Run Down of FB79

Posts: 3,787 Arc User
edited April 2009 in General Discussion
Q's -
How many bosses
Where do I get the tabs
What valuable molds drop
Is the cult needed to be done before doing the FB
Which order should I do the bosses in (Im soloing it :P)

and where do i get a medium ink?

thanks in advance
Post edited by Tearvalerin - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    5 bosses, 4 tabs.

    2 tabs come at level 77 from a guy on the island, 1 tab comes after you kill the bosses from the first two tabs, last tab comes from 79 culti. for mold drops.

    Yes, unless you want to run through it again you need to get your cultivation as far as you can because one of the fb79 bosses is required for it.

    Order: Top right corner one, the one you'll run into while progressing further, the wolf in the bottom left, then the two bosses that are on the altar together.
  • Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The doors in the fb are random, sometimes you have to do the first 2 bosses in reverse order depending on which way is blocked. There are a lot of doors that affect which path you must go. If the path to the last boss is blocked try going down the open path and kill something there.

    The best drop from the fb is the Misty Forest Ring from Linus.

    You can get medium ink from the merchant in heaven's tear of the past or by the trade menu on the skill forge in 1k Streams. 105k each.
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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Bosses, guards, and the tower will affect doors.
  • Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Q's -
    How many bosses
    Where do I get the tabs
    What valuable molds drop
    Is the cult needed to be done before doing the FB
    Which order should I do the bosses in (Im soloing it :P)

    and where do i get a medium ink?

    thanks in advance

    5 bosses, 4 tabbed.

    Check quest guides for tabs, I like

    Two most notable molds are Steppenwolf Lords Cape and Misty Forest Ring. There are several others but of much lesser value.

    The last part of the Culti is to kill Brigand Transient, one of the last two bosses.

    My experience with the bosses over several runs has been Hooli, Stygean, Loon (optional actually, but drops the cape mold), then Brigand and Linus.
  • Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The order...

    when winned, just do as you get along..

    Stygean and hooli, .. if the door to stygean is open go for it.. otherwise.. do it at the end.

    Hooli... after 25 + runs... 1 mirage ..and countless white stuffs

    Stygean .. had 1 grieving ans 1 badge.. for 25+ run .. thats not much ;)

    depending of the second opened door .. go for the loon or directly to linus/ brigand ( you can do the loon afterwards)

    Linus and brigand .; will regularly drop the common molds (Divinity, sleeves of captain, cudgel of steel alloy .. )
    the other mold are really hard to drop.

    They do drop good 3stars

    The loon.. never saw the cape.. but some good 3 stars.

    - i have had 7 or 8 cudgel for 25 runs, 2 divinitys, 2 cuisses, 3 sleeves, 1 misty, 2 pirate seals ... some good 3 stars hats, and boots.

    at 79, when doing the 20/20/20 and that other quest given by the elder..

    - the 3 mobs for the 202020 goes from entry to hooli, once the entry is clened .. piece of cake ( the 2 mobs by the door near the alcazaan opens the doors to Stygean / hooli)
    - that other quest with strange runewolf, begins after hooli and goes to loon.
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The Tauren Chieftens cape (Steppenwolf cape) is a FB69 mold not a FB79 one, The only really good mold from FB79 is the misty ring most the others are chip molds people obtain quite cheaply prior to the FB
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The Tauren Chieftens cape (Steppenwolf cape) is a FB69 mold not a FB79 one, The only really good mold from FB79 is the misty ring most the others are chip molds people obtain quite cheaply prior to the FB

    Those two capes are not the same. One's in FB69 and one's in FB79.
  • Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    the one in Fb79 is not a manteau or cape .. but a robe , magical wear . .
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    havent actually seen any people using that must be a pretty rare drop I guess
  • Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    havent actually seen any people using that must be a pretty rare drop I guess

    they are actualy a few ppl using it i personaly know 3 venos with that item... and it looks cool ^^

    "Many left many will leave but what keeps us happy is the time we spend and the way we leave.. for me the best good bye was of Magnate and Jack_Nel both got married and then left the game.. making each other the immortal couple of this game." by Herne_Hunter
  • Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    That's because no hp/vit/def = not good
  • Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    havent actually seen any people using that must be a pretty rare drop I guess

    Mine looks awesome b:victory

    That's because no hp/vit/def = not good

    Generalizations are bad, mmkk?
  • Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    the best robe IMO.. (intangibility gives metal.. wich nobody cares for ..)

    hard to drop .. and way too costly at the mysterious merchand.

    but.. I m LA.. so ... ;)
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Steppenwolf lords
    Physical Defence +150
    Metal defence +1350
    Wood defence +1350
    Water defence +1350
    Fire defence +1350
    Earch defence +1350

    MP +170

    MP Recovery +4

    Magic +4~5

    Physical Defence +155
    Metal defence +1390
    Wood defence +1390
    Water defence +1390
    Fire defence +1390
    Earch defence +1390

    Metal Resistance +298

    Magic +5~6

    Reduce Physical damage taken +1%

    TT 80 winz
  • Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Steppenwolf lords
    Physical Defence +150
    Metal defence +1350
    Wood defence +1350
    Water defence +1350
    Fire defence +1350
    Earch defence +1350

    MP +170

    MP Recovery +4

    Magic +4~5

    Physical Defence +155
    Metal defence +1390
    Wood defence +1390
    Water defence +1390
    Fire defence +1390
    Earch defence +1390

    Metal Resistance +298

    Magic +5~6

    Reduce Physical damage taken +1%

    TT 80 winz

    Steppenwolf is much better then TT80.
  • Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    the difference isn't all that much.. 5 more pdef is nothing.. 40 mdef.. also not that much..

    the difference in magic added is not very much..

    mp recovery is very nice for a caster class though ..

    and i mean .. the reduce phys damage +1% .. it won't save your life .. unless you are really lucky

    lets say you have 2k hp .. boss hits you for around 2500 damage.. 1% reduction means you get hit for 2475 damage.. you are gonna be 1 hit either way
  • Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    For a veno on a pve server the difference is so incredibly small it's barely noticeable. The only thing the TT80 really has is potentially 1 more magic, which I will gladly trade for the better looks of the Steppenwolf any day of the week. Wizards and probably clerics too would find the TT80 better I would think, though.
  • Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Just out of personal taste, I'm gunning for a full set of TT80 armor as I progress. ^_^ I found an awesome friendly guild who is more than happy to do TT runs for its members b:pleased

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...


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