Item drop with guardian scroll

prince790 Posts: 23 Arc User
edited May 2014 in Quality Corner
On May 4, 2014 I submitted a ticket with a SS that shows 3 items dropped while I had guardian scrolls. Note I am blood red. The screenshots are of me dead and alive with a damage log that shows my items dropping
Post edited by prince790 on


  • JadedDream - Raging Tide
    JadedDream - Raging Tide Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    prince790 wrote: »
    On May 4, 2014 I submitted a ticket with a SS that shows 3 items dropped while I had guardian scrolls. Note I am blood red. The screenshots are of me dead and alive with a damage log that shows my items dropping.

    I've seen people bring up the same type of issue beforeb:surrender. I also remember a while ago someone brought up the issue that the the Guardian Scrolls, from Dream Chaser Packs, say something along the lines of "May prevent items from dropping". This was never cleared up by any GM. So if you were using a GS from a Dream Chaser pack that might be the issue. It might also be a text error or even possibly a coding error between the normal guardian scrolls and the ones from DC Packs.

    Good Luck getting items backb:bye
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Edit it down to just the facts of the incident and yes it has a place here, though I think stating where he was when he dropped the items should be included. (There are certain places where Guardian Scrolls just aren't triggered on death, though those places should also protect you from dropping and experience loss.)
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • prince790
    prince790 Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Edit it down to just the facts of the incident and yes it has a place here, though I think stating where he was when he dropped the items should be included. (There are certain places where Guardian Scrolls just aren't triggered on death, though those places should also protect you from dropping and experience loss.)

    I was in Primal at bridge to Kirin Town.
  • JadedDream - Raging Tide
    JadedDream - Raging Tide Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    prince790 wrote: »
    I was in Primal at bridge to Kirin Town.

    And your items shouldn't have droppedb:sad

    For the most part I would simply ask them to send a GM to you in game to discuss the issue. Customer service can be hit or miss depending on who answers your ticket sadly. Good luck getting your items back
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited May 2014
    prince790 wrote: »
    A forum is defined as a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

    I respect your comment, but I'm sharing my negative views on a particular issue.

    You have written more than I have. I merely quoted responses I gave to the support team and provided background.

    I have every right to be upset and forums are meant for discussion.

    The purpose of the quality section is to address "lack of quality". That is what I'm doing.

    The characteristics of a rant is rhetoric that is "wild" and "impassioned". My post is reasonable, within the scope, and doesn't drag on.

    In this case, Mayfly is entirely correct about the contents of the post here... though the ticket should not have sent you to this section to begin with.

    As is, Quality Corner is purely for reporting bugs, glitches, and other similar issues in the game/forums/website. On top of that, those here are unable to actually do anything about your issue aside from redirect you to support. If your ticket has not been closed, please continue to pursue the matter with them.

    Aside from that, I'm going to ask you to edit your initial post to merely the details behind your items being lost (where you were when it happened, the type of guardian scroll you had, possibly screenshots) as it does sound like something that is a bug and needs to be addressed.

    Everyone else, please focus on the topic at hand of items dropping while a guardian scroll is in inventory and not the fact there was a ticket about it.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • prince790
    prince790 Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »
    In this case, Mayfly is entirely correct about the contents of the post here... though the ticket should not have sent you to this section to begin with.

    As is, Quality Corner is purely for reporting bugs, glitches, and other similar issues in the game/forums/website. On top of that, those here are unable to actually do anything about your issue aside from redirect you to support. If your ticket has not been closed, please continue to pursue the matter with them.

    Aside from that, I'm going to ask you to edit your initial post to merely the details behind your items being lost (where you were when it happened, the type of guardian scroll you had, possibly screenshots) as it does sound like something that is a bug and needs to be addressed.

    Everyone else, please focus on the topic at hand of items dropping while a guardian scroll is in inventory and not the fact there was a ticket about it.

    A couple of points.

    You asked me to modify, yet within 10minutes of your post you modified my post.

    If this is your job, so be it. But just as you did your job, I'm doing mine and I was directed by PWI support to this forum. I will duplicate my existing posts ( I copy and paste everything I post). I see you have also modified the title of this post which was "Robbed". I understand that it is due to your fiduciary duty to the company to make them look good and to address the purpose of this forum. I can accept that.

