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Re: Lock Boxes (items, etc.), Lobi Store (items, etc.) and Master Keys



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    direphoenixdirephoenix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    There is the "Freeze in Place" effect that you get when the other console is used with it.

    I'm pretty sure that only affects enemies
    Raptr profile
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    pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited September 2012
    I'm pretty sure that only affects enemies

    Correct ---^ Check out the Dev Tracker for posts from Borticus today. He posted quite a bit about the power.


    Brandon =/\=
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    kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    No one wants to buy keys for these lockboxes, the chances of even getting the special ships from them is slim and people would rather spend their hard earned cash on ships that they dont have to gamble for. Honestly, Cryptic/PWE, you would make more money if you just put ships like the Wells Class and others on the C/Z-Store and be done with it. I can assure you that people are not going to be wanting to spend who knows how long, sitting at their computer clicking away at lockboxes when the chance to fail is high. Just stop it....
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    amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    kaeaja wrote: »
    No one wants to buy keys for these lockboxes, the chances of even getting the special ships from them is slim and people would rather spend their hard earned cash on ships that they dont have to gamble for. Honestly, Cryptic/PWE, you would make more money if you just put ships like the Wells Class and others on the C/Z-Store and be done with it. I can assure you that people are not going to be wanting to spend who knows how long, sitting at their computer clicking away at lockboxes when the chance to fail is high. Just stop it....

    That fact that we're now on our 4th lockbox says otherwise. Obviously Cryptic/PWE is making money this way if they keep doing it.

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    grouchyotakugrouchyotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    kaeaja wrote: »
    No one wants to buy keys for these lockboxes...
    If this was true, then how to do explain the price for 'Master Keys' on the Exchange???
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    tobar26thtobar26th Member Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Merging Thread in



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    kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I dont care. I just came across something INCREDIBLY STUPID. Apparently in order to buy just ONE of the Spiral Wave Disruptors off the Exchange, you have to already have the Cardassian Galor Class ship.....WHAT THE HECK IS THE POINT OF THAT!?!? Why would you even want to spend your dilithium for even ONE of those Disruptors if you already have the Galor which COMES with 4 of the same Disruptors? Cryptic/PWE this is completely unacceptable and unfair, who.....seriously...IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS, would spend any of their dilithium for a Spiral Wave Disruptor if they already have the Galor which as I have already stated COMES WITH FOUR OF THEM!?!?
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    pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited September 2012
    kaeaja wrote: »
    I dont care. I just came across something INCREDIBLY STUPID. Apparently in order to buy just ONE of the Spiral Wave Disruptors off the Exchange, you have to already have the Cardassian Galor Class ship.....WHAT THE HECK IS THE POINT OF THAT!?!? Why would you even want to spend your dilithium for even ONE of those Disruptors if you already have the Galor which COMES with 4 of the same Disruptors? Cryptic/PWE this is completely unacceptable and unfair, who.....seriously...IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS, would spend any of their dilithium for a Spiral Wave Disruptor if they already have the Galor which as I have already stated COMES WITH FOUR OF THEM!?!?

    Because Galor owners might like 4 more so they have one for each of the 8 weapon slots :)


    Brandon =/\=
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    kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Because Galor owners might like 4 more so they have one for each of the 8 weapon slots :)


    Brandon =/\=

    No its still wrong, go ahead and tell me otherwise but its going to be wrong no matter what is said. Its not fair to have to force people to try endlessly with those stupid lockboxes to attempt to even get one when getting one is a really slim chance. Also I have to say, why waste so much dilithium on them just to have 8 of them when in reality its smarter to just have four beam arrays and the rest of the weapons as Torps or Mines. 8 Beam Weapons drain your weapon power by WAY to much, all it does is create a plethora of beam fire which just simply looks pretty but is just down right a waste of energy. This is just Cryptic/PWE creating a money sink where people try again and again to get what they want from a lockbox only to fail more then they succeed. Sorry Cryptic/PWE but as much as I want the Spiral Waves, having to waste my money on something like the lockboxes is just unreasonable, and I have better things to spend my money on.....

