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In-game Silencing System



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    sjokruhlicasjokruhlica Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This happened to me a few weeks ago. I got the standard "tough s#!+" reply to my ticket a week after the fact.
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    rjewkesrjewkes Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There has to be a way to keep false reports from happening?
    Perhaps a 2 week chat ban for false reports of spam?

    and maybe the ban could be for the channel you was reported in or perhaps atleast not efrfect fleet channel/officer channel?
    Formerly Jewkesman Member from Nov 2009!
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    nileight1nileight1 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There's no real reason for a chat ban as it's easier to just mute someone.
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    tomin8rtomin8r Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Boo hoo, princess. Move on.
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    kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ^ You too, kid, since it bothers you enough to post.

    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
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    rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I don't understand this chat ban thing. I thought that was what the ignore button was for. If you don't like someones behaviour or if you suspect someone bullying you, you can put them on ignore. A bully will soon get bored if he cannot contact you.

    Chat bans are just being abused by disgruntled people as listed in the OP post. Its happened to several people i know for no other reason that they beat others in PvP.

    Promote the use of the ignore button and switch off the chat ban system. Its not working as intended. Open to abuse.
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
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    tomin8rtomin8r Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I find it laughable that you presume I am a child. Thank you for trying.

    If you would direct yourself to the thread that this one will surely be merged with, you will see that this happens all the time. In which case, my original statement is working as intended.
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    tomin8rtomin8r Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You do realize that the ignore button causes the chat bans, right?
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    tomin8rtomin8r Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This whole chat ban whining nonsense is getting ridiculous.
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    At this stage, there's really only one practical solution: Massive retaliatory strike. Nuke 'em from orbit, it's the only way to be sure. Chat Wars are the new PvP. Welcome to the front line of the new war.
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    maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i find that if u dont talk to anyone using public, zone or team the chat bans stop. best just not chat at all
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    mikenight00mikenight00 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ^^^^ This

    If you've just beaten someone in PvP they don't want to see your "gg" anyway. Best to just stick to your fleet chat and any third party voice chat service your fleet uses.
    Never Forget 5/21
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    kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tomin8r wrote: »
    I find it laughable that you presume I am a child. Thank you for trying.

    If you would direct yourself to the thread that this one will surely be merged with, you will see that this happens all the time. In which case, my original statement is working as intended.
    I'm only going by the way you're posting, which isn't too different from your "original statement" of the OP.

    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
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    kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Anyways, the fact that it effects the e-mail is pretty stupid in its own right, never mind that it's a pan-chat silence. If they really want to be lazy and just leave it up to players to silence other players, at the very least, make it chat-specific so people can still contact their fleet and/or friends.

    I'm willing to bet that bots and gold spammers don't usually get into fleets. If this "feature" is just a poor man's way of silencing accounts like that - HELLO? It makes ZERO sense for average player to get slapped with a silence across ALL their chats AND e-mails.

    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
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    cloudwashercloudwasher Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    About two and a half hours ago my chat randomly stopped working and said I was muted. I can't talk in zone, team, or fleet. I have checked my messages with no explanation. I have checked my email with nothing explaining anything. This is utterly and completely ridiculous that a paying customer would be treated in this fashion and have an important facet of the game removed without explanation of exactly what was violated. If I supposedly did, fine, but to do it without any warning or explanation is simply crazy.

    I have cancelled my subscription and will not come back until at least June. Your vigilante GM's little stunt has cost the company at least $30, probably a lot more considering the rate at which I bought zen. I understand this company is growing and likely has a lot of new people on board that don't know procedures or what's going on but this should've been common sense and is simply unacceptable customer service.
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    jkstocbrjkstocbr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You can be muted if several players have flagged you for Spam (eg right click you in the chat window). It is not a GM that has muted you. Not saying its right, just explaining what likely has happened. I believe it gets resent after 24hr automatically.
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    deyvaddeyvad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Were you recruiting in a popular zone chat? or trying to sell goods thru zone chat?
    A lot of players are frisky about that and will report as spam, when you get enoughs reports you get muted automatically without any form of appeal. Thankfully it only lasts 24hr.
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    phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yes, a GM almost certainly had nothing to do with it. A certain number of players, rightly or wrongly, chose to ignore you in a set time span which put a 24 hour silence on you. There are a number of well-known problems with this -- including not being able to talk to friends or fleetmates, or even mail items to yourself.

