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GM/ Customer Service/ Billing Support and Tickets



  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have had a ticket in for almost 2 weeks now with no even a peep no reply nothing, i can understand being busy put not this long, may i suggest having more then 1 person doing the full game support that is the only thing i can think off can i have the lone support person look at my ticket please
    Ive been playing this game since beta off and on and if this support issues arent taking care of im just gonna stop playing perfect world games cause this is ridicolous

    lol. 2 weeks. That is nothing. Man, I wish i had tickets only a few weeks old.
    I have had the "Path to..." error in my accolade journal for like 1 1/2 years! Every few months I do another ticket.
    Sending a ticket in a PWE is like talking to my wife; you won't get a response.

    Two weeks. Pfffft! You are lucky!
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If your a silver player your lucky to get a response to a ticket at all. If your gold expect a response in 7 to 12 days. I usually get a response after 8. Said response generally runs something like:

    "very sorry you experienced this issue, bleh bleh bleh, nothing we can really do at this time, bleh bleh bleh, you might try these suggestions you already read about on the forums but wont work any way, bleh bleh bleh. We hope you continue enjoying star trek online."
  • byzanathosbyzanathos Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pretty crazy, I've had a ticket logged for over two weeks now and not a peep

    I went gold and after a short time it just went "Subscription Status: Inactive"

    I no longer get gold benefits and I didn't get the 500 zen

    like my 30 day subscription got me 8 days as gold and no zen. Great start to being a gold member.
  • kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Does anyone work at perfect world?

    BTW - I've been waiting for someone to get back to me on my (former) comp crash problems that Season 4: Misfire was causing since the summer of 2011.

    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
  • vialator666vialator666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If your a silver player your lucky to get a response to a ticket at all. If your gold expect a response in 7 to 12 days. I usually get a response after 8. Said response generally runs something like:

    "very sorry you experienced this issue, bleh bleh bleh, nothing we can really do at this time, bleh bleh bleh, you might try these suggestions you already read about on the forums but wont work any way, bleh bleh bleh. We hope you continue enjoying star trek online."

    That's what I got for all 3 tickets I put in with a lost character! (each time they put that copy and paste suggestions then mark it as resolved)

    The latest ticket has been open now for over 3 weeks- coming upto 4 end of this week!

    I call this game Star Trek Online - The Legacy of No Support!
  • superfoxyplushsuperfoxyplush Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    That's what I got for all 3 tickets I put in with a lost character! (each time they put that copy and paste suggestions then mark it as resolved)

    The latest ticket has been open now for over 3 weeks- coming upto 4 end of this week!

    I call this game Star Trek Online - The Legacy of No Support!

    I have to agree there. Me and my GF put in 2 tickets for no monthly stipend last month. After 3 and a half weeks we got a copy+paste reply "Sorry for your troubles .. here is a list of common solutions" etc. As if no one even read the tickets. Probably not going to get our Stipend this month either, not holding my breath anyhow.
  • wolf3130wolf3130 Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In-game tickets need to be responded to once you get a response back from a GM or they will close out after some time. If you get an actual email from a ticket you submitted, you can respond to that email to provide updates.


    Brandon =/\=

    i curenty have made 3 tickets 1 through email about one of my accounts the only responce i got was over a month ago saying that they show me logged in so they marked the ticket resolved and closed i then responded i have 3 accounts 2 linked to 1 email both created during beta now i can only use 1 out of those 2 accounts i want both of them i could care less about the third customer service leaves much to be desired there is no excuse for the way us people who play the game are treated
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Therre doesn't seem to be an appropriate section within the forums to post this, so I'm doing so here in the hope that it'll catch someones' eye and they'll be able to sort this mess out for me.

    Back on the 30th of May, I submitted a ticket regarding lost mail items. The items in question I had initially paid for via zen, thus I feel (rightly or wrongly) that I've been robbed of 1000zen at the moment. The item(s) in question were two Ferasan Bridge Officers. They weren't sold, and I had two mail messages on my KDF toon with no attachments.

