Moander - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Think Elysium on HT can be counted out... they have no bite any more....
  • On a Crusader IV, paying 3k, I got a quest to kill Boneyard Defectors.... approx lvl 60 mobs... On a subsequent Cru. IV, I paid 9k, and got Taurox SomethingorOther lvl 54 mobs.... less XP to boot.... I'm thinking it doesn't matter....
  • It IS for attention.. this was a non-issue LAST week.. all of a sudden...because someone who putts from the rough feels like his pixel-based rights are being trampled on... Oh, I voted NOT allowed.....
  • Yep......
  • Ok wait... The mounts are in the cash shop for 20 gold, which is 2 Million coin in standard exchange. The mounts during the event could have been won with as little as a 100k investment. MANY people got theirs at or under the 500k mark. You can look at it as a chance to win one for alot less than it would eventually cost.…
  • You can hold your mouse over the abilities on the stat screen, and get a basic understanding of all the stats you see there (hit C)
  • The getting gkicked, and the friends issue are yours alone, those have nothing to do with the game itself. Going inactive in a guild after X period of time usually ends up in a parting of the ways. Those friends were not good friends? I doubt quests have changed. Quest X says kill 20 Fluffy Bunnies. Kill them and turn, you…
  • Crash, you're a great degree Coming from playing WoW for 4 years since release, as GM of my guild, and doing alot of the recruiting, I found that recruiting sucks. Period, end of issue. This is, of course, assuming you don't want every tool in the shed in your guild. New players read up on the presence of guilds.…
  • Unfortunately, you leveled to 56 before realizing you wanted to be a DPS class..... Stop now, and re-roll an archer or wizard. Use your 56 for supporting and power-cashing your new toon through the levels. Clerics going solo do very well DPS wise. Dungeons, they are what they are, most MMO's have group based dungeons or…
  • Seems Wargsm is no longer the Leader. All else I said still applies. And he still represents the guild.......if Fina is the leader again, I see no changes in their attitude or gameplay anytime soon.
  • Have you ever inspected Wargasm? He's all HP, no bite. Thats why he needs to gank level 30's I'm guessing. Try to kill HIM tho.... there is no doubt hes geared thick.
  • THIS ^ was well said. Why can't the little guys have some PK fun too? Without the big, bad Wargasm dropping in on them to easily 2 shot these lvl 30's. The way some of you people respond to this, is SO black and white. If you turn on PK, you die. While true, to the letter of the definition of PVP, yes. But it's total a$$…
  • Ok, first off, use the Enter key, your posts will get more reply's than the 'Wall of Text' messages I and others give... not knowing english well is one thing, but very few languages in written form fail to use paragraphs.... Now, this is a goofy bug. I'll assume you're using WinXP.... that seems to be the version of Win…
  • I'm 57 and still getting (and counting) on them :)
  • Dope: As an outsider, all I can see is that you are well named. You are truly a Dope. Maybe I'm old school, but I believe in speaking softly, yet carrying a HUGE stick. That to me is the true sign of maturity and intelligence......both of which you obviously lack. You really need to STHU and play the game. You sound like…
  • The Wall of Text burns my eyes ......
  • As said above, but I willl add, even CHEAP blue items decompose into these stones. You can usually find them lying on the ground at Broken Bow Ridge outside or Arch. You'll usually get multiple stones from one item. ALT drag ONE stone out, drop it right onto your pet's icon in your inventory panel: note the low haste…
  • Lvl 56 Barbarian here, over 40+ FB runs various levels..... Random works to a degree. I've gone totally dropless on one run, then the next, I get a lion's share of the drops. On the next run, the entire party gets a fair distribution. When I squad with my GF/cleric, she seems to get all the drops, then, out of nowhere, I…
  • Yeah, laggy here for me also.. forums are def dragging....
  • Smexx... YOU posted originally yesterday, 11:26 am site time... per your post. Approx 2 hours later, the moderator asked for info... tracert included. The thread carried over to today, and until Baifang posted his tracert results, no one had done so, yet, others were posting about the same issue. So, what did I say wrong?…
  • You sound as if I'm attacking you or something... have you any clue how many people are uninformed about technical issues with net traffic? Take a poll sometime, and ask how many people even know about tracert....... So ask yourself, how many people are asking what tracert is reading this thread, who may be having the same…
  • It's called 'Route to Host'.. The admin above asked for tracert printouts from you guys, and no one has posted them yet. To the uninformed, when you are at your PC, playing PWI, your 'signal' may go through 25 computers on it's way to the PWI server you're on. if ONE of those machines is glitchy, it can grossly affect your…
  • From a WoW player..... This game isn't about solo'ing, unless you're grinding for mats. Then, you'd want a party of friends who will grant you said drops, if say, you're grinding for Rough Fur. Solo'ing, I save for my mats grinding if not in an all guild group. The standard kill and gather quests are best for a squad.…
  • Amazing what the ENTER button is capable of.....Wall of Text FTL..... Anyways....I went in twice, got totally confused by the cryptic quest dialog, and zoned out... I use the CoF for teleports......that part works great......
  • Hit the little green button to the EXTREME lower left, by your chatbox...the mouseover says System.... I forget which tab, but at the bottom of one of the tabs is an AFK box.... where you can also leave an AFK message... uncheck and should be gtg....Apply and Confirm.....
  • The online 'manual' is fine.... IMO... though there are ALOT of 'hidden' features in the UI where if you DON'T read the 'manual' then you may not find the hidden tools they have put in.... Go through the online 'manual' one page at a time, alt-tabbing and doing each thing you see there once or twice should get you…
  • Yeah, reading comprehension FTL..... he SAID he has weird hours... Also, those of you responding who are UNDER level 56, perhaps you haven't run into what he has yet? I can't comment, just hit far, so good.....
  • Yes, they are worth it. They are some of the best available for your level...
  • This is not how it is... I'm a Barbarian, lvl 48, about to hit 49. I've nad no issues getting quests for my leveling. You MUST hit the Find Quest button every time you level, and every time you turn in a quest or three. Along the way to getting / performing the quests, do your DQ turnins. The final turnin for each phase…
  • THIS ^ is incorrect. The Op is obviously a melee class, and I know exactly what he's referring to. Melee players get hosed on KS'ing more than any other class....When we hit a mob, we do maybe 10%-25% on a mob, where ranged can easily 1-shot the 50% damage needed to 'claim' the mob. Just to see, I made a Veno. Yeah, can KS…