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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Widow: *Shakes off the dizziness * Widow, Office of State Security... Part of the 4th contingent..

    *Looks around...*

    I don't think we can hold this area much longer. The medics are out now.. the base camp is probably on its last legs.

    OOC: Hold on... I thought she was S.H.I.E.L.D.?

    *Hawk looks around, nodding to her.*

    Hawk: I see your point.

    *He picks up an unconscious child and carries him towards the last transport.*

    Come on!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Hold on... I thought she was S.H.I.E.L.D.?

    *Hawk looks around, nodding to her.*

    Hawk: I see your point.

    *He picks up an unconscious child and carries him towards the last transport.*

    Come on!

    *OOC: If recall SHIELD was in shambles and scattered. Technically did not exist. So the remaining agents that did not join Preston stuck with the other teams she is loosely with OSS.. *

    Widow: *fires once and keeps moving trying to get to a transport... she can't help but remember Gyunei's raid on SHIELD near the beginning of the war.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ODST : Mr President the ugc convention is starting up again.

    Granz: thank you commander. Computer bring up ugc feed.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    OOC: I know that first part. But yes lets get this session going.*

    Schwartz: On to the next issue at hand.. We have a Romulan Envoy.. who will speak in a bit. But right now we bring to light the destruction of two planets with an unidentified weapon of mass destruction.

    Vantrelle: Agreed.

    Two planets have been effectively destroyed by Weapons of Mass Destruction; one in U.N.S.C. space and one in Klingon Space. Both were civilian colonies, ill-prepared for a Romulan attack.

    Scans indicate that the weapons in question were a combination of Fusion weaponry and Twilight weaponry.

    Darani *shock*: What?!

    *The room erupts into a sea of murmuring. The Iconians haven't finished adapting the Twilight technology to function with the systems of other races. That the Romulans not only managed to get a hold of Twilight weaponry, but managed to use it, is distressing to say the least.*

    Koran (Romulan Envoy): If I may...?

    Darani: How did your people manage to use twilight weaponry?! Not even the Federation or Republic has managed it yet!

    Koran: Ah, the elitism of an Iconian seelak.

    *He looks at Talikar.*

    And the unusual silence of a Klingon dog.

    *He takes the stage, completely ignoring what Schwartz had just said.*

    Do not presume I come in peace. I am not here to answer for my government - my government does not answer to anyone but itself. We are not Federation lapdogs any more. We are Romulan!

    I am here to convey a message from our Emperor, nothing else.

    *He places a holo-viewer on the floor, as it emits a huge hologram within the chamber of Jorat standing in his throne room, hands behind his back.*

    Jorat: Federation lackies of the U.G.C., I am Emperor Jorat of the Romulan Star Empire. 2 days ago, my people retook sovereign Romulan land occupied by Klingon forces. We also taught a lesson to the insolent vermin of the U.N.S.C.

    Understand that, by the end of the 26th Century, all that was once Romulan, will be Romulan again. The Lanco System, currently Synthesiser, shall be ours. We have already retaken our territory from the Klingon dogs.

    Terrans, I direct this promise to you; Charon III, where you defeated us in the Earth-Romulan War, shall be ours.

    Some of you consider me a madman. I consider myself a teacher. I have taught the U.N.S.C. a lesson about crossing my Empire. I have taught it to the Klingons. I will teach it to all who dare or have dared to threaten my people.

    You know who we are.

    *The hologram shows armies of Romulan troops boarding ships.*

    You don't know where we are.

    *Now it shows a Romulan Warbird cloaking.*

    And you'll never see us coming!

    *The hologram starts showing every occasion on which the Romulans have surprised enemy forces; the first contact between Enterprise and 2 warbirds...*

    But make no mistake, we are coming!

    *To the attack on the Earth Outposts in the 2260s...*

    We may have vanished for the past 2 years, but now you may tremble!

    *To the attack on Narendra III in the 24th Century...*

    For WE!

    *To the many occasions where the Enterprise-D was surprised.*


    *Attacks on Federation targets during 2409.*


    *To the attack on Narendra III 2 days earlier.