    Btw, your last statement makes no sense. Focus on the topic at hand of items dropping while a guardian scroll is in inventory and not the ticket? The ticket is derived from this issue and rightfully so.

    P.S.: For those of you reading this and disagree with my tone, know that if you invested a lot of time and coin into your gear and it was stripped away from you by a glitch that you were told by support "is a developer issue, not ours" you would be upset too. For them to not respond 9 days afterward adds salt to that wound.
  • Verenor - Morai
    Verenor - Morai Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    prince790 wrote: »
    A couple of points.

    If May did not edit her response, I am appalled that you would modify and mold May's response contra my post.

    If this is your job, so be it. But just as you did your job, I'm doing mine and I was directed by PWI support to this forum. I will duplicate my existing posts ( I copy and paste everything I post). I see you have also modified the title of this post which was "Robbed". I understand that it is due to your fiduciary duty to the company to make them look good and to address the purpose of this forum. I can accept that.

    1. You don't -own- anything ingame, I strongly suggest you to read the ToS before you post anything else regarding your 'rights' to certain support/recovery of items.
    2. OPKossy is a volunteering forum moderator who even recently got an update regarding forum policies (no more bs, stricter rules) which also means no trashtalking the PWE Staff. If your post or others were insulting they can and in some cases will alter post (or even delete in some cases, pick one).
    3. You're posting this issue on PWE-domain. They hold all rights to content posted here, including editing, removal and if necessary removing access to the forums for individuals (again involves you clearly not having read the ToS)

    If you still believe that attacking the staff or volunteering moderators is a good idea, this thread might as well be closed as it has no other intention than shaming them.

    OPKossy gave you hints on how to properly formulate this thread into a constructive bug report. Support won't give you your items back untill proven that this is a game-bug, meaning you have a chance here to submit this as an actual bug and not a player error, as support seems to think. Once you've made this into a proper bug report, and it turns out you made no mistakes and it is a game bug, PWE finally has something to correct and take responsiblity for.
  • JadedDream - Raging Tide
    JadedDream - Raging Tide Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    prince790 wrote: »
    Btw, your last statement makes no sense. Focus on the topic at hand of items dropping while a guardian scroll is in inventory and not the ticket? The ticket is derived from this issue and rightfully so.

    You might want to stop letting your frustrations out on everyone. From past experience reading forums Kossy, can be extremely helpful, he still had to do what is required as him as a moderator though.

    Support direct you to this section of the forums because as Kossy stated
    "as it does sound like something that is a bug and needs to be addressed."

    bugs and errors are what this section of the forums is for, not your ticket, sorry to say. If you're unhappy with the way your ticket was handled PM sparkie and address your concerns with him.

    And to the not making sense comment. I think Kossy is talking about the issue is with the guardian scroll not working as it was suppose and that the actual topic not your displeasure with customer service.
  • Jarkhen - Archosaur
    Jarkhen - Archosaur Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Let's make a couple things clear here, with pre-emptive apologies to Kossy because I know I'm going a bit against what she just said.

    First, mods are not PWE staff. I don't know why people always make this assumption. Forum moderators are community members who volunteer their time to keep the forums clean and orderly. They do not get paid (outside of a one-off ingame compensation item I can't say I'm very happy about, but I digress).

    Second, forum dwellers and moderators, since we're all just normal players, have absolutely no way to assist with your ticket. That's the main reason why you're being asked to keep your ticket details out of this thread -- the point of the Quality Corner is to detail bugs, not talk about tickets derived from those bugs. If Customer Support continues giving you the finger, you can try pming sparkiesoft, our CM, but no guarantees that he'll be able to make anything happen either.

    In regards to the bug itself, please refer to Kossy's original request which you seem to have glazed over entirely in your incessant rage:
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Aside from that, I'm going to ask you to edit your initial post to merely the details behind your items being lost (where you were when it happened, the type of guardian scroll you had, possibly screenshots) as it does sound like something that is a bug and needs to be addressed.

