Batseba - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Use the "Force Log" button. I get the same problem sometimes. It happens when the server hasn't caught on to the fact yet that you are no longer logged in/connected to the server. Force log will log your account out automatically in order to log you back in.
  • I second Zetarana. There can be no fixed price list for such items because.... the value of the item in question always depends on *supply and demand *the amount a player is willing to pay for it *your own patience, i.e. if you do sell it in a cat shop, how quickly do you want to be sold out and how long can you keep your…
  • This is what I do currently. Keep them. All the Celestones of Human, Heaven, Earth and Fragments. Occasionally make them into Mirage Celestones at the Gem Merchant. =>you'll use them later in the game to upgrade your weapons or for the Cube of Fate quests You can sell them of course. Use the value of Mirage Celestones as a…
  • Well, you pretty much got the idea there in terms of the character differences. Still, to comment on the perceived "squishy-ness" of the Wizard Class. I'm playing a Light Armour Wizard and although the higher damage of the pure build is tempting I will stick with it. I don't die much - full stop. That said It takes a lot…
  • Ok, here's me sticking your nose into it. Since you don't want it any other way. VIT 5 MAG 5 STR 5 DEX 5 If that's not good enough for you, create a new BM character and find out for yourself. You can't get it much easier than that. Duh!
  • I'm not doubting your English, mate. But if you are making a guide, make it visually accessible. Amiris posted a [thread=125991]money making guide[/thread] which sums up pretty much what you say, except it's not geared towards the Venomancer. The main difference, I'm sorry to say, is that it's actually readable.
  • @Favu does it go through to the "connecting to update server failed" screen where you can actually press the "Start" button? If so, try clicking it. The game should start like normal and because your client is not out of date you should be able to log in like normal. It's just the patcher that seems to have a problem. Hope…
  • same here. Glad I'm not the only one. Although I don't understand why it would want to connect to the update server since the update is not due until tomorrow and I logged on fine this morning (GMT). [edit] Although it claims that updating has failed, starting works fine once the start button becomes active[/edit]
  • Great stuff. Exactly what I was looking for. @Azuriel His stat distribution is as follows: every 2 levels he distributes 10 points. +1 VIT --- this adds to your health +6 STR --- this adds to your physical attack and defence and enables you to wear the Heavy Armour +1 MAG --- this adds to your MP +1 DEX --- this adds to…
  • I think Axes work pretty well too
  • People always do though. They haven't even started the game and already want to know more than they'll need to know for the first 30 level. By that time you should be able to help yourself, but some people just want to know eariler.
  • Interesting... I think I'll subscribe to this one. Thanks for your comments AdvanceZero
  • and another thought on the money... You're level four. you're killing monsters that barely scratch the skin on your headlices nits. You don't seriously expect to be collecting millions in rewards and drop loot, are you? rewards are small but you don't need to fork out that much for gear either. -collect all -sell almost…
  • Plus... (Yeah, I actually found something to add to that) In terms of skills, you're currently on low level, so you get to select the same skills as every other Blademaster. Level 1 Tiger Maw -- people generally advise against any further skilling. Level 3 Draw Blood -- I kinda like this, but it's generally ignored.…
  • Read the [thread=271662]Fist Blademaster debate on Light armour (among other things)[/thread] and then my advice is to make up your own mind according to which argument you agree with/want to follow. You're still low level, so all is not lost and you can fill out your stats where necessary as you go along. On the other…
  • Rank armour is armour that stinks and is a bit manky! b:chuckle
  • To answer your first question... Kill some monsters, get some exp and level up. I thought that was obvious seeing as so many monsters were wandering around, but hey, ho am I to argue.
  • Your stats look a bit low because of the abundance of DEX you got. My Hammerblade had VIT:23 MAG:5 STR:62 DEX:26 at level 20 (I think) In general you'll find at some point that if you can carry the equipment of your level and have the points to catch up to the next level requirements of any armour/weapon you'll be fine in…
  • Yeah, you're right there with the popularity of the venomancer and it just appears to me that its popularity as a party character is inversely proportionate. A popular loner so to speak. (Although not all people are against venomancers in parties) I have a feeling that the rarest class would likely be the Wizard simply…
  • Sucks! But **** happens. My advice: Don't get hung up on it. It's not the end of the (Perfect) world, pardon the pun. And don't smash your keyboard! It's not done you anything and will only cost you real money to replace. 1.2mill is a lot, but you'll make some more money; quite quickly at level 40 I should imagine.
  • FB19 Poleaxe I was faced with the same dilemma. My solution: try them both and find out the difference. You'll see that the FB19 Poleaxe is the way to go. If you're worried about the different skill point division, do the math; you'll find that switching to Hammers again after the Poleblade IS still an option.
  • If you've just started you're talking about "peanuts", negligible stuff. People leave it lying cause it's basically useless. Except, it isn't actually cause you can keep and then sell it and it'll set you up nicely as a beginner and at least you'll be able to afford a Pickaxe (which you'll need for the Manufacturing quests…
  • you got enough space on your disk to downlad the file onto?
  • insecrt? Have you got enough space on your target drive?
  • Sadly, I have to concur. There isn't much to an FB. The only thing making it worthwhile is the EXP/Spirit/Coin you get after killing the boss. If you're doing it in a party of 6 in said level bracket (19 to 25) even getting to that boss will take a while. Monsters might be around level 20, but they pack a lot more and hit…
  • 's probably about right. Although you'll find that with a strict regime of 7 str, 2 vit, 1 dex you might end up with more STR than you need at some levels. On the other hand you won't ever lag behind for any weapon either. I started on strict builds and soon found that I'm quite happy with just checking the equipment for…
  • Mold have been discussed and other people know more about them anyway, so I'm not going to go into them. In terms of Rare Items, I'm presuming you're talking about 3star items, why not make them yourself? I've so far managed to manufacture 2 3star weapons (one for Venomancer level 34, one for Blademaster level 27) and a…
  • Please also read this [thread=225231]thread[/thread] on manufacturing skills. There seems to be a bit of "Marmite" thing going on about manufacturing skills. Some people love them, others ignore them as useless. You level them by manufacturing at least 10 items of the corresponding level and then go to an Elder to raise…
  • I think you get to buy sliver from the Gold Trading section at the Auction House. It was something like 1000 silver = 1 gold ~ 100k coin (depending on the price other people sell it for). Unfortunately I am clueless as to whether you simply acquire gold and then get it turned into silver when you use it, or if it works any…
  • erm... I think <Enter> would do the trick there, if that's what you're looking for. Pressing <Enter> automatically activates your chat screen and you can type a message.