Reenoa - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • ok i was reading through the post and like to say one thing to Leela. I read your comment on Tao and Caesar duking it for 3rd place. HELL NO! Honey we in it to be the best tw faction (or atleast try) and more importantly to have fun while doing tw.I think Enrage, Tao and Traid would admit the gap between the top four isn't…
  • honestly you two stop lieing. You know for a fact that Westie, Xan, Jen,miuu,kira(both of them),elktra and uni are all mine. Infact all the girls in Caesar are mine except Bell... cus toot will kill me b:sad Anyways there all mineb:angry I am happy to lend you one for wq for a decent fee say like 100k for someone like xan…
  • thanks Obsessed.. so can the staff see my point? 900 dollars for a +12 item is more resonable that $2700 for a +12 item. Again it stays rare enough that not everoyne will have but more apealing that some peopel will have some day. Come on PWI staff should atleast try it. If this doesnt atleast make there orb sells x5 i be…
  • Caesar FTWb:thanks
  • $2100/3 = $700 for per 12 per item no mum is gonna pay that per item. However it will make more peopel buy Dragon orb items.
  • I was wondering something so correct me if i am wrong. How good are venos at PVP (one on one and in tw) without this Flesh Ream advantage. I have tried pving using my nix without using flesh ream. In tw/and out dueling. I have to say were not that good without it. Infact i say we are the weakest charr in PVP without it. I…
  • i thought the the trasnfer stones were the stones you can see on jewlcraftsmen. they are just a higher version of chi stones no?
  • this shows what i tried to say a few weeks ago, that dragon orbs prices are way too high. The should be 1/3 of the price. No plus 12+ item should litrally cost $2700 dollars in r/l cash(remeber for poeple to earn dragon orbs someone will have to spend r/l cash) thats over 273million coin per item for +12 personnaly i think…
  • hey fox Defected even admitted it was him who made the Defected faction. He admitted it on i thinkt he Enrage hypoc thread. But i rememebr reading about it.
  • Hi Hisui i have to say i was a little dissapointed not getting your views on predictions as i see you as the Andy Gray of Heavens Tear. If you dont know who is Andy Gray do some research:P Anyway I would like to know who you would think will win etc. Freshly just out of war with Radiance we can say we have improved but…
  • that means a set would be even more = 2737 x 11 = $30,000 >.> lol see my point cant vbe done but if prices lowered on orbs would have more refining. 10k per orb for the win :P (so i can grind more :D)
  • im thinking of when peopel are 90+ sicne 90 - 99 cna take like 6 months..would it be somethign you do? Also 99 items are very rare and i dont thnik we'll ever see a 105 for the next 3 years unless they increase exp for the higher lvls
  • Frankie: "ok guys now just wait for the black raptor to come along. If all goes according to plan we'll have some more BLACK raptors b:pleased" Infintium: "So why are the Horses in this position?" Frankie: "I want a Raptor that has firey legs i thought it be cool!" SPYKER: "umm... I Dont think you can cross Breed thm…
  • LOOK, I keep repeating myself hear but only way to stop bbeing ksed is become higher lvl, its a game for only the strong can thrive. So at your lvl your getting ksed lvl up untill you can 1 hit ko toob:sad
  • umm sorry but who are enrage? b:surrender sowweyi dont pay attention to ploitical issues :P anyway read the post and my god its caused offense!!!! b:angry Dont you dare touch kittens!!!b:shocked Puppies fine do whatever you like. Personnaly though i will be serious for like this post i guess.. Umm yeh we need "jerks"…
  • Hi there. Sorry if i cause anyone offence here just givin g my opinion. From what I see what your doing and the other person selling for 100k is perfectly ok. WHAT IS NOT FINE. Is the abuse getting due to undeucttign him/her and he should stfu and deal with it. You can say i am an impatient player when it comes to buying…