blindv Arc User


  • Ah, I didn't know that actually I don't Rebirth so =( Hence, thank you for the fix =D But really, are cube and rebirth not popular enough to create enough of a demand to get fixed? Is that the really the reason? Sincerely, Bv
  • cough. Not true. Genie resets? 2cents Bv
  • To Whom It May Concern, As a follow up question, I also started wondering: "What about the cube glitches that everybody has been QQing about?" Not popular enough? Sincerely, Bv
  • Wing trophies, tome scrolls, and tokens of best luck/luck are anniv pack exculsive i believe. You can forge the lunar and warsoul gear. You can farm lower quality gems and combine them into higher gems. ...mmm does that clear things up?
  • Or maybe people realised that the PWE strategy to counteract upset players was: To wait it out. As the following will happen: - People complaining will leave, meaning less complaints and overall "happier community" (reminds me of the purging...) - People complaining will hope that the devs (or whoever else is in charge of…
  • GA = Guardian Angel - Death Proof Doll WQ = World Quest - a daily in which you have to fly around 30 different NPCs all around the world... don't try it with a starter mount unless if you have a real good book or plenty of things to do while you fly. Just my two cents. Bv
  • The problem is, they get the shiny badge too.
  • I agree with you. But I said "various" instead of all because some monsters probably should not have it implemented onto them. (Such as easily mobbed monsters) I left the discretion of which monsters they should be added to and not be added, to the judgement of the developers and GM. As much of a let down the DEVs may have…
  • To eatwithspoons, -This msg has been pmed to you as well but as it may be that you are checking this thread more then the private messages I took the liberty to reproduce it here- The following is a simple summary of the various threads along with my own comments about the newest patch: 1. Boxes dropping end game items 1a.…
  • I agree that you don't NEED the cash items but... if you hadn't had access to that $1000 worth of CS items... what level would you be currently? Taking out the CS items = slowing down your leveling speed alot. Either snail thru, or pay up some cash... am I wrong in thinking this? Because it sure seems like it for me.
  • mm.. that calculation is flawed... You spent 50k to buy a GA from ANOTHER player. Hence that coin amount isn't actually drained but passed on. The only loss that comes from this is if people buy the GA from the CS by buying gold from the AH and losing out on the fee (which is drained) the rest just cycles. Other then obv…
  • Agree with TS. Agree with above poster. Constant increase in demand = constant increase in gold prices. So what should we do? Get two jobs to pay rent, food, and for this game? Or be left as people without "elite" gear who slowly grind their way through while others who are more privleged in real life get a bye? I play…
  • The thing is, it isn't coins to repair the shattered gear, its mirage stones. Which are ALOT more expensive then just using normal coins (or alot more of a pain to get your hands on). I can see this patch making pking for lower levels go out, and more higher levels pkers come in. As they will have a bigger stash of mirage…