since you went there. demon BT sucks, because you usually kill whatever-squishy-class there is with it. and MS... why even use it? you can kill the whole group ppl with sage BIDS, theres no need for a stun. then, yes, fow is cooler, i agree. even tho sage is epic when like 4 melees are trying to own you. phoenix.. well,…
dont act as if you weren't the biggest baddie plx.
no, you dont.
please stop :3
because they work irl and buy their lvl? good point
no, not really. you lack the bit of brain you need to be decent
as if you were good..
keep telling, it is sooooooo interesting. no really, it is!
i totally want.
i swear i trolled that girl on blogtv.
can you please gtfo again? thanks.
nice song :p
devoted has some points..
just dont join? and stop complaining
oh, i forgot that you don't need a charm and pots in TW. my bad.
@devoted fits, doesnt it?
thats all.
except money. im glad money doesnt control this game.
so you, as 9x, see any difference in killing 7x and 3x?