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In-game Silencing System



  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So hey. Just got word of this from over on the NW side of things:
    I am glad to say I have news to report! The dev team has begun evaluating it. They are looking for ways to improve the system, and would love to hear suggestions and feedback.


    Better late than never I suppose.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • clcmercyclcmercy Member, Banned Users Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just a note. This thread focuses on Neverwinter. Please do not link to other game forums. The challenge I'm proposing to you all is to improve the current text chat ban system in Neverwinter, not to rehash debates from previous years and from different games.

    Now let's get back to specific ways to make the current chat ban system better! Thanks!!

    Apparently, the fix being discussed on the new shiny game's forums is only for them. Not for the rest of Cryptic's games. How about them apples?

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Member Posts: 2,197 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So glad to know that you are a dev who has intimate knowledge how the feature works. Oh wait you aren't.

    It doesn't take a dev to explore the system, stress-test it to get a pretty good idea on how it works. All it takes is a dummy free account or more.

    So far clcmercy has been pretty spot on with how the automated system works. Get it? It's automated. The devs nor GMs do squat in issuing the bans. There is also no way to determine whether or not intentional griefing is involved, because simply ignoring someone is a legit player entitlement and the player doesn't need any special permission nor meet any special conditions to ignore someone. Your bunch of BS proves that you don't have a clue about how it works, even on a basic level.
  • clcmercyclcmercy Member, Banned Users Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yes there is. Every spam report generated identifies who is making the petition to the GM's and the GM's can also check the database to see if someone is repeatedly adding and removing someone from their ignore list. Or are you so gullible that you honestly think they don't keep records so they can do datamining.

    Are you so gullible that you think Cryptic actually has someone monitoring report spam files?
    I'm telling you this "feature" has been abused since roughly six months after Champions Online launched.....BACK IN 2009. If there -are- GM's poring through these reports, why haven't they found them yet? Three guesses. Because Cryptic has nobody allocated to that function. Cheap game company cutting corners and "unnecessary" salaries.

    Also, no. I'm not a dev, but I've been party to PLAYER TESTING of the broken chat system. A concerned group of people that play all three games came together to test just how broken the chat is. I'm giving you straight up facts, discovered through experimentation. It's your choice not to believe me.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yes there is. Every spam report generated identifies who is making the petition to the GM's and the GM's can also check the database to see if someone is repeatedly adding and removing someone from their ignore list. Or are you so gullible that you honestly think they don't keep records so they can do datamining.

    Well the hole in that is quite obvious. You are forgetting /ignore. If enough people add someone to their ignore list in a short time that instigates the silence. The report spam and ignore feateure are linked in this game.

    If you report spam they go straight into your ingnore list. This is why I have stopped reporting spam. In WoW, the forum cenosr dislikes the last word in that games name, if you ignore someone they go into a temp ignore list that is wiped every time you log out. If you /ignore someone they go into your ignore list, now it does not matter how many people ignore you it does not indtigate the silencing system. If enough people report spam it does.

    They need to rebuild the system to work like it does in WoW. If I ignore someone it is for a personal reason, as it would be for others, and that should not instigate an account silence.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Member Posts: 2,197 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yes there is. Every spam report generated identifies who is making the petition to the GM's and the GM's can also check the database to see if someone is repeatedly adding and removing someone from their ignore list. Or are you so gullible that you honestly think they don't keep records so they can do datamining.

    You misunderstand me. If someone were to use ignore on a singular basis without spamming it and if that single ignore was the very final one needed to activate the chat ban, there would be no way to tell if the person who made the ignore did it with the intention to grief or for a legitimate reason. If the chat ban was activated due to a cumulative build-up of ignores from various unique handles, there would also be no way to tell if griefing was involved or not.

    When you think about it, who would be stupid enough to do it on their main account anyway? There's no limit in the number of free accounts one can make for that sole purpose.
  • wolf3130wolf3130 Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lomax6996 wrote: »
    I have a simpler solution. Just do away with it completely. If you don't want to receive someone's messages you can simply "ignore" them. That's all the control that's needed. The idea of giving players such control over other players is ludicrous and invites the exact sort of abuse that the system is now getting. There are plenty of MMO's out there that have no such system. You're option is "ignore" and that's option enough.

    i couldn't agree more i have never seen an mmo in my 12 years playing with such a system no player should ever have such controlle banns are strictly for staff to dish out not the player base god cryptic how lazy can you be get rid of this system before it cause more problems
  • xandercorvusxandercorvus Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wolf3130 wrote: »
    i couldn't agree more i have never seen an mmo in my 12 years playing with such a system no player should ever have such controlle banns are strictly for staff to dish out not the player base god cryptic how lazy can you be get rid of this system before it cause more problems

    Sounds good to me!
    That's a really good point: Why do players have ANY control over "Silencing" someone in the first place?

    I can't believe it would be that much trouble to just have ONE GM available at any given time that can take proper action when contacted specifically about ACTUAL spam problems.
    TWO people; That's all it would take.
    I say this because the game is often down overnight or in the morning for 2-4 hours, and I'm sure there's probably another couple of hours where the servers are usually having a really low amount of players on that are probably too busy actually PLAYING the game to bother a GM anyway.
    Not to mention those rare occasions when the game goes down for SIX hours; which I'm sure still happens more often than anyone would hope .

    It's not that expensive.
    I, for one, would LOVE to get paid for making the game better.
    So, it shouldn't be too difficult to find someone willing to do the job so players aren't silencing each other via griefing or just unknowingly being the straw that broke the camel's back.

    RECAP: Assign 2 GM's to be at the ready for 9 hours each (with an hour lunch within that time, of course) specifically for handling Spam reports AS they happen.
    OR at least don't "Silence" players from contacting their friends or using their 'Fleet' channel or the channels they 'own'; That's completely unnecessary since 'friends' can remove you from their list if you are a problem for them, and fleets can kick you out.
    Either of these would solve some MAJOR problems with this entire "Silencing" mess, and the latter of the two is FREE.
    "Join Date: Jun 2012" Says Cryptic's "new" forum system. I've been here since a week before launch, but SOME stuff just didn't carry over through multiple system changes/updates. :rolleyes:
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    mewi wrote: »
    Earlier this week I complained about being silenced by players at ESD for no reason. I wrote an email to their "support."

    Days later I received a response, where they completely disregarding the abuse, didn't bother to read the email and blamed me for policy spam abuse.

    A+ Customer Support

    Quite frankly, they just don't care. All that matters to them is the money, every penny they can find in a gutter and if implementing a cheap system that is easily abused means they don't have to hire more support staff, then so much the better.

    I mean who cares how many customers you get to quit the game for sheer lack of incompetence... you already have their money right? It isn't like they are going to pay more in the future or anything, loyal customers are a myth. We'll just get the next sucker that comes along.

    This is why I have yet to ever find an MMO that I would subscribe to, because frankly they all suck right now for customer support.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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