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Let's discuss the Romulan Faction concept. . .



  • ebeneezergoodeebeneezergoode Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Regarding Romulan ships, I doubt they'll deviate too strongly from Starfleet and Klingon ones since for the most part, aside from an endgame disparity in escorts and lack of science ships, the two are evenly matched for the most part.

    It'd be interesting to give the Romulans more obscure left-field boff layouts (relatively speaking though), like say a Warbird having lt cmdr Science, or a Mogai having the standard escort layout but with a lt cmdr eng instead of tac. Also, it'd be nice to see the D'deridex and Mogai remodelled a bit. I'm not sure about the D'deridex, but the Mogai's definitely too small. It's 600m long by 900m wide according to the sources I've seen, and that's basicly in the Galaxy ballpark width-wise and much wider. And the D'deridex was substantially larger than a Galaxy too.

    Also, how about bringing in heavy single cannons? A lot of warbird attacks I've seen have indicated such.
  • scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Regarding Romulan ships, I doubt they'll deviate too strongly from Starfleet and Klingon ones since for the most part, aside from an endgame disparity in escorts and lack of science ships, the two are evenly matched for the most part.

    It'd be interesting to give the Romulans more obscure left-field boff layouts (relatively speaking though), like say a Warbird having lt cmdr Science, or a Mogai having the standard escort layout but with a lt cmdr eng instead of tac. Also, it'd be nice to see the D'deridex and Mogai remodelled a bit. I'm not sure about the D'deridex, but the Mogai's definitely too small. It's 600m long by 900m wide according to the sources I've seen, and that's basicly in the Galaxy ballpark width-wise and much wider. And the D'deridex was substantially larger than a Galaxy too.

    Also, how about bringing in heavy single cannons? A lot of warbird attacks I've seen have indicated such.

    I never agreed with the Mogai as an escort. In my opinion, the Mogai and D'deridex should be the Romulan equivalent of the Assault Cruiser and Star Cruiser respectively. Cryptic would have free reign in designing escorts beyond the Bird of Prey and any science ships. A little history on the Klingon Bird of Prey, it was initially designed to be a Romulan ship.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I've always felt that the Romulans should be masters of stealth and infiltration.

    Since the Romulans were the ones that created the cloaking device and improved it to perfection with the Scimitar, they should be harder to detect with anti-cloaking devices.

    And on the ground, they could infiltrate the Federation as "Vulcans". So while actually being a hostile faction, they could do things like walk around ESD and other Federation locations. (Which is something Klingon players cannot do, aside from the rare bug that KDF find themselves on ESD). So they could actually participate in Federation missions (but with Romulan objectives).

    Maybe even involving a type of PvP where Romulan players can be attacked by Federation players if their true identities got discovered. Which makes going on Hubs a great challenge with great rewards.

    Now THAT! would be fun. :D

    I'd shell out the 5k Zen for it. :D
    My character Tsin'xing
  • ericandrewrossericandrewross Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Why discuss ?

    Klinks and rommies shared technology (non-canon), this is where the klinks got their cloak.

    Actually, the Tech Exchange is Canon... hence the TOS episode where three D-7s de-cloaked around the Enterprise... filled with Romulans instead of Klingons.

    I will point out that on the TV shows, Romulans used disruptors. Romulans wielding plasma is a STO invention. That is except for plasma torpedoes in TAS

