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GM/ Customer Service/ Billing Support and Tickets



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    badmanshafterbadmanshafter Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Havnt been able to load http://www.perfectworld.com/supportredirect for two days now. I hope that means they're working on my ticket so I can play again. Ive been locked out for 3 weeks. :confused:
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    devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited July 2013
    Ticket support is exceptionally poor at the moment. I have some tickets which have been marked as solved when they've been updated with additional information. Other tickets which include serious ToS violations on the forum have included a response saying to use the /ignore command. The GMs processing the tickets don't even read them any more.
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    pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited July 2013
    devian666 wrote: »
    Ticket support is exceptionally poor at the moment. I have some tickets which have been marked as solved when they've been updated with additional information. Other tickets which include serious ToS violations on the forum have included a response saying to use the /ignore command. The GMs processing the tickets don't even read them any more.

    Please ensure you are filing a "forums and website" ticket when reporting a forum post -- those go to the PWE Community team.


    Brandon =/\=
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    devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited July 2013
    Please ensure you are filing a "forums and website" ticket when reporting a forum post -- those go to the PWE Community team.


    Brandon =/\=

    Ok. Thanks for that. I'll check and update accordingly.
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    tennuntennun Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Please ensure you are filing a "forums and website" ticket when reporting a forum post -- those go to the PWE Community team.


    Brandon =/\=

    I find this to be a bunch of B.S. because either way all you get is a automated response. Customer service in this game is completely useless. I have been waiting for over 3 weeks on a ticket about missing zen. Instead of a useful response on here, we get a response from someone that can not do anything about it. It is things like this that make a great game not so great.
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    michelderksenmichelderksen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    When you logged in for the first time once we had launched F2P, you were asked if you wanted to merge your account. If you did not merge at that time, there is no option to do so now. Feel free to send an email to customerservice@perfectworld.com asking if they might be able to help you.


    Brandon =/\=

    I did, and after a freaking wait of 3 weeks, there is STILL no response. Great support... NOT!
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    michelderksenmichelderksen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Considering the phonenumber aint working, how are we going to get Actual support? Because on the ticket system, they are not responding. My friend apparently has the same issue, but he had it on the DAY you merged. The account merged faulty and thus, we dont have the old license applied. Now; he made a ticket at day 1 of the merge notification. And his issue STILL has not been solved.
    So: How about some actual customer support and help us? My referenceID is: #130629-001853
    if someone can pull some strings around and actually get my account linked, so i can at least enjoy the old benefits from my Collectors Edition account.
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    tatjanasanchetatjanasanche Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Enough said.
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    tennuntennun Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The likelyhood of getting any help on here from someone who can actually help is in my opinion, non existent. That is sad as this could be a really great game but it seems the people that do customer support do not care about any of us. It makes me wonder if everyone quit playing Star Trek would this company even care.
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    shaltorshaltor Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just shy of 2 months for my Re-Direct Error with no response. Just over 3 weeks for the second e-mail concerning the Re-Direct Error.
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    redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    dark4blood wrote: »
    This has got to be one of the worst customer service companies I have ever dealt with. I must say Cryptic, I will never promote this game again. You don't listen to your fans about needing to improve PVP, you don't listen to anyway to improve balance, you make lazy upgrades when releasing fleet versions of current ships and releasing 3 packs for new C -Store ships, and most of all any Zen loss complaints go completely unresolved including losses in buying Legacy or Lifetime editions.

    I have never been as disappointed with this game's progression as I am today. While I am too invested to completely dismiss the game, I will not ask others to play with this continued idiocy in management. I am really disappointed Cryptic/PWE because much like SWG this game has/had so much potential.

    I just had to point out those sections I've highlighted in red, as I STILL have no answer as to when/if my Zen stipend will resume... :mad:

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    danielpenfolddanielpenfold Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    They have not answerd my ticket wich i sent in, And it's importent but they just do not seem to want to get back to it.
    I'm so happy :D
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    ajm1067ajm1067 Member Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just posted a ticket earlier for an item that has disappeared and I need back/a replacement asap - so bearing in mind it's a weekend, can anyone give an idea as to the response time?

