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Ask Cryptic: August 2011 Questions, please!



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    When will we see the TR-116 hit the C-Store? It's been over a year and a half since the game came out and most of the other "special" unlocks have made it in, why no sniper rifle? Thanks for all the good work!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    About french and deutch translation of STO:

    Can we have a wiki/forum dedicated to translation STO where Cryptic post the text to translate of the episodes. once those receive proper translation then theyt would be integrated in the game?

    I have no hopes that would be answered since it's on the 30th zillonish pages of this thread...

    wiki seems a good idea... since you c&an actually forge the tags in the wiki to reflect the text tags used to set up the text in STO.

    Think about it STO is 90% based about telling stories ... so you need to be able to read the text to participate and understand sto.

    The actual state of the art is there is no translation effort of STO since july 2010 whatever the reason is translating is the last consern of cryptic... so if as a company you can't affort to have the man power and / or financial recourse to actually translate your game to high quality then ask you players community to do it in an official way and regular basis.

    If then your player community don't do the job then you could blame them. And it wouldn't be different anyway than the actual stage. But in a growing game like sto no translation means you take alot of time for the translation and then that it will be even more difficult to do the task later on and that you definatly center your audiance to the english speaking audiance.

    Another way could be to stop selling STO in germany and france as a full translated game caus this is scam ...

    If you don't want to translate sto or open to a communautary effort please do the thing officially and the right way by making the announcement that the game sto is english only and will not have any translation like it was do some month ago with Champions Online.

    One word about quality cause in STO description text it really matter .... YOU CAN'T LET THAT TRANSLATION JOB BE DONE BY AUTOMATE PROCESS THE RESULT IS NOT ONLY HARD TO READ BUT IN MOST CASE IT'S MISS LEADING (well known example of missleading information is the power desciptions ...)

    You don't only need to have the actual content translated you need to have the control upon those translation and have a way to then retreive comments about their quality and be able to update them fast ...

    For all those reasons an official wiki dedicated to translation is a must have or be honest and announce officially you drop the translation of STO.

    personal initiative like stotrad.net translation forum are limited since there is no guaranty cryptic notice it and that those translated thousand of pages of texts will be integrated in the game.
    I actually spent hundreds of hours translating STO on my own corner and that time spent hadn't produce any influence on STO content. for example 2379-2409 chronology is done and took alot of time this work just need a copy past to be integrated in your official web site this is mandatory since it explains what happends in the 30 years gap... was it integrated to your official website no... so as a copy paste is already too hard of an acheivement for you then can we deduce that retaking the texts of the already translated featured episodes, then their reformating then their integration in STO isn't something that will be seen ?

    do a wiki post lets say 5 missions a week that wiki will allow interested people to give and comment the translation once it's do since the text formating is done on the wiki by the human translator you just have to integrate them this can mobilise 1 of your guy for less than half hour a week. you acn ask your web team to overview that weeky to avoid "Problems" or actually validate the quality of the work made.

    think about it KDF will eventually have a new tons of super interesting mission in a near future who will translate them ? the actual translation process is a faillure ... recognise it and set it to be done in other ways.
    actually the wiki could extend to other languages like spanish( just 500 millions people on this earth speak it ... and why not chinese 1.3 billions people market ...you can too be translated to korean, biggest MMORPG market... by being lazy on that topic you are putting aside alot of possible audiance then possible Paying clients... The initiative I propose is the best solution and you even then can turn it as an event make translation races win prise ingame or have the list of benevolent translator displayed ingame for a month as "announcement" etc etc etc ... This is making your weakness a strong point !!!

    the core problem in sto translation is that most of star trek technologies are fantasy word that are actually translated differently in the series TV in each languages... So this a bot translator can't do it... you need a human with a background knowledge of the fantasy tech terms used all along the 5 TV series cause hey that's the basis of your game ! and the most suited for that is Star Trek fans ....

    Ok another silly idea (almost a joke ...) Why not propose a pay to troll on the official forum option. ? Lets say this service will be 30 atari token worth and what ever it's said in the message with this "tag" the moderator will not erase it ever ... "ofcourse not applyable on out of law messages ..." think about it zillions of trolls here ... in no time Cryptic could buy blizard :P
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    When will we get more content?
    When will we fly our ships from the bridge?

    flying your ship from your bridge is actually mandatory to have a "Kobayashimaru" mission that makes any sense...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    What happened to the ships that flew outside the windows on ESD main ring? They added so much epicness to the game. Are they fixed yet? Are they ever coming back? (please say yes)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Q: Could you tell us a story about the evolution of our walking animations for Star Trek Online?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    My primary toon is a Vulcan, I became a lifer a number of months ago. Can I please have the borg liberated parts added to my character customization options?

