Arcane/Robe Veno guide



  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    no one called you dumb ;P. just stating your wording makes it fairly contradictory. also theres hardly a reason for xtra crit % on abuild that usually gets no dex, 2 crits every 100 casts wont make much a diff, better to use for +vit and +mag tomes :P
  • Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    psh since when does being a laywer require any knowledge, its all loopholes and word manipulation :P

    But I'm not any good at that kind of thing, either.
  • Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    psh since when does being a laywer require any knowledge, its all loopholes and word manipulation :P

    What?! You've obviously been watching too much daytime tv if you think that.
  • Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    What?! You've obviously been watching too much daytime tv if you think that.

    What you be talking about? Perry Mason was an awesome show. b:pleased
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I don't really feel it's contradictory, just added that little vit tweak for the build for those who wants the extra hp.

    And getting some pieces of crit gear on a low dex build could make sense if the numbers add up, at least for overall efficiency.

    How much extra damage do you get from those extra 4-5 points of mag, and is it better to spread that extra damage out over time or to get an extra big hit now and then.

    btw, can the pet heal crit? that could also be a factor.
  • Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I don't really feel it's contradictory, just added that little vit tweak for the build for those who wants the extra hp.

    And getting some pieces of crit gear on a low dex build could make sense if the numbers add up, at least for overall efficiency.

    How much extra damage do you get from those extra 4-5 points of mag, and is it better to spread that extra damage out over time or to get an extra big hit now and then.

    btw, can the pet heal crit? that could also be a factor.

    Pet heals can crit.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Pet heals can crit.

    Now I see why you post the way you do.
  • Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    senovit wrote: »

    Now I see why you post the way you do.

    *blink* *blink*

    I have no idea what you are talking about. b:puzzled

    If you wish to correct something, please try to do so. If your point is to make an accusation, please do so. If your intent is to simply be vague and irrelevant, perhaps not posting would be better.
  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Pet heals can crit.
    Proof? I'm pretty positive it cant.
  • Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Proof? I'm pretty positive it cant.

    I've seen them crit.

    I was seeing what the highest level mob my level 29 veno could take down with her Torgirn Puppet, and watched as some of her heals healed twice as much as they normally would while fighting mobs level 51+.

    When I was going after the level 92 and 95 giants with my level 50 veno when her golem was level 44 I saw the exact same thing happen.

    I can only base this on my observations because the client can only show the numbers for the damage you do with spell attacks, effect damage from Bramble Guard, and your own melee attacks while the amount a spell heals isn't shown.
  • Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Also if you can crit with bramble, im guessing you can crit with healing.
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    shouldnt only damaging attacks get critical hits?O_o;
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    NEXT UPDATE: Coming soon, a Veno's role in the hit new leveling method, Rebirth Orders!

    No longer will you have to search -all over- for some guide floating around over google, you will have your job posted here in black in white. Pictures included! Ranging from the rules of engagement, to what items you should bring, itll all be here. Stay tuned!
  • Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    @Tear, need your option for this; is it worth making a pet only with these skills you listed?
    -Support pet
    *Howl- Lowers Mdef by a %
    *Threaten- Lowers Attack by a %
    *Pierce- Lowers Pdef by a %
    *Shriek- Cancels enemy channeling

    If so, what "creature" to choose for it, and when to start to build it?
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    something with decent resists works, tree frog, armored bear/shaodu are great choices.
    or anything from the beetle or eldergoth family.

    cheap pets that already have some include:
    kowlin - howl (2 or 3 i forget)
    Lunar lupin - howl 5
    Treefrog - threaten
    Armored Bear - Threaten
    show hare - shriek

    Id personally go with the tree frog and give it as many supports as possible, itll help barbs tank better, and your party do substancially more dmg.
    be wary not to use this pet on heavy phys AOE bosses though
  • Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Thank you very much, I somewhat considered to get Snow Hare for it, the list will help a lot. also, does the maximum pet skill depend on Veno level (20 40 60 and 80) or the pet has to be the same and above level to get the skill upgrade?
  • Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Thank you very much, I somewhat considered to get Snow Hare for it, the list will help a lot. also, does the maximum pet skill depend on Veno level (20 40 60 and 80) or the pet has to be the same and above level to get the skill upgrade?