    PS: There is something I want to say about Cryptic/PWE right now but I am struggling to keep myself from saying it for fear that it would get me in trouble, even if what I am thinking of saying is true.
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    albinoeatpodalbinoeatpod Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "la la la la can't hear you! I am right and you're wrong"

    Looks like someone drank too caffeine or forgot to take their Ritalin.

    Fact is, people do buy keys on either the C Store or the exchange. And people do buy additional SW disruptors.
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    amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    kaeaja wrote: »
    Its not fair to have to force people to try endlessly with those stupid lockboxes to attempt to even get one when getting one is a really slim chance.

    Its completely fair... every one has the same chance of winning everything in a lockbox.

    kaeaja wrote: »
    Also I have to say, why waste so much dilithium on them just to have 8 of them when in reality its smarter to just have four beam arrays and the rest of the weapons as Torps or Mines.

    False. 4 beams cripples your DPS when broadsiding in a cruiser. Least amount of beams most commonly accepted is 6 with a torpedo front and a torpedo on the aft. I myself run 7 beams, and one wide-arc torpedo on my Sovereign Refit (and my Galor before it.)

    The Spiral Wave Disruptors are some of the best weapons in the game, and it is by no means a waste of dilithium to have 7 or 8 of them on a ship. And theres no reason that you should be able to buy them without owning the Galor cruiser, otherwise theres no reason to own the Galor cruiser.
    kaeaja wrote: »
    8 Beam Weapons drain your weapon power by WAY to much, all it does is create a plethora of beam fire which just simply looks pretty but is just down right a waste of energy.

    Learn to structure your build around your weapons. I have two copies of EPtW1 for the express purpose of keeping my weapon power at or near 100-125. And I can put out sustained 1900-2200 damage on borg ships in STFs with 7 Spiral Wave Disruptors as a Tac captain.
    kaeaja wrote: »
    This is just Cryptic/PWE creating a money sink where people try again and again to get what they want from a lockbox only to fail more then they succeed. Sorry Cryptic/PWE but as much as I want the Spiral Waves, having to waste my money on something like the lockboxes is just unreasonable, and I have better things to spend my money on.....

    Congrats, you figured out that its the companies job to make money. For every one person who says they wont buy master keys for lock boxes, theres 20 more who will. Cryptic has far from failed with lockboxes... (I cant believe I said that...) and this is honestly the best lockbox yet...

    And if you dont want to buy master keys, then get rich in energy credits and buy the lockbox ships off the exchange... two of my friends got a Galor that way.

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    kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "la la la la can't hear you! I am right and you're wrong"

    Looks like someone drank too caffeine or forgot to take their Ritalin.

    Fact is, people do buy keys on either the C Store or the exchange. And people do buy additional SW disruptors.

    Then they either have more Dilithium then they know what to do with or are just looking to make a beam boat. Either way, its still a waste of Dilithium as any number of beam arrays beyond four or five is to much of a drain on your weapon power, which doesnt help your damage output at all infact it just makes it worse. Say what you want and insult me all you want, but its not going to matter. Oh and btw, I know when I am wrong and have openly admitted to being wrong numerous times, but this is something that I know I am NOT wrong about.
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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    People have the right to play the game how they want as long as they don't interfere with another player's right to play the game how they want. Having ships that don't belong in the 25th Century doesn't give anyone the right to insult players in their choice. Of course, using a Freighter or Shuttle in a public queue STF is justifiable reason for insult and ridicule.
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    kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    False. 4 beams cripples your DPS when broadsiding in a cruiser. Least amount of beams most commonly accepted is 6 with a torpedo front and a torpedo on the aft. I myself run 7 beams, and one wide-arc torpedo on my Sovereign Refit (and my Galor before it.)

    The Spiral Wave Disruptors are some of the best weapons in the game, and it is by no means a waste of dilithium to have 7 or 8 of them on a ship. And theres no reason that you should be able to buy them without owning the Galor cruiser, otherwise theres no reason to own the Galor cruiser.

    Learn to structure your build around your weapons. I have two copies of EPtW1 for the express purpose of keeping my weapon power at or near 100-125. And I can put out sustained 1900-2200 damage on borg ships in STFs with 7 Spiral Wave Disruptors as a Tac captain.

