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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Mason: Doesn't mean much. You could just be saying that.

    Agent: We wouldn't be speaking.. and you would be dead. Please paranoia does no one any good.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    OOC: Alright.

    Schwartz: Bill SB1056A Innovade Enfranchisement and reinstatement .

    *Voting begins as Schwartz votes yes, as does Talikar.

    *Vantrelle votes yes, as do the Iconian and Gorn Ambassadors.

    Within a couple of minutes, the votes are in.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Agent: We wouldn't be speaking.. and you would be dead. Please paranoia does no one any good.

    Mason: I beg to differ. Paranoid is in my job description.

    Rampant paranoia does no one any good.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Vantrelle votes yes, as do the Iconian and Gorn Ambassadors.

    Within a couple of minutes, the votes are in.*

    Schwartz: The bill is passed by unanimous vote. Onto the next matter on the session acceptance of Adjeca's Synthesizers.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Mason: I beg to differ. Paranoid is in my job description.

    Rampant paranoia does no one any good.

    Agent: which is doing you no good.

    *As a Union Agent steps forward knife drawn in Mason's blindspot. A shot zips past him slightly singing his cheek... and striking the target... the union assassin is dead*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Jacob is watching the council proceedings from the war room of the harvenger.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Adjeca comes to the podium, short in stature compared to the other races, grey skinned, dark eyes, sharp teeth*

    Adjeca: Good morning, my people like the innovades have had problems with the galaxy, but my faction had detected their birth and made our way here... We as a people are fractured. The death of the Sam doppelganger has caused some problems that were surprising. My faction has no quarrel with the powers of the galaxy. No matter our religious differences.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Jacob watches the proceedings before turning to a second terminal.

    Jacob: what have you got Coleman.

    Coleman : sir sending you the data I've received so far.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ooc I work 12 hours tomorrow so I won't be on much.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *OOC: *Crickets chirping* Wow.. Dead day today.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Working 12 hours today.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Working 12 hours today.

    OOC: I know man. I have a lot today to finish up and to read. Exam and paper so I sorta know the feeling.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ooc: will post tomorrow exhausted after today and going to bed.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: will post tomorrow exhausted after today and going to bed.

    OOC: Don't blame ya. Might do the same thing after I get back from classes.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Jacob sits in his ready room reading over a list of Intel reports.

    Will post more soon.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    OOC: Just watched IM3, so I'm in an understandably good mood. :D

    *The Citadel. Sam and Matt are eating at the cafe across from their apartment. Sam's got devices in each ear and is tinkering with a PADD.*

    Matt: What are you--?

    Sam: Shhh...

    *She's listening in on the U.G.C. proceedings. Matt looks at her PADD and sees she's TRIBBLE the Convention Chamber's surveillance.*

    Matt *quietly*: Are you out of your mind?!

    Sam: It's been suggested...

    You should listen to this Adecka guy. He's hilariously obvious.

    Matt: 'Adjeca'. His name is 'Adjeca', not 'Adecka'.

    Sam: Whatever.

    *She takes the earphones out and turns off the PADD.*

    If it were anymore obvious that he was hiding something...

    *She trails off, feeling a tingle in the back of her head. She looks across the street to see a group of people, wearing hoods, walking towards the Convention Chambers.*


    *5 minutes later, Adjeca is still talking - trying to persuade the Convention to admit the Synthesisers. Vantrelle stands.*

    Vantrelle: You've already mentioned that the death of the Synthesiser Leader has caused problems. You claim to lead your people, but how can we be sure you have their support? How can we be sure that you are the legitimate leader of 'your' people?

    On these grounds, I am not sure your people can be admitted into the U.G.C.

    *Suddenly, the doors slide open as the group of people walk in.*

    Feminine voice: We couldn't agree more.

    *One of the Security Guards charges a member of the group, who grabs him by the throat, lifting him up and squeezing. As the guard chokes, the lead feminine figure lowers her hood and looks at her bodyguard. The figure looks like Sam, but with silver irises.*

    Synthesiser Sam: Karo, let him go.


    *The bodyguard drops the security officer, letting him breath, before lowering his hood, revealing a Vulcan with silver irises. The Synthesiser Sam looks at another female figure next to her.*

    I promised you we wouldn't kill anyone. Happy?

    *The other figure lowers her hood, revealing the Sam clone.*

    *OOC: I think we're going to need a programme to follow all the Sams that are running around! lol.

