Who's actually quitting?



  • Gorgonia - Heavens Tear
    Gorgonia - Heavens Tear Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I already gave it all away... my veno is naked and in bad shape... poor Gorgonia b:cry
  • Taarloor - Harshlands
    Taarloor - Harshlands Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    "I spent too much time on this game when it was really hard so i could kill helpless newbs and now you're taking that away from me, I'm going to do the same thing in the next game because I can't live in an MMORPG unless I can stroke my ego while being broke. b:cry"

    /thread .. thats the feedback eatwithspoons, forward to dev's b:laugh
  • blindv
    blindv Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I Look my main point is...It's a game...now i may spend over 8hrs...or more >.> playing the game but it is still a game. Can you not just enjoy the game for what it is? You complain because everyone else is getting items easier yet in all honesty you are the ones who know you worked hard for your items.
    It's like saying you swam across a lake and you got an awesome badge to prove you did it but a yr later there is a boat that ferries people across if they pay, you think it is horrible because now you can't show off that you can do this amazing feat. I know very abstract but I believe it explained my point.

    Now I've been on this game for a year and and I donate money to get items...so I am not a noob.

    The problem is, they get the shiny badge too.
  • Zorish - Harshlands
    Zorish - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I saw the items in the forges, and wasn't planning on playing much anymore once they were made available in this fashion. The gap between paying and non paying players is too large to recover from now. Great job PWE your game is now pay to play.

    If Zoe is saying this, the situation is BAD!!!! b:shocked

    You gotta worry now :S
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I do not really like the "Luck" events myself and while I got a few okay things from the packs and some useful things from the normal tokens I think this event could have been done a bit better...

    However, I am not leaving yet. PWI has more than a few things I really like and I am not going to give up on those. I am not into PvP so I could care less what equipment everyone else has but I do feel it is unfair to players who have worked their butt off to hand out those items on a silver platter.

    I will just wait and see and hope things only improve not go down hill. For all the old vanguard who is looking to head off: I am sad to hear your words and see you go. I hope you find something better suited to you or can come back here and find things have gotten better later.
  • Taarloor - Harshlands
    Taarloor - Harshlands Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    All of this could have been easily avoided if PW created some items specificly for the anniversary, made them 10% worse than the Lunar stuff, given them a crappy name like "anniversary bow/blade."

    The cash shop whores would still buy because they dont have time/cant be bothered working for it, the game addicts are still happy coz they have their pixels of achievement in all their glory and integrity.

    Am I right?
  • Venorik - Sanctuary
    Venorik - Sanctuary Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Can't vote for either, because I'm not quitting, but neither am I lovin' it / thrilled with recent events and gold prices. ;)
    [Venorik - The Movie Trailer] youtube.com/watch?v=wUYC9oC4gTM
  • Devlinne - Lost City
    Devlinne - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm stayingb:victory
    A GOAT always THINKS it's a lion......untill it meets a REAL LION!!!!!
  • exileddw
    exileddw Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ill do dailies till im 90, which is very soon.. then maybe just go rpk everyone :D
  • SoulTedSu - Lost City
    SoulTedSu - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    whoever quitting from lost city .. please leave all your mold for me b:laugh
  • AstigII - Sanctuary
    AstigII - Sanctuary Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    To all People I played! Its been fun! But I think Am going to stop giving away money for PIXELS. First thing I would do tomorrow is uninstall PWI.

    Good luck to all of you that going to continue to support PWI.

    Best wishes to PWI.


    PNAS recruiting all pilipinos apply at: pnas.guildlaunch.com
  • Silvatar - Sanctuary
    Silvatar - Sanctuary Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I started PWI back in December, 2008. It gained my immediate respect for how a F2P game could operate and still maintain a relatively level playing field for ALL players regardless of their real life financial situation. People could choose to spend real life money on perks designed to enhance their gaming experience without diminishing the competitiveness of those players who must rely on their in-game efforts to support their characters in the absent of a disposable income. Unfortunately, the steady game changes and numerous events have slowly eroding the once level playing field to a point where there is now a gapping chasm between the “haves” and the “have-nots”. Success in this game no longer favours the skilled, dedicated player, it now favours the one with the biggest wallet.

