jillibaby1 Arc User


  • East Coast servers are the only ones that are down so that could mean that something went out along the way. I have actually had problems in the past with one of the main huge servers in Chicago going out and giving me problems for days in another game I used to play. They were doing some major work on the thing and it…
  • This is just a dream! It's really tuesday already and they booted everyone just cause they felt like it without warning do to some freaky deaky maint in the middle of the evening, without warning. b:chuckle As i said, with all the money we throw into this "free" game, u would think they would be able to buy servers that…
  • Everyone bow your heads and cry now- all together, 1, 2, 3- CRY!b:cryb:cryb:cry Guess it's time to bring up Netflix and watch something for the rest of the night cause it dont look like we getting back in any time soon! With all the money we pay these people in a game that's suppose to be 'free', LOL LOL, u would think…
  • it's actually kind of funny tho cause if you look at the web site and check the server status, it shows as everything is online and running, cause everything has a green light...but yet, NO ONE CAN GET INTO THE DAMN GAME! So how it is possible that the severs are working with green lights when no one can freaking log on?…
  • Ya well now Dreamweaver is down too, got totally booted and now there is no server to connect to, guess they must all be down now...dammit! Great way to finish the night! Getting booted in the middle of questing- and ofc I'll be dead when I get back cause the rest of my charm would have ticked and ofc they wont do a thing…
  • Dont feel to badly ppl, it's happened to everyone who uses Dreamweaver. All of the other servers work just fine. Dreamweaver is the most popular so **** like this is bound to happen. I see most of you posted 2 hours ago and here it is 2 hours later and I cant in myself. Not much we can do until they fix the problem and I…
  • I thought the pixel shader was 3.1 according to the minimum requirements. Or 3.0...one of those. Well then I would have to say either we all run to Wal-Mart and check out a refurbished computer, update our graphics cards on the ones we have now or check out the local pawn shops like I did. I honestly did not know Wal-Mart…
  • I love that! LOL...but i agree, as I stated in another post, if and only if PWI fixes these problems it's going to take time. But then they say that some of the problems are not thier, some of the problems are us ppl with older computers and older graphics cards that simply will not support the new update. I have said it…
  • okay well I see where u posted the changes to the requirements but the changes to the graphics card did not change from the july one u posted to the new one needed now. The requirements are exactly the same as far as the graphics cards go. Which is what I dont understand. Although I never actually met those requirements…
  • Welps how's about a computer that has a NIVIDIA GeForce 7600GT, 527mb memory graphics card in it? Do you all think that would work? LOL.... I was gonna just get a new graphics card but- I researched a computer I found and came across some interesting information about it. Although its more of a video editing type of…
  • - So now u are saying that they have changed the minimum requirements for this new update? I chuckled a bit because my computer pretty much has none of that and yet I have been playing Genesis just fine since it came out and I was playing Rising Tide as well. The only requirement my computer has out of what's listed there…
  • - - After verifying the files, yet again- I am still unable to get into the game, I get shut out at the annoucement screen, it just logs off on me. Same problem I have been having for the last day now. You want information? okay well I will give you the info from my computer...but not sure how it's going to help u. Here is…
  • I would imagine the support team has gotten 1000 tickets since this update, but the issues are still at hand...there are tons of us who cannot get into the game. So either its the graphics card, or DirectX or OS...someone has to have better answers than what we are getting, which is nothing. I am now trying to verify the…
  • I do have to agree with you on this...lol...but there are also many many of us that use older computers and have older graphics cards as well and u would think they would have figured that out before the update. this is a business for them I get that, and they are trying to gear towards the people that have the updated…
  • I only have 1g of RAM on my computer and that is the minimum it says u can use to play and, once again, as I have stated in other posts, I have been playing the game with 1g of ram and the graphics card I have, for over a year now without any problems and now, I cant play. Somewhere along the way during the update or…
  • As I have stated in other posts, the problem may not be with your DirectX it could be your graphics card. Although your graphics card worked properly before the update- and may still be working just fine, somewhere along the way during the updates, it may have become uncompatable with the game. These issues started after…
  • Well, I am being told that an update on your graphics card will help which in the long run will be cheaper than getting a new computer if you cannot afford a new computer. Anyone with the GeForce 4 will have to update thier card to the 6200 or 660. If you have extra slots in your computer, u can simply get the card and…
  • Edit: The GeForce 4 cards that most people are having issues with were released in 2002. It's no wonder that they have issues by something meeting 2004 requirements.[/QUOTE] Yes but even using the GeForce4 MX 440 card, I was able to play PWI Genesis and Rising Tide just fine...no problems at all, then along comes this…
  • You aint the only one...seems anyone who dont have the right graphics card cant play...so either we hope for a fix soon or...try and get ourselves new computers
  • So what u are saying is that my card is also part of the 4000 series and anyone who has that cant get into the game. But I got further yesterday before I redownloaded...and I am using all of the graphic settings on the lowest settings as well which I did yesterday too. I managed to get all the way to the log in screen…
  • As I said in the other message I just posted, I have the GeForce 400 Series, GeForce GT 400 cause I have window's XP..and I still cant get in even tho I have been playing PWI for over a year and had no problems gettign into Genesis when it came out but mine does the same thing. I get to the annoucement screen and it just…
  • Well I guess that includes me cause I have the NVIDIA Geforce4 MX 440 or something like that... I still cant in even after uninstalling and reinstalling the game and doin the manual patch, it takes me to the annoucement's screen then just shuts down on me automatically. But yesterday- I got further than that before it…
  • However DirectX 11 is pretty much only for Windows 7...I tried to put it on my computer and I got a message that said I already had the latest version and it stopped the install then I re-read it and found it it's specifically for Windows 7, not Windows XP. The 9.0 version is for windows XP. I have the full version of 9.0…
  • Well, after all the **** I went thru, I ended up having to unistall the entire game and folders from my computer and now I'm in the process of reinstalling. I came back here to do the manual patching instead of the auto and I disabled my anti-virus just in case that might have been causing me problems too. Installation is…
  • Well join the club on it taking forever to download only when I even tried to do the update I got error messages over and over. I decided to try and redownload the entire game which took several hours but at least it fixed the error message i was getting and I was finally able to update. However after waiting several more…
  • okay so we missed out on our wedding, due to the fact that we got the time wrong number 1- we got inside and only had 10 minutes, not enough time to do anything and while we stood there pondering it, we got kicked out In the meantime- what do we do now? We need a card of marrage to reschedule another date for another…