i just got one ?
no eoria even after killing mob since 2 or so week he keep aoeing that why people say 3-1 s now impossible in fact 3-2 is easyer then 3-1.... even lv 100 party have chance to wipe in 3-1 more infos can be foundin that post
u need it to get the necklace but u will also need to complete lots of time lottery room which dont worth it and way harder and money cost then the normal cube mor information can be found here
if it the quests i think Go to (547 399) (pop-up) but u need to walk on your feet not on your mount
click on quest search and find the orange quest u will get it every 10 or so level and they are called cultivation quests
the best solo class are venomancer also called werefox (wf) archer psychic they level fast at low cost and not hard to play
processor(cpu) graphic video number of memory ram number of free space on your hard drive
verify file it should not happen maybe anoter graphic bug like the one who was loosing money each tiem he was dieing
they did 1 great feature in the past year and it called encyclopedia it located near your minimap open it then click on event tab u will see event for current day and u can also see server time
i cant stop to laugh at your sig renza b:laugh
mage for aoe grinding, ep to farm hh, anoter veno for eveything else
the true question is : do u have lost your house buying ton and ton of hyper stone ?
pvp on lost city dead year ago when ragequit finaly quitted ;) and bloodlust disbanded the only pvp that we were seeing around was in silver pool, secret passage, hidden orchid and of course west gate /carebear spying on the pvpers
that can resume the post .... and i will never know why they changed this TT/HH
if i remember when u are lv 3 u need to manucfacture lv 4 im not ingame i cant confirm
-equip your flying mount -then press "E" to go in emote window -then look for flying icon or accelerated flying icon (accelerated will use the fuel which can be fueled by the stoen u get decompoising equipement) *u can drag flying icon to the skill bar
first time i hear about something like that
u better verify files in launcher befpre entering cube again it probably that u clipped threw the floor or something like that rarely if never happen
they wont discuss **** or banned account on msn ROFL!, send ticket
lot people lagging and i suspect core connect
1- they are working on it 2- i get over 60 dq every 45 minutes u better switch monster tt boss i have no idea why they changed it
what u mean by caracter info ? the stats ? if it different class try veryfing files in launcher
send ticket
instance ? lol that not what killed pve it hte freaking damned pak
since istarte dplaying mmo 15 year ago all game after 1 and half year end like that(pwi is now more then 2 year) it either gank or player that have way to much strong gear to make the battle fair
hmm i think if their inventory was full she just need to make 2 or morespace in the mount will appear
try Tailor Margaret (238 781) or try Wife of Moses (132 755)
when u enter game press really fast "W or S" if it not fix u will have to send ticket and wait until gm teleport u out if u need more information on why i say hit W or s fast search for the post getting stuck in etherblade lake or something like that
1- clean your pc from malware/virus/... 2- verify game files with the launcher 3- reset your internet connection
before chest of coins it was around 200k then with chest of coins it was over 300k and finaly with pak it went to the sky up to 580k+, nowaday it around 410k i remember buying my first gold at 88k, yes lower then 100k, almost 3 months after the start of the game. high level player was already farming hh70 if i record