    I was a bit discouraged to note that a different ticket regarding a mission issue was still untouched from seven days ago... :(

    Hopefully missing items are quicker to sort out...
    McVittie's Marauders - The House of Arrgh
    I absolutely, positively, will not create more characters in STO now that I have five six seven eight nine ten!
    McVittie/Saren/Arrgh Son of Jahn/Taev Dar/Professor Moriarty/Mia/Vittie/Vidtana'Clan/Suram/Sarela
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    grouchyotakugrouchyotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    In most cases, the GMs do not have the authority to 'replace' items, as this has been subject to much abuse by other players in the past attempting to cheat the system... And you can check the TOS statement for that clause that says you take all responsibilities for in-game loses...

    If it was something like a missing C-Store item, then you will have to go to PWE Support to request the item...
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    ajm1067ajm1067 Member Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    In most cases, the GMs do not have the authority to 'replace' items, as this has been subject to much abuse by other players in the past attempting to cheat the system... And you can check the TOS statement for that clause that says you take all responsibilities for in-game loses...

    If it was something like a missing C-Store item, then you will have to go to PWE Support to request the item...

    Thanks for the HU. It was the latter. Have I not done that though by posting a ticket through the GM menu? It is not something I can get on the exchange (apparently) and I certainly would not have dispensed with it knowingly or willingly - not that I actually know how it disappeared. I might have made a mistake, or something weird has happened - but I don't care for the fact the item in question has just disappeared - or could disappear.
    McVittie's Marauders - The House of Arrgh
    I absolutely, positively, will not create more characters in STO now that I have five six seven eight nine ten!
    McVittie/Saren/Arrgh Son of Jahn/Taev Dar/Professor Moriarty/Mia/Vittie/Vidtana'Clan/Suram/Sarela
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    gameindadgameindad Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've seen other people have issues w/ not being able to wear any costume other than what is in costume slot #1, however my experience over the past month with Cryptic's customer support is extremely disappointing.

    On 21 June, I submitted a trouble ticket with my problem, and received an automated reply stating they were overloaded with issues since the launch of LoR and they would respond when able, which I understood.

    However, on 23 July, 31 days later, I finally get a response which is a "canned" response and doesn't address any of my problems. It lists 5 common problems (not being able to log-in, not finding your C-store purchased items, how to claim your starter or legacy pack, etc), but none of them have anything to do with costumes.

    31 days to get a standard response, which indicates no one took the time to read my trouble ticket?

    STO is certainly free-to-play for me, between my LTS and the money I've spent on Zen for fleet modules, lock box keys, etc. Even if it were, I would expect better customer service.

    As of now I'll refrain from putting any more money into this game, enjoy what I've paid for, and hope someone else who has the same costume problem I do finds a solution and posts it in the forum.
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    drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Pfft... at least you got a response to a ticket. Not everyone is so fortunate.
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    earloftharearlofthar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ok, I just have to laugh at this.

    I just received a response for a ticket I put in.

    The ticket was generated on 6/28.. and I got a response today just shy of a month later. The thing that made me almost fall of the chair was it was a form response... meaning they didn't even look at the ticket, they just sent a general response. And of course all the GENERAL issue stuff has nothing to do with the ticket I submitted.

    To answer some of the standard questions. I am a lifetime member, I have spent hundreds of $$ on this game. So it can't be because my account is back burner like some of the F2P people.

    Funny thing.... I am not pissed.. Just surprised and disappointed.

    and before all the white knights jump up defending it. Taking 30 days to respond to a gold/VIP ticket and then not addressing the issue at all is not acceptable business practices.

    I rate my ticket Gold/VIP because of the lifetime investment, and consent revenue stream spent into the game. I am SURE they rate all accounts ( they would be dumb not to )

    Lifetime Member
    Vice Admiral of the Omega Family Fleet
    (228 members and growing)
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    vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This is the reason why I haven't bought a life subscription and why I won't subscribe. It's also the reason why I will most likely stop spending any zen all together (not even change it on the exchange). Bad service doesn't deserve money. End of line.
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    cavewarkcavewark Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    why would you even bother with customer support from what I can tell it doesn't actually exist.

    All that runs customer support is an automated BOT program that just says "blah blah blah everything is working as intended"
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    vamankvamank Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I had a problem with a fleet ship purchase. I ended up with a different ship then I selected. So I submitted a ticket and now 10 days later I have yet to receive a response. All in the while I keep getting emails from PWE in regards to buy this, buy that, almost one every day or so. I find it insulting all while they have yet to respond to my support ticket they keep sending me emails advertising more things to buy. I already bought 4 fleet modules and didn't receive what I paid for, so why would I spend any more money?