    The bird of Prey in the TOS episode 'Balance of Terror' used a Plasma homing torpedo that always hit unless you could get out of range... so TAS is not the only instance we see of Plasma torps on Romulan ships.
    Vice Admiral Ross
    and others too numerous to name...
  • rtk142rtk142 Member Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I've said time and time again, if you can't have Romulan ships at level 50, it's a silly concept. I don't want my Romulan flying around in a Defiant, Sovereign, or Odyssey unless it's one I've chosen to play as a Federation character. Yes as my signature shows I have a Federation "Romulan", but what I REALLY want to play at max level, along with the Vulcan from my avatar, is a ROMULAN Romulan. One who will have a D'Deridex warbird. One who fights for the Romulan Empire even if she doesn't like Sela. I have no issues with giving us the option to play Federation or even Klingon Romulans if you want to, if we got a respecies token I'd turn my "alien" into a Romulan in a heartbeat, but I do also want to play a separate faction, even if new players can't play a Romulan at level 1. Why, in the name of everything good and decent, is that such an odd thing to ask for? They make us feel like we're asking for an Aston Martin made of platinum for crying out loud.
    Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
  • typhoncaltyphoncal Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The Romulans need to be an independent faction, however how and in what way is the question that needs to be asked. As well, what about the Remans and can or does this open the way for a Romulan/Borg faction as in STO Romulans are working with the Borg. I also want to bring up another faction that could be aligned with the Romulans, the Hirogen have also made a pack with Selia which is de-facto leader of the new Romulan Empire on Rator III.

    As well, what about the Cardassians, Breen and Alpha Q Dominion?
    Commander Shran - You tell Archer, that is three the pink skin owes me!
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    scififan78 wrote: »
    I never agreed with the Mogai as an escort. In my opinion, the Mogai and D'deridex should be the Romulan equivalent of the Assault Cruiser and Star Cruiser respectively. Cryptic would have free reign in designing escorts beyond the Bird of Prey and any science ships. A little history on the Klingon Bird of Prey, it was initially designed to be a Romulan ship.

    The Mogai should be roughly equivalent to the KDF Vor'cha, imo, in terms of performance and combat role. Not quite as nimble as most escorts, but has good tanking capability to compensate.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • tlamstriketlamstrike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    a3001 wrote: »
    I say that romulan players all start out as a single, unified faction. Both remans and romulans would then progress though levels and at some level, say 40 for this example, ultimately decide weather a Romulan player chooses to join the Federation as a refugee or dissident, the KDF as a mercenary and privateer, stay true to the RSE, or strike out on their own and play as a merc for any side.Conversly, Remans have the same options: Join the KDF as a merc, stay with the RSE, flee to the Federation as a refugee, or join the rebellion.

    Yes something like this would be very good. The Romulan "Faction" should be very nebulous seeing in how fractured the RSE is in 2409.

    We should have a split like:

    The Romulan Star Empire: the true in it for them selves Romulan faction.
    -->The Tal Shiar: the secret police of the RSE who serve the Iconians, and who are plotting to take over the RSE.
    -->The Tal Prai'ex: The Romulan Praetorian Guard, the loyalist counter ballance to the Tal Shiar.

    The Imperial Romulan State: a quasi-independent non-isolationist Romulan faction. (this is the group formed by Donatra before she got Borgified). This would be the faction that can intermingle more with the UFP and KDF.

    The Reman Republic(?): a IRS version run by the Remans.

    But I will say the Romulans have more of a claim to the multiracial empire then the Klingons do! Going by the show we have seen Romulans (both the smooth forehead and V forehead ones*), Remans, Romulans-Human Hybrids (one a Commander who in STO is Empress), Romulan-Vulcan Hybrids, Romulan-Klingon Hybrids, Human clones, and Flaxian assassins.

    *In keeping with the theory I've seen in Fanon and reinforced in Nero/JJ-Trek the V forehead Romulans are the passionate treacherous enemies of Surak while the Smooth forehead ones are the honorable ones more in keeping with their Telepathic Vulcan brothers (who are also the source of the offshoot Remans).

    I would imagine a race selection like this:

    Imperial Romulan (V forehead Romulan)
    Plebeian Romulan (the smooth forehead Romulans, can have trait: Limited Telepathy)
    Romulus Hybrids: Has one Romulan Trait and a trait of one of the other races. Other races incl. Human (Leadership), Klingon (Honorable), Vulcan (Mental Discipline).
    Cardassian (Garak was employed as a gardener on Romulus)
    Clone Species (another term for the standard STO Alien or could be exact copies of other species with added infiltration powers.)