    The hologram cuts out. Koran picks up the emitter and walks out.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *OOC: If recall SHIELD was in shambles and scattered. Technically did not exist. So the remaining agents that did not join Preston stuck with the other teams she is loosely with OSS.. *

    Widow: *fires once and keeps moving trying to get to a transport... she can't help but remember Gyunei's raid on SHIELD near the beginning of the war.*

    OOC: Fair point.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *OOC: If recall SHIELD was in shambles and scattered. Technically did not exist. So the remaining agents that did not join Preston stuck with the other teams she is loosely with OSS.. *

    Widow: *fires once and keeps moving trying to get to a transport... she can't help but remember Gyunei's raid on SHIELD near the beginning of the war.*

    *Hawk dodges enemy fire.*

    Hawk: 4th Contingent, huh?!

    You one of the survivors from S.H.I.E.L.D.?!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vantrelle: Agreed.

    Two planets have been effectively destroyed by Weapons of Mass Destruction; one in U.N.S.C. space and one in Klingon Space. Both were civilian colonies, ill-prepared for a Romulan attack.

    Scans indicate that the weapons in question were a combination of Fusion weaponry and Twilight weaponry.

    Darani *shock*: What?!

    *The room erupts into a sea of murmuring. The Iconians haven't finished adapting the Twilight technology to function with the systems of other races. That the Romulans not only managed to get a hold of Twilight weaponry, but managed to use it, is distressing to say the least.*

    Koran (Romulan Envoy): If I may...?

    Darani: How did your people manage to use twilight weaponry?! Not even the Federation or Republic has managed it yet!

    Koran: Ah, the elitism of an Iconian seelak.

    *He looks at Talikar.*

    And the unusual silence of a Klingon dog.

    *He takes the stage, completely ignoring what Schwartz had just said.*

    Do not presume I come in peace. I am not here to answer for my government - my government does not answer to anyone but itself. We are not Federation lapdogs any more. We are Romulan!

    I am here to convey a message from our Emperor, nothing else.

    *He places a holo-viewer on the floor, as it emits a huge hologram within the chamber of Jorat standing in his throne room, hands behind his back.*

    Jorat: Federation lackies of the U.G.C., I am Emperor Jorat of the Romulan Star Empire. 2 days ago, my people retook sovereign Romulan land occupied by Klingon forces. We also taught a lesson to the insolent vermin of the U.N.S.C.

    Understand that, by the end of the 26th Century, all that was once Romulan, will be Romulan again. The Lanco System, currently Synthesiser, shall be ours. We have already retaken our territory from the Klingon dogs.

    Terrans, I direct this promise to you; Charon III, where you defeated us in the Earth-Romulan War, shall be ours.

    Some of you consider me a madman. I consider myself a teacher. I have taught the U.N.S.C. a lesson about crossing my Empire. I have taught it to the Klingons. I will teach it to all who dare or have dared to threaten my people.

    You know who we are.

    *The hologram shows armies of Romulan troops boarding ships.*

    You don't know where we are.

    *Now it shows a Romulan Warbird cloaking.*

    And you'll never see us coming!

    *The hologram starts showing every occasion on which the Romulans have surprised enemy forces; the first contact between Enterprise and 2 warbirds...*

    But make no mistake, we are coming!

    *To the attack on the Earth Outposts in the 2260s...*

    We may have vanished for the past 2 years, but now you may tremble!

    *To the attack on Narendra III in the 24th Century...*

    For WE!

    *To the many occasions where the Enterprise-D was surprised.*


    *Attacks on Federation targets during 2409.*


    *To the attack on Narendra III 2 days earlier.

    The hologram cuts out. Koran picks up the emitter and walks out.*

    *OOC: Federation did barely. They have yet to equip it to all ships.. Hence the Thanix.. *

    Talikar: *Barely trying to keep his rage in check..*

    Dorman: If I may address the council.

    Weynal: A guess I gather Admiral. How do you think they managed what they did?

    Dorman: The remains of Sovereign.. Not all of the vessel was accounted for.. At the time we assumed it was destroyed. I do think that they did recover parts... and took the last few years trying to reverse engineer stronger weapons.

    Weynal: *rubbing his chin* That is possible.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Hawk dodges enemy fire.*

    Hawk: 4th Contingent, huh?!

