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GM/ Customer Service/ Billing Support and Tickets



  • aarons9aarons9 Member Posts: 961
    edited June 2013
    sto has had an enternal leak.. i too got something from china, aorund the end of may..
    here is what happened.. google emailed me and sent me a text saying someone tried to log into my gmail.
    the ip address came from china.

    now here is the thing.. for my account i have a seperate gmail that i never log into. it has its own password that is seperate from this game.. its only made purpose was for this game.. ontop of that, the gmail account is set to forward all emails to my other gmail account.. that has its own password, that i use. also every single privacy thing is checked.. the only recovery option is sending my cell phone a text.

    i find it odd that for 1, there will be NOBODY that would know this gmail account.. cause..
    A) i never use it..
    B) its only used for STO and the gmail password is not the same as the games password.. not even close.
    C) i never used it, ever.. not even to send one email.. i created my account got the confermation and logged out.
    D) all emails to it go to another gmail account, via forwarding
    F) keyboard logger would be useless because i haven't logged into that account since i created it. unless they logged the password when i made it.. waited over a year to try to log in.. im guessing no.

    the name in the email isnt even close to the account name.. its actually just random letters.. like

    not something you can guess..

    im guessing its PWE or cryptic got TRIBBLE sometime during all these server problems.. there seems to be a lot of posts about TRIBBLE accounts.. its funny that gmail would catch someone from out of the country trying to log in to my STO gmail account.. probably to change my password.. which they couldnt do.

    edit here is info

    Thursday, May 30, 2013 2:48:25 PM UTC
    IP Address:
    Location: Shanghai, China
    [12:35] Vessel Two of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 225232 (271723) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Lance.
    [12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    aarons9 wrote: »
    sto has had an enternal leak.. i too got something from china, aorund the end of may..
    here is what happened.. google emailed me and sent me a text saying someone tried to log into my gmail.
    the ip address came from china.

    now here is the thing.. for my account i have a seperate gmail that i never log into. it has its own password that is seperate from this game.. its only made purpose was for this game.. ontop of that, the gmail account is set to forward all emails to my other gmail account.. that has its own password, that i use. also every single privacy thing is checked.. the only recovery option is sending my cell phone a text.

    i find it odd that for 1, there will be NOBODY that would know this gmail account.. cause..
    A) i never use it..
    B) its only used for STO and the gmail password is not the same as the games password.. not even close.
    C) i never used it, ever.. not even to send one email.. i created my account got the confermation and logged out.
    D) all emails to it go to another gmail account, via forwarding
    F) keyboard logger would be useless because i haven't logged into that account since i created it. unless they logged the password when i made it.. waited over a year to try to log in.. im guessing no.

    the name in the email isnt even close to the account name.. its actually just random letters.. like

    not something you can guess..

    im guessing its PWE or cryptic got TRIBBLE sometime during all these server problems.. there seems to be a lot of posts about TRIBBLE accounts.. its funny that gmail would catch someone from out of the country trying to log in to my STO gmail account.. probably to change my password.. which they couldnt do.

    edit here is info

    Thursday, May 30, 2013 2:48:25 PM UTC
    IP Address:
    Location: Shanghai, China

    In the latest P1 interview, Dan Stahl makes a passing remark about hacking attacks, so it's entirely possible.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited June 2013
    Please note that if your ticket is marked as solved, and your issue is still outstanding, please submit a new ticket letting out GM team know that the issue is still outstanding. While I do not work on tickets, you can send me a forum PM with your ticket number and I can make sure that it is in the right queue. I'd be more than happy to do that :)


    Brandon =/\=
  • etaniranetaniran Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Two of my tickets about the same issue have been marked as solved already, Bran. Both were reopened by me without any sort of appropriate reply - and even the completely inappropriate replies were only spawned by me disputing payments.

    Don't tell people to mail back, tell your support people to do their job, get your ticketing processes fixed - whatever. But solve the problem instead of throwing useless advice to people with TRIBBLE, banned or otherwise heavily afflicted accounts.
  • ask4spock1ask4spock1 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Please note that if your ticket is marked as solved, and your issue is still outstanding, please submit a new ticket letting out GM team know that the issue is still outstanding. While I do not work on tickets, you can send me a forum PM with your ticket number and I can make sure that it is in the right queue. I'd be more than happy to do that :)


    Brandon =/\=

    I opened a ticket on 5/27/13 explaining I could not submit and in-game bug report. I get a CANNED response on 6/10/13 which had nothing to do with the issue.

    I can appreciate being busy and being overloaded. However, they NEED to read and reply appropriately.