    Okay, the real Sam is "Sam", the Synthesiser is "S. Sam" and the genetic rewrite is "C. Sam".*

    C. Sam: Don't make me regret doing this.

    *S. Sam walks up to Adjeca on the podium.*

    S. Sam: I'm dead for 2 years... and you manage to throw my people into civil war. Nice job.

    *She turns around to address the convention.*

    Most of you probably know who I am - or was. I'm not quite the same person who many of you would call a terrorist. I have her memories... but I'm different. Sam, here, who's been through hell for the last 7 or 8 years, gave me life. She gave me her personality - a good person's personality.

    Does that mean my people should be admitted into the U.G.C. under my leadership? No. We're not ready.

    Adjeca has been complacent in the suppression of a caste of our society. He has been complacent in the stripping of rights with our workers and stripping those workers for raw materials. My people are on the verge of civil war because of it. We are not stable as a society. We are not ready.

    But we can be. I can fix what's happened to my people at home, but it'll take time. Unless I have help.

    My original body was the heart of the machine. Without it, my people need to adapt. I need the help of two races to make that happen. One is under the care of the Republic, and the other has just been made a sovereign power.

    I am requesting the help of both Jessica DeSalle's Borg Cooperative, and that of the Innovades in an effort to make the humanoid Synthesisers capable of controlling their own destiny without my guidance.

    *Murmuring fills the room.*

    I'm also asking for the Republic's protection.

    Vantrelle: What?

    *The confused murmurs escalate in volume.*

    S. Sam: It was my mistake... my predecessor's mistake... to spark a conflict with the Republic. The truth is... we need you now. The Lanco System used to be Romulan Space before we took it over. They want it back. They've detonated 10 of their fusion weapons so far, killing millions of my people. I'm asking for the Republic to recognise us... and protect us.

    *Vantrelle looks at her, stunned.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ooc: going to work so I'll post after work to.

    Jacob having grabbed a meal and a drink is watching the monitors showing the council and the new events grab his attention.

    Jacob: interesting. Most interesting.

    A red light flashes on his terminal. As he enters a key code.

    Harper: director Halsey I assume your seeing this.

    Jacob: yes I am. Most interesting. Keep you guard up and watch them closely.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Just watched IM3, so I'm in an understandably good mood. :D

    *The Citadel. Sam and Matt are eating at the cafe across from their apartment. Sam's got devices in each ear and is tinkering with a PADD.*

    Matt: What are you--?

    Sam: Shhh...

    *She's listening in on the U.G.C. proceedings. Matt looks at her PADD and sees she's TRIBBLE the Convention Chamber's surveillance.*

    Matt *quietly*: Are you out of your mind?!

    Sam: It's been suggested...

    You should listen to this Adecka guy. He's hilariously obvious.

    Matt: 'Adjeca'. His name is 'Adjeca', not 'Adecka'.

    Sam: Whatever.

    *She takes the earphones out and turns off the PADD.*

    If it were anymore obvious that he was hiding something...

    *She trails off, feeling a tingle in the back of her head. She looks across the street to see a group of people, wearing hoods, walking towards the Convention Chambers.*


    *5 minutes later, Adjeca is still talking - trying to persuade the Convention to admit the Synthesisers. Vantrelle stands.*

    Vantrelle: You've already mentioned that the death of the Synthesiser Leader has caused problems. You claim to lead your people, but how can we be sure you have their support? How can we be sure that you are the legitimate leader of 'your' people?

    On these grounds, I am not sure your people can be admitted into the U.G.C.

    *Suddenly, the doors slide open as the group of people walk in.*

    Feminine voice: We couldn't agree more.

    *One of the Security Guards charges a member of the group, who grabs him by the throat, lifting him up and squeezing. As the guard chokes, the lead feminine figure lowers her hood and looks at her bodyguard. The figure looks like Sam, but with silver irises.*

    Synthesiser Sam: Karo, let him go.


    *The bodyguard drops the security officer, letting him breath, before lowering his hood, revealing a Vulcan with silver irises. The Synthesiser Sam looks at another female figure next to her.*

    I promised you we wouldn't kill anyone. Happy?

    *The other figure lowers her hood, revealing the Sam clone.*

    *OOC: I think we're going to need a programme to follow all the Sams that are running around! lol.

