BiWinning - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Aww look how e-tough you just got? You beating me in PVP? LOL, I don't play Harshlands as you can clearly see. Judging by your signature, you take a lil too much e-pride in this game. Self proclaimed west arch troll? ROFL, funny kid. How would you like me to show something with text? Dull minded children shouldn't be…
  • Rofl? Oh lets judge a character on PWI, theres only one PW? coulda fooled me, baboon on a rage..L2 game.
  • Djkinetic and his +12 lvl 40 molded bow I believe? Rofl. Fun times <3 Tw in RoC.
  • Your history only goes that far back :(? I don't know if anyone posted this because I never read all of your posts. Radiance TheEmpire Evolution RoC give or take a few clans like Elysium Avengers later on Triads that attempted to take land.
  • I always lol when Burnout posts :). Mystic is beast in PVP, Not sure what build or if you know how to PVP or not but you dont need R9 and all that stuff :) L2 Pvp if you require all that.
  • I dont see any upside to Storm Mistress? I up Salvation and Devil.
  • I am rolling a pure mage Mystic, I was in a BH59 yesterday with a 70 cleric n 76 cleric. I was 72. The tank had 9k HP n it really seemed like the 70 cleric healing could not handle it, she was spam healing and spam healing but never was his HP ever full. 1 Heal from her was not enough to bring him to full hp from just over…
  • If you suck like most Mystics that don't know how to or when to throw vital down, switch target n heal, falling petals etc then buff everyone. If you find yourself fairly decent, buff yourself and the highest DD + the cleric. If you think you are really good, buff yourself for good measure and no one else. If you are like…
  • Yeah no you aren't the first, everyone claims that, you know everyone thats ever made an account personally? No. Onto the topic at hand, HA would be a fairly fun build to LOL with, try out bosses etc but in the end you are better off with AA, if you care about being squishy then re-roll. Deff a funny concept though, HA…
  • You should learn where to post also. PVE - Optional PVP mode at level 30. PVP - Not-Optional, 100% PVP mode at level 30.
  • Well I just hit 73, my Devil is fairly decent actually. I put him on a mob of my level and I attack another mob, by the time I kill mine he's roughly 2-4k HP left on his which isn't bad. I am pure mage with jones blessing so it's not like my damage sucks. Also using Devil in pvp? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL dumbest thing I've ever…
  • The instance really sucks, I ran it with a squad of squishies and a barb. Easiest thing ever. 60-74 one that is, you go in, mass group, aoe, spam skill, move on, turn left, spam more, grab another 20, aoe ,spam more, go left, lure big room, spam more, kill 800k hp boss, the end. It's straight forward, the boss gives you…
  • It's not hard lying to a pixel girl and wooing her, sheesh. You sent text to her LOL, social skills lack? No face to face interaction until you are sure it's her? Did she go WTF YOU DONT LOOK LIKE THE PERSON IN THE PICS YOU'VE BEEN SENDING ME *HOLDS UP PIC OF BRAD PITT* lol @ your life.
  • I thought it was a good song and we should all share such a moment together.
  • How do I need a life when ya'll meetin people online irl LOL. Yes No_Signal. I idolize those types of people, they are like my supermen. Lust - To my type? What a racist!
  • Did busy places stop Ted Bundy? Nope, he abducted people like he was at an AIDS summit in Africa.
  • I forget my email that I signed up with for PWI, can I find it some how so I can remember it and make a fb to sign up with cuz totally not liking this on my actual fb.
  • Death are you asking my age because you want to meet up irl? I don't feel comfortable yet, I haven't read enough text or seen your pixels yet.
  • You people actually meet other losers irl and form a bond of love? So much for internet safety? You should be more aware that just because Michael Jackson,R Kelly, Kobe and every other famous black person aren't allowed near playgrounds does not mean they cannot use the internet. So please be cautious when meeting your…
  • Soo yeah the timer hit 0 and then every channel on TV changed to a big screen saying LOOOOLZ OSAMA IS ALIVE LATE APRIL FOOLS. - Obama.
  • I totally agree, they should 100% put in a IQ test and/or English exam.
  • Yeah Death, something like that, I seen it on YT.
  • Thanks for sharing this with us, it's a proud day when someone un-installs a game/quits and announces it on the games forums. Truly, truly amazing. Thank you so much.
  • So I bought those Eye things that allow me to peep peoples stats n what not, I checked a few Mystics n other casters to see how I'd compare. I found that my MP is above average based on the 50 odd casters I clicked, Ik that not all are pure n some got ****ed up builds n **** but still it's an average. So assuming I'm above…
  • My love..Oh yess..I met her on PWI. We first met at the Inn of Eagle if I re-call. It was a glorious day, the sun was shinning (ON PWI ofc), the birds where chirping (I added SFX), The freshly virgined characters where spawning for the first time!! I clicked at random and boom..there it was..her Avatar..So gorgeous, the…
  • I just wanted to feel important and feel like someone Employed at PWI would read my post..I agree like why would they add something for 84 and under? I mean..Duhh. We can do BH/CS/WQ/Hyper and like 100 diff things soo we should give all the 84+ that do TT/FF/NIRV/RE/ETC ETC ETC something to do..I mean thats just my…
  • Well it's about level 6 or 7 I'll go max it. I hit about 15k with AS no spark which is enough for a 2 Hit Ko since my NV is hitting about 4-5k. MP really isn't an issue, I mean if I'm in a squad and I gotta heal yeah it takes it's toll but few pots n I'm good or when I set up my buffs/summon pet it takes a bit but I got…
  • Yeah my combos for PVE are pretty basic... NV > Tornado > NV rinse repeat..If they close ish I'll use gale force but thats rare they get close. Sometimes I use NV > Absorb Soul while my pet is attacking a diff mob because thats how I do PVE..Devil on one mob..Me on another. But is NV > AS combo faster than lets say NV >…
  • Ahh frostcovered gotcha. Thanks a bunch, yeah Cragg is going to be more of a priority when I actually need it. I find vital is so wonderful, even in smaller FB's it allows no real healing. I appreciate all the help. Stats like magic 7.2mp 2.5k hp doin good? Also is swirling mist actually worth it? I got it to level 2 and…
  • Well my Vital is at 1 atm, I do love it and will 100% be levelling it once I got some more money. My befuddeling I wasn't actually too sure on this, not to sound so nooby haha but does it actually make a difference or is it so low that I wont see the diff? FC btw xDDD?