whatsanding Arc User


  • why u say that LA users have no choice butt to shard hp, AA users if not sharding hp will only get hp from VIT and having a VIT build getting 100 vit u get only 1000 more hp. LA will get more hp from HP helms up to mebe 250 or more hp and more hp from refines. but the way i see it body peice gives 486 more pdef then AA and…
  • ok nvm this sill officially is uselesss
  • okay cool thanxs guys, since deleting the last virus i have not had any problems since, but i did an update today on pwi and am ganan give my computer a full scan thanxs for all your help except for that one rude little boy. goodnight
  • well dont be rude now, whats the point... n e ways im saying it has a correlation to pwi, there is the possibility that it was from sumwear else, but ive installed pw onto multiple computers and all those computer have gotten the same virus problem with the same type of virus, 3 computers to be exact. and friends after…
  • at this point my computer is running completely smoothly i used my microsoft security essencials to delte the virus, im sure its clear at this point. but if it persist then this virus thing can be a recurring problemo
  • yeah i thought it was easy to get rid of too, but if it happened once it can happen again possibly, this occurs mainly during updates to my belief. i downloded it direct from the PW site. THE pw CREATORS SHOULD DO SUMTHING IF THIS IS A REAL PROBLEM! =( THEY ARE USING PEOPLES CREDIT CARDS ON THIS GAME O MY O MY
  • well.... after just staring at the genie skills for a long time i think that best skill is that lvl 5 or was it lvl 7, but im pretty sure tis 5 thunder skill that does triple dmg to tagets on ground yeaah booy yeah yeah booy im da mon with the answers!!!!1 cheee cheee cheeeee yeaaaab:shockedb:b:shocked
  • haha props to you buddy that was skill fully done although where those people your lvl? ? o and good cleric tip........HP+gears!!! works for me beat a lvl 50 cleric when i was 43 and beat a lvl 45 barb when i was 43 yeah booy
  • how about killing the barb or BM before getting the spell sleep? n e suggestions for that? kiting around using cyclone?
  • eeeeesh deeeng looks like i have a hard road ahead =(
  • soo 60+ u are bale to beat the **** out them BM's thats good to know this gives me hope, i usualy get to knwo my character very well , since u say that u dont use a pet and u beat them, does that mean if u do use a pet will u pwn them up the ****? =D well im continue on my HA veno adventure, and learn the trade i just…
  • u say pvp wise heavys suck till lvl 80+ =( nooooooo deeeeeng (; ;)b:cryb:cryb:cryb: *poopies pants*
  • ill be sure to get a pair of melee weapons see how that works out. thanxs alot for your advice it was alot of help im sure ill have more questions to come thank you
  • o wow this was exactly what i was looking for, sry for the confusion i only ment since a heavy veno uses both fox form and human form, and according to a few other threads its said that dmg is usually higher when ur in human form when building a heavy veno. soo with iron wood being the hardest hitting skill and spamming…