LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Arc User



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  • Have you read this guide? Perhaps that might help. Short answer: at level 3 you should have done / be able to do the quests "the trainer's summon" and "your pet" (in that order). The quest guide I just linked to explain what to do to get your pet from there. At level 9, you should have done the cultivation quest for…
  • Are you sure you're posting on the right game's forums? Because I've played PWI for years now, and I've never heard of any "memento box" or "seed of twilight". Anyway, if you've sent an email to customer support, wait for an answer to that first. Fifteen hours is not, repeat NOT, a particularly long time to wait on that…
  • No, there is no way to demote, kick, or otherwise get rid of an AWOL faction leader; it's one of the major and well known problems with the faction system in this game. You're stuck with making a new faction.
  • If you're gonna necro a thread just to talk about drop rates, you could at least link to the database that lists the drop rates for everything that drops.
  • What karmelia said in #142. Every task that's been proposed for volunteer GA's to do, so far, has been a task that ought to properly be carried out by paid employees of PWE, Inc. --- that is, by GMs. Fobbing them off on unpaid (or, far worse, "unpaid") volunteers will. not. help. Same thing goes for forum moderators, too.…
  • Quit shouting, we're not deaf. Look through your lists of quests available and also the list of quests you've accepted but not completed. ("q" key, for both.) Then go complete them ALL. If you have any particular problem with any of them, ask about it in the quests forum --- search for threads about it first, and if you…
  • It didn't occur to you that the noob had to have used the search function in order to FIND a three years dead thread? If s/he didn't find an answer in that search, that's another matter, but threads this old don't usually pop up on page number one. (And no, I don't care how long the thread's been inactive either. Is the…
  • Eh, we have a noob with genuine questions getting decent advice. What does it matter the datestamp on the first post, really?
  • At level 34, the point of being in a squad would be to get whatever you're doing done more quickly, mainly. And to maybe learn some squad dynamics early on before it's really critical for you to know them. In six levels (no time) you'll be 40, and beginning to run BHs. You'll be running them in squads. As a veno, your role…
  • You can click on "edit" by your own posts, and delete them from there. If you don't have any pets yet, then most likely Icefire is right and it's your inventory that's full. Bank something, or sell something.
  • My GW has had threaten put on it, and the other default skills left on. All leveled up, it makes a pretty decent physical tank. Once you get used to the threaten-tough-threaten combo, that makes almost a minute of the pet taking very little damage. I would not leave the GW without at least one of bash and icicle; you'd…
  • Do you like playing solo more, or do you prefer to be working in a squad? When you are working in a squad, what kind of job do you prefer to have?
  • It could also refer to pet bag slots, where pets go to after you hatch the pet egg. ("p" key.) There's a maximum of 10 of those, but by default only one (for venos, two) of them are unlocked and available. To unlock more pet bag slots, you can either (1) buy cash shop items (pet cages) and take them to the pet manager NPC,…
  • Which makes perfect sense when you think about it, too. This is an old game, designed for the Chinese market (not, I believe, widely known for its high-speed broadband coverage), so a bandwidth-frugal client was probably among the design criteria.
  • Then do you have one in your current quests tab? Also, open your character panel ("c" key) and check what it says next to "spiritual cultivation level".
  • The potato-headed panda is almost right. That quest for badges should be trashed, not ignored. There are only two situations in which there's any point to taking those quests in the first place, and in both those cases you'll know what you're doing ahead of time.
  • ToBL, yes, that makes four. I've never traded in those myself, so I completely forgot them, but you're right.
  • Gold is the currency for the cash shop, which exists in the game, hence it is an in-game currency. I prefer to keep most of my capital in gold whenever it's not invested in merchandise, because I'm mainly a cash shop merchant and usually buy my merchandise with gold, not coin. (Question for the philosophers: how many…
  • You could always level up your tailor skill and make your own...
  • Which download method are you trying, the "direct" one which is fail city or the sensible bittorrent one? Whichever it is, give the other one a go.
  • You mean 10* orbs, and yes, you can. I made very good profits off the last such sale just last month. Perfect chest packs go on sale a little more often than that, but not by much. Patience is the key to profit.
  • Some people say merchanting hinges on knowing some kind of secrets. This is, of course, not true. Merchanting is a no-hidden-information game; it's more like chess, less like poker. Merchanting in actuality hinges on other people being one or more of lazy, greedy, misinformed, and stupid. Catering to other players'…
  • Respectfully, if merchanting takes that much time investment you're doing something wrong. More like, if you want to merchant up rank 9 --- the ultimate end-game gear set --- then you'll want to do MUCH better at merchanting than me. That shouldn't be hard, because I'm a very mediocre merchant and I'm not even interested…
  • That depends entirely on what sales are currently active. When perfect chest packs are in the boutique for cheap, I've seen herc/nix tickets advertised for sale in worldchat for 50-70 million coin each, which can make both of them fit into $125 if you shop around and gold prices are high. The catch is, of course, that…
  • The catshops in west arch would beg to differ, but they're too busy making profits to bother. And gold prices were what, 100-200k? Those days are gone, yes. Find another source of income. Like, oh, idunno... actually merchanting? Farming is a different story from merching. Yup. Meanwhile, my catshop can make that dollar or…
  • In the very center of archosaur, on top of the circular platform, from the weird ball-headed monster in the middle of it. Oh, and buying the materials you'll have to trade for it? Will cost you many, many thousands of dollars. Good luck!
  • I've posted the link to that guide myself so many freakin' times now, I almost know the URL by heart.
  • First off, it's not my spreadsheet, it's WarrenWolfy's. All credit belongs to him. Second, the spreadsheet depends on knowing the prices (and availability) of the various refine aids on your server at the moment. You should click the "edit" button and update those before using it seriously, or it'll give you bad advice.…
  • What refining aids are you using, and at what levels do you start using them? Me, I wouldn't dare try with mirages alone any further than +3. After that, tishas. If I had more than one piece to refine at a time, I'd religiously follow the spreadsheet.
  • I'll be paying for my cardboard stones with paper money. And I am so totally calling them that from now on.
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