    EDIT: We have also sure pure 100% Humans in the RSE ex: the turncoat in Face of the Enemy.
    My Romulan Liberated Borg character made it to Level 30 and beat the (old) Defense of New Romulus with the skill point bug. :D
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    typhoncal wrote: »
    The Romulans need to be an independent faction, however how and in what way is the question that needs to be asked. As well, what about the Remans and can or does this open the way for a Romulan/Borg faction as in STO Romulans are working with the Borg. I also want to bring up another faction that could be aligned with the Romulans, the Hirogen have also made a pack with Selia which is de-facto leader of the new Romulan Empire on Rator III.

    As well, what about the Cardassians, Breen and Alpha Q Dominion?

    how sela got to be empress still gets me why let a failure be there leader some one needs to knock her off let me do it cryptic i will gladly kill that failuer of a want to be romulan
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • typhoncaltyphoncal Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    daan2006 wrote: »
    how sela got to be empress still gets me why let a failure be there leader some one needs to knock her off let me do it cryptic i will gladly kill that failuer of a want to be romulan

    I know right? Duh, she is a failure according to Romulan position on things. It could also create a sub-faction within that of the Romulans which could play an interesting storyline and role in STO.
    Commander Shran - You tell Archer, that is three the pink skin owes me!
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    typhoncal wrote: »
    I know right? Duh, she is a failure according to Romulan position on things. It could also create a sub-faction within that of the Romulans which could play an interesting storyline and role in STO.

    that something i could go for to i just do not want to see a romulan shortcut like for example romulan join the feds remen join the KDF for you would never see you ship unless it came out of a lock box same for the uniforms and thats if your lucky

    i want to see a full stand alone faction with a green Ui with a romulan home planet it or base or both with romulan uniforms

    if we get them like my example you will most likely never see of any of what romulan should get think about for ppl that got them playble klingon on the Feds can you use any of there ships can you use any of there uniforms is there Ui red like the real klingons?
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • typhoncaltyphoncal Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    daan2006 wrote: »
    that something i could go for to i just do not want to see a romulan shortcut like for example romulan join the feds remen join the KDF for you would never see you ship unless it came out of a lock box same for the uniforms

    i want to see a full stand alone faction with a green Ui with a romulan home planet it or base or both with romulan uniforms

    if we get them like my example you will most likely never see of any of what romulan should get think about for ppl that got the playble klingon on the Feds can you use any of there ships can you use any of there uniforms is there Ui red like the real klingons?

    I completely agree, as well the story already attached to the Romulans is very interesting, which several arcs. To that of the Romulan Empire is gone, has been reestablished on Rator III to Sela working with that of the Borg. You can have a stand alone faction with the Romulans which i support, however you could have a sub-faction that works against the new Romulans/Federation/Klingons for example. It could make for a very interesting dynamic.
    Commander Shran - You tell Archer, that is three the pink skin owes me!
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    to me romulan was always still will be my main race why alot of my toons are vulcan aka romulans but shhhh dont tell the feds that :)
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The Mogai should be roughly equivalent to the KDF Vor'cha, imo, in terms of performance and combat role. Not quite as nimble as most escorts, but has good tanking capability to compensate.

    More like a Sovereign than a Vor'cha IMO.
    The Mogai actually dwarfs the Vor'cha.:)

  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    While I'm not the greatest fan of Nemesis, it is what it is. Under no circumstances should the Remans go KDF and the Rommies FED, whats wrong with you people? That's like saying all the females join the RSE while all the males become members of Quark Enterprises. Romulans and Remans are brethren first and foremost. Even the oh so puffy fluffy feel goodie Federation had their separatist terrorists aka marquis.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    misterde3 wrote: »
    More like a Sovereign than a Vor'cha IMO.
    The Mogai actually dwarfs the Vor'cha.:)


    i'm not 100% sure if the mogai is the same as the valdor class warbird. They sure look the same, but i doubt they are the same.
    Mogai are dipicted much much smaller in the game than they should be if they were a valdor class warbird.