    Okay, the real Sam is "Sam", the Synthesiser is "S. Sam" and the genetic rewrite is "C. Sam".*

    C. Sam: Don't make me regret doing this.

    *S. Sam walks up to Adjeca on the podium.*

    S. Sam: I'm dead for 2 years... and you manage to throw my people into civil war. Nice job.

    *She turns around to address the convention.*

    Most of you probably know who I am - or was. I'm not quite the same person who many of you would call a terrorist. I have her memories... but I'm different. Sam, here, who's been through hell for the last 7 or 8 years, gave me life. She gave me her personality - a good person's personality.

    Does that mean my people should be admitted into the U.G.C. under my leadership? No. We're not ready.

    Adjeca has been complacent in the suppression of a caste of our society. He has been complacent in the stripping of rights with our workers and stripping those workers for raw materials. My people are on the verge of civil war because of it. We are not stable as a society. We are not ready.

    But we can be. I can fix what's happened to my people at home, but it'll take time. Unless I have help.

    My original body was the heart of the machine. Without it, my people need to adapt. I need the help of two races to make that happen. One is under the care of the Republic, and the other has just been made a sovereign power.

    I am requesting the help of both Jessica DeSalle's Borg Cooperative, and that of the Innovades in an effort to make the humanoid Synthesisers capable of controlling their own destiny without my guidance.

    *Murmuring fills the room.*

    I'm also asking for the Republic's protection.

    Vantrelle: What?

    *The confused murmurs escalate in volume.*

    S. Sam: It was my mistake... my predecessor's mistake... to spark a conflict with the Republic. The truth is... we need you now. The Lanco System used to be Romulan Space before we took it over. They want it back. They've detonated 10 of their fusion weapons so far, killing millions of my people. I'm asking for the Republic to recognise us... and protect us.

    *Vantrelle looks at her, stunned.*

    *OOC: Hmm... I could work with this. And you are quite correct only real faction he has control of are his faction even then one could say that both sides are facing a real threat of a coming force. One that Adjeca is afraid of. *

    Adjeca: *Rubbing his throat* I am concerned, considering your neglecting that both factions are slowly missing people day by day.. I am trying to care for my people. It is all I know. If there is a way... *Looks angrily at the Romulan. and the Worker drone.*

    I want to hear it Sam.. How will you protect my people...

    *Waff 2 arrives *

    Waff 2: What will you do Grandmaster? A lot of our people were at those planets.. We are now endangered. Most of the ruling Council is dead. Only me and you remain.

    Adjeca: You.. Where have you been.

    Waff 2: I have been around. Watching. Watching things while you ignored them as the council had done for thousands of years. Your replacement is here... but not your new body.

    Your genetic material has been destroyed.

    *Adjeca is slowly losing himself. Voices clamoring... Everything he has done... Coming undone...*

    It wasn't just the Romulans however as it was her men that did it for the most part. They just elected to have the Romulans burn their tracks.

    *Adjeca has now been broken... as he is quiet...*

    Your legacy is gone. Just as you robbed the Romulan's of theirs when you initiated the Holocaust.

    *Waff 2 watches as the grandmaster is now just laughing and weeping and anger bursts in and out... His beady eyes betraying his madness.*

    *Weynal stands as does security personnel *

    Weynal: Adjeca your under arrest for war crimes and genocide. Your getting off lucky if you ask me

    *The Romulan envoy is being restrained as he is cursing in his language at Adjeca*

    *The Room is in chaos as things suddenly hit the fan. A Gunman takes aim at the Sam present...*

    Gunman: You blood sucker..

    *Before she realizes what happened Adjeca is crumpling on the floor greenish tinged blood coming from his wound... Weynal is stunned as he is getting up.. The Gunman takes another shot at Weynal and Vantrelle... Before dying out of the blue... and initiation a controlled burst to eliminate his corpse... Both targets are being rushed to medical personnel.*

    *Adjeca lies there on the ground bleeding out... coughing not expiring yet.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *OOC: Now it depends, on sorting this out. Yes getting rid of Adjeca now but it is going to be painful as he lost everything... Waff now is the inheritor which is not good. Think of it as Him being allowed one small comfort to hear what this Sam.. has in mind.. As to who's plan this was well it is something as more is indeed going on at this point. As I think it is time for that scheme to take affect.*

    *Dalos Alpha Prime, a wedding is taking place the President is in attendance as is the staff and aides... The place is quite festive and cheerful...*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Jacob can only watch the footage from the room as the events happen.

    Jacob: damn it. Computer get me harper on the line
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    OOC so i think i should do a little bit of cis and unsc structure to know the main players at least.


