one of the reasons I LOVE STO... however it opened the game to the current situation where the classes have had there roles blured far to much. Power and item creep over 3 years... have magnified the healing issues.

    Now due to item and power creep over 3 years we are at a point where really there is no major need for anything other then DPS players. Frankly the amount of healing out there for a DPS toon is enough in every situation to complete the PvE Content. Now in regards to PvP it has made entire classes obsolete by extension. For an ideal pvp setup at this point in the game a team needs 2 healers.... early in the game a team that light on healing would have gotten murdered. However now the other 3 players on the team can heal themselves to a point where the healers on the team do little more then catch the really bad spike dmg.

    As far as PvE goes... can any of you say your happy to see 2 or 3 engi captains in a Pug STF Run ? Of course your not happy when the pug gods role you a team full of Non DPS toons... cause there is Zero need for the engi... and even the sci has almost no real place in PvE.

    So how do we correct this inbalance that has crept into the game....

    First we have to admit where all the healing is coming from... If you have a parser take a log for an evening of PvE or PvP... and see what is happing.

    Right now
    1) BFI Doffs account for 20-50% of ALL healing depending who your parsing.
    2) Borg Procs account for 20-50% of ALL healing depending who your parsing.
    3) Around 80-95% of all dmg is hitting shields... depending who your parsing.

    So imo 1 and 2 are easily fixed.
    This thread is about issue 2... so yes its obvious to see why the borg set needs to be changed. I think Cryptic has chosen a gentle way to get where we need to be... they are still going to allow people to have 3 piece borg set procs with ZERO nerf to the numbers. What they have done is find a way to either 1 Force you to give up 1 of the 2 healing procs (to continue using high capacity shields)... as well as Boost the other sets and remove the number of borg heals in the wild by encouraging the use of the other sets.
    I think it was the best fix... the other possible solutions would have been far less liked.

    Issue 1... I hear there is some stuff coming on that front.

    Issue 3... Looking deeper its obvious to most of us that the issue there is tac team... it in effect quadruples peoples shield capacity... The way the old combat log worked its not possible to look at numbers from matches prior to the tac team change... however I don't think its much of a discussion really.. Tac team is the issue that is well Known I think.
    Bort has mentioned that Tac team is on his list of things to look into after season 7.

    So in short I think as an overall design goal there on the right track... the borg set changes with season 7 where logical... the fixes for the other 2 healing issues may or may not hit with season 7 but I would bet we see fixes for those before the end of the year as well.
  • husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,642 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    husanakx wrote: »
    3) Around 80-95% of all dmg is hitting shields... depending who your parsing.

    Just one more thing the eventual tac team fix which I have no doubt the people that hate this are really going to hate.

    Will push the balance of healing skills themselves back to neutral.

    Right now shield healing is >>> then hull healing. For a few reasons.

    1) you don't really need hull heals other then the borg... you can shield tank easily and do it long enough to proc your next borg hull heal.

    2) tac team allows you to take something simple like epts 1... and tss 1/2... and never really have to worry about anything other then the most basic hull repair skills.

    By removing shield healiing (which this borg set change does... and why I mention it, as you can still go 2 piece borg and high capacity shield you only loss the extra borg shield heal)...

    Anyway it should help rebalance the need for good hull heals and resists... making Cruisers much more useful as healing platforms.
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