Tabbycat - Harshlands Arc User


  • I know. I just didnt put the other one in whoops... Its also just a "general" quick build. and ty mayfly i forgot they didnt have the morai gear in yet.b:thanks
  • Hiyah ^^ Well if you got enough rank to get to r8, you could combine the rank gear and the tt99. For example: The above is an aa veno i would do if i made one (mines la/aa). Btw shes not sharded at all. I didnt know what kind shards you would like b:surrender The only shard she has is a…
  • You arent even kidding. I found out the coords of the spawn points and I went to just go investigate it. Just to look at it. I know i wouldnt be able to get it, i just wanted to look at it x.x Whenever i got close to the last coord near the head of the skeleton, I kept getting my a$$ nuked.. It wasnt fun to say the least.…
  • Do you use military time? Like 13:00 = 1pm?
  • In relation to other mag users, venos damage is lower than other classes. I agree we hit faster. I agree that venos are better assets to squad vs a sin. But unfortunately tweakz, most ppl dont share our same positive views on venos. I was merely responding to the first posters question. I may have got carried away. As i…
  • Venos are still around, but like you said theyre barely hanging on. If you must know what i think happened was sins. Sins destroyed us. With their aps and high crit rates theyre able to solo things that venos can as well and since they can kill faster than us. Who would most squads choose? A veno who lets her pet tank who…
  • Hiyah ^^ umm u wanted to know possible builds for a veno so here yah go: I wouldnt recommend ha/aa or ha to yah because ur new to the veno. Its too much work.. Most venos now a days are either pure, vit, or heavy. I have seen some la venos (me…
  • b:lipcurl LA venos cant solo anything o.O Since when? Im perfectly capable of soloing tyvm. I can solo tts, fbs, bhs, mini bosses,etc. I am capable of being a solo class as a LA veno. Just because its different than the norm for a veno, doesnt mean its not effective. Btw, i dont "mooch" off my squad members. They have to…
  • AyS: I have a sin and a veno and i enjoy playing them both. In my opinion both classes are labor intensive with the sin getting aps gear and the veno getting a herc/nix. On my server nowadays, there are too many sins compared to other classses and there are barely any venos so getting squads on either can be a pain. With…
  • hiyah ^^ Im a la/aa veno.I do fairly well in the normal tasks of venos even tho i kinda run out of mana sorts fast lol. But hey chugging a herb every now and then fixes that. yes the build for a la veno is 1 str 1 dex and 3 mag. Occcasionally throw a vit in there if u would like. But as you can see in my response below, a…
  • Until i was lvl 80 and was able to use the celestial plumpfish, i used a turtle. The turtle did extremely well until i got about 80, where i switched to the plumpfish. Mermaids are okay but i preferred my turtle. I also caught a wicked teeth its a weird little fish thing that weirdly enough did very well o.o. I found it in…
  • On a herc there isnt really an aoe skill besides reflect but it isnt really an aoe skill. When i aoe grind with my herc, I normally let the herc attk the mob then go to the next one, and let the previous one catch up attk my herc, and repeat the process. Ofc throw a random heal in every now and then. Reflect helps keep…
  • When it came to my herc, most venos did tell me to replace pounce with bash. I did and it keeps agro very well. It even stole agro from a lvl 95 barb in fc (it was 89 at the time). Fleshream on a herc o.O Ive heard of it being done but in my opinion flesh reams cooldown is too long. Bash's cooldown is way faster. Besides…
  • Ah i see your veno is doing the melee side of the la very nice. ^^
  • Hiyah! I currently have an lvl 90 sage la/aa veno. I know the la/aa is kinda odd but ill explain why in a bit. I made my veno an la build because well first off: im on pvp server and i wanted to survive longer than the normal aa venos. I also decided to become a la veno because i was looking at the ha build and i kinda…
  • Well a possible reason for the decreased drop rate in solo tt 2-1 could be your lvl. Mostly solo tt 2-1 is for lower 80s. Also considering your veno is lvl 90, you should be able to solo squad mode tt2-1, well except for the last boss (wait thats 2-2) nvm XD. My la/aa lvl 88 herc veno can solo it just fine(might be because…
  • Ty Eoria. ^^ And yes i have tailor lvl 6. So i should be good to go.
  • I mainly do mag damage so i assume sage is best but i heard demon is good too..hrm this is hard. and ur right i have ten lvls to decide. so i supoose its tally time...
  • thank you! *gives out chocolate cookies!*
  • the trapping quest? i didnt finish that cause i didnt know where the "flower bed" was. how do you finish the quest? can you give me a step by step...pls?