saindrake Arc User


  • but it's possible to target through pets/players holding one of the function keys..don't remember which one was for what, shift is to target npcs and item through players..not sure if pet works as player in this case
  • there is a setting in game responsible for displaying "individuality" on other peoples characters, sometimes it seems to be turning off, find it and no problem. Meanwhile.. -the "show/hide players outside range" option seems not to be working, stood on one end of archosaur and could see people on the other end with this on…
  • works for me, if a GM is reading this..thanks
  • more now :p cause noone else gonna race you during that time either
  • wait patiently im afraid, the servers are down dead and squeeking
  • ahah, alright it seem green grass turned into hay in here? alright, well i can only say - turtles do drop RARELY, so i'd advise trying out those horned pigs at ~20 lev and 30lev antilopes, and better stock up high on it cause on lev 70s you're gonna need 50 more XD have fun now
  • I'll be rather testing if the bugs that didn't get enough attention in MY will be more likely to get a fix here, except for some beneficial ones ;) I don't really mind foxies playing a lockdown from above on some bosses, especially that some bosses deserve nerfing edit: is this just my luck that i keep landing as the first…
  • sa for males playing females i found a nice quote to reason it: "I find little fun in watching another males butt "
  • still a strange name, foxies don't use venoms indeed, they use parasites..and pets of course. And I dunno what's so good in a foxies pvp ability, guess someone should teach me a few pvp techniques with it cause usually i can hardly win a duel with a physical dealer stunning me all the time. Anyone share any ideas? ;)
  • sa for being stuck there was exactly an option of asking for GM help in the MY version, assuming the same will appear here, the problem with it was - the ONLY thing it offered to ask for a GM to help with was getting stuck, once i had problems with logging in with a character due to some bug and could get NO HELP AT ALL,…
  • the short-term FB probably moved so easily from chinese cause the quest for the first FB19 IS actually named first battle. Had no idea bout the chinese name, always thought it was because of that first "First Battle" :)
    in FB?? Comment by saindrake August 2008