StarryOpal - Raging Tide Arc User


  • Keep sending them emails, that is what I did. I have gotten an actual email response from them (from a real person not auto) and said they will look into it. Be nice though in your emails, being rude will do nothing but **** them off. I think that is a mistake many players make. Be firm, but polite.
  • I read this before. If I remember right you have to save the directx and PW to the same folder. Then they will work right. I'm pretty sure that is what I read, try it and see if it works.
  • It's happening on Raging Tides as well but we are fighting back just in a sneaky way. Some people are making alts just for the purpose of going into SP to be PKed and take screen shots of it to get the people banned. If they really do keep there word and ban these people there will be massive bans on our server. I know one…
  • Well the people in there better be careful. I know some lower levels have gotten fed up. They are purposely going in now to be PKed just to take screen shots of it and submit so the people will be banned. One person has over 30 screen shots/names on several alts and all have been submitted. I foresee massive banning.…
  • When I do this it makes mine a very pretty purple highlighted with pale teal
  • I'm not turning in any of my DQ items and the DQ page is working, I'm storing them all on an alt. As it is I don't get all my DQ points I refuse to turn in the 100's of DQ items I have now and be told later oops because of glitch I didn't get any of them.
  • I get the same redirect error as you. When they started using the new version of core connect is when I could no longer submit a ticket. IF you email customer service state in the email several times that you can not access ticket support and they must email a solution back to you or they will not email solutions back to…
  • Before when I would log in there would be music playing but no words with it. This is the first time I noticed words. Also that it's not in English explains why I can't understand any of the words. I kept turning my hearing aids up thinking damn is my hearing getting worse or something. Those two lines or so in English…
  • The problem is I have emailed them twice before, this is the 3rd time. They keep closing the ticket. Since I cannot access ticket support to respond, they send me an email saying do to my lack of response they are closing the ticket, even though I have told them in the emails that I cannot get to ticket support. I keep…
  • I posted a few days ago on the forum but it seems you are asking for people to post here now so I will repost here. Issue 1: It appears my account has not been updated since August: Issue 2: I am not getting Achievement Tokens for things I have done:…
  • I have the same issue, I sometimes don't get points for my DQs, I still can not get the submit ticket page to work, I keep getting emails sent to my old address even though I have updated it with my new one at least 10 times, my account has a major glitch. Latest glitch I just got a token achievement for buying 25 gold in…
  • I also just discovered my DQ point rewards are not working. A couple night ago I spent 3 hours doing DQ runs cause there is an item I want in the reward page. Didn't get a single point for any of the runs. If my math is right i figure I lost out on close to 1000 DQ points. Plus I no longer have those DQ items and will have…
  • Ok now it has gotten weird. This morning I made a second account. When I'm signed in under the new account the ticket submit page loads just fine, but when I'm signed in under this account it will not load. Also I noticed with the new account that you can buy pets and mounts with your achievement tokens. With this account…
  • We also lost our Faction Icon. It was loaded right before Christmas than right after Tuesday's (1/3) maintenance the icon was gone. It has nothing to do with my computer. I've asked several random people in the game that are not in our faction and they too said it is the generic faction icon. I'm guessing with the last…
  • This is not a faction submission bug. We had the icon, but now it is missing A few days before Christmas our faction icon was finally put in the game. After Tuesdays maintenance I signed in and noticed the icon is now gone. Another member of the faction also noticed it was missing. I asked several random people in the game…