    also the heavy single cannon is an interesting idea that came up in this thread. i'm pretty sure that the scimitar will be a lockbox ship, if so, give it a weapon compliment of disruptor single heavy cannons + that thalaron console. (cherry on top would be a hangar bay)

    in my opinion, there is no need for a whole romulan faction...just a 10 lvl story arch of a romulan civil war after the disapearance of sela (iconians), that ends with you making a decission to either join KDF or FED.
    Or, all romulans join up with the KDF, making the KDF more attractive (and more populated). The current klingon government is anyway closer to the house of duras, which allways had close connections to the romulans. That would certainly upset many fed only players, but maybe it would be a better decission in the long run.
    Go pro or go home
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    havam wrote: »
    While I'm not the greatest fan of Nemesis, it is what it is. Under no circumstances should the Remans go KDF and the Rommies FED, whats wrong with you people? That's like saying all the females join the RSE while all the males become members of Quark Enterprises. Romulans and Remans are brethren first and foremost. Even the oh so puffy fluffy feel goodie Federation had their separatist terrorists aka marquis.

    omg sooooooooo this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    to me i try to think like a romulan not that hard to do watch a few episode of them you get the hint :) and romulan lap dogs dose not click
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • switchngcswitchngc Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Sadly, per this post by Dan Stahl in the recent Ask Cryptic, it seems STO will be forever stuck with 2 factions and no more (mini-factions or otherwise)
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    switchngc wrote: »
    Sadly, per this post by Dan Stahl in the recent Ask Cryptic, it seems STO will be forever stuck with 2 factions and no more (mini-factions or otherwise)

    So they realized that leveling is too fast now. Didn't the playerbase mention that a long time back?

    A third faction would be disruptive to the "friends and fleets" a player has made in game? Seems kinda shifty to claim that is one of the reasons why not to make a third faction.

    Afraid of simply having another faction that as poorly done as the first two? Thats a healthy fear and one many players have expressed, still no reason to not grow the game in my opinion.

    I'm hoping that as Dan stated in the last paragraph these thoughts on why not to pursue a thrid faction are just speculation, and the Dev team overcomes thier concerns about a third faction to grow the game.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    So they realized that leveling is too fast now. Didn't the playerbase mention that a long time back?

    yes we did back back in open beta if i recall right i know in the frist month for sure for by Feb 15th of 2010 i was all ready RA

    dont for get the game came out Feb 2ed of 2010 and i know i can have the time frame go down for i like to lag around alot whlie i play
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    baudl wrote: »
    i'm not 100% sure if the mogai is the same as the valdor class warbird. They sure look the same, but i doubt they are the same.
    Mogai are dipicted much much smaller in the game than they should be if they were a valdor class warbird.

    They're supposed to be the same ship.
    Mogai is the name of the class in the "Titan" Pocket Books novels which, as we know from the Luna class, are part of STO's backstory up to a point.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Actually, the Tech Exchange is Canon... hence the TOS episode where three D-7s de-cloaked around the Enterprise... filled with Romulans instead of Klingons.

    The bird of Prey in the TOS episode 'Balance of Terror' used a Plasma homing torpedo that always hit unless you could get out of range... so TAS is not the only instance we see of Plasma torps on Romulan ships.

    TY for legitimizing my reference to the tech exchange , I missed that ep (or forgot about it). I'm very familiar with it's non-canonical references but sometimes forget they started in TOS canon.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • teleon22teleon22 Member Posts: 424
    edited September 2012
    How I would like to see the Romulans added:

    The Remen - Romulan War!

    Two new Mini Factions: Romulans and Remens.
    Note: Details about the Mini-Faction below!

    Back Story:

    With the control over the Romulan Star Empire splintered in a power struggle between various military and political elements within the Empire, the Remens seize the chance for independence from the Romulan Star Empire; lacking the resources however to secure a system in order to build a new Home World from which they can truly claim independence, they seek out the Klingons?

    The Enemy of my Enemy:
    Entering negotiations with the Klingon Empire, the Remens offer in exchange that the Klingon Empire provides Industrial Replicators, resources and slave labor. That the Remens will therefore provide the Empire with Remen Shock Troopers, military support against the Romulans, and the Remens will not dispute territories captured by the Empire along the Romulan / Klingon Border.

    Mini-Faction Details: Remen
    -Allied with the KDF and access to some KDF content (may also join KDF Fleets)
    -New UI color scheme.
    -Playable Remen Captain
    -New Remen ships playable only by Remen Characters.
    -KDF gain access to Remen Duty Officers and Remen Bridge Officers.