    It saddens me to see a game I had enjoyed so much become such a manipulative product. Yes, manipulative – create a beautiful fun game accessible to all; slowly introduce more and more items/events to enhance the game and encourage people to spend their money; then, once you have a strong community established with a large committed player-base, up the ante and start introducing items which makes spending more money a NECESSITY.... a necessity if one wants to remain competitive. And many people will be willing to tolerate the situation as they are already addicted to the game, are committed to friends and factions, and have invested too much of their time and money to simply walk away. What I find most distasteful about all this is that, while the game can be played and enjoyed by all ages, its main target group is youth, teens, and young adults – the most susceptible population with disposable income to manipulative marketing strategies. Some might see this as purely legit, everyday, get use to it, free-market enterprising..... I see it as morally questionable at best.

    I have never spoken a harsh word against PWI before but, to quote Billy Joel, “we didn’t start the fire”.

    I may stay for a bit for the sake of the good friendships I have made, and for the sake of holding onto those good memories of what once was, but my respect for the game has drastically diminished.
  • KatieMorgan - Sanctuary
    KatieMorgan - Sanctuary Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i'm not quitting immediately, but unfortunately i don't plan on sticking around very much longer. before today i wasn't even on the fence- had absolutely no intention of quitting. this is 100% due to the pack release today, and perhaps not for the exact same reasons why many others hate this pack release. i've had a great time here at PW- great friends, fun gameplay, nice community, good GMs/mods.

    i understand that PW wants to make as much money as they can, and why not try to squeeze out as much as you can out of your (mostly) formerly loyal playerbase while you are still in a great position to do so. however, the items that were chosen to be included in this pack makes it plainly obvious that PW's business strategy is not based on retaining a loyal high-level customer base, but rather cycling through waves of new players that will spend money quickly in the CS and then later become disillusioned with the game when there is nothing left to achieve at high levels.

    one of the main things that kept me motivated to keep playing this game was to try to get some of the nice rare end game items available in the game. now that a large portion of these items are attainable by anyone just by buying packs, it basically takes away any desire to continue.

    the main issue i have about PW (an otherwise brilliant game) is that the elite items are either ridiculously unattainable (e.g. warsouls, along with previously past lands top-level wraith items, lunar, frost, TT100, etc.) or are now available with no gaming effort at all. heck, why would any player at this point even try to go after a warsoul, when it could potentially be available in the next cash shop gift pack release?

    guess this game just isn't designed/managed with the goal of keeping players around for a long time. was hoping it would be different than other f2p games (and for a while there it was), but alas this latest blunder, either intentional or unintentional, has cost PW another previously loyal player...

  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've been playing since november (not my main) and decided to quit a couple of weeks ago. Been trying a lot of mmos since but PW is hard to match, it really is a great game... What i miss most is the comunity tho. I may be coming back on ocassion to see if the situation improves but the way things stand now i simply refuse to stay. Think i'll be sticking to p2p from now on.b:bye
  • Xeian - Dreamweaver
    Xeian - Dreamweaver Posts: 720 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've been playing since november (not my main) and decided to quit a couple of weeks ago. Been trying a lot of mmos since but PW is hard to match, it really is a great game... What i miss most is the comunity tho. I may be coming back on ocassion to see if the situation improves but the way things stand now i simply refuse to stay. Think i'll be sticking to p2p from now on.b:bye
    PWI reminds me alot of WoW, but PWI has many things that WoW just can't offer. the game itself is free, no monthly costs, runs like a dream on my PC (can't say that about wow, mind you I'm running mid-high stuff) the player base isn't full of snobs and the GMs just plain rock :)
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    No free events, that actually we all can enjoy, just Cash shop sales. They call that an event.
    I've seen smaller f2p have events every week for all lvs.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    PWI reminds me alot of WoW, but PWI has many things that WoW just can't offer. the game itself is free, no monthly costs, runs like a dream on my PC (can't say that about wow, mind you I'm running mid-high stuff) the player base isn't full of snobs and the GMs just plain rock :)

    I think PW is a much better game than that glorified kindergarten... Nah, i'll be moving to the 1 that's got near PW's char customization...
  • ExELFine - Heavens Tear
    ExELFine - Heavens Tear Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I find ironic that so many players on this thread -- and all over the forum in fact -- would blast the GMs and Devs with accusations of "uncontrolled greed" for making items available to everyone.

    Those same players are also blaming GMs and Devs for the rising cost of gold... why not blame them for hurricanes and earthquakes too.