    This is all well and good but the problem here is, your build relies on Emergency Power to Weapons and no doubt other abilities that have cooldowns, one has to wonder what you do after you've used up all your cooldowns and can no longer sustain your 100-125 weapon power. You think have a great set up, yet no doubt this kind of set up leaves you in a weakened and useless state for about a minute, because your numerous beam arrays are just eating up your weapon power after your buffs wear off. I dont care what sort of cooldown bonus your getting from Doffs, your still hurting yourself damage wise, I can probably sustain my damage better then you can except I dont have even one Spiral Wave so you likely have me beaten on damage with four beam arrays alone. Point is though, there is a reason why I only run with at best four beam arrays, and its to avoid serious weapon power drain. I was even told never to run with more then four or five beam arrays, as anymore would seriously drain my weapon power.

    But hey, go ahead and run with your build if you think its great, I however will keep my build as it is because it works for me and has never let me down. But I can safely say that if I were in a cruiser of my own, and you had the same type of beam arrays that I do, I could probably out sustain you with just four beam arrays..against your 7 to 8. Also, even if you were to try and save some energy but turning off the auto fire for some of your beam arrays so your not sucking up as much energy, your still lacking in Torpedo Launchers, but thumbs up to you if you really believe 1 wide angle Quantum Torp launcher is enough to make up for the missing damage that a full complement of Torp launchers gives you.
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    albinoeatpodalbinoeatpod Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    kaeaja wrote: »
    This is all well and good but the problem here is, your build relies on Emergency Power to Weapons and no doubt other abilities that have cooldowns, one has to wonder what you do after you've used up all your cooldowns and can no longer sustain your 100-125 weapon power. You think have a great set up, yet no doubt this kind of set up leaves you in a weakened and useless state for about a minute, because your numerous beam arrays are just eating up your weapon power after your buffs wear off. I dont care what sort of cooldown bonus your getting from Doffs, your still hurting yourself damage wise, I can probably sustain my damage better then you can except I dont have even one Spiral Wave so you likely have me beaten on damage with four beam arrays alone. Point is though, there is a reason why I only run with at best four beam arrays, and its to avoid serious weapon power drain. I was even told never to run with more then four or five beam arrays, as anymore would seriously drain my weapon power.

    But hey, go ahead and run with your build if you think its great, I however will keep my build as it is because it works for me and has never let me down. But I can safely say that if I were in a cruiser of my own, and you had the same type of beam arrays that I do, I could probably out sustain you with just four beam arrays..against your 7 to 8. Also, even if you were to try and save some energy but turning off the auto fire for some of your beam arrays so your not sucking up as much energy, your still lacking in Torpedo Launchers, but thumbs up to you if you really believe 1 wide angle Quantum Torp launcher is enough to make up for the missing damage that a full complement of Torp launchers gives you.

    So that's why builds like the Dragon Build are so popular, is it? Oh wait, no! Everyone stop. kaeaja knows better than everyone, and that if you're running more than four beam arrays you're just a sitting duck for most of the time, uselessly pounding at the enemy.

    Or maybe EPtW exists for a reason.
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    zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Because Galor owners might like 4 more so they have one for each of the 8 weapon slots :)


    Brandon =/\=

    i just want a Dual Beam Bank for it...
    have you tried a Dual Beam Bank with a Galor?
    it has the PERFECT weapon hard point setup, it doesn't shoot from odd hardpoints, but ONLY from the red glowy in front of the Ship
    and the dual beam even looks like a single beam now.
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    kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    So that's why builds like the Dragon Build are so popular, is it? Oh wait, no! Everyone stop. kaeaja knows better than everyone, and that if you're running more than four beam arrays you're just a sitting duck for most of the time, uselessly pounding at the enemy.

    Or maybe EPtW exists for a reason.

    Omg.....did you COMPLETELY ignore me? I have said it before and I will say it again, what are you going to do after you have used all your cooldowns? Let me break it down for you shall I? Im going to anyways so just sit there and listen.

    1) Red Matter Capacitor. Oh wow nice item, wish I had it, unfortunatly it has a 3 minute cooldown doesnt it?