    The pet has to be level 20/40/60/80 to be able to get the next level of a skill.
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    my build is 1 str 4 mind is that good ?b:cute
  • Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    kowlin - howl (2 or 3 i forget)

    Lvl 1 actually, lol..

    Btw... Would like to hear what/when an arcane veno can solo with a golem. Many ppl actually assume that u got a herc, when everyone knows how expensive the are.. b:shocked Well anyways.. How well can a veno solo TTs and at what point, or if its even possible, with a golem?
    *Semi retired*
  • Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I soloed lots with my golem, just got a herc yesterday actually from that sale. You can do solo mode, basically anything you can open on your own with a golem.

    1-1 will be hard until you have your weapon from there and level 63 pet heal, but I've seen it done, that's how the first weapons were farmed when LC started. There were two venos on the server that could farm 1-1 solo, so they did it for basically the whole server and made crazy amounts of money.

    After that, life gets easier and you can farm things above your level even, especially if you're full magic.
  • Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I soloed lots with my golem, just got a herc yesterday actually from that sale. You can do solo mode, basically anything you can open on your own with a golem.

    1-1 will be hard until you have your weapon from there and level 63 pet heal, but I've seen it done, that's how the first weapons were farmed when LC started. There were two venos on the server that could farm 1-1 solo, so they did it for basically the whole server and made crazy amounts of money.

    After that, life gets easier and you can farm things above your level even, especially if you're full magic.

    So If I keep leveling my Magnamite, and get a Nix instead of a Herc, Cause I rather get a nix, my Magnamite will be able to Tank TTs?
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Solo mode yes, dont ever hope to do squad though much past 1-1 though. Herc is way better for tanking and money making than a dumb bird.

    herc allows you to:
    -solo quest bosses
    -solo TT squad
    -absolutely necesary for rebirth gamma
    -mob train provide the need come for AOEing
    ..-zhen lure
    ..-rebirth lure
    and do it way better than any pet could ever hope or dream of
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Hi and thanks, Tearvalin, for this very helpful guide.

    I'm building an Arcane Veno and so far, I'm enjoying it. However, I have a question regarding the 2 forms of a veno.

    As I understand it (and I may be totally wrong, you can correct me :), human form is for magic and fox form is for melee. Where I get confused are the skills that are only accessible via fox-form (amplify, purge, etc): does it mean we have to keep shapeshifting in a battle (which uses a lot of mp) or rather, maybe my question should be: when is it necessary/recommandable for an Arcane Veno to shapeshift to fox?

  • Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Hi and thanks, Tearvalin, for this very helpful guide.

    I'm building an Arcane Veno and so far, I'm enjoying it. However, I have a question regarding the 2 forms of a veno.

    As I understand it (and I may be totally wrong, you can correct me :), human form is for magic and fox form is for melee. Where I get confused are the skills that are only accessible via fox-form (amplify, purge, etc): does it mean we have to keep shapeshifting in a battle (which uses a lot of mp) or rather, maybe my question should be: when is it necessary/recommandable for an Arcane Veno to shapeshift to fox?


    Amplify Damage and Purge are still very useful as an AR Veno. For PvE you'll mostly use them in TT, though Amp is helpful on most higher level bosses. Purge is situationally useful, but still worth leveling.

    For PvP both are good just about any time, just a matter of timing when to use them.

    Yes you will have to switch back and forth. At level 10 they both have a 30 second cooldown, so you can still nuke a good bit between applications.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I keep reading the words "vitality build". What is that, 1 str, 6 mg, 3 vit per two levels? Or similar, like 1 str, 7 mg, 2 vit per 2 levels?
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    its really circumstancial currently. alot of people dont accept it truly as a build. though venos get more hp per vit than other casters, alot will telll you you wont need it, and alot will tell you its the greatest thing theyve ever seen.

    for vitality id add at your own discression at each level, as there isnt a defined amount. my current set up is 3 mag 2 vit each level. (i dont like this stats every 2 levels ****, its not really reasonable to keep track of at this high when leveling is spread out) with good shards and mag youll have extremely high damage, ~7k MP, ~4-5k hp :P. Makes for a great PVP build
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Great guide b:laugh but is there a need to add fox skills?
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    yes, the ones listed are substancial to any build, theyre necesity for any high end fighting you expect to do.
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ADDED: Rebirth Gamma section for venomancer jobs.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ok thanks b:victory


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