    With the above I?d add in a new Warzone in Romulan Secor Space for the Fed + Romulan to fight the KDF + Remen.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    TY for legitimizing my reference to the tech exchange , I missed that ep (or forgot about it). I'm very familiar with it's non-canonical references but sometimes forget they started in TOS canon.

    The funny thing is that appearently the Romulans got more out of the technological exchange than might be appearent at first glance.
    Of course the other way around this means they actually needed the tech or they wouldn't have had to adopt Klingon design principles.
    The Romulans used Klingon Disruptor Pistols in "The Enterprise Incident". indicating those were better than their own sidearms.
    Every canon Romulan ship we saw in the time periods after TOS used the hull and neck/command section design the Klingons favor so much.
    Ships like Valdore/Mogai also employed the nacelles under the hull concept similar to the K't'inga and Vor'cha.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    misterde3 wrote: »
    The funny thing is that appearently the Romulans got more out of the technological exchange than might be appearent at first glance.
    Of course the other way around this means they actually needed the tech or they wouldn't have had to adopt Klingon design principles.
    The Romulans used Klingon Disruptor Pistols in "The Enterprise Incident". indicating those were better than their own sidearms.
    Every canon Romulan ship we saw in the time periods after TOS used the hull and neck/command section design the Klingons favor so much.
    Ships like Valdore/Mogai also employed the nacelles under the hull concept similar to the K't'inga and Vor'cha.

    Aye, the 'infamous' KR cruiser. They got a sturdy workhorse design for their fleet, and disruptor technology for cloaking technology. I wouldn't say the Romulans got the better deal, but you already know where my loyalties lie.
    The D7 models for the Romulan warships are actually Klingon ships, used instead of the Romulan Bird-of-Prey model seen in the episode "Balance of Terror". Although in production order the model was first used (as a Klingon ship) in "Elaan of Troyius", in transmission order it is first seen in this episode. It was stated in the first draft of the script that the Romulans and Klingons had an exchange of technology, where Romulans received four Klingon heavy D7 battlecruisers and the Klingons were given Romulan cloaking technology.

    The Romulans still use Klingon D7 battle cruisers, although CBS Digital has added the Romulan "Bird of Prey" markings to them. One D7 has been replaced with an actual Romulan Bird of Prey ship like that seen in "Balance of Terror".
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • adon333adon333 Member Posts: 304
    edited September 2012
    Here here!!! for a full fledged Romulan faction, and not just some lazy, knockoff, monster play lvl 1-10 excuse like they are intending.

    Yeah, that's right.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I think that we are going to have to accept that STO can't introduce every species as a full and independent faction. On the other hand, Romulans deserve to have a playable faction of some kind.

    I don't like the notion of bundling Romulans/Cardassians/etc as sub-factions under either the Federation or the KDF.

    An idea that's rolling around in my head is that Cryptic could create a third, species-neutral faction that contains all of the other sub-factions in the game. These sub-factions could be "allied" as far as PvE goes, or possibly leverage some form of the Reputation system that Cryptic is developing. It might be possible that the Reputation system could be used to make distinctions between them and to define their relationships to each other and to the main two factions.

    The neutral faction could possibly contain all kinds of sub-factions that don't fit into the main factions, like:

    Romulan Loyalists
    Romulan Separatists
    Reman Separatists
    Cardassian Loyalists
    Cardassian Separatists
    Gorn Separatists
    Ferengi Alliance
    Mercenaries (Mixed-Species)

    The neutral factions could share some common content and unlock species-specific content (like Romulan or Cardassian ships) through the Reputation system. A new neutral character could have one of the sub-factions already unlocked, so that a Romulan character can start out with a Romulan ship. More Reputation-unlockable content could be added over time.

    Using the Reputation system, it might even be feasible to unlock features from one or both of the main factions. This could allow a neutral character to enter the Klingon home sector, or to play through missions normally restricted to Federation characters, and more.

    Any content that the Reputation system can't provide, like Romulan-themed missions, could potentially be handled with Foundry missions.