    2) Emergency Power to Weapons: Nice Ability, Ive used it plenty of times, but its got a decent 30 to 45 second cooldown yes? The Rank III gives +25 to weapon power setting for 30 seconds then an extra 16.6% to Energy Damage for 5 seconds. Now as good as that is, that increased energy damage is very brief so you'd be waiting a good bit before you can get that buff back.

    3) Your a Tactical Captain from what I can tell. Which means you have powerful Tactical Officer abilities that amp up your damage, oh but wait, I have a lvl 50 Tactical captain as well, and I happen to know that that the Tactical Captain abilities all have a decent cooldown timer to them and here they are.

    4) Attack Pattern Alpha (90 second=1 minute 30 cooldown) buff last for 30 seconds.

    5) Fire on my Mark (120 seconds=2 minute cooldown) buff lasts for 30 seconds.

    6) Tactical Initiative (180 seconds=2 minute 30 second cooldown) buff lasts for 45 seconds.

    7) Go Down Fighting (240 seconds=4 minute cooldown) buff lasts for 60 seconds.

    8) Tactical Fleet (300 seconds=5 minute cooldown) buff lasts for 30 seconds.

    Need I say more? Once all of your damage increasing abilities AND I MEAN ALL OF THEM, your Tac Captain abilities to, are on cooldown and the buffs have worn off, I highly doubt you will be sustaining your alleged 1900-2200 damage very well for more then half the fight. To your credit the build looks interesting but I do not believe it is as good as you are boasting. Why? Because I do not believe that Cryptic/PWE would not allow for a combination of abilities that would allow your buffs to remain active permanently in order to sustain your so called impressive, sustainable damage. Otherwise everyone would be using it, but clearly not everyone is because there is obviously a problem with it. You just dont want to admit it.

    Edit: I pulled these numbers from the STO ability page, I could log onto my tac captain and get the exact cooldown numberes but I am not going to, I have other things I need to do.
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    amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    kaeaja wrote: »
    This is all well and good but the problem here is, your build relies on Emergency Power to Weapons and no doubt other abilities that have cooldowns, one has to wonder what you do after you've used up all your cooldowns and can no longer sustain your 100-125 weapon power.

    Emergency Power to weapons 1 has a self cooldown of 45 seconds and starts a 30 second cooldown on other Emergency Power to X powers. So I can rotate between them and pick up the slack with my Red Matter Capacitor or a weapon battery should I need to. I also have 2 doffs that can reduce the cooldown of the emergency poer to x powers and that often procs to allow me to use the same copy twice in a row and have the second on back up.
    kaeaja wrote: »
    You think have a great set up, yet no doubt this kind of set up leaves you in a weakened and useless state for about a minute, because your numerous beam arrays are just eating up your weapon power after your buffs wear off.

    At most I spend 5 seconds with no emergency power to weapons and then I activate my next copy (or a battery) and move on. And in those 5 seconds... I'm pulling 900-1200 damage as opposed to the 1900-220 I usually put out.
    kaeaja wrote: »
    I dont care what sort of cooldown bonus your getting from Doffs, your still hurting yourself damage wise, I can probably sustain my damage better then you can except I dont have even one Spiral Wave so you likely have me beaten on damage with four beam arrays alone.

    Almost every cruiser captain ive seen in this came flys with at least 6 beams, and I usually see 7 as the maximum with 1 torp either fore or afte (usually a tricobalt on slower turning ships)
    kaeaja wrote: »
    Point is though, there is a reason why I only run with at best four beam arrays, and its to avoid serious weapon power drain. I was even told never to run with more then four or five beam arrays, as anymore would seriously drain my weapon power.

    You are artificially crippling yourself.
    kaeaja wrote: »
    But hey, go ahead and run with your build if you think its great, I however will keep my build as it is because it works for me and has never let me down. But I can safely say that if I were in a cruiser of my own, and you had the same type of beam arrays that I do, I could probably out sustain you with just four beam arrays..against your 7 to 8. Also, even if you were to try and save some energy but turning off the auto fire for some of your beam arrays so your not sucking up as much energy, your still lacking in Torpedo Launchers

    I'm not trying to make you change your build... I just dont want you thinking that your build is you know... good. I can safely say that if you were in a cruiser as you have outlined above... and I were in my Sovereign (or Galor if I wanted to turn a tiny bit faster) I would likely win.
    kaeaja wrote: »
    but thumbs up to you if you really believe 1 wide angle Quantum Torp launcher is enough to make up for the missing damage that a full complement of Torp launchers gives you.