    You one of the survivors from S.H.I.E.L.D.?!

    Widow: Something I do not like remembering. The Shedai were merciless much less gyunei..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sinclaire: well that wasn't what I hope for.

    Sentinel : me either my old student.

    Else where

    Reach presidential retreat.

    Granz: get me Halsey yuri and black on the line. They want to fight. We will fight. How many covenant ships are now here.

    Aide: about 25000 sir.

    Granz: get them ready. They want to fight we will fight. Send a message to the Klingons republic and federation and synthisers we blockade romulan space and force them to cooperate see who else will join. Tell harper his jobs not over.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Granz walks through the large doors of the estate. Flanked by two odst guards.

    Granz: I want a meeting as soon as they are available.

    Aide: message sent sir.

    Granz:( angry) they want to play ball. Well we can play ball. Now that covenant is joined our forces are almost more the tripled and there ships are as advanced as almost anything here.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Granz walks through the large doors of the estate. Flanked by two odst guards.

    Granz: I want a meeting as soon as they are available.

    Aide: message sent sir.

    Granz:( angry) they want to play ball. Well we can play ball. Now that covenant is joined our forces are almost more the tripled and there ships are as advanced as almost anything here.

    OOC: Though not quite as advanced as bombs capable of destroying entire planetary ecosystems and wiping out entire formations of starships.

    Just thought I'd point that out.

    Though then again... the U.N.S.C. Nova Bombs...

    I actually wasn't going to go with fusion weapons for the Romulans, but this could work out nicely for what I have planned after the time skip.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Though not quite as advanced as bombs capable of destroying entire planetary ecosystems and wiping out entire formations of starships.

    Just thought I'd point that out.

    Though then again... the U.N.S.C. Nova Bombs...

    I actually wasn't going to go with fusion weapons for the Romulans, but this could work out nicely for what I have planned after the time skip.

    *OOC: Also for that environmental message I wanted to give. So. Hey I am full of surprises. As for advancement I think this gives the Federation and Iconians a bit of a push to form up with some sort of treaty to help assist in tech jointly. *

    Dorman: Since we have the Romulan's answer to our questions, I for one do not blame them much for wanting vengeance. We are all flawed. But...

    *remembering the battles he was part of and its carnage.*

    Vengeance will not bring peace. Just more hatred. The man that caused this problem and brought forth this twistedness in this Emperor... is dying. Its not enough I know. But what is there to do? The synthesizers are in shambles. Murdering them is not the answer. We did not do that with the Innovades..

    *Remembering Texira's Grandfather *

    I am here to ask all of you. This emperor wants something that is not possible. He wants blood. I do not want to give it. I have seen enough war in my life time. Seen many friends fall in front of me. No more. This war is not just between powers it threatens the very unification that has been in danger since the beginning of the Second Shadow War. The very peace everyone of those men and women who are not here with us today is at risk for more chaos and pointless bloodshed for simple revenge.

    James did not want that. Neither did Hawk. Neither did Preston no matter how much we hate the man.

    I ask all of you today to invoke the treaty that has brought us together here today. Because he will not stop just with the Klingon's... or with the Federation.

    It is time we put all old grudges where they belong.. In the past.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Gyunei watches as Sam walks around, Kela in her disguise is watching as she drops down, stealth engaged.. Before Sam knows it Kela has her in a head lock and her knee kicked from behind. A Blade at her neck... Hissing heard in her ear that she knows all too well. Gyunei comes from his hiding place and closes the windows in the same image outside to the teams below..*

    *The Air thins and grows cold... *

    Gyunei: I see you have been quite in your return Sam.. You are not quite the same as before.

    *Kela hisses again... *

    Kela: Perhaps she has gone soft. Pity my brother did not get that chance.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Granz is looking at a holo map. Waiting now for a response from his officers.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vantrelle: I believe... that would be appropriate.


    S'saan: Agreed.

    *Hall looks down from his booth, still watching C. Sam.*

    Hall: Delby, where are you?

    Delby *Over Comm*: Outside. How do you want to handle this?

    Hall: We can't arrest her while she's in the chamber - that would make it difficult to keep this quiet.

