Comprehensive Venomancer Guide



  • Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Yes, golems are still there.

    You need to be the level of the golem - so 17 or 18 depending on which one you get.

    And neither - go get yourself a glacial walker, from the tideborn islands instead.
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    What monsters give fruit? I can't seem to find them
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I really don't understand this. I want a veno that is Offensive.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    This should probably be destickied lol.

    Apparently people don't get that your level +4 really means... the # of your level (60 for instance) plus 4 (64).

    And yes, this was originally written for the malaysian server, before level 79 skills and faerie skills and whatever else there is now came out. No longer updated, perhaps someone else should write a new one that can be stickied in this one's place :)

    Guess I'll edit to answer some questions:
    @sfhuda: The lower level one is better, since it'll have more stats. The difference is very slight, but the only reason the higher level one is considered better is because it has a higher level skill. This can be compensated for by buying a skillbook, so you may as well get the lower level one unless you think you're going to be strapped for cash for the rest of your playing time.

    @ElaqKat: This site should help you:

    @XxMustangxX: Almost all venomancer builds are offensive. If you want to focus on pure damage, then go pure magic and put in 9 magic 1 strength every 2 levels. If you want to focus on crit, do the light armor build. That's pretty much all there is to it. Pure damage will of course do more damage and be more stable, while a crit build is more variable but has some more survivability to it. If you want to be completely offensive, I would go pure magic.
  • Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    that not true cos that only make u use human skills and not foxform fox need str

    i myself made my own AA/HA and it rocks and i do steal agro even from pure venos sometimes

    cos of amp and pets own pierce wish is like human skill wish i dont have cos i dont see any need for human skill as a venomancer same as i see ppl going pure build and saying that is offensive wish i take as offending.

    a pure venomancer build is in my head the most idiotic build ever cos then u lose halve what a venomancer is wish is both tho i myself focus purely on fox and not human.

    this build is debatable but here is my stats 6mag 3str 1dex

    in fox with sht gear 6k pdef do 2k to 2,6k damage normal hit

    1k evesion and 2,5acc

    i dont want copy cat i just wana say that a venomancer is more then just a mage as in human caster and we dont really need 2 have HA or LA just garnet.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Hi, Im new player and I want to make a good venomancer but after reading this guide I felt very confused. I destrubute points each lvl: 1 str 1 dex 3 int and I even don t know what kinds of veno (ofensive balance deffenisive) would it be in the future. And pls explanate me this fox form? Should I purely go fox form or what? I don t want to spoil my character. I wan t a good veno pls help me.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    how should my stats look at lvl 30 with mage build?
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    wait until u hit 99 and u may get sage soul degen wich is the most usefull skil in hh / frost to be able to instanly take 20 percent of the helth of any boss acept for world bosses is extremly usefull and should not be under estimated a word to the wise dont max it till u get the skill book it is the haardest skill for a venomancer to get and costs around 50 / 80 mill depending on how lucky u are
  • Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    sabit6 wrote: »
    wait until u hit 99 and u may get sage soul degen wich is the most usefull skil in hh / frostp

    You had me going til you said frost.

    You never use sage soul degen on frost bosses because it lowers the EXP gained. And since most use hypers, that difference will be quite noticeable.
  • Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    soul degen sage/demon books can be made (randomly) with pages of fate....which means the skill could cost 9mil or less (provided pages of fate are at 300k or less each) if you run the cube on a daily basis and complete it you get a page a day so could try for it every 30 days for free. There's 4 other skills you could end up with as it's a list of 5 skills and you get one randomly. So if you want pay the 50 - 80 mil but if you've got patience try for it for free. If you start the cube in your 80s you've got about 15+ lvls to work on it. Personally I go for the pages of fate route...I got better things I'd love to spend 50-80 mil on...
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Looks like the VM and the Hunter in WoW, are very simmilar, but i can't figure out how to get a blacksmith to repair my gear. How do u repair gear? Looks like a great game when WoW is off line, but the interface is really different.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i play a lvl 40 veno foxform and have light armor on.. i only play foxform and i got this build.
    vit 5 mag 100 str 60 and dex 50
    i wear lvl 20 weapon with the highest psychical damage i could get. (other weapons give a lower psychical damage, even higher lvl) but now i got a question. the strength i put on doesnt seem to help to do more damage in foxform... is my weapon too low or is my char bugged? i wanted to try a new build without much magic... just enough to heal my pet, a volcanic magmite. but it doesnt seem to work.. should i add magic or should i see a difference if i keep on adding strength? in my char screen i see an psychical attack that is higher than i hit on mobs. and i did not even count my weapon in.... what is wrong with my veno?
    a desperate veno fox
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    My veno on Dreamweaver was started off with


    Then when she hit 50's/60's i stopped putting Vit as she already had 3.5-4K Mana and that was before her armour/wep shards etc. Instead i added the 6 points into Mag.
    She is now level 80 and also now has a herc so is totally indestructable against most things, and PVP against a robe usually means my herc kills them before my veno gets the chance lol. Cant deny that it would be slightly harder without my HP charm giving that little extra protection +D
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    I'm sort of noob at the whole build thing, I played this game for about five months, before I had to leave becuase of family matters. I have a lvl 68 veno as my main, and was hoping if I could get some advice.