    Also, can I please have things like visors and ALL hair options for my Vulcan character too?

    Do you intend on adding more hairstyle options anytime soon?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Can we please get appearance dates on all the ship variants?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Touching base with a few things mentioned in engineering reports & other wheres... & a few ideas I've had floating around.

    Personal shared bank?

    Can you make a transwarp to Gamma Orionis power/token?

    Are you thinking of adding transwarp/slipstream consoles, devices or powers to be purchased from vendors for marks or some other currency for our lower ranks? You could make them have a limited number of charges like say... 5.

    An update on playable android/hologram species, please?

    Do you have an update on the possibility of fleet starbases? Can I go out on a limb & say that is why the foundry is down? :D

    An update on removing the necessity to have a full team to create fleets?

    Are we going to see some more functionality to ship interiors soon, mainly something like a tactical view from the viewscreen?

    Will there eventually be warp cores as one of the ship equipment types? Each type could have a different visual on your ship interior like different colors/configurations... eventually?

    Can we see some larger scale species in the federation, not necessarily as playable species but as NPC's?

    I'm talking small dinosaur sized aliens roughly 15ft tall like the Pahkwa-thanh (who have been members of the federation since the late 2360s); it would give a great "in universe" explanation for the interiors of everything being so large!

    Thanks as always for reading everyone's questions/feedback.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Could, or has, a specific season been chosen to release the third faction? When can we expect this Season to be released, in a realistic time frame?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Fleets are still lacking in useablilty and features big time.

    While a few additions have been made recently for the benefit of fleets, me and others still feel that more attention could be paid to the fleets, both in terms of content and features.
    So what are the short, medium and long term goals to improve and add reasons to become a part of a fleet?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    When will we see the new Federation and Klingon tutorials?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Is there any progress on being able to choose what your ships crew are wearing and/or will it all depend on purchasing bundles from C store?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Is there a timetable for the introduction of a third, hopefully Romulan, faction? If so, when can we start seeing elements of this in design discussion or development?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    *Bridge Officer Powers*

    Mr. Stahl, I find that several of the skills my bridge officers have for space are ones that I really like. The problem is, many of them are level-1. Is there any possibility of being able to upgrade those skills using ECs or special missions?

    As an example, I love the Engineering Team repair ability. However, I'd like to be able to upgrade that ability from a level-1 ability to a level-2 or level-3 ability without having to get a new bridge officer.

    Also, is there any possibility of being able to upgrade the "stations" used by bridge officers? Example: The assault cruiser (Sovereign & variants) has a Lt. Science bridge station. I'd like to be able to use some of the Lt. Cmdr or Cmdr abilities for my science officer without having to go and change ships to a science vessel.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Dan, you keep saying more transparency from the Devs is the order of business yet there are very few posts from dev on the forum - especially with the S4 launch. The only way to calm a ranting community is for there to be a Dev presence on the forum regularly. You close down the office for the weekend without telling us why, which leads to rampant speculation, you have no Dev or Moderator presence on the forum all weekend - which leads to more ranting and rampant speculation.

    I understand you're a busy person, and Jack's busy, and everyone there is busy, but what's your plan for communicating with the fans on the forum? Dev silence only creates more hostility and paranoia. Devs cannot just avoid the forum - especially the managerial folks - in the hopes that all our worries and fears will calm themselves.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Are there any plans on adding more cosmetics for off-duty?
    I know Garek had a lot of off-duty clothes in his shop.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    - Is it technically possible to ignore npc ships when you search for a target? If you like to think about the

    aspects of star trek authenticity wouldnt it be just logical? Everyone else except for Data would have a

    hard time to target the right one at the right time as long as the game allows the player to spam npc ships. I

    think its a very gentle way to improve pvp because the player has still the chance to use such help but

    would have lost the ability of hiding behind swarms. :)

    - Another thing is that i have to lower my graphic setting ( all on max btw) sometimes just for the moment

    when too many players start to use npcs spam. What I find very annoying...

    - Instead of spamming npc ships why not allowing more players to participate?

    Endgame solutions for pvp:

    Endgame for pvp should mean to be always interesting with a little amount of working time for cryptic in the

    long run. I really hope you get the point here. Give us just the basics because the beauty of pvp is that it isnt

    about complex storytelling what means hard work for cryptic but simply people... When we got the basics

    theres no reason to complain because its about our skill.

    - What about a leaderboard for space and ground pvp? If you split the leaderboard into different categories

    you could reward the best players of the month for example with c-store points. I would love it to get

    something great like a ship for free because ive proven to be the best.