    This happened to me at one point and I know firsthand how frustrating it is. The best thing to take away is that it will be over in <22 hours and that if someone ignored you over something you said, they will not be doing it again in the future as you'd still be on their ignore list.
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
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    tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well we wouldn't want to break up the very important conversation about which Trek babe had the nicest rack, 100 things people claim are canon that actually aren't, 14 year-olds trying to explain the intercacies of world economics and religion, or how many ways we can work out that JJ Abrams should be put to death, after all. Who needs actual game relevant chat with such riveting conversation to be had?

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
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    mendeleevmendeleev Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I looked and looked for where to post but wasn't sure. Tried the support page repeatedly but it never gives an option to report or just comes up error, not working.

    I have been on my Klingon for a while today and said very very little in public chat at all. Been doing things in chat channels and fleet channels with friends. Switched to my Fed and messed with my inventory. Then one time, o-n-e time at ESD I advertised for my fleet and immediately was silenced for "spam" for 24 flaming hours???

    This is totally absurd. I cannot communicate with fleet friends to do missions... I just cannot comprehend the reasoning behind this... Was this an admin action? or is this trigger some other way? I cannot imagine. But after having spent money for zen and considered further purchases, I garantee you I won't be if this is how civil players are treated. Let people use the ignore function if they don't like chat mesages and only if its a genuinely flagrant issue (threats, raging, etc) silence someone. Thats how most games handle it. But silencing for one advertisement for a fleet...

    Thank you so much for ruining my evening over one single fleet advertisement.
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    jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It's not surprising. I can't think of anyone who actually enjoys it when fleets advertise in Zone. It's really obnoxious and I do tend to report them for spam after they repeat it a few times.

    You probably got caught by a bunch of people who were just tired of it and didn't want to wait until you crossed the line from an innocent advertiser to a spammer.

    It sucks, but the lesson is clear; don't advertise your fleet in Zone. Nobody likes it when you do.
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    maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Admins don't have anything to do with this, users in in the same zone can flag anyone for spam and if you get flagged enough times you get a 24 hour mute.
    Have you any idea how many fleet recruitments occur in ESD chat in the space of 5 minutes?
    It gets irritating fast, so I can't blame people for coming down hard on recruiters.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
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    mendeleevmendeleev Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    And there are people who simply harass others for "spamming" chat yet spam chat about other stuff... For crying out loud just right lick and IGNORE someone rather than using this idiotic feature to block someone from talking even to their friends. If people can rampantly flag people for "spam" over one message, this is an EASILY abusable system that needs to be fixed.

    I understand not liking spam. When fleets spam repeatedly withing a few minutes I pm them and ask them to slow down. But mine was in no way spam. Yet you pontificate that the "lesson" was learned. NO not at all... Only "lesson" is that some kiddos have access to a wammy button and like to slam it on people in anger.

    STO please fix this abusive feature.


    Just been watching chat logs (since I now have nothing I can do with any of my FRIENDS....) and I see several things.

    MORE spam by the "hate spam" crowd than by the fleet advertising crowd.

    MORE anger, harsh words, insults by the "hate spam" crowd than by the fleet advertising crowd.

    More linked spam of items than anything else (we gonna block all links now?)

    ADMINS - Please take away this ability for users to globally silence other users... the personal ignore list is what should be used...

    Here is the chat log btw:

    [System] Left channel "Zone".

    [System] Joined channel "Fleet".

    [System] Joined channel "Zone".

    [Zone #5] Spectre@a3001: depends what you're flying

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Completed assignment "Submit Research on Astrobiological Taxonomy".

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Completed assignment "Audit Application Credentials of Geologist".

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Completed assignment "Prepare Lecture on Seismological Analysis".

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Completed assignment "Authorize Shipboard Concert".

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Completed assignment "Treatment for Minor Illness".

    [System] Joined channel "Officer".

    [Zone #5] Spectre@a3001: escort or something else?

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 490 Energy Credits

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 148 Expertise

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 129 Expertise

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 60 Medical XP

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 5 Dilithium Ore

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Collected rewards for assignment "Treatment for Minor Illness".

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 490 Energy Credits

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 165 Expertise

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 144 Expertise

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 64 Science XP

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 5 Dilithium Ore

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Collected rewards for assignment "Audit Application Credentials of Geologist".

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 490 Energy Credits

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 212 Expertise

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 185 Expertise

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 75 Science XP

    [System] [NumericReceived] You received 5 Dilithium Ore

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Collected rewards for assignment "Prepare Lecture on Seismological Analysis".