    While I understand the newsletter emails are automated, its still the principal of the point.
    I am also a gold subscriber, I thought gold members get priority in regards to support tickets. I could be wrong though.

    Ticket #130713-001352
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vamank wrote: »
    I had a problem with a fleet ship purchase. I ended up with a different ship then I selected. So I submitted a ticket and now 10 days later I have yet to receive a response. All in the while I keep getting emails from PWE in regards to buy this, buy that, almost one every day or so. I find it insulting all while they have yet to respond to my support ticket they keep sending me emails advertising more things to buy. I already bought 4 fleet modules and didn't receive what I paid for, so why would I spend any more money?

    While I understand the newsletter emails are automated, its still the principal of the point.
    I am also a gold subscriber, I thought gold members get priority in regards to support tickets. I could be wrong though.

    Ticket #130713-001352

    2/You have priority, but considering some have an answer 1month after submiting a ticket, and it's an automated mail, it doesn't mean it's quick

    Yes, the STO support is a shame. I think we can pretty much say they don't have any.
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    torvinecho25torvinecho25 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I did the EXACTLY same thing over two weeks ago regarding purchasing the wrong ship (I wasn't paying attention, I bought the Recon Vesta when I wanted the Armitage...).

    Still no reply. Or no acknowledgement that I sent in the ticket.
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    drogyn1701drogyn1701 Member Posts: 3,606 Media Corps
    edited July 2013
    It's still far better than what SW:TOR has. I sent in a ticket it the day the game launched and they still haven't responded to it.

    In SWTOR he could have simply right clicked on the item and gotten his credits back.
    The Foundry Roundtable live Saturdays at 7:30PM EST/4:30PM PST on twitch.tv/thefoundryroundtable
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    vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Dear Cryptic

    I am feeling more and more disrespected as customer. Feedback from the forums indicates that I am not alone and this is a more widespread systemic issue. The following points have contributed to this:

    - ignoring customer tickets
    - closing of customer tickets that weren't solved
    - ignoring tickets of paying players (some spent thousands on this game)
    - ignoring major bugs in the game (e.g. Hive)
    - giving no update whatsoever if some things are actually bugs or "working as intended"
    - making stealth updates to the game that were not communicated at all (the latest being a major change to EC game mechanics)

    You have created a great game. A game I love playing. At the same time I feel very much disrespected and don't feel like this is the way I want to be treated as a customer. In consequence I will refrain from any of the following actions:

    - buying Zen
    - exchanging dill for Zen on the exchange
    - spending any of the remaining Zen I have
    - buying items on the exchange that required someone to spend Zen to acquire them in the first place

    I will continue to do so as long as this attitude of ignorance and carelessness is part of the way you communicate with us.

    A disappointed player
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    tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vocmcp wrote: »
    Dear Cryptic

    I am feeling more and more disrespected as customer. Feedback from the forums indicates that I am not alone and this is a more widespread systemic issue. The following points have contributed to this:

    - ignoring customer tickets
    - closing of customer tickets that weren't solved
    - ignoring tickets of paying players (some spent thousands on this game)
    - ignoring major bugs in the game (e.g. Hive)
    - giving no update whatsoever if some things are actually bugs or "working as intended"
    - making stealth updates to the game that were not communicated at all (the latest being a major change to EC game mechanics)

    You have created a great game. A game I love playing. At the same time I feel very much disrespected and don't feel like this is the way I want to be treated as a customer. In consequence I will refrain from any of the following actions:

    - buying Zen
    - exchanging dill for Zen on the exchange
    - spending any of the remaining Zen I have
    - buying items on the exchange that required someone to spend Zen to acquire them in the first place

    I will continue to do so as long as this attitude of ignorance and carelessness is part of the way you communicate with us.

    A disappointed player

    And then your thread got merged with this sticky to minimize the attention it gets.
    pvp = small package
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    vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    And then your thread got merged with this sticky to minimize the attention it gets.

    Yes................ No comment.................
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    tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vocmcp wrote: »
    Yes................ No comment.................

    Working as intended.
    pvp = small package
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    shaltorshaltor Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I wonder if anyone from Cryptic/PWE has read this....

This discussion has been closed.