    Considering that my Wide Arc Quantum Torpedo launcher can fire from the broadside because of its 180-degree firing arc, yes, Id say it more than makes up for it. I can hit you with 7 beams and my torpedoes at the same time. You can, at max, hit me with 2 beams and two torpedoes (and depending on the type I may even be able to shoot them down, I have fire at will for just that purpose). And while you're hitting me with half your weapon complement... and I'm hitting you with all of my weapons, I can also rotate between two copies of tactical team to keep the shield that faces you up and rotate between two copies of reverse shield polarity to restore all my shields.

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    zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Our FAQ for the new Temporal Lock Box is now available! Check it out here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/announcement.php?a=71 -- boxes start dropping in-game tomorrow.

    Quoting myself for those who missed it on page 4 ----^


    Brandon =/\=

    Q: Are you planning to change other ships to work this way?
    A: No. For normal gameplay ships, we plan to stick with the account-wide unlock approach.

    this one should be updated, to something like:
    Yes, we already have added per-character ships through the Starbase System to the C-Store in form of Ship Modules and you have to pay just as much Zen for most of these as you would have to pay for any of the Account Wide Ship.
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    albinoeatpodalbinoeatpod Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    kaeaja wrote: »
    Omg.....did you COMPLETELY ignore me? I have said it before and I will say it again, what are you going to do after you have used all your cooldowns? Let me break it down for you shall I? Im going to anyways so just sit there and listen.

    1) Red Matter Capacitor. Oh wow nice item, wish I had it, unfortunatly it has a 3 minute cooldown doesnt it?

    2) Emergency Power to Weapons: Nice Ability, Ive used it plenty of times, but its got a decent 30 to 45 second cooldown yes? The Rank III gives +25 to weapon power setting for 30 seconds then an extra 16.6% to Energy Damage for 5 seconds. Now as good as that is, that increased energy damage is very brief so you'd be waiting a good bit before you can get that buff back.

    3) Your a Tactical Captain from what I can tell. Which means you have powerful Tactical Officer abilities that amp up your damage, oh but wait, I have a lvl 50 Tactical captain as well, and I happen to know that that the Tactical Captain abilities all have a decent cooldown timer to them and here they are.

    4) Attack Pattern Alpha (90 second=1 minute 30 cooldown) buff last for 30 seconds.

    5) Fire on my Mark (120 seconds=2 minute cooldown) buff lasts for 30 seconds.

    6) Tactical Initiative (180 seconds=2 minute 30 second cooldown) buff lasts for 45 seconds.

    7) Go Down Fighting (240 seconds=4 minute cooldown) buff lasts for 60 seconds.

    8) Tactical Fleet (300 seconds=5 minute cooldown) buff lasts for 30 seconds.

    Need I say more? Once all of your damage increasing abilities AND I MEAN ALL OF THEM, your Tac Captain abilities to, are on cooldown and the buffs have worn off, I highly doubt you will be sustaining your alleged 1900-2200 damage very well for more then half the fight. To your credit the build looks interesting but I do not believe it is as good as you are boasting. Why? Because I do not believe that Cryptic/PWE would not allow for a combination of abilities that would allow your buffs to remain active permanently in order to sustain your so called impressive, sustainable damage. Otherwise everyone would be using it, but clearly not everyone is because there is obviously a problem with it. You just dont want to admit it.

    Edit: I pulled these numbers from the STO ability page, I could log onto my tac captain and get the exact cooldown numberes but I am not going to, I have other things I need to do.