    [Zone #8] ACHILLIES@ShizerHead: i like chicken i like liver bits and bits meow mix delivers

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Started new assignment "Attempt to Play a Game of Fizzbin".

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Started new assignment "Crew Evaluations".

    [Zone #10] Keahi@cptkeahi: any opinions on apo3 vs cannon scatter 3 for tac escort?

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Started new assignment "Parse Subspace Telescope Data".

    [Zone #21] Richards@Azrukhal: If you combine cannons in the front with turrets in the back, you can seriously ruin someone's day.

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Started new assignment "Review Credentials of Biologist".

    [Zone #21] Amryn@amryntha: Moar AoF=Moar DPS

    [Zone #5] Logan@LogantheNomad: Multi-Mish Science Vessel

    [System] [ItemAssignmentFeedback] Started new assignment "Drinks On The Town!".

    [Zone #1] Sralek@sralek: anyone interested in making a fleet with me need 4 more people pm me for invite

    [Zone] Zedrin@Seddrik_Frost: FROST CORPS welcomes new or experienced players! Casual, friendly, Tier 1+, active in missions, PVE & some PVP. We use TS. PM for info.

    [System] You have been flagged as a spammer. A customer service representative has been notified. You may chat again in 24 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds.
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mendeleev wrote: »
    For crying out loud just right lick and IGNORE someone rather than using this idiotic feature to block someone from talking even to their friends.
    Yeah, I got bad news for you: You know that your proposed course of action, simply using /ignore, does, in fact, do exactly the same thing...yes, you'll also get banned because people /ignored you. The "Report Spam" and "Ignore" buttons are actually the same thing.
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    maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yeah, I got bad news for you: You know that your proposed course of action, simply using /ignore, does, in fact, do exactly the same thing...yes, you'll also get banned because people /ignored you. The "Report Spam" and "Ignore" buttons are actually the same thing.
    ^This the report spam just flags a GM.
    It's automatic and you aren't the first person to complain about it. Frankly I think the game could do without the automute, ignore is sufficient without putting everyone at the mercy of the mood of the crowd.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
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    mendeleevmendeleev Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The above poster is exactly right that automute should be removed. There are a few guys whose names I've learned who sit on ESD chat and do nothing but hate on fleet advertisers every single day. I see them verbally going after guys trying to start fleets too... Being at the mercy of a few angry individuals is not a pleasant thing.... STO please fix this.
    Yes, a GM almost certainly had nothing to do with it. A certain number of players, rightly or wrongly, chose to ignore you in a set time span which put a 24 hour silence on you. There are a number of well-known problems with this -- including not being able to talk to friends or fleetmates, or even mail items to yourself.

    This happened to me at one point and I know firsthand how frustrating it is. The best thing to take away is that it will be over in <22 hours and that if someone ignored you over something you said, they will not be doing it again in the future as you'd still be on their ignore list.

    Not being able to talk to friends even.... or in the fleet channel I created for cross faction use.... nothing... is really exceedingly frustrating. I had things planned, events etc. and now I can do nothing at all.

    And yes they can do it again. Just right click and UNignore, then right click ignore/spam report again.

    This is an EASILY abused power given to every individual, mature or not. Not a good call on STO's part... Currently everything I want to do with friends in game I cannot. I can't even socialize. And having happened late in the evening, I won't be able to anything again all day tomorrow. I'm gonna just shut the game down and I will definitely not buy more zen in the near future...

    Read some back posts after my post got merged into this thread. So... this can also lead to a permanent ban if people spam mute you enough times? Wow... thats just.... absurd.

    Since I have some "free time" I have been reading some things.

    PWE signup, Terms of Service, 10. User Conduct
    (h) Impede or disrupt the Service of the normal flow of game play or dialogue or in interactice Areas on the Site or use vulgar language, abusiveness, use of excessive shouting (ALL CAPS) "spamming" or any other disruptive or detrimental methods in an attempt to disturb other users or PWE employees;

    Yet, people do these very things daily, and have access to the autosilence (and eventually BAN) function with which to "impede" and "disrupt" the normal flow of game play and dialogue, abuse unsuspecting players, and also spam their "anti spam" messages (some I've seen are even in all caps...)

    PWE/STO please remove the auto silence/ban feature. Let people simply use ignore if they do not wish to see or hear from someone again. Or even close their chat window? It is obvious that this is abused, normal game business (fleet recruiting, and even people just standing at the exchange as noted in an early post) are getting silenced for just being present and doing normal game things. THIS is where STO needs to step in and preserve the actual gamers from harassment and abuse. Seriously, I was considering a life time purchase, the idea of all the perks and 500 zen free a month... but there is no way I will ever do such a thing since people can just have me banned for playing the game normally.