    Delby *Over Comm*: The Convention can hold the session later. We could evacuate the chambers - come up with some BS cover story.

    Hall: They've still got to talk about the Romulan issue.

    I've got an idea. I think she's spotted me. If I start moving in, it'll spook her.

    *Outside, Delby is watching the door.*

    Delby: Hall, wait. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s sending someone here to help bring her in.

    Hall *Over Comm*: Wait for your signal? Got it.

    *With Sam and Matt. They're still eating when they notice a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents heading for the Transport Tubes.*

    Sam: S.H.I.E.L.D.'s out in force today.

    Matt: Yeah. You okay here for a few minutes?

    Sam: Sure.

    *Matt stands and walks over to follow the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents. As they get near the Transport Tubes, a hand stops him as Hill is facing him.*

    Hill: Fleet Captain.

    Matt: Director Hill. I take it you don't want me following your agents?

    Hill: It would be... inconvenient.

    Matt: Yeah, well, I'm the Republic's Military Liaison to the War Council and curiosity isn't a crime, so... you can't arrest me.

    *He resumes his pursuit, with hill walking alongside.*

    Hill: Not my intention. It would just be problematic if you came along.

    Matt: 'Problematic' could be the name of my autobiography.

    *Back with Delby, the three S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents arrive.*

    Coulson: Agent Delby?

    Delby: Yep. *She shows them her O.S.S. Badge.*

    Coulson: Agent Coulson. Strategic Headquarters: Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Department. Agents Quartermaine and Delton.

    Our girl inside?

    Delby: Along with another O.S.S. Agent. He's ready to spook her and make her come out through the door on my signal.

    Coulson: Alright, Agent Delby. This is your rodeo.

    *Delby nods, tapping her earpiece.*

    Delby: Hall, we're good out here.

    Hall *Over Comm*: Copy.

    *Coulson and his team take out their phasers.*

    Coulson: Phasers on stun.

    *Delby sets her phaser on stun as well.

    Inside, Hall taps his earpiece.*

    Hall: I'm going in.

    *He starts making his way towards the stairs. C. Sam spots him. He taps his earpiece again.*

    She's seen me.

    *He starts making his way down the stairs, and she starts backing away towards the doors.*

    She's spooked.

    *She starts dashing to the door, running through it and into Delby and Coulson's team.*

    Coulson: Prisoner 231701, Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    Delby: Agent Delby, Office of State Security. We're going to have to ask you to come with us.

    C. Sam: TRIBBLE...

    *She puts a hand behind her back, taking something out of a pocket, a small cylindrical device.*

    Hall *Over Comm*: Delby, target's armed!

    *Delby quickly tries to fire her phaser, but C. Sam throws down the device causing a bright flash to blind the group as Delby's shot hits a Personal Shield. C. Sam then starts sprinting through the group, shoving Delby out of her way as she bee-lines it for the Transport Tubes.

    The group pick themselves up as Hall runs over, phaser drawn. He kneels down near Delby.*

    Hall: You alright?!

    Delby: Just need a minute! Get after her!

    *Hall nods, sprinting after his target. Delby taps her earpiece.*

    This is Delby. Target's loose!

    *Hill and Matt walk off the nearby Transport TUbe, starting to make their way towards the Convention Chambers.*

    Matt: What exactly is going on here, Director?

    Hill: Classified.

    Matt: Naturally.

    *He sees C. Sam, though he can't recognise her at this distance, running towards them.*

    What the...?

    *Hill pulls out her phaser.*


    Hill: Your government's fugitive! Want to help?

    *Matt processes this and takes out his phaser, setting it to stun and taking aim.*

    Matt: Hold it! Republi--!

    *He stops as she grinds to a halt, now just a few feet from them. He can recognise the face now.*


    C. Sam: Matt?

    *She glances back, seeing Hall catching up. She grabs another flashbang from her pocket as Delby and Coulson come around the corner as well. She gets ready to throw it down.*

    Hall: Cover your eyes!

    *Matt and Hill quickly shield their eyes as she throws the device down before sprinting into a maintenance duct.

    After a moment, Matt runs over and looks inside.*

    Matt: Remind me. Why are the Keepers the only ones allowed in the ducts?