    - Theres a pvp only game called pirates of the burning sea which is almost exactly like sto. If you would

    take the time to learn more about it you would find there a part of the game called "conquest". If cryptic

    creates a new sector block strictly for this matter im pretty sure they will come up with something similar..

    Finally, i wanna say that ive never suggested to drop any other game aspect in any way. I just wanna do

    something that matters as pvp player... LoL when we get a new sector you wont see me anyway hehe

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    apologies if this has been asked before,

    just wondering what the plans are with the models of existing ships in ESD space dock. It was said in the past, that it would be nice to see ships being worked on in there, damaged ships especially, so just curious if this has progressed any more, or if we might see some moving ships in and out of the dock,

    I seam to remember a nice big ship moving around ESD in season2 days or something like that? :)

    Anyways, keep up the great work peeps

    *one happy chappy*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Will we ever get STF's featuring around the Orions? Nausicans? Iconions? Tholions? and some of the other Underused Baddies in ST
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    • Duty Officer System - any ETA or window for Tribble testing?
    • PvP: What are the closest additions for PvP on your timetable: the new Borg Zone, the Open PvP Freighter Raid, the new Featured Series "king of the hill" map, or converting old Featured Series maps into PvP ones?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Just thought of a good one.

    You guys have changed the way you handle bug report so that there are some that we no longer see.
    Why are our bug reports missing and it there a way that you can post the latest bugs that are being reported? This may help lighten the load of bug reports because we can go look to see if our bug has already been reported. I'm almost positive that I have reported the same or similar bug because I can't see what bugs I have already reported. I would rather see all of my bug report, but you just decided to hide them. Is there a way that we can chose to see all our tickets or none of our tickets, or maybe even a timeline like you can see the last month of your tickets? Please think about this, I may not be saying it right. I would also like this because some of these little bugs are not on the engineering report.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    What should we expect from the Andorian ship?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Alright I've got one, why is the Infected boss, Rebecca Simmons, so freaking hard?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    We have interactable chairs in SFA. When can we expect other social zones such as ESD, Quarks, Drozana station and others to have chairs we can click to sit?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    will oddysey be given any special abilities or power that will make it more unique
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Touching base with a few things mentioned in engineering reports & other wheres... & a few ideas I've had floating around.

    Personal shared bank?

    Can you make a transwarp to Gamma Orionis power/token?

    Are you thinking of adding transwarp/slipstream consoles, devices or powers to be purchased from vendors for marks or some other currency for our lower ranks? You could make them have a limited number of charges like say... 5.

    An update on playable android/hologram species, please?

    Do you have an update on the possibility of fleet starbases? Can I go out on a limb & say that is why the foundry is down? :D

    An update on removing the necessity to have a full team to create fleets?

    Are we going to see some more functionality to ship interiors soon, mainly something like a tactical view from the viewscreen?

    Will there eventually be warp cores as one of the ship equipment types? Each type could have a different visual on your ship interior like different colors/configurations... eventually?

    Can we see some larger scale species in the federation, not necessarily as playable species but as NPC's?

    I'm talking small dinosaur sized aliens roughly 15ft tall like the Pahkwa-thanh (who have been members of the federation since the late 2360s); it would give a great "in universe" explanation for the interiors of everything being so large!

    Thanks as always for reading everyone's questions/feedback.

    I second this all!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    anazonda wrote: »
    Fleets are still lacking in useablilty and features big time.

    While a few additions have been made recently for the benefit of fleets, me and others still feel that more attention could be paid to the fleets, both in terms of content and features.
    So what are the short, medium and long term goals to improve and add reasons to become a part of a fleet?

    Just wondering if we will get the same personnel bank and inventory slot option for fleet banks preferably both inventory slots and bank Repository, it would be very help full with fleets with lots of inventory to share amongst the fleet members
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Are we ever going to see humanoids with extra limbs, say, 4 or 6 arms?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    For extra places to go can cryptic allow players after they completed a mission they can go back to that planet or system ad explore around like i the P'jem system to go visit the monastery or visit the mirror universe in the from the mission "the other side" maybe even add i little side or diplomacy missions in in each or some maps for fun.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    This isn't intended to sound negative before I go any further and the questions are intended with utmost respect. ;)

    What is the current status on the foundry repairs and are we likely to be seeing the DOFF system anytime soon?

    The lack of additional content, changes made to PVE fleet actions and not having the ability to make our own at the moment is seriously killing the game for me right now. Others that I've spoken to have said the same and we are logging on a lot less of late. :(

    Are we likely to ever see some of the patrol missions against enemies such as the Terran empire, Cardassians or Romulans made available to the Klingons?
This discussion has been closed.