Arcane/Robe Veno guide



  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    no thats for light armor builds, just allocate vitality/magic per your own discression
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    k reworded, and recolored some sections, anymore edits needed
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    whats it take for a guide to get stickied ):?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Hi there, nice clear to the point guide

    I have a question though... maybe this is fairly obvious, but you dont mention any equipment suggestions... like i think i saw somewhere something about using helmets with +++ HP instead of arcane helmets.

    I joined today to this game, and im quite licking it, but i dont even wanna move without knowing what i want.

    Great guide, gratz
  • Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    zelkovah wrote: »
    I have a question though... maybe this is fairly obvious, but you dont mention any equipment suggestions... like i think i saw somewhere something about using helmets with +++ HP instead of arcane helmets.

    Those helmets require a lot more str. Sure, if you're light armor or heavy, it should be worth it, but i find the str requirement is just too high if you're a robe user.
  • Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Looking at this guide again, I see you've edited a lot. Definitely good enough for a sticky now - done.
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    celebration time O:!
  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Just what we needed.. another sticked guide, cookie-cutter same as in the other guide.

    PS. The skill section is obnoxious(mess with the fonts, cant even read the names hidden behind the red skill text, and you dont need to list what every skill does), and the other sections seem bland and hard to read. Could be structured better, instead of the giant walls-of-text.
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Last I checked it was way more detailed and informative than the other "comprehensive" guide which has done nothing but throw my friends and I in loops. The color on the skills was recommended by someone posting, if you dont like it complain to them. If you think you can do better, by all means, be my guest, this guide is far from cookie cutter, the only thing that makes venos cookie cutter is your typical pure mag/common LA build farming TT with their 200$ pet they didnt work for >_>;.

    Youre not a -lowbie- so this isnt intended for you. You're one veno, not the entire veno populace =)
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Didn't work for?

    Just because it's not bought with in-game coin doesen't mean they didn't work for those 200 bucks.

    Some of them are spoiled kids, but by no means all.
  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    It IS a cookie cutter robe/vit build and the skills listing ARE obnoxious. You can't even read which skill is which because the bright red skill description outshines it.

    If people cant read the comprehensive guide and understand it.. they need some mental help.

    Just because I'm one person doesnt mean I'm not familiar with looking at and reading guides, of which yours is pretty hard to read with the contrasting colors in random locations, which was the main point of my post.
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    There, its been changed slighty, for future reference theres -less- obnoxious and more constructive ways to offer criticism, ice princess.

    @Comprehensive one-
    I havent played MY-EN, nor have alot of lowbies starting out, why use terms not used in game in a guide/give misleading info? Examples: No one calls TT holy hall in game, theres no AGI stat, you cant have 3 in a stat without buying resets and people wont know that.

    So as a final gesture, I kindly suggest if you do not like said guide, do not post in said guide thread.
  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The original intent was to help improve the readability of the guide(somethign it oh so needs), in an attempt to make it better. Flaming was a side act. But you ignored the main point and added your own flaming flare. So, I continue to flame.

    I played MY-EN for uhh about a week, but any one who has some inkling of humanity should be able to easily decypher it. If you cant figure out agi = dex just from the context surrounding it, you need to go back to comprehension school.

    If your guide was easier to read.. I'd like it more, but still feel it's overall unessicary.
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009 <- perfect example of someone just as baffled as I was by reading it :D. AGI =/= DEX in other MMOs, theyre two completely diff used terms/stats
  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    True, but this game only has 4 stats, and the other 3 are mentioned correctly. If you cant contextually figure it out from that, seriously go back to school.

    Seriously fix up the colors, it really pains me to see it sticked like this. At least the afformentioned guide above is easy to read, regardless of how well you comprehend it.
  • Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Vipenalt TT 1-1,2,3

    Needs to be Centered in room to avoid her KISS OF DEATH move @ 50% hp

    Pull spot-

    Just a note : Your pet can freely move in the explosive hands.
    SilverFrost Secret Passage (Wraith Ploy quest)

    He needs to be taken to a corner to avoid Dismal Shade and other spawns in the room.