    Hall: The station's huge. Parts of the maintenance ducts aren't even pressurised! There are also decon fields which are essentially walls of plasma, and--

    *Matt takes off his jacket.*

    Matt: I'm going in after her!

    *Delby and Coulson catch up. Matt looks at Delby.*

    And when I get back, I want to know what the hell is going on!

    Delby: Why are you looking at me?!

    Matt: Because Hill says she's a Republic fugitive, which means you're the one who called S.H.I.E.L.D. in!

    Delby: Matt...

    *She kneels down as he gets in the conduit.*

    Be careful. She's extremely dangerous.

    *Matt nods, before crawling through the conduits after C. Sam.*

    *In the conduits, C. Sam is crawling along when she walks into a pressure shield. She rips off a piece of her cloak, throwing it through the shield and watching it react to the vacuum on the other side. She then turns around and crawls through another tunnel.

    Matt spots her and follows her. She manages to find her way onto the Presidium.

    Another O.S.S. Agent spots her, tapping his earpiece as she runs towards a transport tube.*

    Agent: This is Fox. Target's on the Presidium! In pursuit!

    *Matt comes out of the tunnels as well and chases after her.*

    Matt: This is Forrester! She's heading for the transport tubes!

    Delby *Over Comm*: This is her first time on the station! She won't realise that the tubes are de-pressurised!

    *Matt sprints after her as she get to the platform as the tube leaves. She gets ready to jump passed the pressure shield.*

    Matt: WAIT!

    *She turns around, seeing Matt aiming his phaser at her.*

    That tube's a vacuum! You step through there, you'll die!

    C. Sam: Why should I believe you?!

    Matt: You know me.

    *C. Sam looks back, then at Matt.

    She then sees Delby and Coulson's team leave a nearby turbolift, getting ready to dart towards the turbolift on the platform before seeing Hall come out of it, phaser drawn.*

    Hall: Don't even think about it!

    *She looks back, seeing Delby pointing her phaser at her.*

    Delby: Stand down, 701! There's no where to go!

    C. Sam: I'm not going back!

    Delby: Hall...

    *Matt walks up to her slowly, holstering his phaser.*


    *He steps between her and Hall, looking at her.*

    Matt: This doesn't have to end badly, Sam.

    C. Sam: You don't know what they did to me.

    Hall: Captain, you're in my shot!

    Delby, I need instructions here!

    Delby: Hold your fire!

    Matt, get out of the way and let us do our jobs!

    Matt: Talk to me. What did they do?

    C. Sam: They... they...

    *She starts to back up, prompting Matt to take her hand.*

    They tried to make me--

    *She glares at Delby.*


    Delby: Damn it.

    *Delby shoots her, prompting Matt to catch her as she falls. THe group of agents run over to her.*

    This is Delby. Target's in custody.

    Matt: What the hell is going on here?!

    Delby: I'll explain once we get her into a S.H.I.E.L.D. holding cell.

    *10 minutes later. Matt and Delby are talking in an interview room.*

    She's the genetic rewrite of your wife that tried to assassinate the Federation President at Caspian III 7 years ago. She's recovered from the brainwashing Drake put her through, but she still believes she's the real Sam Allington.

    Matt: She said you did things to her. What did she mean?

    Delby: I honestly have no idea. Facility 231 is a psychiatric care facility. They were trying to help her accept that she was a re-write and not the real Samantha Allington.

    A few days ago, she was abducted - apparently by the Synthesisers.

    Matt: Why didn't I know about this?

    Delby: Matt, this whole topic is classified at the highest level. Only the President and the Head of the Department of Justice even knew we had her!

    Matt: Why?

    Delby: For her own safety, as well as your wife's.

    Do you know what would have happened if it got out that people were making copies of your wife? The public and the Senate would have hounded her for the rest of her life thinking she was a security risk!

    As for 701, we decided it was better that the wrong people not know where to find her.

    Matt *sarcasm*: Nice job.

    Delby: Cute.

    Well, now we can hopefully get her back where she belongs - get her the help she needs without anyone in the public knowing.

    *Hall walks in.*

    Hall: Not likely.