    I work for a cable/satellite television company in the account management office. It is sad to say even our first level res-ponders provide our customers the SAME canned response as well. I can tell you from experience the customers will write in and will call my office and complain.
  • shaltorshaltor Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Has anyone with a re-direct error ever gotten PWE to actually fix it?
  • zepharynthezepharynthe Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    call them: 1-888-344-4478
    Hours are M - F 10am to 7pm PST

    I had an issue with not getting the bonus Zen from a game card promotion and they fixed it right then.
    make sure to have your transaction ID

    Really? Because this number just keeps telling me to call back later. I never got through. So I called PWE corporate office at 650-590-7700. Guess what? No answer. So bad when I try to ring through to the operator to try to talk to someone, their voicemail is full and you can't leave a message.

    Both my tickets (both involving missing items purchased with ZEN) were auto closed with a form letter that had nothing whatsoever to do with the problem in the tickets. Since the ZEN was purchased through a VISA card, this actually borders on credit card fraud.

    I would suggest that when PWE does this to people on ANY of their games they simply get a lawyer to handle it for them. They get enough threats over credit card fraud maybe some states Attorneys Generals will start investigating the company. CC fraud is a criminal enterprise, not simply a civil matter.

    Anyone know a law firm interested in class action suits? I'm sure enough customers have been done like this by PWE in all their games combined to make it worth a lawyer's time.
    I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
    Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. Thomas Jefferson (et al)
  • zepharynthezepharynthe Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I just got a form letter back on tickets numbered #130529-000810 and #130602-002465. They were replied to with exactly the same form letter offering no assistance whatsoever and closing the tickets without resolving the issue with missing items from ZEN purchases and being billed for an item I wasn't supposed to be billed for in the ZEN store. Both ticket items had the ZEN purchased on a VISA card. Since there was no action by PWE, I tried calling them at 1-888-344-4478. I WAS calling during business hours. For over an hour I called over and over again because instead of putting me on hold to talk to someone the system just hung up on me. So I called PWE Corporate offices in California, number 650-590-7700. Again no answer. A recording from the customer service department telling me to send in a ticket at their web site and getting hung up on. I tried dialing through to the operator, and the voice mail box was so full it can't even take new messages. This was in the middle of their day.

    So the answer to all CS inquiries with PWE CS is no response, and closing tickets out with no action taken at all. No response to phone calls, not even answering their phones during normal business hours.

    I'm not sure if this is credit card fraud since the ZEN spent was purchased through a VISA card, but I'm pretty sure it borders on it. I will be calling a lawyer and asking them. Meanwhile anyone that has gone through similar experiences particularly anyone living in Georgia USA leave word. Maybe we can get our state Attorneys General involved if they have defrauded enough people living in our state.
    I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
    Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. Thomas Jefferson (et al)
  • bluegrassgeekbluegrassgeek Member Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You won't get far with that. Once you bought the Zen, it's no longer "money." Now, you could possibly get help if you bought Zen but never received it... however, using the Zen you bought and not getting something for that, well, I don't think you'll get much from the legal system, there.
    Keep calm, and continue firing photon torpedoes.
  • shadowjideshadowjide Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So I finally got a email from support with a automated response problem is when I email them it tells me that my email isnt associated with the incident. So I went to account to try and figure out whats wrong. Apparently when I log in and go to account it changes my freaking account, right now when I clicked on account it says Welcome Sanderlohmus which is not my account clicked change email now it says Welcome Hidanrage2. Redeem beta keys Welcome Danieljunior555. What the hell is going on. This is unacceptable the tech support took greater than 2 weeks to respond with a automated response then when more issues come up over the same problem which was never resolved they are no where to be found. I understand they are busy but as someone who has spent money on the game I feel I should be able to get issues like this resolved. I still have my cryptic and PW account link problems and characters missing.
  • alphaphasertechalphaphasertech Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Things are extremely backed up. they were about a week behind before LoR even came out, and got so much worse when it did. there's only so much that Cryptic can muck through at once, just be patient and wait a bit longer before raging.
    "If the Iconians come, and we're not ready... Well, let's just say these petty arguments won't mean a thing." - Vice Admiral Thomas Bouwman of the Starsiders
  • shadowjideshadowjide Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It been >2 weeks going on 3 :( is that long enough?
  • raunachraunach Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I had some master keys that I posted on the exchange and while paging through the sell tab they all vanished from my sell tab, and were not purchased. The auctions expired a week later and the keys were not attached at all. I opened a ticket when they first vanished, waited 3 weeks to hear a response, and the response had absolutely nothing to do with the ticket. Does your worthless team even read the tickets? Or is there just a job that runs nightly and checked the age of tickets and if over 3 weeks old send automated response and close the ticket?

    I posted an update to the ticket stating that did not solve my issue, but it was just reclosed with no response. No I will *not* open a new ticket and get thrown to the back of the queue again. This ticket has *not* been solved and should not be marked solved until the CUSTOMER says it is solved.