    I know there are people who will strongly disagree with this proposal. But I think something like this is the only way Cryptic could reasonably accomodate more than 2-3 factions in the game. This could be flexible enough to satisfy most wishes for introducing new factions into the game over time.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    bluegeek wrote: »
    I think that we are going to have to accept that STO can't introduce every species as a full and independent faction. On the other hand, Romulans deserve to have a playable faction of some kind.

    see the thing is we are not asking for any old species but the romulans a major power not some one like a packled or something like that and one we have been asking for from Day 1
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Aye, the 'infamous' KR cruiser. They got a sturdy workhorse design for their fleet, and disruptor technology for cloaking technology. I wouldn't say the Romulans got the better deal, but you already know where my loyalties lie.

    KRs, K7R, KRCs...still some of the best stuff around.

    Something I did find interesting were some bits and pieces in the "Lost Era" novel by Pocket books.
    According to them the Romulans had begun upgrading their own D7s by the Star Trek 1 era.
    There was a nice flachback in the "Serpents Among the Ruins" novel to a young Lt. Harriman fighting one of those ships weaing a beige-white uniform.

    One of the later novels, "The Art of the Impossible" which is set after Star Trek 6 states that the Romulans purchased quite a few of those battlecruisers from the Klingons and that House Duras had their hands in it.

    That got me thinking.
    Assuming the Romulans had enough of those ships flying around that they had begun upgrading them with new technology they might have kept them in service.
    By the 24th century those ships were probably only handling less important jobs inside Romulan space.
    After the Romulus Sytem was destroyed a whole lot of the Romulan industiral base was lost so I guess the colonies had to somehow get their hands on all the ships they could get.
    We know the Klingons were breathing down the RSE's neck and those colonies would probably not have had the yard capacity to build new ships, only maintain and refit existing ones.
    So I designed a late 24th century Romulan D7.

    I'm not an artist and TBH I'm horrible when it comes to drawing with a pencil.
    So I took an old D7 3-d model I had build about 6 years ago and convereted it.
    Some aspects are from the D'deridex, some are from the Valdore.
    The brigde structure is based on the 22nd century Romulan BoP which I must admit was totally out of place on Enterprise and would have fit into the 24th century much better.
    Hence I have no problem with Cryptic using it in STO.
    These pics are not new but since the old posts are now "archived"...


  • gornman47gornman47 Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    1. They need to be a full faction,none of this mini faction bullcrap.

    2. Romulans are stealthy infiltrators on the ground and in space. make them unique in this way and they'll be awesome.

    3. Sub races within the Romulan empire do exist. Why not have Remans as an option and the Hirogen is a must IMO. Lots of room to make other species apart of them.

    4. Ships; classic BOP, classic Romulan battle cruiser(D-7 klingon type), shuttles and D'deridex (2 types warbird class and the B-type warbirds(suggested as two types but often look the same) and the Mogai (Valdore)class. The best thing about the Romulans is that we've seen so little of them that Cryptic could has a lot of design room to make new ships.

    5. We need to start as an Ulhan and work our way up to Admiral. As for mission content It wouldn't be hard to inter-weave existing plot points from the Fed missions and the Reman episodes into missions specifically for the Romulan faction.

    6. Weapons and Gear: Well we already have Romulan weapons in game and we already have the look of Romulan garb. Also we have potential to make C-store purchases of uniform from the TOS era, and the TNG era. Lots of design possibilities here also for Cryptic.

    7. IMHO This game will never be complete without a Romulan faction. Even if we start off with a half assed Klingon version at first I would be happy. What we don't need is to have to pay for a Romulan faction or for the Klingon and Romulan factions to remain Mini-factions. Also the idea of integrating the Romulans into the Federation and Klingon empire is wrong and that idea should never have been suggested.

    8. Cryptic has the best opportunity to make a good Romulan faction and should take two full seasons (a year) to make them. I would be happy with this not sure if others would be.

    9. In support of a ROMULAN FACTION I am changing my avatar pic to a romulan even know my name is Gornman.
    Q: [quoting Hartley] "Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays..."
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