    *He throws a PADD on the table in frustration.*

    The Synths just extended her diplomatic immunity - as a "guest of the Synthesiser People".

    Delby: You're kidding me, right?


    Matt: What's the problem?

    Delby: Technically, she doesn't exist in any Republic Legal database. In order to fight this, we'd have to reveal who she is, why we had her, etcetera, etcetera...

    Hall: Which we can't do without compromising your wife's position.

    Legally, we have to let her go.

    Unless she does something illegal on the station.

    Delby: Which, so far, she hasn't.

    Hall: Right.

    *Delby sighs.*

    Delby: Fine. Cut her loose.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Granz is sitting at a holo table as black forge yuri Halsey appear.

    Granz: hello everyone. As you know the romulans have made there intentions clear. I think its time we do the same.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Gyunei watches as Sam walks around, Kela in her disguise is watching as she drops down, stealth engaged.. Before Sam knows it Kela has her in a head lock and her knee kicked from behind. A Blade at her neck... Hissing heard in her ear that she knows all too well. Gyunei comes from his hiding place and closes the windows in the same image outside to the teams below..*

    *The Air thins and grows cold... *

    Gyunei: I see you have been quite in your return Sam.. You are not quite the same as before.

    *Kela hisses again... *

    Kela: Perhaps she has gone soft. Pity my brother did not get that chance.

    *Sam elbows her in the face, getting up before kicking her round the head, getting into a fighting stance.*

    Sam: Quiet? Sure. Soft? I've seen tritanium armour plates softer than me.

    How the hell are you two alive? Hawk blasted a whole in your chest and I shot Gyunei THREE freaking times!

    Oh, and who have I killed now?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Widow: Something I do not like remembering. The Shedai were merciless much less gyunei..

    Hawk: I know what you mean!

    *They jump onto a transport as it lifts off. As the door closes behind them, Hawk hands the child in his arms to a medic. He then looks at Widow.*

    If their timing is anywhere near decent, the Republic will be waiting for us in orbit.

    So, what's your story? I mean, what's your name - your real one?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Gyunei, feels the area...*

    Gyunei: The distraction has been taken care of lets go.. little one you will have your vengeance. But we must take her elsewhere...

    *Kela groans and punches her in the face with a round house knocking her out and putting her in a trunk..*

    Kela: Lets go then..

    *As the leave Gyunei sets up a perfect hologram.. *

    Gyunei: Let us leave the station... Hopefully Kai has his part finished with already.

    *Dalos Alpha the wedding is continuing the music continuing on.. They play a serious tune... *

    *The host stands Kiemar *

    Kiemar: Come come.. I have something to say..

    *Everyone has looked over to the host*

    Kiemar: Mister President... members of the cabinet.. I am thankful you have come here and broken bread with me and my family and friends. In friendship.. But I must say I have been a horrible host.

    You have come here with your beautiful family

    *The doors and exits are being quietly locked. and the guards and secret service being quietly killed.*

    I must give my thanks and my welcomes.

    *A Guard comes up and stabs the older son in the chest dead center as violence breaks out as the guests and cabient members of the Senate are being killed. Romulan weapons the President is hit but is heavily wounded his secret service is dead... OSS is actually helping the coup... *

    *Kiemar is laughing and drinking as he watches the room go silent.*

    *The President stands.. wounded as his family is dead. *

    *Kai steps forward *

    Kai: Stane and Weynal send their regards.

    *With a stab in the heart from a long dagger she falls dead...*

    Kai: *taking his comm unit out Stane is out *

    Stane: Tell me the dirty deed is done..

    Kai: Yes.

    Stane: Good... Now care not to mention it again.. I do not care to hear of it again.. Distasteful business.

    Kai: Yes Sir.. The Romulans were happy to help..

    Stane: Oh... I don't think they were.

    Kai: Of course not.

    But linking them to this is done. Kiemar knows the story..

    Stane: Good. Initiate the next phase.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Gyunei, feels the area...*

    Gyunei: The distraction has been taken care of lets go.. little one you will have your vengeance. But we must take her elsewhere...

    *Kela groans and punches her in the face with a round house knocking her out and putting her in a trunk..*

    Kela: Lets go then..