    Fleet Admiral Yuri-Senior fleet admiral in command of the home fleet defending the reach system.

    General Black- Senior General in command of UNSC ground forces

    Col. Forge- In command of the odst training programm

    Captain Wolf- Commanding officer of the 501st

    Director/Fleet Admiral Jacob Halsey- The director of the CIS UNIT task force rank is the same as that of a fleet admiral

    Fleet Captain Harper: Senior officer in UNSC Navy


    Rep. Tarson- UNSC Council member
    Rep. Thel'Muy: Covenant council member


    Thel'Vade- Ship master

    Thel'Deme- Supreme Commander

    These are just the major people that i have right now
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ooc oh and forgot President Granz will bring him in tomorrow when I post
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Presidential chamber

    President Granz, fleet admiral yuir , general black and director Halsey ( via hologram ) are all present.

    President Granz: gentlemen what options do we currently have.

    Yuri: well we could always blitz. Now that we have covenant ships.

    Black: I say we send in the prowlers have them nova two of there planets.

    Granz: not an option general we are not going to there level. Director Halsey what do you think

    Jacob: I say we contains the situation for right now. We can secure our territory with the new covenant ships.

    Granz: well there's the first option I like. I would rather end this conflict then make it worse everyone.

    Black: of course sir.

    Granz: director I'll see how many more ships the covenant can send your way. Dismissed everyone.

    Ooc: working till 9 today.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *OOC: Hmm... I could work with this. And you are quite correct only real faction he has control of are his faction even then one could say that both sides are facing a real threat of a coming force. One that Adjeca is afraid of. *

    Adjeca: *Rubbing his throat* I am concerned, considering your neglecting that both factions are slowly missing people day by day.. I am trying to care for my people. It is all I know. If there is a way... *Looks angrily at the Romulan. and the Worker drone.*

    I want to hear it Sam.. How will you protect my people...

    *Waff 2 arrives *

    Waff 2: What will you do Grandmaster? A lot of our people were at those planets.. We are now endangered. Most of the ruling Council is dead. Only me and you remain.

    Adjeca: You.. Where have you been.

    Waff 2: I have been around. Watching. Watching things while you ignored them as the council had done for thousands of years. Your replacement is here... but not your new body.

    Your genetic material has been destroyed.

    *Adjeca is slowly losing himself. Voices clamoring... Everything he has done... Coming undone...*

    It wasn't just the Romulans however as it was her men that did it for the most part. They just elected to have the Romulans burn their tracks.

    *Adjeca has now been broken... as he is quiet...*

    Your legacy is gone. Just as you robbed the Romulan's of theirs when you initiated the Holocaust.

    *Waff 2 watches as the grandmaster is now just laughing and weeping and anger bursts in and out... His beady eyes betraying his madness.*

    *Weynal stands as does security personnel *

    Weynal: Adjeca your under arrest for war crimes and genocide. Your getting off lucky if you ask me

    *The Romulan envoy is being restrained as he is cursing in his language at Adjeca*

    *The Room is in chaos as things suddenly hit the fan. A Gunman takes aim at the Sam present...*

    Gunman: You blood sucker..

    *Before she realizes what happened Adjeca is crumpling on the floor greenish tinged blood coming from his wound... Weynal is stunned as he is getting up.. The Gunman takes another shot at Weynal and Vantrelle... Before dying out of the blue... and initiation a controlled burst to eliminate his corpse... Both targets are being rushed to medical personnel.*

    *Adjeca lies there on the ground bleeding out... coughing not expiring yet.*

    *S. Sam kneels next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.*

    S. Sam: This wasn't supposed to happen...

    I wanted to work with you - keep both of our peoples intact. I didn't want to take charge. I know my people. You knew yours.

    *C. Sam looks around, noticing a man in a navy blue uniform in a booth: an O.S.S. Agent. He's using an earpiece.*

    Agent: Director Mason? I've got sight on Prisoner 231701. She's in the Convention Chambers. Requesting instructions.

    *Mason is looking at the Union Assassin before tapping his earpiece.*

    Mason: Don't approach her.

    Agent Delby, rendezvous with Agent Hall. Agent Kil'dan, make sure this doesn't get out to public security. Work with S.H.I.E.L.D. They've worked with us in treating 231701 since day 1. They know how important it is to keep this quiet.

    Agent Dell, make sure the Allington doesn't find out!

    Hall *Over Comm*: Copy.

    Delby *Over Comm*: En route.

    Kil'dan *Over Comm*: Understood.