    Needless to say I have written the keys I lost off as a life lesson and will not be purchasing anything else in the form of Zen. With PWE's worthless CS efforts it seems that there are going to be quite a few more people who don't purchase Zen either as I'm not the only one in the boat of lost Zen items with no real effort to resolve the issue from CS.

    Thank you Cryptic and PWE for your continuing mediocrity.
  • wolfsinger1wolfsinger1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    After not playing STO since mid February, I received an email on 5/26 saying a new browser (with an IP address thats not mine) had accessed my account. I immediately reset my game password, then logged into the game to see if everything with my account was ok. After downloading a HUGE patch, I found all my characters were gone, so filled out a support ticket. and waited....

    I was talked to a few fleetmates, and they noted that it still showed my characters as members of the fleet, with a last login date of February. They thought maybe it was just that my account was not linked properly, so I sent an email to customerservice@perfectworld.com as the support forums said to do. It actually attached my email to my already open support ticket. So I wait some more....

    So finally on 6/10, I get an automated response with a useless reply telling me how to open a ticket to report a TRIBBLE account (which is how I started a ticket in the FIRST place) or to send in an email about account linking (which I did as well....) and then they mark it SOLVED without doing anything?

    So, am I now expected to open yet ANOTHER ticket and get put back to the bottom of the queue because of the support team's lack of competence or what? And here I was actually thinking of getting a paid subscription to this game. After reading all the other similar stories here, I can just about guarantee thats not going to happen - I'll give my money to a game company that actually cares about its customers.
  • cathgar457cathgar457 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    After being subbed for 10 days of a 3 month sub, logged in this morning and was not subbed.

    Lost all of the EC that I was to receive from sales due to the drop to 10 mil EC limit:mad:

    Sent in a ticket and did a resub again but only for a month just in case they stuff it up again.
  • johnlaffoon2johnlaffoon2 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    OK I tried to purchase Lifetime sub, on the 8th of June. When I clicked the button to buy it, my account was promptly canceled, and I have not received any notice of the lifetime sub being activated. anyone else having this problem?

  • mcconnamcconna Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    cathgar457 wrote: »
    After being subbed for 10 days of a 3 month sub, logged in this morning and was not subbed.

    Lost all of the EC that I was to receive from sales due to the drop to 10 mil EC limit:mad:

    Sent in a ticket and did a resub again but only for a month just in case they stuff it up again.

    I'm also having this issue, where my sub keeps going inactive even after re-subbing. Hopefully they can answer my ticket about it within the month. lol
  • rakanikrakanik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well shucks, all you guys' problems far outweigh mine (So far). All I am having trouble with is purchasing ZEN. I tried an 4 times and got no response from the web site...Checked my email and bank account as well, nothing as of yet...I have been trying since last night before the sale went off...I have been unable to get it...Can someone help? I wouldn't buy the ZEN if it wasn't on sale, not the sale is over with and I have been trying since last night...Annoying.
  • sean2448sean2448 Member Posts: 815 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I did a ticket 6 days ago nothing from support
    can't destroy galor
    can't drop can't skip
    I leveled up to 35 could not get specture
    i went to nimbus 3 could not get missions there either
    the FE rerun is running out I would like to request it to be extend
    i want an exolinatin why you have not contacted me about is major issue i am having :mad:
  • sean2448sean2448 Member Posts: 815 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sean2448 wrote: »
    I did a ticket 6 days ago nothing from support
    can't destroy galor
    can't drop can't skip
    I leveled up to 35 could not get specture
    i went to nimbus 3 could not get missions there either
    the FE rerun is running out I would like to request it to be extend
    i want an exolinatin why you have not contacted me about is major issue i am having :mad:
    the last trick i have is team up with fleet mate have im as team lead
    i have tried change instances
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My friend and I got around a sector block wall and flew out for a while... then our games crashed. Every time we try to log onto those characters, our games crash. So I sent a "Unable to load character/cannot change maps" help thing in with the character name. A day later, I get this totally unhelpful response email with generic "change instances or transwarp if you're in space." things. That doesn't quite help since I can't log onto that character. So I went to the Character section of the GM help, wrote up a description, and sent it off. It's been four days now, is it supposed to take that long?
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • renatusprenatusp Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    I would like to add some feedback to this thread.

    On the 16th of May my account was compromised (as were many other people's accounts). After some researching and securing of stuff, I have come to the conclusion this happened because I was sadly using a very old password for this account combined with what I find to be the extremely insecure email and password change system of PWE. The email I received about my email address being changed did not ask for any type of verification. The deed had been done and there was nothing I could do, except for simply emailing the support address. Still, these things happen.

