Leading Triad to there 3 hour Defend to Enrage with 27 Nix on my Team sheet then 3 Days later taking 14 of Triads Actives to Tao as IT was failing as a bad leader in a fail merge Getting baned and Troy (triads 1st leader) getting me un baned in 3 hours due to the ammount he CS on game (paying for 22 Nix) Being in Legion…
so wot u are saying is u need me back to jazz up WC
nice vid i see ur still a bad mage in TW i see u go for archer and not the barb so i switched off good 26 sec
lets just say as for bes cleric my stats dont lie u like
lol well 1 day we had 30 and next day we had 17 in tw 4 of witch were base buffing alts so yes u can win 17 V 80 GG see u this week with are 17 v 80 o and crimson GG have fun BTW ur done if LEA is un baned JAJAJAJAJAb:dirty
no guild is a match for Narla simple every will QQ coz we have a pink server but ppl will wanna join but it ok i will wait and see what happend when ppl see this and get fed up of no TW as its pointless to fight narla damm i cant get 50 in TW Narla have 50 9x in TW ZZZ i wanna see Narla attk Impulse as Ole thinks he can…
u should do wot i do to get tiger packs....... yes u guessed it get of ur fat **** and get a job lvl to 80 no oricals as quick as a oricaler mean a no life so go out in to the real world and earn some money for packs and u to can be a OP as me
Guild Name: TrueMythz Level: Currently 1, working on 2, but will be 3 Leader: FaerieFly Website/Forums: Extra: Recruiting for TW/FB/TT/BH and the like. PM leader in game or go on forums Above info is no more Guild Name: Fatalis Level: 3 Leader: FaerieFly Website/Forums: Extra:…
QQ i am at work lol Taboo wanna play that 72 barb in TW the server needs a Good cat barb the ones here suck ****
not hard to be on top of a event when all the high lvls are in 1 guild lol as for my Wife thats pro pking right there i was not at the event as i want to get my HH99 farmed so 3-2 for me
that gives me 7k p diff and 8k hp buffed un buffed is 5k p diff and 6k hp so even with purge bow i have uber defence i also have + 17% defence in gear on top of the above info end game i will have all the above and 22% defence in tw i will have the defence +8 tome lol thats 30% Good days to be a cleric please remember the…
sage IH will even keep u alive fluffy
QQ i love my spark i like quick kills i only have 8-9k magic attk with 7.5k p diff 200 vit FTW only way i can kill when there is 6 or 7
well i am jewish so i can say stuff like that
ok 1.)tank is never in cat shop 2.)just coz i made the gear for tank dont make him mine i made the gear woot the gear is not CS as i got mats from 3-1 farming on a veno and its TT70 with G7 hardly CSgear now Ieaz +8 then thats CS wot is worng with CS it the new way to play the game un like most Cser i CS my char and i know…
So a fatalis member did get TW this week lol
ok now i see ppl with better gear it getting harder for me to kill ppl and damm i am dieing to sins now so here is my top of the class Cleric self vote reasons i not seen any good cleric all cleric i see are HP sharded same hp as me and i have 5/6x p diff then them Sin has to be Darkshade *** me he eats my sage plume…
see i run FC with barbs from Narla and Impulse and bot pritty poor Fluffy cant say loged in and the Impulse have no brain they always have to tank even with 3 herc venos so do impuls have smart barb we will see *** forgot spanker he is a VERY good barb spankie and DG best on server but who will heal tham barbs? sorry but…
i say Narla wins ya narla they will defend for 3 hours there is no way they can win at this moment in time there lvl are bad and onlu Narla core click have gear Impulse have double the 9x all impulse have to do is kill Kiaxn as he is only one who dose damage job done
i went from 84 12% to 87 62% and used 30 mins of Hypers in FC i done 5-7 runs 8 hours FC is so sick back in the day when it too 6 ppl at fish to get 10% max thats were the real game was played farming luna bow with chips from cube bet all these new ppl dont know were the cube is or wot a zen is lol
LOLOLOL well plume shell is pro for all phy attks lol thunder hits kirbie for 1.3 lol with a element de buff and extream 2k+ lol u idiot go learn skills of other class befor stating bad facts lol at u archer used normal attks or magic attks with plume up lol ur so pro its ppl like u that i eat in pk
martin u dont have a clue some time and i can say FACT that narla will be best guild on map as they dont seit there and do mini trash talk there the only lot to sho up for pk ur a no body martin with out jess funding u ur a nobody as for setting ppl to come kill me Yaoshi knows better but he will try kirbie = 3 hits INovaI…
Well GG temps i guess u will lose land this week so early so many left ur guild lol mayb its the donate rule All **** go to merlin so he can orical more
IJS LOL GGfluffy love ya really
just to note: i may trash ppl but i know when i am well beat and i am not shy to say GG wot with all this **** with trashing ppl and BS responce i did not have this buff on i did not use this skill i laged at that point Guys dolls and meatbunz(not sure wot it is lol) less BS Less QQ more pew pew
martin martin martin go white and come fight me as for Yoshi he get owned by me and proc is my wife he wont kill me lol only ppl who are good that i come across in last to days there isa BM sharp__ he is good had him at 50% ready to kill and he tree and DG and true empty me ZZZ WTB BM on floor lol 1 hit my **** back to SZ…
i now have a sin yReMaeRD 70 sin Boom it was group pvp but he has hit the hardist out of all the sins i come across
the app saying i dont plan on staying long lol