    There was a reply to my ticket, but said reply was an automated one. All previous tickets I'd ever received were not automated. I'm not talking about the automated one that you always get, I'm taking about a completely different one, that is quite extensive. That was on the 10th of June. Needless to say, it didn't answer any questions, or solve any problems.

    So, I updated it, clearly leaving the 'no' option when it asks if I want the ticket closed. When I next check the ticket, it has been solved, though not updated. At this point, I updated it again (just in case I had accidentally selected yes when asked to close the ticket), and submitted. Again, I went back to check on the ticket where it had again been solved. So I updated it again.

    As of today, all my updates have been erased, and I am unable to add too it. It's labelled as 'solved' when it quite clearly isn't. Now I don't know whether there is something wrong with the ticket support system, or whether someone at office is having a little laugh, but either way, this ain't professionalism by a long shot.

    I have since posted another ticket (back on Tuesday/Wednesday) detailing my troubles, and that one currently remains unresolved and with no feedback.

    What the hell?
  • ceddy93ceddy93 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I already heared a lot of the beyond catastrophic customer support with PWE. I hoped, I'd never have to use it. Earlier this month though, my chars went missing. Poof, just gone. With it my ship, and a couple of hundered hours of playtime. I contactet customer support. A week later, I got an automated/copy-pasted email. IT JUST WAS THE PROBLEM-CATEGORIES! Not only this, Customer support had the shamelessness to mark my problem as solved,while,clearly, I am still sitting here, not knowing what in the world is going on. I am really quite angry, as I'd expect a little more effort and efficiency from a big company like PWE.It's like no one in customer support even cares about my problem. Nah, just send some random s&*#, that problem will solve itself? Really? Is that the new form of customer support at PWE? If I'd do my job as sloppy as whoever is sitting on the other end of the line, my employer would have fired me months ago, and kicking me in the rump while I'd be on my way out. A second email I send out was never even honored with a 'working on it'. You guys should seriously consider hiring more or at least caring staff, or at least hire some germans, they're sure to get the job done in time.
    I am really not an angry person, but being downright betrayed like this makes me really angry...
  • skeletorrrrskeletorrrr Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    the title says it all, i had been overcharged for zen (same package twice) and then offered zen to compensate and then nothing. just ignorance ever since, still not got my money back for the hidden illegal charges that i was billed nor have i received the zen offered up and a resolution 2 weeks ago.

    they have closed other tickets ive made even the one to complain about being ignored and my legal rights ignored after being illegally overcharged but guess what, they still just ignore me.

    ive given em till 25th this month to respond now and then legal action will start.

    posting this to let all know not to buy anything on this site or perfect world as they will add extra hidden illegal charges and then ignore you after they have ripped you off.

  • danielpenfolddanielpenfold Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm wating for someone to get to mine.
    I'm so happy :D
  • starfleetownsallstarfleetownsall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    well here are 2 reasons:
    1. the gms currently are being flooded with requests so it may take a while
    2. branflakes is on shore leave so there is not as much activity
    Task Force Spectre, Legion of Spectre, and House of Spectre is recruiting!
    I watch the only good STO podcast STOked Radio
    Want to learn more about any of the above? Let me know!
  • byzanathosbyzanathos Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    yeah I got a ticket open because my sub just went inactive after 8 days of the 30, didn't get the zen

    been open with nothing for 20 days now. anyone had a reply? know about how old tickets get before an answer?

    I know my problem doesn't stop me from playing so maybe not as urgent. but I sure as heck wont renew my sub until it's been fixed.
  • fataiityx3fataiityx3 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm still owed Zen from my single month sub during the LoR launch, they responded saying many people got too much zen. This didn't even pertain to me because I had only subbed for that month.

    So what did the support do, closed the ticket.... lol

    you'd figure after spending over 300.00 bucks this year on STO, they would be willing to grand my cruddy little 500 zen.
  • nafeasonto1nafeasonto1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    They care so much they merge this with the sticky thread so peole don't notice the crappy customer service they have. Not many people click on 52 page stickies.

    IT's sad, that no one has sued this company yet. Nothing would make me more happy to see that.

    I can't wait for that day, I really can't wait. If I had the money I do it, but I don't unfortunately.

