Magiterry - Lost City Arc User


  • well..u wasted you money on getting 4 gigs of ram. A 32-bit OS only used around 3.25 gigs of that 4. Although Microsoft argues that even thought the computer cant use all 4 gigs and only recognizes 3.25 gigs, the computer itself can use all 4 gigs to aid in running programs in the background in your system. This hasnt been…
  • ... REMEMBER: when you switch graphic cards...REMOVE THE OLDER DRIVERS FIRST, then install the new cards software, and then install the card, then update to the newest version for the new card from the cards respective website. also, just make sure you have all of your drivers up to date
  • ahh thanks for that smart assy comment =] and my gfx is an ATI 4870. and they CAN build it all from the ground up. IF they wanted to make the game run smoother on modern tech. and the game was coded about 3-4 years ago, so it really doesnt run THAT smooth on multi-proc machines because the game wasnt coded to take…
  • dude, yelling at the staff isn't the BEST way to getting this solved... If i was you..I would just contact your ISP and see, if for some reason, they are throttling you connection ONLY when you download things. this has happened to a lot of my friends, especially when they download Torrents. Good Luck
  • lol yay! maybe with the expansion they will also implement some good performance tweaks for the game as a whole. I cant wait!!
  • you can get an AGP ATI 3850 for like $100. imo the best AGP card made
  • sorry to post mine on here...but could a mod tell if it its any good? Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001] Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Windows\system32>tracert Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms 2 ms 1 ms…
  • as far as use the cards as a replacement to using a credit card on the online store to get ZEN
  • 1)I'm not asking the PW Team do do anything. it was just an idea. 2) maybe I should have said engine improvements. 3)I really had no idea that some of the community here could be so disrespectful of other poeples ideas (not you) 4)the game looks great, dont get me wrong, but I think some things could be done to improve on…
  • since the edit function for some reason, I have to make a new reply on here, so sorry if this s double post Forum Mods!! btw, they can "re-code the game a little bit"; have you ever heard of tweaking? or fine-tuning? lol i guess not since you think you have to re-code the entire game. lol like I just said, if Sony Online…
  • lol ohhhhhh ok, hmmm. Actually, it CAN be done while the game is still Live. They did it to Vanguard, so I'm sure they can do it with this game. They re-worked the games engine to use the hardware better, and when it was done, the released it with a HUGE patch. So, it can be done. How about you do some research before you…
  • lol well, just like everyone else on a "higher end" PC, I do have some lag in cities and what not, but like the rest of the staff said, this is normal.
  • ok, dont call my post stupid. Why do you actually LOOK into what I am saying. Who the hell do you think you are? I know the game look great the way it is. what I SAID was to recode the game a bit to make it run better on newer systems. And to take advantage of dual core processors. That was all I meant. NOW, if that is…
  • on the dxdiag, it says 3gigs, and in the Windows Information. lol and no, I wish I had the 1gig version of the 4870 XD I didnt even know they made one. Its the 512MB GDDR5 and I know that Vista take about 1 gig (or less) of ram to run, so I would still have 2 gigs left...heh, but idk, you could be right on the idea its…
  • ok, but I want people to see this...cause imo, I think a lot of ppl are wondering this same thing
  • yes....that is about right... Since the game was coded on an engine thats about 3-4 years old...its not made for multi-core cpus/gpus. when the game is running...ctrl+alt+delete to bring up the task manager, and find elementclient.exe (or something like that) and right click it. click on Set Affinity and un-check all of…
  • me, it sounds like you arent playing PW International...but PW-MY....that is the only version of the game that I know of that has the 2-3sec. key delay for skills