    Dell *Over Comm*: Copy.

    *Mason turns back to the Shadow Broker's Agent.*

    Mason: I take it your employer knew about this?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *S. Sam kneels next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.*

    S. Sam: This wasn't supposed to happen...

    I wanted to work with you - keep both of our peoples intact. I didn't want to take charge. I know my people. You knew yours.

    *C. Sam looks around, noticing a man in a navy blue uniform in a booth: an O.S.S. Agent. He's using an earpiece.*

    Agent: Director Mason? I've got sight on Prisoner 231701. She's in the Convention Chambers. Requesting instructions.

    *Mason is looking at the Union Assassin before tapping his earpiece.*

    Mason: Don't approach her.

    Agent Delby, rendezvous with Agent Hall. Agent Kil'dan, make sure this doesn't get out to public security. Work with S.H.I.E.L.D. They've worked with us in treating 231701 since day 1. They know how important it is to keep this quiet.

    Agent Dell, make sure the Allington doesn't find out!

    Hall *Over Comm*: Copy.

    Delby *Over Comm*: En route.

    Kil'dan *Over Comm*: Understood.

    Dell *Over Comm*: Copy.

    *Mason turns back to the Shadow Broker's Agent.*

    Mason: I take it your employer knew about this?

    Agent: That is why I told you to focus deeper at the goings on. Gyunei and his new partner are the least of your problems. He wanted you to get there before the gunman could strike.

    *Adjeca coughs... coughs some more as blood comes out....*

    Adjeca: It doesn't matter anymore... My people are done for... Beware the call the Elibisi... the old gods are getting louder...

    *He is shivering now... tears in his eyes....*

    Its so cold now...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Adjeca's strength is slipping slowly... the end is near...*

    Adjeca: *quietly* Waff is not your friend... Watch.... *looks into her eyes as he smiles, *

    You are not the savior of our people... look at... 569.019....

    *Choking before his strength leaves. Adjeca is now dead...*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Agent: That is why I told you to focus deeper at the goings on. Gyunei and his new partner are the least of your problems. He wanted you to get there before the gunman could strike.

    *Adjeca coughs... coughs some more as blood comes out....*

    Adjeca: It doesn't matter anymore... My people are done for... Beware the call the Elibisi... the old gods are getting louder...

    *He is shivering now... tears in his eyes....*

    Its so cold now...

    S. Sam: I'll protect them.

    *Vantrelle looks at the scene, glancing at his personal PADD, checking his diplomatic authority.

    He discovers he has the authority to grant Republic Military Protection to minor powers... but do the Synthesisers classify as a power? They don't have a recognised leader.*

    Vantrelle: Excuse me...

    *S. Sam looks up at him.*

    After viewing the facts... I'm willing to recognise Adjeca as the leader of the Synthesiser Enclave on Lanco II on my government's behalf and, by extension, his successor.

    *He looks at Adjeca.*

    However... I could consider the Republic Synthesisers and your Synthesisers separate powers, under which circumstances I would require a public concensus to recognise her as the leader of her people. If you remain unified, I would be inclined to recognise your successor as the legitimate leader of your people.

    Or "leaders". I could then negotiate with them on behalf of my government.

    *Vantrelle kneels down next to him.*

    It's your decision, however.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Adjeca's strength is slipping slowly... the end is near...*

    Adjeca: *quietly* Waff is not your friend... Watch.... *looks into her eyes as he smiles, *

    You are not the savior of our people... look at... 569.019....

    *Choking before his strength leaves. Adjeca is now dead...*

    OOC: Ahh, curses! :rolleyes:

    Okay, do you want to half him kick the bucket after answering Vantrelle's proposal, or do I half to come up with some clever way of retconning my last post?

    Also, what does 569.019 mean?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Ahh, curses! :rolleyes:

    Okay, do you want to half him kick the bucket after answering Vantrelle's proposal, or do I half to come up with some clever way of retconning my last post?

    Also, what does 569.019 mean?

    *OOC: Cheap yes but I am working it.*

    Adjeca: *Comes too again he is blind...*

    That is the way for all life to be unified..

    Those are coordinates..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Ahh, curses! :rolleyes:

    Okay, do you want to half him kick the bucket after answering Vantrelle's proposal, or do I half to come up with some clever way of retconning my last post?

    Also, what does 569.019 mean?

    *OOC: Remember bringing in later plot lines that will resolve themselves, think of it as the thing to keep them safe...*
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