    Don't worry they will rub the wrong person the wrong way, and then it's over.
  • dangifinodangifino Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hi Captains,

    [*]PWE account holders are able to submit Support tickets here: https://support.perfectworld.com/

    Unfortunately this is not true. Your support page has a redirect loop problem
    I'm lost.
    I've gone to find myself.
    If I should return before I get back,
    please ask me to wait.
  • thelostchild2thelostchild2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have tried multiple tickets to retrieve missing characters. I was away from the game for 3 months from January to the beginning of April for Military Service. I received and email saying my account email was requested to be changed. The same day I responded thru the link provided, and went thru the recovery process (banning the account, regaining control, updating security, and notifying the GMs I have control of my account to un ban it).

    The first time I log in, I find I went from 9 level 50 Characters to 2. I have submitted 3 tickets regarding this, and have had ZERO luck with any help. Calling billing at least fixed it to where I can reach my Zen again. I am going on 3 Months of trying to get this fixed, and I am incredibly tired of being told to initiate a ticket, and work the process.

    Is there any other way to actually talk to a person? To have a GM respond with more than a cookie cutter email? A way to actually get some customer service from PWE? It is hard to keep playing this game knowing that at any point everything I have PAID for can be wiped out and the current system for recovery doesn't work. I hope that I can get an answer here for an alternate system to get this fixed.
  • shaltorshaltor Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dangifino wrote: »
    Unfortunately this is not true. Your support page has a redirect loop problem

    I'm starting to think this is a new feature designed to cut down on people submitting tickets.
  • shaltorshaltor Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Is there any other way to actually talk to a person? To have a GM respond with more than a cookie cutter email? A way to actually get some customer service from PWE? It is hard to keep playing this game knowing that at any point everything I have PAID for can be wiped out and the current system for recovery doesn't work. I hope that I can get an answer here for an alternate system to get this fixed.

    I don't think there is any way to get a hold of a live person. I've had better luck getting tech support from Microsoft. At least Microsoft has a lot of automated tools that will (sometimes) solve your issues.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Quite simply, short of submitting another ticket, is there any other way of getting in touch with Cryptic Support? I've got some lingering tickets which I swear are either being ignored, or are stuck in some automated system loop by where I'm only ever going to get automated replies. Quite frankly I'm getting rather sick of the support system right now.

    I've got a relatively simple matter that I would like solved, though it seems I am unable to have the matter looked at because... well, I don't know the reason, I just know that nothing has been done. We're talking a month (30 days) exactly now. I became a lifetime member recently too, hoping that such would help with ticket submissions (I didn't upgrade just for the support, I upgraded because it seemed like a worthwhile, long-term investment). Still, it doesn't seem as though being a subscriber gets you any further into the support queue.

    So yeah, is there an e-mail address or something that I can use to contact someone directly? If someone knows of one and doesn't fancy throwing it down here for all to see, PM me with it.

  • shaltorshaltor Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm sure there are a whole bunch of people that would LOVE to get in contact with a real, live person.

    Problem is, that kind of support would cost money.....which I don't think either PWE or Cryptic is willing to spend.

    I could be wrong of course, but Actions speak louder than Words (or in this case automated replies).
  • themartianthemartian Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've had issues with support myself. The last in game GM ticket (and it was GM not a bug report) I filed was never replied to, nor was my asking for help in the bug forum and the website's support link just goes to a redirect loop. I haven't even bothered trying to get my Reman's broken costume slot fixed, the lack of help would just annoy me so I'm happier to live with it broken.

    It never used to be the case, I have had responses (albeit unhelpful responses) in the past.
    My alt army:
    K'ymara, Orion Engineer. Caedera of Borg, Liberated Borg Tactical, Elyza Vix, Joined Trill Scientist. Christina Bellona, Augmented Human Tactical.
    T'Lana, Vulcan Scientist. Arbol, Martian Tactical. Ayzer Bryn, Joined Trill Engineer. Hawke, Betazoid Scientist. Karna Valkras, Klingon Engineer. Beth Parker, Human Tactical
    Sarel, Romulan Engineer (Federation). Yazuri, Reman Scientist (KDF)
  • vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Same issue here.
  • penthaligonpenthaligon Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have a ticket on the support which is THREE WEEKS old. I cannot understand why I am being ignored.

