koukou Arc User


  • The only reason PWI came up with those "free" zen thing, is because their european competitor came up with something similar a few weeks before them....
  • The only ones available are those on the ranking of each server : http://pwi.perfectworld.com/rank/heaven
  • Looks like it's time to bring back this thread and ask Xarfox some questions.... Why did you lied to us? After JJ, you came back with more sales that continually raised the price of gold, culminating with the anniversary pack that sent gold price up through the roof. There are more coins on the server than there ever was…
  • True, and if it continue, they'll hit a wall : there wont be any buyers of AH gold left. The only profit they'll make will be from players buying zhen for their own use. If the price of gold is too high, you reduce the number of potential buyers. If the price of gold is too low, you reduce the number of potential sellers.…
  • Unless the sale value of one GA is 100k or more, I fail to see how this event drains coins out of the economy. Players buy zhen. Players use zhen to buy GA. Players sells GA to other players. Gold move from player to player and is not removed at all from the game...
  • They probably bid at the last second before the bids period closed.
  • Simple solution : Flood PWI's ticketing system with complains. Filling their mailboxes with tons of screenshots showing the bug abusers will also help having PWI react more kickly.
  • Since it's the weekend, it mean no fix will be done until at least... late monday. Could you instruct your GM team to temporary ban any bug abuser PKing players entering the cube?
  • In the USA, that day is celebrated on the first monday of September instead of May 1st. As for the bug, I PMed some admin and just got a reply they'll look into it. Wait and see.... A quick easy fix would be to move the spawn point a few feets away in the safe zone.
  • Not completely true... In french, "genie" can also be the name for the arabic mythos djinns. Genie is also an english word, btw...
  • 1 - Bug abuse is forbidden by the ToS. 2 - It waste your HP/MP charm 3 - Bug abusers gain ranks on the PvP ladder 4 - I bet you are among the bug abuser.
  • You can only get things from land officers if your guild own the land the officer is attached to. Otherwise he will not be of much use to you. Land officers are not the same things as city/town elders.
  • Wrong section of the forums. Guides threads should be posted here : http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/forumdisplay.php?f=15
  • This is nothing like the invasions we had on another server. Here all that is happening is that a few mobs spawn on a small single spot. While in TRUE invasion there are mobs that spawn everywhere around the city...
  • KSing continually people is against the ToS Any GM saying otherwise should be taught the ToS his job ask him to enforce. This must be the same GM who also said that "hacking is allowed on the PvP server" Oh well, the real admins like Xarfox are coming back to work tomorrow and will clean up this mess I guess. In the…
  • I'm against that idea. It would rules out many of those who's english is not the main language. While making a calendar picture don't requires much knowledge in any given language, and is thus much more fai fro everyone.
  • It's true that this bugs exists since a long time. If the developpers have not fixed it since then, I don't call it a bug anymore, I call it a game feature.
  • How can you collect the PvE community feedback and test the game if there are no PVE server to test? PVE is not the same thing as PVP. Whatever you do, your testing will be screwed to begin with, no?
  • I must agree with Nith. Maybe Xarfox don't know himself about it? So far, communication between admins and players on the forums is not a good point of PWI. It was better on the MY forums. At least Leode was telling the why of things that happened. Here all we are told is "there will be PVE server in open beta"... Could we…
  • For more than one month, many of your customers eagerly awaited to try and test play on a PvE server. In the end, without even a warning, you deny them that. You'll have to agree that it's not a good way to keep them with you.
  • I already have a level 89 and a level 56 char on the MY-EN PVP server. The only trhing that decided me to come over here was to try a PVE server.... I see no point for me to loose one month "testing" the same game, simply because it's from another company. I'll give this one a pass. And I guess that one month from now I…