    Doing SilverFrost on his spawn point is easy to do without aggroing the rest of the room. Hug the far wall and you'll be out of reach of Dismal Shade poison AOE, as well as of the nearer tombstone and generals (which can be easily taken care of anyway)

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Added more bosses to party lead, pet leveling tip (cube), tiny little tidbit to pets in PVP, and a luring video!
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    so i should go 4mag 1 str? from lvl 1-60?
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    no. you can get 1 str every even level til 60 or 1 str every level from 1-45 and youll have enough str for gears til 9x.
    magic and vit per level is your own decision
  • Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    True, but this game only has 4 stats, and the other 3 are mentioned correctly. If you cant contextually figure it out from that, seriously go back to school.

    Seriously fix up the colors, it really pains me to see it sticked like this. At least the afformentioned guide above is easy to read, regardless of how well you comprehend it.

    No, this guide is actually more useful than that other thing. How many times do players have to ask "what should my stat distribution be?" before you realize this? I mean, seriously, it shouldn't be necessary to do mathematics to figure out how many points I need to add on a particular level. It's a nice equation to use to figure out if your stats are where they should be, but for a level by level stat distribution it's utter ****.

    The pet skills in the other guide should have been translated into the correct names for this version by now.

    I'm going to also mention it uses many other terms that have changed from the MY-EN version which makes the guide incredibly hard to use if you never played that version.

    In short, that "comprehensive guide" needs to be re-written using proper terms, and proper stat distributions. I'd go so far as to state that each basic build needs its own guide.
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    No, this guide is actually more useful than that other thing. How many times do players have to ask "what should my stat distribution be?" before you realize this? I mean, seriously, it shouldn't be necessary to do mathematics to figure out how many points I need to add on a particular level. It's a nice equation to use to figure out if your stats are where they should be, but for a level by level stat distribution it's utter ****.

    The pet skills in the other guide should have been translated into the correct names for this version by now.

    I'm going to also mention it uses many other terms that have changed from the MY-EN version which makes the guide incredibly hard to use if you never played that version.

    In short, that "comprehensive guide" needs to be re-written using proper terms, and proper stat distributions. I'd go so far as to state that each basic build needs its own guide.

    ^ impressed at how he stated his defense. you should be a lawyer
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I mean, seriously, it shouldn't be necessary to do mathematics to figure out how many points I need to add on a particular level.
    It shouldn't be necessary to have to explain how many stats per level you need to add once you have the mathematical distribution. Is it that hard to convert (Mag= Level x3) to 3 points to Mag per level? Oh well, I guess this is an online game after all. Can't expect everyone to be intelligent.

    To keep it on topic, your suggested build section should be changed to 1 str every 2 levels, not 1 str every level until 40. This will optimize your stats rather than waiting until you are past 40 to get more mag/vit and dumping needlessly into str.

    Other than that, nice guide. I think you may want to include a little thing in the first section on why one would choose an arcane veno over say, a light or a heavy.
  • Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    senovit wrote: »
    It shouldn't be necessary to have to explain how many stats per level you need to add once you have the mathematical distribution. Is it that hard to convert (Mag= Level x3) to 3 points to Mag per level? Oh well, I guess this is an online game after all. Can't expect everyone to be intelligent.

    It isn't about how intelligent someone is or isn't. If you want to write something that someone who's never played the game before can understand right away, you have to do things like put actual stat distributions otherwise there are going to be players who will simply go "huh?". It isn't always about what you want, or what you expect when you write something for someone else. When writing a guide, or parts of it, at least, it's always a good idea to look at it, and ask "can someone who has never played this game before understand this?".

    ^ impressed at how he stated his defense. you should be a lawyer

    No, that would require actually knowing something.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    no. you can get 1 str every even level til 60 or 1 str every level from 1-45 and youll have enough str for gears til 9x.
    magic and vit per level is your own decision

    Hmm, ok ;)
    im lvl 7 right now ;) i havnt used any points yet since lvl 1, so what should i do the next levels ;) i dont quiet get it lol
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    psh since when does being a laywer require any knowledge, its all loopholes and word manipulation :P
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    hmm, ok..