    These details are rather important with regards to pinpointing (and thus coming closer to resolving) the issue.

    TW/NW Videos:

    Some people get R93 and become another cookiecutter DD, other people get R93 and get called out as serious threats. At some point, it's just not about gear anymore. - Qui
  • prince790
    prince790 Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    At no point did I attack the mod.

    I attacked the PWE support.

    According to the mod, they were incorrect in sending me here so end of discussion.

    I will continue posting (on another thread) about this injustice though and to comment on what a previous person said if we own nothing then you're saying we can invest $500 in game and get nothing?

    I do request a contact number for PWE. Perhaps a developer could help?
  • Verenor - Morai
    Verenor - Morai Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    prince790 wrote: »

    I will continue posting (on another thread) about this injustice though and to comment on what a previous person said if we own nothing then you're saying we can invest $500 in game and get nothing?

    Spot on. Welcome to the mmorpg-business where you can buy everything and own nothing because you agreed to the ToS before playing.
  • JadedDream - Raging Tide
    JadedDream - Raging Tide Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    prince790 wrote: »
    At no point did I attack the mod.

    I attacked the PWE support.

    According to the mod, they were incorrect in sending me here so end of discussion.

    I will continue posting (on another thread) about this injustice though and to comment on what a previous person said if we own nothing then you're saying we can invest $500 in game and get nothing?

    To the part in bold i'm just going to say go do your research. Since I'm sure legal discussions aren't allowed on the forumsb:bye

    And I don't think anyone is saying you attacked the mod, more along the lines "follow their advice and you'll get farther quicker". Simply put you get more flies with honey

    Your issue is that the GS didn't do what it was suppose to, like myself and other have said that's what this section is for a POSSIBLE BUG
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    PWE doesn't have any developers (that work on PWI, at least), those are in China. sparkiesoft is the Community Manager and our principle interface to the developers. He's also the one to talk to if you don't get satisfaction from support.

    As for contact information, look at the bottom of the page. There's a "Contact Us" link.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited May 2014
    It appears I'm late to the party.

    Wellp, let's begin.
    prince790 wrote: »
    A couple of points.

    You asked me to modify, yet within 10minutes of your post you modified my post.
    Yes. It's part of what I needed to do and there was a good deal of room in your post to add in more details about the incident itself as that's something that the quality corner would be used for.

    As rule 8 of the forum guidelines prevents posting the content of private exchanges between players and staff, something which tickets fall under, the contents of the thread in general that revolved around your ticket were removed.

    prince790 wrote: »
    But just as you did your job, I'm doing mine and I was directed by PWI support to this forum.
    An unfortunate mistake on the part of whomever sent you here. While the issue behind your ticket is something that would be welcome in the Quality Corner, the issue of your ticket itself and the resolution of such has no place here.
    prince790 wrote: »
    I will duplicate my existing posts ( I copy and paste everything I post).
    Do not do that here. That's a violation of forum policy that would result in a warning, removal of the offending post(s), and, depending on severity as well as how much you persisted, could culminate in a complete ban from the forums. That obviously would not help you to have your problem resolved in any way whatsoever nor contribute to the issue behind the problem getting fixed.
    prince790 wrote: »
    I see you have also modified the title of this post which was "Robbed". I understand that it is due to your fiduciary duty to the company to make them look good and to address the purpose of this forum. I can accept that.
    It's to have a useful topic title that isn't glanced over and explains what the issue is. Especially as ticket details are irrelevant here and your prior title had no real information that would be relevant to this forum section. Believe me, making PWE look good is not my concern, nor duty and I have been one among the many to express my disdain at various decisions the company has made in the past.