    *As the leave Gyunei sets up a perfect hologram.. *

    Gyunei: Let us leave the station... Hopefully Kai has his part finished with already.

    *Dalos Alpha the wedding is continuing the music continuing on.. They play a serious tune... *

    *The host stands Kiemar *

    Kiemar: Come come.. I have something to say..

    *Everyone has looked over to the host*

    Kiemar: Madam President... members of the cabinet.. I am thankful you have come here and broken bread with me and my family and friends. In friendship.. But I must say I have been a horrible host.

    You have come here with your beautiful family

    *The doors and exits are being quietly locked. and the guards and secret service being quietly killed.*

    I must give my thanks and my welcomes.

    *A Guard comes up and stabs the older son in the chest dead center as violence breaks out as the guests and cabient members of the Senate are being killed. Romulan weapons the President is hit but is heavily wounded his secret service is dead... OSS is actually helping the coup... *

    *Kiemar is laughing and drinking as he watches the room go silent.*

    *The President stands.. wounded as her family is dead. *

    *Kai steps forward *

    Kai: Stane and Weynal send their regards.

    *With a stab in the heart from a long dagger she falls dead...*

    Kai: *taking his comm unit out Stane is out *

    Stane: Tell me the dirty deed is done..

    Kai: Yes.

    Stane: Good... Now care not to mention it again.. I do not care to hear of it again.. Distasteful business.

    Kai: Yes Sir.. The Romulans were happy to help..

    Stane: Oh... I don't think they were.

    Kai: Of course not.

    But linking them to this is done. Kiemar knows the story..

    Stane: Good. Initiate the next phase.

    OOC: *Cough* Mister President *Cough*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Hawk: I know what you mean!

    *They jump onto a transport as it lifts off. As the door closes behind them, Hawk hands the child in his arms to a medic. He then looks at Widow.*

    If their timing is anywhere near decent, the Republic will be waiting for us in orbit.

    So, what's your story? I mean, what's your name - your real one?

    Widow: *Looking at the wounded in the transport... *

    Anew.. is my real name. I think we need to help tend to the wounded here.. The enemy's 9th fleet is moving in ...

    I am from Earth..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: *Cough* Mister President *Cough*

    OOC: Couldn't remember.. Will patch that. *
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    OOC: Also, can we quit it with demonising the O.S.S.?! How many times do I have to say it?!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Also, can we quit it with demonising the O.S.S.?! How many times do I have to say it?!

    OOC: I do promise it will stop. It was only a few anyway. I do apologize for that. Besides I am mostly going to pin this on the Romulans.. so.. yes trust me ok.. Not my angle on the OSS.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Granz: admirals unless we get a huge reason why not to I'm authorizing the use of nova warheads against the romulans.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Widow: *Looking at the wounded in the transport... *

    Anew.. is my real name. I think we need to help tend to the wounded here.. The enemy's 9th fleet is moving in ...

    Why do I know that name..

    Hawk: The Republic? She's the flagship of the Republic's fleet. Captain Samantha Allington in command.

    Samantha Allington as in the hero of the Solain Crisis, Romulan Civil War vet...

    *Sarcastically* She's sorta famous.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Hawk: The Republic? She's the flagship of the Republic's fleet. Captain Samantha Allington in command.

    Samantha Allington as in the hero of the Solain Crisis, Romulan Civil War vet...

    *Sarcastically* She's sorta famous.

    Anew: No her I know of..

    I am talking about The enemy Commander.. Captain Saragossa Barbarossa?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Granz: admirals unless we get a huge reason why not to I'm authorizing the use of nova warheads against the romulans.

    OOC: Sorry, do you mind if I jump in on this conversation?

    *Rear Admiral Piett is standing in the corner, a scar from the exodus on the left side of his face.*

    Piett: If I may...?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Sorry, do you mind if I jump in on this conversation?

    *Rear Admiral Piett is standing in the corner, a scar from the exodus on the left side of his face.*

    Piett: If I may...?

    Granz: of course admiral. Bring what your thinking to the table.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Anew: No her I know of..

    I am talking about The enemy Commander.. Captain Saragossa Barbarossa?

    Hawk: Ah...

    He would be the murdering son of a targ who killed Billions on Charon IX.
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