    Dude, relax. I'm not even the one who said I got 1900-2200 damage. Check to whom you're replying in your fits of rage. Personally I'm a sci captain in an Armitage, and put out at three times that amount of damage. However, I have run an Oddy with various trials with DPS counters on 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 beams. In all of those tests, it's very easy to chain EPtW so you have permanent EPtW (the same way people chain EPtS for tanking). The maximum sustained DPS was always 6 or 7 beams, and you'd switch between the two depending on the scenario you were running. So, to sum it up: you can run a 6-7 beam boat with optimum sustained DPS, with a permanently running EPtW.
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    kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    1)You are artificially crippling yourself.

    Considering that my Wide Arc Quantum Torpedo launcher can fire from the broadside because of its 180-degree firing arc, yes, Id say it more than makes up for it. I can hit you with 7 beams and my torpedoes at the same time. You can, at max, hit me with 2 beams and two torpedoes (and depending on the type I may even be able to shoot them down, I have fire at will for just that purpose). And while you're hitting me with half your weapon complement... and I'm hitting you with all of my weapons, I can also rotate between two copies of tactical team to keep the shield that faces you up and rotate between two copies of reverse shield polarity to restore all my shields.

    1) I am artificially crippling myself? How exactly when my weapon drain isnt as bad as your's can be.

    2) I can at Max hit with 2 beams? Ummm you do realize that all four beam arrays would be hitting you right? Its not just two on one side its all the beams at once....
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    kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Dude, relax. I'm not even the one who said I got 1900-2200 damage. Check to whom you're replying in your fits of rage. Personally I'm a sci captain in an Armitage, and put out at three times that amount of damage. However, I have run an Oddy with various trials with DPS counters on 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 beams. In all of those tests, it's very easy to chain EPtW so you have permanent EPtW (the same way people chain EPtS for tanking). The maximum sustained DPS was always 6 or 7 beams, and you'd switch between the two depending on the scenario you were running. So, to sum it up: you can run a 6-7 beam boat with optimum sustained DPS, with a permanently running EPtW.

    Sorry for confusing you for the other.

    But bottom line is, I am not saying that I am right, I just know that from experience that running with four beam arrays is better then 6-8 beams, because of what a very skilled player as taught to me, can you really blame me for wanting to stick to his teachings? The more beams you use the worse the drain, that much is true, and having to rely on EPtW and chain using it, hurts you in some way. Now it doesnt help that I do not main any Cruisers even though I have the standard Odyssey Cruiser, but I prefer ships like my Atrox, Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit and Multi Vector. I have all the damage I really need without having to turn myself into a beam boat. I am built for damage and survival, a hybrid of the two.
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    amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    kaeaja wrote: »
    1) I am artificially crippling myself? How exactly when my weapon drain isnt as bad as your's can be.

    2) I can at Max hit with 2 beams? Ummm you do realize that all four beam arrays would be hitting you right? Its not just two on one side its all the beams at once....

    1.) Yes, by only using 4 beams you are crippling yourself, because you only have 4 weapons capable of hitting me from a broadside. Your weapons drain may not be as bad, but I'm busy keeping mine up with emergency power to weapons. My weapons drain to, at most 90 in one volley and are back up to ~125 for the next.

    2. My apologies I worded that statement poorly... I should have said:

    "You can, at max with me with either 4 beams OR 2 beams and 2 torpedoes."

    My point is:

    A.) From a broadside you hit with 4 beams and nothing else, where as when I broadside I hit with 7 beams and 1 torpedo launcher.

    B.) From the front, I hit with 3 beams and a torpedo launcher. You hit with Im assuming (based on your weapons loadout as I understand it) 2 beams and 2 torpedoes.

    C.) From the aft, I hit with 4 beams, and you hit with 2 beams and 2 torpedoes

    I'm likely putting out more damage than you in scenario A where all of my weapons can hit you. I'm likely putting out more damage in scenario B and I'm likely taking your shiled down faster, which allows my torpedoes to hit the hull. And In scenario C, I dont quite know... but its likely I'm putting out similar damage to you there.

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    kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    1.) Yes, by only using 4 beams you are crippling yourself, because you only have 4 weapons capable of hitting me from a broadside. Your weapons drain may not be as bad, but I'm busy keeping mine up with emergency power to weapons. My weapons drain to, at most 90 in one volley and are back up to ~125 for the next.