    However, it took 7 days for me to get my account back after which I found I had lost a lot of Zen (I cannot remember exactly, but I think it was over 1500), about 60 million EC and between 100,000 and 200,000 dilithium on my main character, I am not sure about any numbers on my other characters. I made another ticket to get these items restored.

    In the meantime one of my fellow fleet members told me not to play too much, as the usual solution to something like this would be a roll back of my account.

    After 2 weeks I started playing a bit again and sent another email and support ticket, since I found it was taking very long, especially considering I am a paying customer of this game (I have a Lifetime subscription). Last week I finally received an email in which I was told rolling back was tricky and I might lose a lot of things. I agreed with it, reluctantly, since I haven't been able to get back to the same level anyway. Also, they asked me which character it concerned, even though the issue is account wide, I don't know why that was.

    Now it has been another 3 to 4 days. I have to say I am very disappointed in the way I have been kept waiting as well as all the automated replies I have received which had nothing to do with my issue.

    For someone who has spent a few hundred euros on this game I expected my issue to be dealt with more swiftly and from what I can see also quite a lot more effectively.

    I hope this feedback will help others as well as myself, as I would like to continue playing this game very much, but with support like this that is simply not possible at the moment.
  • tikonovtikonov Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Support been closing my tickets as solved a few times over for a couple of weeks now : my fed/kdf main is missing one of their sets of veteran rewards ( i grabbed LTS for LoR )

    Just very annoyed that no human will respond to me, and that someone has the nerve to click 'Solved' on my tickets without ever even reading/replying :

    tis frankly embaressing customer support

    bought an LTS just under a month ago, still in grace period with bank where i could yank the transaction ( which i know would leave me STO banned ) : dont wanna sound like im throwing my toys out of the pram but really thats it:P if support want to play childish then ill play too:/
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've been trying to buy the lifetime subscription for two days now, but it says there's an "error updating subscription", but wait, that's not all. It also says that my six month subscription that I paid for two months ago is now cancelled. Of course I have filed a ticket, and no answer yet. I doubt that I will get the problem resolved before the sale ends. Cryptic, I am actually trying to SPEND MONEY, why won't you take it?
  • johnlaffoon2johnlaffoon2 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've been trying to buy the lifetime subscription for two days now, but it says there's an "error updating subscription", but wait, that's not all. It also says that my six month subscription that I paid for two months ago is now cancelled. Of course I have filed a ticket, and no answer yet. I doubt that I will get the problem resolved before the sale ends. Cryptic, I am actually trying to SPEND MONEY, why won't you take it?
    Same thing has happened to me, tried to purchase LTS, and my recurring gold account gets canceled 2 weeks before auto-renewal. Furthurmore this has branched off into my Champions Online account which was also canceled from recurring gold to silver account 3 weeks or so from auto-renew. I want the LTS for STO, and now the sale will be gone a day before my next payday. I am hoping this is fixed before then, and that myself and others trying to buy LTS will get the chance to do so even after the sale ends.
  • llmccoyllmccoy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    rakanik wrote: »
    Well shucks, all you guys' problems far outweigh mine (So far). All I am having trouble with is purchasing ZEN. I tried an 4 times and got no response from the web site...Checked my email and bank account as well, nothing as of yet...I have been trying since last night before the sale went off...I have been unable to get it...Can someone help? I wouldn't buy the ZEN if it wasn't on sale, not the sale is over with and I have been trying since last night...Annoying.

    I am having the same problem. Can't purchase any ZEN. Tried two different cards and PayPal.
    It's funny how no one ever reads the rules on this forum. "No hate speech directed at others or Perfect World Entertainment staff" especially.

    Beware of occasional bad attitude.
  • manofsteel1980manofsteel1980 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have had a ticket in for almost 2 weeks now with no even a peep no reply nothing, i can understand being busy put not this long, may i suggest having more then 1 person doing the full game support that is the only thing i can think off can i have the lone support person look at my ticket please
    Ive been playing this game since beta off and on and if this support issues arent taking care of im just gonna stop playing perfect world games cause this is ridicolous
  • wildthyme467989wildthyme467989 Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have had a ticket in for almost 2 weeks now with no even a peep no reply nothing, i can understand being busy put not this long, may i suggest having more then 1 person doing the full game support that is the only thing i can think off can i have the lone support person look at my ticket please
    Ive been playing this game since beta off and on and if this support issues arent taking care of im just gonna stop playing perfect world games cause this is ridicolous

    What kind of ticket was it, if it was a bug report I don't think they get responded to, they're just worked on. I may be wrong though, but I think that's what happens
  • manofsteel1980manofsteel1980 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    no its a support ticket not a bug ticket
  • wildthyme467989wildthyme467989 Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    no its a support ticket not a bug ticket

    If you have the ticket number it might be worth sending a direct message to @pwebranflakes with it. Might be dealt with quicker like that
This discussion has been closed.