    Now I've thought about resetting but becuase of the gold cost, I can't really resort to that. My stats are as follow:

    Vit. 42
    Str. 51
    Mag. 230
    Dex. 50

    I made a rookie mistake when I was first building my veno of thinking that veno's served the same purpose that barbs do. So for like the first 20 lvls I used a mix of light and heavy armour. When I finally got told that I was building my veno the wrong way, I already had 30 vit, 51 str, and 50 dex. I've noticed that against most players,I'm pretty much useless. I last about 6-10 hits from archers and clerics and bout 4-5 hits from barbs. I haven't dueled a wizard or any human yet so I wouldn't be able to provide that info.

    I would like to know how I should build my char from now on, since lvl 25 I've pretty much being a mag veno, but I have a decent HP at 2212 HP, I don't think I'm too bad. But would like to get a higher MP. Also I would like to be able to defend myself in duels.

    Please help me, I wanna be able to tank FBs' soon and be a help. Besides ebing the tag along in the group.

    Thank you.

  • Posts: 960 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Hattie, it's a good thing to keep your vit to 42 and for str, just leave it at that. Personally, I have mine at 54 so I can use patakas my level. Mostly, you should grind for resets to bring down your dex. I know it will take awhile but the other idea is to re-roll. b:surrender
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This question has probably already been asked, however. The golem is not a monster anymore, or atleast not for my version. What are the replacements for those pets?
  • Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    "Golem" has long been the nickname for the big monsters that look like they're made out of rock... the magmites and their ilk, and lately the glacial walkers. Sometimes hercs are also called golems.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    And which of these would you suggest for the physical tanking pet?
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Im a level 9 veno, and it says on that skill tree that I learn it at level 9, but then it says... " next level avalible; 29, 59" Im confused. Does this mean I have to get to level 29!? I really dont want to just climb up to level 29. What does this all mean??
  • Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    anna462 wrote: »
    Im a level 9 veno, and it says on that skill tree that I learn it at level 9, but then it says... " next level avalible; 29, 59" Im confused. Does this mean I have to get to level 29!? I really dont want to just climb up to level 29. What does this all mean??

    You'll get the first level of fox form at level 9 when you complete your culti. Levels 29 and 59 are when the next level of the skill (it's upgrades) are available. If you don't get fox at 9, it will still be available at every level thereafter.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    very helpful !
  • Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I'm gonna end up rewriting the whole thing.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Hi, this is my first post here so be pacient to me. (english is not my first language, ....or secondb:laugh)
    1.I have a hybrid veno magic+ vitality and it works fine. So fine that I can kill a barb in ...under 8-10 seconds REGARDLESS of his gear or HP. The metod is like this : first I use Bramble Hood (but if your gear / build alows you to survive 8 sec without , then is not necesair)->Soul Degeneration (to get some chi and stop his HP MP regen)->Malefic Crush ( I have sage version so I burn in 3 sec 1800MP...and that is all a good build barb have)->Chaoitic Spirit (genie skill who swap HP with MP )....and I get a barb with almoust 0 HP, so any hit from pet or from me can kill it. Of course is not a 100% guaranty on the metod but is the best I could find in fighting well geared barbs, and it gives a good use to Malefic Crush skill. My sugestion is to use a wep with accuracy stone , and the last hit to be in human form (to avoid a posible miss).
    2. I want to ask if anyone have / used lvl 100 skils and if it worth the money..a loot of moneyb:shocked
    So please try my metod and tell me if it works for you too.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I have a Glacial walker for pet witch is strong but very slow, I wanted a second (more faster) pet to. I tamed a guardian wolf for that. the skills are flesh realm, howl and boost. The questian is should I replace some skills or what skills you think is best?
    I have seen somewhere its better to have a faster pet for some bosses in dungions because you have to lure them. Or do you know better pets for that? PS. Sorry for my bad writhing.b:questionb:thanks
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Ok as far as attributes go for every five lvls I put one in str and one in vit and the rest goes into magic. Occasionally I will dump more into vit or str depending on the need. But dump most of it into magic because you will need it for mana and damage.

    As far as skills go: This a list of skills to invest in with corresponding investment
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    this guide is great,i've been making light armor veno as explained in this guide, and so far i haven't got any problems with mobs or anything else just do a lot of quest to get a lot of spirit to buy new skills
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    This helped me a lot...I actually printed it out for reference since im totally...clueless as to how im supposed to work on my veno >.<. Thanks a lot b:thanks
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    the only thing i thought this awesome guide lacked is an explanation on how to max pet skills. my pet skills are still level one. how do i get them to the max level? flesh ream gets up to level5 and i want to get it there asap!
  • Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Buy the skill books either from AH or an NPC, like the .. Zoologist lady in the southeast corner of Arch.
  • Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    krishnaya wrote: »
    the only thing i thought this awesome guide lacked is an explanation on how to max pet skills. my pet skills are still level one. how do i get them to the max level? flesh ream gets up to level5 and i want to get it there asap!
    Use a skill book to acquire that certain skill lvl 1.

    Use tame book or w/e it's called to level said existing skill.


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