senovit Arc User



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  • This should probably be destickied lol. Apparently people don't get that your level +4 really means... the # of your level (60 for instance) plus 4 (64). And yes, this was originally written for the malaysian server, before level 79 skills and faerie skills and whatever else there is now came out. No longer updated,…
  • What I posted were minimum requirements, so yeah. Your stats are fine, you can divide up the remaining points between VIT and MAG as you see fit.
  • Yeah, my guide doesn't cover pure heavy armor. Only robes/light/dual (heavy + robe). I just can't see it as a viable build, so if you do want to go on that path, feel free to check out the guide Tear linked.
  • Open task manager (you can find it with ctrl-alt-del, or if you're on vista you can right click your taskbar) and look under processes for perfectworld, then end task it. Either that or restart your computer.
  • Yeah. I'm just pointing out that if you are going for looks, it doesn't matter what you put because you're going to have to reduce the price or clear the gems out to get anyone to buy them later.
  • Fb79 chest armor, fb69 pants, hh80 green wrists, hh80gold boots if you can get them, otherwise any 3 star you can get with good hp bonuses. Don't get hh80 of anything else, they suck and are not required for hh90 green.
  • Probably metal. Metal will counter priests and archers, the big spikers. Mages are big spikers too, but you'll be hard pressed to defend properly against them seeing as how they have three elements. Wood countering venomancers isn't so good since none of their spells are as damaging as the other 3 classes. HP is better…
  • Maybe an eldergoth marksman (dunno the name of them in this version)? They have decent attack/speed, plus their normal attack is ranged. You can always just catch a higher level golem too. Higher leveled ones typically start off with higher speed, even though their attack will be smaller than an initially lower level golem.
  • It's fast and has flesh ream to start. Unfortunately, its attack power is rather low. I would recommend finding another fast/high attack pet to teach flesh ream to.
  • Wonderful. Thanks for doing this, people have always wondered about pet skill aggro. I'm somewhat surprised at flesh ream drawing more aggro than an elemental bash though.
  • Hahaha. Now I see why you post the way you do.
  • Like I said, there isn't much difference between saying str should be your level +4 and to add 1 str every level. And you know, no matter how clear you try to make something, someone is always going to tl;dr it and ask something without really thinking it through for themselves. If guides could accomplish what you are…
  • It shouldn't be necessary to have to explain how many stats per level you need to add once you have the mathematical distribution. Is it that hard to convert (Mag= Level x3) to 3 points to Mag per level? Oh well, I guess this is an online game after all. Can't expect everyone to be intelligent. To keep it on topic, your…
  • Venomancers level the fastest until 60, then archers.
  • I'll revise that and say anyone who is willing to spend the money on one has one :v
  • There was never a diversity. Before the herc came out, everyone had a golem. Now everyone has a herc. I got to 91 without a herc, and it was just fine. You basically just get less places to farm, but farming is never fun to begin with (unless something goes wrong).
  • If you're going for light armor, you don't want to add any more vit. If you're going for a mage fox, you don't want to add anymore dex. Either way, it's not a really good idea to add evenly to all 4 stats.
  • If you want to restart you can, but it shouldn't be difficult to get 1 stat from your equipment. I think you're fine as is. Just be sure to find a ring or even armor that will add in that extra stat for you. Light armor is the one that is balanced between physical and magical. Think of light as 50/50, while heavy armor is…
  • The only thing I can think of is that you haven't learned bramble guard yet. If you want to learn a skill, you have to learn all the ones before it in the tree first.
  • Bosses, guards, and the tower will affect doors.
  • 5 bosses, 4 tabs. 2 tabs come at level 77 from a guy on the island, 1 tab comes after you kill the bosses from the first two tabs, last tab comes from 79 culti. for mold drops. Yes, unless you want to run through it again you need to get your cultivation as far as you can because one of the fb79 bosses is…
  • Stunning blow is a paralyze, not a stun. It'll make them stay in place for 8 seconds, but they can still attack you assuming they are in range.
  • I hope you are using a good magic tank. Golem will not be able to tank fb59 bosses.
    in Solo FB59 Comment by April 2009
  • Untradeable. Only the vouchers are.
  • Fox melee might do more than envenom spam to be sure. Ironwood is not even necessary since you have amplify, and switching back and forth just to ironwood and then melee again would take a lot of time/mana. But don't forget envenom is simply filler for when your other skills are on cooldown. Even as a light armor, I still…
  • If you have the pet on stop rather than follow, and run too far away it will unsummon itself. If you step in shallow water like Flausch said, your pet might unsummon itself. Your pet can fight in shallow water though as long as you are on dry land.
  • You know it's currently the opposite way around right? Higher level = more damage reduction against lower levels attacks, and vice versa.
  • What, 0 star? Is that even possible.
  • ...well, if it works for you. By all means, continue doing it.
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