    I've played lots of games from WOW to D&D Online etc. I've spent alot on games I felt I could get "permanent" things in (at least things that would endure on my account for more than just the month of a subscription). But this one "feature" can totally take away everything you pay for and work for at the whim of whoever, whenever... I just cannot believe this was ever included.

    Please remove auto silence/bans. Ignore is more than enough to deal with this.

    added next day

    Still under the ban of course. STO I cannot believe you have this "feature" in the hands of every one who signs on. Totally cut off from enjoying the game, talking to friends, etc. at the whim of random people....

    I laughed the other day when I saw a guy in chat admit he created a second account just to talk in public chat with. I could not understand why that was. Now I understand... Now I am not laughing at him any more. I really appreciate everyone in the game having the ability to silence (and eventually) ban me at whenever they feel like it, even trolls and the spammy "anti-spam" group in chat. (Yes, that is sarcasm.)

    Is it fair to report for spam those those who constantly hate on and spam "antispam" messages? I get tired of those more than the advertisers. It really ruins people's game play and fun. Advertisers for fleets I expect, but this tearing into others in ESD chat all the time gets old.

    Well. Bans finally done. But now my interest in this game has really been deflated. Piddled on my characters with no real interest or desire to play when I could at any moment randomly be silenced again and totally cut off just for doing normal things. Maybe my interest will revive. Its a shame, I was having a lot of fun and picking up momentum. Now I don't even want to do anything.

    Saw one guy spamming adverts and pmed him to let him know what could happen. He raged and flamed me in PMs... which was so kind of him. Yes. This system really works wonders...

    Whatever. Fix it or not. Its your mess STO.

    - Dissatisfied customer.
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    kyeto13kyeto13 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OK, something has to be done here.

    I know that alot of times it is annoying to see a bunch of chat spam asking you to join there fleet and blah blah blah... But there is another side of the coin here. We are trying to promote and recruit members into our fleet. Best way to do that? Advertise! That is how Advertisement works! you spread knowledge of your product so that people know you exist, then they can come to you, knowing that you might have something they want.

    However, when you log into the game, Beam into ESD, and think "You know, I'll just place an ad here on my way to the bank." And then seconds later you get chatbanned for spam... THEN something is messed up with the system. When you can chatbanned someone for spamming within the first minute they log into the game.. then the system is broken.

    I know how it happens to. A few fleets post ads all at once. Someone gets anger and says "The next ****ing ad I see is going to get BANNED!" Then, someone outside the situation walks in, post an innocent ad, and gets banned.

    Having a unique channel where we can post ads is NOT a solution. Just like having a channel full of infomercials doesn't help. No one watches them, and thus no one gets what they want. Also, the main point of the ads are to get NEW players, Players who just joined the game, and have no idea what is going on, like how to join global channels, or what IS a global channel.

    Here are somethings to keep in mind, on both sides.

    1) Fleet ads are not malicious in nature, anymore than a Ad to join the Military. They just want you to join the fight. If you are offended by the message, A verbal warning would be nice. A tell to the person saying "Hey, Watch the Spam!" is enough to slap some people.

    2)When posting ads, space them out, even from other fleet ads. Wait a few screens before placing an ad. This is NOT time based, it is based on how fast the chat is going. At least wait 10-15 minutes. How long does it take to re-see a commercial when you watch TV? Use that as a guide. Also be aware when changing zones. Some people follow you and will see the message again.

    3) Also, mix it up some, Change the ad to fix the stream of Zone chat ;)
    "Gosh, this is lame"
    "You know what is not lame? Joining FleetOps ;)http://s13.zetaboards.com/Fleet_Operations Need a fun, helpful fleet? Give us a try! We cover all aspects of play & are willing to help improve your game. PM or visit site"

    4) Be mindful of the intentions of spammers. Spammers want to jam up the chat with useless and mindless data. Ads are trying to tell you something.

    Anyone have anything else to say? I promise not to ban you :D
    Live on Earth. Work in Space. Play with Dragons. Join the best add on to STO, the Neverwinter holodeck program! Only 14 GPL a month.
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    edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I know a person who was silenced everyday .some guy used his friends to ban chat that person everyday.He wrote to support but is know that cryptic has no support which is pitty since the game is getting better and better and the quality of support and rules are stuck in 1900.
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I would try writing to PWE in your place.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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