    Have I given Cryptic enough money that I simply do not matter any more? How can I not be furious at this blatant lack of care for customers.

    I have opened another ticket based on another part of the game that is broken, but I expect I'll see the christmas event before that gets answered.

    What the hell is going on?
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have a ticket on the support which is THREE WEEKS old. I cannot understand why I am being ignored.

    Have I given Cryptic enough money that I simply do not matter any more? How can I not be furious at this blatant lack of care for customers.

    I have opened another ticket based on another part of the game that is broken, but I expect I'll see the christmas event before that gets answered.

    What the hell is going on?

    It all depends on what the ticket is about. If it's not an urgent issue like billing problems or something of that nature then those three weeks will become much longer.

    PWE has some of the worst Customer Service pretty much ever, and not just mmo industry based. If they were any other type of company I don't doubt they would have gone bankrupt by now purely based on people not using their products/services because of their sheer lack of customer service.

    Unfortunately for us they have shown absolutely no indication that they even acknowledge that there serious problems with their Customer Service let alone plan to do anything about it.

    The closest thing to actual customer service we have is Branflakes and unfortunately all he can do is pass along a message to whomever, but even that doesn't mean anything will be done.

    When I first started playing it was right before PWE took over customer support. I had an issue and heard back from Cryptic Support in a little under an hour. I've had a number if issues since PWE took over CS, and have never heard back from CS except on 1 issue that I was sent three copy and paste replies that had nothing to do with the issue, then was sent a request to supply screenshots of the problem which I did (was a carpet texture not loading on a c-store bridge pack), and then was told there was no issue even though there was a forum thread and numerous tickets from other players all reporting the same exact issue with the same exact bridge pack. it still has never been corrected.

    So yeah welcome to the joke that is PWE customer support.
  • penthaligonpenthaligon Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I look at 'BranFlakes' signature which states that to speak to someone on the community team to click a link, which just goes to a knowledgebase article. The only way to complain is through their support ticket system which must be manned by Mr. Bean for all the use they are.
    Brandon "BranFlakes" Felczer | Community Manager
    Follow us on Twitter: @trekonlinegame | "Like" us on Facebook
    Follow me on Twitter: @PWE_BranFlakes
    If you wish to speak to someone on the community team, file a "Forums and Website" support ticket here.

    I am going to give them another few days then I will contact PWE directly, then if that fails an Ombudsman. If they had answered my ticket within a week during busy times that would have been acceptable, but three weeks?! I would like to see their pay cheque held up for three weeks and see how they like it.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I heard a rumor that the Cryptic support staff are in the middle of moving their offices to Rura Penthe. Once the move is complete, customer service will improve. ;)
  • ciranferaciranfera Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hello, I had opened two tickets a very long time ago, well over a month.

    Ticket [missing items] At 05/01/2013
    Ticket [item purchased was not received from fleet vendor] At 05/02/2013

    The support i received was long delayed, and was not even support at all, Both tickets were told "Sorry for the delay, we are busy with the new expansion" The issue was never solved, and cryptic closed the tickets without responding again to the issue after having told me That they are sorry for the delay, they are busy with the new Romulus expansion. 16 days later they close the ticket after i updated it saying the issue was still not solved.

    I opened another ticket to combine both of the old ones and ask why they did not assist me on 06/12/2013 01:16 PM. The status of this ticket is still not responded too.

    It has been over 60 days with no response or assistance, on top of that I am a life timer, and have supported the game vastly just to get trashed like his by the support team?

    Is anyone else having this issue with their support tickets?
  • empireofdirtempireofdirt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yeah I submitted a ticket over a week ago over a simple issue of changing my email and have yet to receive a response. I can't even play the game right now. Support is really lacking here.
  • spac3monkeyspac3monkey Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Do issues with characters and unlocked stuff getting "lost" in the linking process get resolved quickly? I just reactivated my account a few days ago, but I have read that a lot of people had similar problems after the link. I've submitted a ticket yesterday and now I'm hopping for the best, or rather a resolution before I lose interest again :P
This discussion has been closed.