    2. My apologies I worded that statement poorly... I should have said:

    "You can, at max with me with either 4 beams OR 2 beams and 2 torpedoes."

    My point is:

    A.) From a broadside you hit with 4 beams and nothing else, where as when I broadside I hit with 7 beams and 1 torpedo launcher.

    B.) From the front, I hit with 3 beams and a torpedo launcher. You hit with Im assuming (based on your weapons loadout as I understand it) 2 beams and 2 torpedoes.

    C.) From the aft, I hit with 4 beams, and you hit with 2 beams and 2 torpedoes

    I'm likely putting out more damage than you in scenario A where all of my weapons can hit you. I'm likely putting out more damage in scenario B and I'm likely taking your shiled down faster, which allows my torpedoes to hit the hull. And In scenario C, I dont quite know... but its likely I'm putting out similar damage to you there.

    This is all from a pvp standpoint really, but heres the thing, I do not do pvp, I tried it in STO and its unbelievably unfair, I am set for wrecking pve and stfs, not pvp, so while you may be able tear through me easily, I can still dance with the Borg. Also, like I said, I dont normally main in Cruisers, I have an Ody but I prefer my Atrox, LRSV-R and Multi Vector.
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    mrtsheadmrtshead Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    kaeaja wrote: »
    Sorry for confusing you for the other.

    But bottom line is, I am not saying that I am right, I just know that from experience that running with four beam arrays is better then 6-8 beams, because of what a very skilled player as taught to me, can you really blame me for wanting to stick to his teachings? The more beams you use the worse the drain, that much is true, and having to rely on EPtW and chain using it, hurts you in some way. Now it doesnt help that I do not main any Cruisers even though I have the standard Odyssey Cruiser, but I prefer ships like my Atrox, Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit and Multi Vector. I have all the damage I really need without having to turn myself into a beam boat. I am built for damage and survival, a hybrid of the two.

    I absolutely, positively PROMISE you that you will do more damage with more beams. 1900-2200 is a completely reasonable sustained beam output in my experience. The power drain problem is a fundamental non-issue if you build your ship to stack weapon power buffs. This is why all-cannon escorts are so popular - properly built, they can fire 4 DHC and 3 turrets and still be at ~90 damage. As one of the earlier posters explained, if you run 2 Emergency power to Weapons 1 powers, you can cycle them so that they are always active, unless you get hit with a buff-stripping power like Subnucleonic beam, so cooldowns don't really matter either.

    Also, against shielded targets, torpedoes are much less useful (although there are so many unshielded targets in space STFs that it's not a huge issue), while beams are equally effective against shields and hull.

    The long and short of it is that you like your build, and that's fine, but it objectively is not better at putting up dmg numbers than some of the others listed. As you pointed out, you feel like you do 'enough' damage, and I'm not going to tell you that you are having wrongbadfun, but IF you want to up your damage, take a look at some of the suggestions posted here and elsewhere on the forums.
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    lyran2lyran2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hey gang here's a lockbox question for you.

    Even though I've been playing for weeks now, and have gotten my character to Vice Admiral, I still feel pretty green. Especially when it comes to inventory items. Especially the Lockbox.

    Specifically, what does one do with "extra" lockboxes in your inventory? I seem to gain lockboxes quicker than I can purchace lockbox keys. At last count I believe that I had around 65 Tholian & 20 Cardasian lockboxes in my bank. I think that I've got another 12 Cardasian & 10 Ferengi lockboxes in my active inventory.

    1. Should I just hang on to them "for a rainy day"?
    2a. Could I sell them on the Exchange?
    2b. Are people even buying them off of the exchange?

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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    lyran2 wrote: »
    Hey gang here's a lockbox question for you.


    2b. Are people even buying them off of the exchange?

    They will today. Guaranteed! :P
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    starmanjstarmanj Member Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I would like to see events where you could get a master key and Lobi crystal free as in F2P should be every so offten. Not saying a grind everyday, but somthing like every other month. Just do something event wise.
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    lyran2lyran2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    They will today. Guaranteed! :P

    Sorry amigo, I'm not 100% up on all of the goings on. I don't understand your reply.
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