servers are up. Paying 100k for first on lc

Jenovadeath - Lost City
Jenovadeath - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
edited May 2011 in Chronicles
servers are up wondering what this new instance has in it that makes it worth while. paying 100k :P ( yes thats it for accurate info ) on this new instance and why I shoul take the time to run through it on any character for the matter of fact.

Pm me on _RockHard_ And I will gladly pay the coin for the first to give us info on what this is all about and wether its worth us to waste time on our alts to run through it or not. Remember only paying the first with accurate info on it. (bosses ect) there might be new quests for this that may be found out at a later date but htat is not yet accurate for anything (as was with the new fb51 boss).

Merely is curious about the instance itself and wether its build for a specific type of drop xp or something else at this point as there could be no other possible reason for it.
Post edited by Jenovadeath - Lost City on


  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    servers are up wondering what this new instance has in it that makes it worth while. paying 100k :P ( yes thats it for accurate info ) on this new instance and why I shoul take the time to run through it on any character for the matter of fact.

    Why do you need a reason? Isn't a game suppose to be about enjoying it, about fun?

    Here is a good reason for ME, MYSELF, that makes the new instance worthwhile:
    It's a place for me to have fun even though I'm not "endgame". And by fun, I mean fun. Not a place to level, not a place to farm, just a place to have fun and enjoy as something new to a game.
  • Jenovadeath - Lost City
    Jenovadeath - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    in all honesty not to be rude I"ve done every instance including both fb99's on my barb the only full instance I have not completed is gv delta.

    I realy would just like to know since they havent changed the cultivation quest for any lvl why this new mid lvl(if u can call it that) instance was implemented I lvl'd 2 characters to 9x before bh was ever implemented so what is the purpose of this new instance is my big question as lvling has become a trivial question anymore at this point.

    Sure theres lots of ppl that know there class but just as well theres probably 1000 100+ per server that have never even done they're 99 cultis as I stated in my last post on another thread talking about this so called instance/update.

    Once again paying 100k to accurate info the most accurate based on writing quality will win the coin for it. I know its nothing at all but considering the Diehards on this server accurate info wiil be only a short bit away.

    Srry if I was afk while u pmed me ingame was trolling the forums.
  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    in all honesty not to be rude I"ve done every instance including both fb99's on my barb the only full instance I have not completed is gv delta.

    I realy would just like to know since they havent changed the cultivation quest for any lvl why this new mid lvl(if u can call it that) instance was implemented I lvl'd 2 characters to 9x before bh was ever implemented so what is the purpose of this new instance is my big question as lvling has become a trivial question anymore at this point.

    Sure theres lots of ppl that know there class but just as well theres probably 1000 100+ per server that have never even done they're 99 cultis as I stated in my last post on another thread talking about this so called instance/update.

    Once again paying 100k to accurate info the most accurate based on writing quality will win the coin for it. I know its nothing at all but considering the Diehards on this server accurate info wiil be only a short bit away.

    Srry if I was afk while u pmed me ingame was trolling the forums.

    Why does everything before endgame have to be about lvling/farming/grinding?

    I don't need coin, as I said, I play for fun. Which si the best reason for this instance; to have something new to explore. NOT FOR LEVELING, NOT FOR FARMING, FOR COIN OR FOR DROPS, but just for gold old fun.

    Of course, I think it is quite unfair that endgame players didn't get something new to have fun with. But honestly, how many endgame players give a rat's @ss about fun? Isn't endgame about nothing but farming, lvling, grinding, and competing to get the best of the best of everything?

    Let me ask a question to you endgame players: if they had given this to you guys, would you have actually done the instance for any reason other than using it for exp/spirit/drops/coin/grinding/farming? would you have done the instance just for the fun of it?
    and if an endgame instance had been given, where the mobs gave no rewards at all, no drops, exp, spirit or rep, would you have complained, or would you have enjoyed the new instance anyway?
  • Yuniryu - Raging Tide
    Yuniryu - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Why do you need a reason? Isn't a game suppose to be about enjoying it, about fun?

    Here is a good reason for ME, MYSELF, that makes the new instance worthwhile:
    It's a place for me to have fun even though I'm not "endgame". And by fun, I mean fun. Not a place to level, not a place to farm, just a place to have fun and enjoy as something new to a game.

    Aye i agree. b:victory. :D If only people are like us. I play pwi for fun, thats why i grind as well as doing bhs and cs. When my assingments are done, i am going to start farming again :).
  • Bellarie - Raging Tide
    Bellarie - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Aye i agree. b:victory. :D If only people are like us. I play pwi for fun, thats why i grind as well as doing bhs and cs. When my assingments are done, i am going to start farming again :).

    I don't even grind or farm really. I just do whatever, a quest here, a daily there. All that stuff is really just icing on the cake though; if I hit endgame while enjoying myself, then great. But I really could care less, as long as I have some fun, isn't that good enough?
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I don't even grind or farm really. I just do whatever, a quest here, a daily there. All that stuff is really just icing on the cake though; if I hit endgame while enjoying myself, then great. But I really could care less, as long as I have some fun, isn't that good enough?




    Don't spoil it to some...Don't tell them all that a GAME is suppose to be played to have FUN..They will all send us to a asylum....

    Quick question for non-believers : How many of you had a gun pointed at your head with someone telling you "You will wake up, grind that mob, and only that kind, till u fall back asleep, and if u don't like it..our pockets are waiting" ??

