JadedDream - Raging Tide Arc User


  • You know I had completely forgotten about that. Thanks Salari, you now owe Calmload 20mil thoughb:chuckle You could have just given it to me whenever you got on b:cute
  • Consignment shops have always worked properly, to my knowledge since they came out. This issue is with vendor Shops, cows, bunnies, snakes and such, not consignment shops. TT based T2 should read "Equipping this item will cause it to be bound", it doesn't. TT based T3 same issue, checked bag with my sin all the T3 items…
  • It still is broken, it states in the guide you can only complete it once after maintenance. Why your gf couldn't get the mobs to spawn b:bye
  • how can you reopen a ticket? Once closed by CS it says to send in a new oneb:surrender And found the discussion about the DC Guardian Scrolls. http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1674511
  • To the part in bold i'm just going to say go do your research. Since I'm sure legal discussions aren't allowed on the forumsb:bye And I don't think anyone is saying you attacked the mod, more along the lines "follow their advice and you'll get farther quicker". Simply put you get more flies with honey Your issue is that…
  • You might want to stop letting your frustrations out on everyone. From past experience reading forums Kossy, can be extremely helpful, he still had to do what is required as him as a moderator though. Support direct you to this section of the forums because as Kossy stated bugs and errors are what this section of the…
  • And your items shouldn't have droppedb:sad For the most part I would simply ask them to send a GM to you in game to discuss the issue. Customer service can be hit or miss depending on who answers your ticket sadly. Good luck getting your items back
  • I've seen people bring up the same type of issue beforeb:surrender. I also remember a while ago someone brought up the issue that the the Guardian Scrolls, from Dream Chaser Packs, say something along the lines of "May prevent items from dropping". This was never cleared up by any GM. So if you were using a GS from a Dream…
  • The trick to map 5's on most bosses is dig chest fly up til boss resets. Then land a safe distance away you should have no problems soloing most of them on your archer using just auto attack, don't use skills as it causes the boss to reset it HP. I do this on both my BM, using ☆The Penetrator and sin, using a T2 +6 Bow.…
  • I've done this title on 3 different toons and all the information is correctb:shutup
  • That explains it then. So apparently until they fix it so that others can respawn the mobs, once they're dead at server restart everyone else is solb:angry and to answer your question was on the previous pageb:cute
  • Would you mind explaining then how you got the 6 emerald sword fragments to get the title Seal Destroyer?
  • I like this idea. Like someone else has already stated, the lag is from the snow not the snowmen themselves. As far as the complaint of perfect stone prices dropping, not sure on other servers but on RT they price doesn't change much, they've actually gone up in price with the snowmen around. A few people on RT pay more…
  • I think you're missing point that with sitting around waiting for a response the OP could have ran full delta at least once. b:bye btw weren't you the one that posted in the RT forums wanting to buy low lvl's to pkb:laugh
  • idk if you're being serious orb:shocked
  • Not really sure what type of reply you expect them to give you. Anyone that runs full delta regularly knows how glitchy it can be. With the time you've spent waiting for a reply you could have easily put together another full delta squad if not more. b:bye And needless to say there are/were far worse glitches in the game…
  • Possibly because the promo's tend to "glitch" and either send people to many rewards, not enough or none at all. At least flooding the market with apotho that anyone with the appropriate skill level can make and means to farm the mats, or buy, isn't going to flood the market. Look at what happen with the heroic chest promo…
  • You won't find many people doing PQ II on RT the reward is http://www.pwdatabase.com/items/27004 which may contain the follow 2 items. Not sure how many sacks you need though http://ecatomb.net/cash%20shop/mount/mount31.jpg http://ecatomb.net/pet/05.jpg PQIII Is mainly farm the 2 follow rings. For completing you're…
  • It's Cosmic Packs b:cute and you can check sales on EU servers around Lucid Gold time Buff, they are usually up by then b:pleased I'm waiting for the 3mil gold prices b:dirty
  • A lot of the older info is outdated since the info is provided by players and not kept up to dateb:bye and nope i'm not that personb:chuckle
  • It's ok Buffy and fyi is your friend when you're not sure even if some of the info is outdatedb:bye
  • You're 102 if you did't know about this and how it actually works, sorry to say it's rather sad. If you want to take that as an insult feel free. Never said anything about "go learn your class", just FC less and play the game more. For the most part the only players that I know that have done this are all sins. Demon to…
  • As KawaiiJen said it appears they made it more "user friendly" . You've always been able to take the quest if you've completed celestial cultivation. Nothing happens until you have the items, you have to BUY, in your inventory and complete the quest at the NPC.b:bye
  • Should I post in russian so you can comprehend? stating something is FREE, means not requiring ANY ITEM By your own post you stated it requires an item. Hence NOT free Calling me a non-factor, that's just so b:chuckle
  • How is requiring a Mold you either have to buy from other another player or buy from the boutique free? I'm impressed by your pure ignorance to comprehend what you wrote FC less play the game more b:bye
  • One of two things, more then likely #2 but don't recall the time frame atm 1) Not the required level range 2) Wrong time of day
  • You're 102 and never seen this or knew about it............. b:laughb:shockedb:cry
  • And because I don't post in forums i'm newb:laugh... again try some common sense. It's obvious forums aren't properly showing lvl of people characters since i'm not lvl 1 stating your suggestion of 2x every other weekend is DUMB is relevant to what you suggested. Or do you not comprehend your own posts? b:bye
  • 1) Oh, i'm sorry if you don't comprehend sarcasm...... and yes your ignorance is blinding and so is your lack of proper grammar. It's sad someone calling you a non factor made you such a QQ'er and attention seeker 2) Even a 2x every other weekend is dumb seriously you QQ about prices in WC use some common sense, look up…
  • Range seems to be missing for the possible adds for weapons