    prince790 wrote: »
    Btw, your last statement makes no sense. Focus on the topic at hand of items dropping while a guardian scroll is in inventory and not the ticket? The ticket is derived from this issue and rightfully so.
    The relevant topic is, in fact, you losing items even with the guardian scroll in your inventory. That should not happen and is the only part of this topic that can be salvaged and put towards something constructive on these forums. Everything else, ticket and your displeasure with the support staff included, would all normally be grounds to have the thread locked, sent to the lower depths, or removed. As the issue you encountered could pose a major problem and I wish to have as much of a positive result from this as possible, the thread was pruned to what would be relevant for the forum without breaking any rules. If this thread is, instead, continuously sent back to the subject of something that cannot be discussed on the forums in general and is irrelevant to this section even were it to be allowed, then I'll wind up having to close this entirely and no good will have come from it.
    prince790 wrote: »
    I do request a contact number for PWE. Perhaps a developer could help?
    The people on this side of the ocean don't have developers as the game is developed and produced in China and PWE isn't actually allowed to alter the code. Hence why most of our fixes are localization changes (essentially, them doing translation work) and for anything major we have to wait for patches that come bundled from China.

    Let's make a couple things clear here, with pre-emptive apologies to Kossy because I know I'm going a bit against what she just said.
    Dangit you! Well at least you got my gender right so I guess I'll accept the apology this time. b:chuckle

    Once again, I'd like to request that both you, and everyone else, focus on the bug with the guardian scroll and provide detailed information about it, as well as screenshots if possible. If this continues to go on about the support staff, tickets, and so on, then this thread is going to be closed. And repeating it afterwards, if such a thing happens, will be met with appropriate consequences.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • prince790
    prince790 Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    A "bug" occurs so I am out of items and coins for something I can't control. So is your response simply "tough luck? What else can I do and please understand my frustration. I would not go through great lengths for several weeks if I had any belief I was wrong. I need someone I can contact please.
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    What else can I do

    Reopen your original ticket (do not open a new one.) PM sparkiesoft (as you have been told several times already) as he can expedite your ticket. Provide all relevant details of the incident (not the ticket, just the incident) in the original post so hopefully the bug can be tracked down and others won't suffer the same thing.

    Continuing to whine about it on the forum will accomplish nothing. Following the above steps is the course that will most likely achieve something.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »
    though the ticket should not have sent you to this section to begin with.

    In every single ticket I send now, regardless of the issue, they tell me to post here. Sometimes the issue has been posted here already, and sometimes it does not qualify as a bug. But their first response to me is to post it here because they can't do anything. It really, really irks me.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?
  • JadedDream - Raging Tide
    JadedDream - Raging Tide Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Reopen your original ticket (do not open a new one.) PM sparkiesoft (as you have been told several times already) as he can expedite your ticket. Provide all relevant details of the incident (not the ticket, just the incident) in the original post so hopefully the bug can be tracked down and others won't suffer the same thing.

    Continuing to whine about it on the forum will accomplish nothing. Following the above steps is the course that will most likely achieve something.

    how can you reopen a ticket? Once closed by CS it says to send in a new oneb:surrender

    And found the discussion about the DC Guardian Scrolls.
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Reopen your original ticket (do not open a new one.) PM sparkiesoft (as you have been told several times already) as he can expedite your ticket. Provide all relevant details of the incident (not the ticket, just the incident) in the original post so hopefully the bug can be tracked down and others won't suffer the same thing.

    Continuing to whine about it on the forum will accomplish nothing. Following the above steps is the course that will most likely achieve something.

    Honestly, I can understand why people have to come and whine here now.

    1.) All tickets sent now just get the response to post in QC. Even if it has already been posted or is an issue that isn't fit for this section.
    2.) From personal experience, no matter how much information you give them, 9/10 times now you will get a response indicating they didn't read all of that information.
    3.) My tickets lately have all been closed even if it was just a polite request for help. Thus forcing to you open a new ticket and start the whole thing again or just give up and post here.
    4.) While PMing Sparkie might be an alternative to sending tickets, if everyone starts doing that I imagine those will go unanswered as he'd be flooded with PMs.

    I used to be one of the people always telling people here to submit a ticket, and in the past I saw results so I believed in them. Recent experience, however, has told me that ticketing is now useless. In my most recent request for help on a broken quest, I was told that they only help players stuck in terrain or being harrassed, and the ticket was closed. So now I have no advice for people with problems as I cannot even get help for my own.

    (I hope that isn't violating the rules, mods; I didn't post the whole ticket but I think that little detail is something that should be shared)
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?