    After playing this game for nearly one year, I can tell you exactly who suffers from uncontrolled greed and that sure is not the GMs nor the Devs but rather those "shocked" high levels who've been taking us, as noobs since the start, throughout our FB and TT quests and never leaving us any drops, no matter how much wine and subs we contribute.

    They gather in cliques they call "factions" just to lure the noobs into their demented schemes and are the ones responsible for the imbalance and I, for one, am very grateful that the GMs have made available, in the actual anniversary event, items that were only available to the "chosen few", how sweet this revenge is for many of us.

    In all my fb and tt quests, including my recent bh runs, I never had the opportunity of a decent drop, except in the company of only 1 faction I have recently joined. I had made those quests and runs with what I thought were "dear friends" (so eager to help) only to find out many many levels later that he/they were a rabid dog(s), jumping on everything worth more than 1K, and leaving me with nothing even when I had supplied wine and subs but "hey, why complain, didn't I get my quest done? no drama pls". It also happens all the time with higher levelled members from large guilds.

    Are these the people who talk about quitting??? I can only applaud your decision and, believe me, you won't be missed.

    Tailor: lev 7
    Blacksmith: lev 6
    Craftsman: lev 6
    Apothicary: lev 5
    SEMI to 7/8 RETIRED, not from PW but from PWI :)
  • Zanixx - Heavens Tear
    Zanixx - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I find ironic that so many players on this thread -- and all over the forum in fact -- would blast the GMs and Devs with accusations of "uncontrolled greed" for making items available to everyone.

    Those same players are also blaming GMs and Devs for the rising cost of gold... why not blame them for hurricanes and earthquakes too.

    After playing this game for nearly one year, I can tell you exactly who suffers from uncontrolled greed and that sure is not the GMs nor the Devs but rather those "shocked" high levels who've been taking us, as noobs since the start, throughout our FB and TT quests and never leaving us any drops, no matter how much wine and subs we contribute.

    They gather in cliques they call "factions" just to lure the noobs into their demented schemes and are the ones responsible for the imbalance and I, for one, am very grateful that the GMs have made available, in the actual anniversary event, items that were only available to the "chosen few", how sweet this revenge is for many of us.

    In all my fb and tt quests, including my recent bh runs, I never had the opportunity of a decent drop, except in the company of only 1 faction I have recently joined. I had made those quests and runs with what I thought were "dear friends" (so eager to help) only to find out many many levels later that he/they were a rabid dog(s), jumping on everything worth more than 1K, and leaving me with nothing even when I had supplied wine and subs but "hey, why complain, didn't I get my quest done? no drama pls". It also happens all the time with higher levelled members from large guilds.

    Are these the people who talk about quitting??? I can only applaud your decision and, believe me, you won't be missed.


    actually no, in my smaller faction. when i go on TT60-70-80- and now 90 runs i always give mats to the people who need them and take whatevers left over. so this claim is not true. Although i understand what ur talking about. I think its your "rabid dogs" who are spending the money they scammed you out of and staying only to get these anniversary packs..

    lol.. just my opinion..
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Zanixx - Unstable - Heavens Tear
  • Miatemaro - Heavens Tear
    Miatemaro - Heavens Tear Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I find ironic that so many players on this thread -- and all over the forum in fact -- would blast the GMs and Devs with accusations of "uncontrolled greed" for making items available to everyone.

    Those same players are also blaming GMs and Devs for the rising cost of gold... why not blame them for hurricanes and earthquakes too.

    After playing this game for nearly one year, I can tell you exactly who suffers from uncontrolled greed and that sure is not the GMs nor the Devs but rather those "shocked" high levels who've been taking us, as noobs since the start, throughout our FB and TT quests and never leaving us any drops, no matter how much wine and subs we contribute.

    They gather in cliques they call "factions" just to lure the noobs into their demented schemes and are the ones responsible for the imbalance and I, for one, am very grateful that the GMs have made available, in the actual anniversary event, items that were only available to the "chosen few", how sweet this revenge is for many of us.

    In all my fb and tt quests, including my recent bh runs, I never had the opportunity of a decent drop, except in the company of only 1 faction I have recently joined. I had made those quests and runs with what I thought were "dear friends" (so eager to help) only to find out many many levels later that he/they were a rabid dog(s), jumping on everything worth more than 1K, and leaving me with nothing even when I had supplied wine and subs but "hey, why complain, didn't I get my quest done? no drama pls". It also happens all the time with higher levelled members from large guilds.