    But what do you prefer me to do ?
    4mag 1vit uptill 60? or what?
    What about my hp ?
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    If you plan on having your pet tank while you cast you don't need vit (at least for pve) but you do need str. Without str you can't equip your robes or weapons. one str every other lvl should work, along with 9 mag or 7 mag and 2 vit every other level if you want to get some extra hp to.

    So 1str+9mag every 2 levels or 1str+2vit+7mag every 2 levels for a robe build.

    Higher mag means more damage and better pet heal, higher vit means more hp, more defense and more hp regen.
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    If you plan on having your pet tank while you cast you don't need vit (at least for pve) but you do need str. Without str you can't equip your robes or weapons. one str every other lvl should work, along with 9 mag or 7 mag and 2 vit every other level if you want to get some extra hp to.

    So 1str+9mag every 2 levels or 1str+2vit+7mag every 2 levels for a robe build.

    Higher mag means more damage and better pet heal, higher vit means more hp, more defense and more hp regen.

    Thats stupid, vit helps his HP and pdef. Its not like his pet is going to be the only thing taking damage, its idiotic every veno assumes their pet will be there to save the day. There are incredibly mobby areas (swamp of the wraiths is a good one) where monsters will draw aggo to you while youre attacking something, what're you gunna do... get hit and lose 1/3-1/2 of your hp? I dont think so.

    Vit is important on a caster >_>; just having all mag and continually nuking a monster is going to get you killed after you steal aggro.

    why just going pure mag/ nuke crazy is stupid:
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    If you want to write something that someone who's never played the game before can understand right away, you have to do things like put actual stat distributions otherwise there are going to be players who will simply go "huh?".
    Like I said, there isn't much difference between saying str should be your level +4 and to add 1 str every level. And you know, no matter how clear you try to make something, someone is always going to tl;dr it and ask something without really thinking it through for themselves. If guides could accomplish what you are saying they should, none of the guides around here should be more than a page or two of further questions. Although I guess it only reinforces your point that mine is unclear since so many questions still keep getting asked.

    I'll concede to you that my guide has the problem of leaving in MY-EN names when it should have been updated to PWI names long ago. However, I don't think you can get away with saying "per level stat distributions should be added in lieu of the formulas needed to calculate what stats are necessary." Besides the light armor build, every other build is variable and saying every two levels you should add 1 str, 6-9 mag, and 0-3 vit would confuse the same people that are getting confused by mag = at least level x3, str = level/2, vit = remaining points, etc.

    Just look at this discussion now. Tearvalerin has included a very nice stat distribution in this guide, but people are still asking questions about it. According to you, that means it's not serving its purpose in a guide. I suggest you reconsider the player base before making sweeping assumptions like that.

    To be honest, I am not even a fan of putting flat stat distributions in a guide to begin with. People should experiment on their own and find what's best for them, not follow a cookie cutter. Outlining what each stat does and what the requirements for gear are should be enough.

    In any case, I've off-topic wall of text spammed this thread enough, sorry. If you want to continue this discussion, feel free to pm me.
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    wtf Tear, are you blind?

    I included BOTH versions of the build didn't I... OK, so I stated the 'don't need vit' thing a bit to strong. I have been fine without adding to vit so far, but of course that may change.

    And if you decided to read the entire post you'd see that I actually specify that the vit adds hp, defense and hp regen.

    Going pure mag doesen't have to mean crazy nuke either by the way. There is such a thing as 'making sure not to pull aggro'.

    So... I decided to suggest adding the blessing of christmas, which apparently you don't like. No reason to brand me as an idiot and discredit everything I say.

    Some people might want to use the blessing to get 1% crit, which would take 4 levels worth of dex to achieve, versus the pure mag or vit+mag ones that take 1-2 levels to get through points. It depends on personal preference.

    Just a thought.


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