    Some take this game wayyy too seriously..Even some factions are sounding a lot like job applications..If ur not between 5 feet 3 and 5 feet 5, 110-210 pounds, brown hair, blue eyes, speak 3 languages, have experience in FC, perfect vision, perfect hearing, flat screen monitor, a alt in catshop all day long..We dont want you...

    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • Jenovadeath - Lost City
    Jenovadeath - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    b:laugh I've lvld and geared out 3 chars the old school way through farming why in the hell would I go through another instance if theres not something to gain from it in the frst place?

    I just ran through hoenstly fairly fast for what we had in squad.It seems like a trophy mode almost for that lvl restriction I'm merely curiouos if its even worth the time and gearing out such a low lvl character for it in the first place. You get about 15 mins to make it to (fisrst secand gate) b4 ur locked out and once more the instnace can only be entered once per day.

    Im just curious at to the purpose of it in the scale of the grander scheme of things I can grind 20% in 15 mins at my lvl and make a couple K worth of dq points while im at it.
    MY biggest question is why should I do this instance? What is in it for the person the completes it? is it as lame as the 3* gear that can be gotten from contribution from the pq from 60-85 that is realy not worth even doing as TT70 gear is better than putting the effort for those couple of 3* peices of **** that you can get from those quests?
  • BiWinning - Heavens Tear
    BiWinning - Heavens Tear Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The instance really sucks, I ran it with a squad of squishies and a barb. Easiest thing ever. 60-74 one that is, you go in, mass group, aoe, spam skill, move on, turn left, spam more, grab another 20, aoe ,spam more, go left, lure big room, spam more, kill 800k hp boss, the end.

    It's straight forward, the boss gives you 3.8k xp ish, each mob 91-211. No drops, no coins, nothing at all is gained, you can do it once a day.

    It's a complete and utter waste of time, even if you hyper it the boss is still 47k ish xp. Hypers on a 30 minutes run where most the mobs are green named? Not worth the money, not even worth my left overs of an FF run.

    FF = Longer = heads = better xp.

    60-74 instance = Short = No heads = Green name mobs = terrible xp, not even classified as "good" with hyper.

    Overall, you 84+ people are not missing out on anything it seems but thats just my perspective from a 60-74 run. When get the other doors open as I level we'll see but this instance so far isn't even worth a repair/pot. I wont return to it until I'm higher up.

    (Just throwing this out there for those that aren't on LC or for those that care to read it). Useless.
  • Jenovadeath - Lost City
    Jenovadeath - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The instance really sucks, I ran it with a squad of squishies and a barb. Easiest thing ever. 60-74 one that is, you go in, mass group, aoe, spam skill, move on, turn left, spam more, grab another 20, aoe ,spam more, go left, lure big room, spam more, kill 800k hp boss, the end.

    It's straight forward, the boss gives you 3.8k xp ish, each mob 91-211. No drops, no coins, nothing at all is gained, you can do it once a day.

    It's a complete and utter waste of time, even if you hyper it the boss is still 47k ish xp. Hypers on a 30 minutes run where most the mobs are green named? Not worth the money, not even worth my left overs of an FF run.

    FF = Longer = heads = better xp.

    60-74 instance = Short = No heads = Green name mobs = terrible xp, not even classified as "good" with hyper.

    Overall, you 84+ people are not missing out on anything it seems but thats just my perspective from a 60-74 run. When get the other doors open as I level we'll see but this instance so far isn't even worth a repair/pot. I wont return to it until I'm higher up.

    (Just throwing this out there for those that aren't on LC or for those that care to read it). Useless.

    b:chuckle exactly my point I didnt ever run hypers cause im just like that and would rather see what I get before I waste money on it we did one boss and there were several doors that didnt open after we killed him which gave me the impresssion of a timer in the first palce if that one boss is all theres is then yes definitely not worth it.

    I at my lvl haven been grinding pirates around fb79 getting about 2% per pull solo aoe grinding and making a couple 100k coins and a couple k dq points while im at it why should I at any lvl do this instance is truly my big ? what at lvl79-80 does it have to offer to me? I honestly don't care if its not required to learn any new skills or a cultivations

    Its so easy to lvl now adays and get semi decent gear at 100+ that theres no point in playing beyond that point. The only thing worth farming for is if ur in a extremely active tw guild (rare these days) and farming extra sockets and refines however with the introductino of r9 thers no point on competitve servers for it.

    I guarentee you get on a pvp server for this version of the game and drop 500$ rl cash into gear on a 100+ char and ull be average geared for a pvp server and thats the bottom line. Go to any other f2p game and ur cash will go much further but will be extremely less balancing which they obviously don't like here.
  • Jenovadeath - Lost City
    Jenovadeath - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    offer still stands btw for 100k to first person that can post details about its completion.

    Absolutey loving the gm camping west named blablah packs to show off the new bike mount to try and spur off sales it being in a pack.
    Next time tell them to not name themselve after the pack ppl might be a little more suseptible to the scam you guys got running for them.

    but still like I said what in the hell is the purpose of this new instnace and completing it in the alloted time? do we get fc mats warsoul mats anything other than xp? which frost is still better for even with lvls only comprable to ur own? b:thanks fail more and keep pushing ur player base to new and more exciting games that are at least halfway caught up with todays technology have fun and yea learn to read and pay attention to ur real competitors cause ur circling the drain.b:surrender