    Are these the people who talk about quitting??? I can only applaud your decision and, believe me, you won't be missed.


    Sounds like you have a horrid choice of factions. Not to mention picking all the wrong ppl to do ur stuff for you.

    Srry to say though you have it backwards.
    working it Q_Q
  • Pookypoo - Sanctuary
    Pookypoo - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    lol aside from the pple who quit before yesterday, are these all the others who didnt win anything good in the anniversary pack? b:chuckle (not quitting altho i didnt win anything)
  • Zanixx - Heavens Tear
    Zanixx - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i didnt and will not buy them.. PW will not get 1 more dime of my money for this
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Zanixx - Unstable - Heavens Tear
  • doomxt
    doomxt Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i feel like quiting all becuse noobs like lvl 50 and 60 are getting end game gear and at the price of 1 pound wtf. also its just another event so u people can make money just like the egg event where i blown 300 eggs trying get 1 lion and theres people that use 50 and get it is this the same type of event cos i wont use 300 of these at 400k eachb:angry
  • Kylley - Sanctuary
    Kylley - Sanctuary Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Er... do you by any chance mean the pouting old players that benefited from all the previous events?


    Pouting? I dont know that word, sorry =>.<= english is not my first language.

    And i meant the players who worked really hard to get their stuffs, its not really fair for them when you think about it...b:surrender
    Hi! =^.^=
    Main pets:
    Rayder, Sharptooth Wolfling: main pet
    Lyro, Guardian Wolf: magic tank, dder
    Kowlin: lurer
    Flameche, Blazing Pheonix
    BigBro, Crystalline Magmite: tanker (Yes i finally have a magmite, my bro gave me his cause he got a Walker b:surrender )
  • Gorgonia - Heavens Tear
    Gorgonia - Heavens Tear Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    lol aside from the pple who quit before yesterday, are these all the others who didnt win anything good in the anniversary pack? b:chuckle (not quitting altho i didnt win anything)

    I won with the anniversary packs... 10m+ coins, demon books that dont drop from game, a lot of stuff... but I could see how all this would ruin the economy and, thus, gameplay... spending 1.5m per charm for each TW isnt actually profitable.
  • Myriad_ - Lost City
    Myriad_ - Lost City Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    So, when I think about it... I think it was really fair for them.

    Lol wasting months of hard work farming mats while now people getting warsoul and lunar glade stuff instantly is it considered as fair?b:shocked
  • cloezy1
    cloezy1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I had decided to quit the moment I saw the auction house gold prices yesterday.

    RIP Dreamweaver

    This is Bunny. Bunny wants to Rule the world.
    Put this in your sig to help Bunny to World Domination.
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Lol wasting months of hard work farming mats while now people getting warsoul and lunar glade stuff instantly is it considered as fair?b:shocked

    You spent the time clicking a mouse ingame. They spent their time working to get money to buy it. You were both putting in work for an item. From that standpoint it's perfectly fair. I would bet you warsouls are a .01% chance and lunar/frost weapons are either .02% or .01%. Say they're .02%. For the 3 weapons you're talking .05%, that's an average of $2000 to get one of the three weapons. If you would rather think of it another way, someone who spends $200 on the game only has a 9.52% chance of seeing one of those weapons at those rates.
  • Aznchristmas - Harshlands
    Aznchristmas - Harshlands Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You spent the time clicking a mouse ingame. They spent their time working to get money to buy it. You were both putting in work for an item. From that standpoint it's perfectly fair. I would bet you warsouls are a .01% chance and lunar/frost weapons are either .02% or .01%. Say they're .02%. For the 3 weapons you're talking .05%, that's an average of $2000 to get one of the three weapons. If you would rather think of it another way, someone who spends $200 on the game only has a 9.52% chance of seeing one of those weapons at those rates.

    why should an online game reward someone for making money in real life?

    that's like giving extra points to a high school basketball team because the teammates have jobs and less time to practice
  • Mistigris - Heavens Tear
    Mistigris - Heavens Tear Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I hope even half the people threatening to quit actually do, and quickly. b:chuckle WC has been really annoying with all the QQing going on.
    images by ForsakenX
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