FB's without a high lvl running you through

Swindynn - Heavens Tear
Swindynn - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Hi I'm new to this game and this is my highest level character. I want to do my level 19 FB soon and I know high levels like to help people with them, but I was wondering at which point do people start to form parties and do content "normally"? FB39??

I really would like to do my FB19 with people my level but everyone I ask tells me to get a high level to do it and I don't want to be a noob and not know what I'm doing in parties later on :/
Post edited by Swindynn - Heavens Tear on


  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    In most cases people only do their runs like that if the server is new. New players who come onto long established servers do not do it that way as it is easier and alot faster to just get a few high lvls to power you through it in 15 minutes max.

    On new servers it is mostly those people who come onto the server in a group of friends who do it that way. So my only advice is to find some people from each class and in your lvl range who you are friendly with and try to do it together. Who knows maybe you make some friends for a long time to come.
  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Create a new chat room called : Noob FB only (type in level range).

    For example a lv 19 FB would recommend lv 19 - 25s to do the FB. Wait for about 3 days and hopefully you won't die of stravation. Then find a dedicated team and hope you won't fail the run lol... (Big chance of failure unless the team knows how to use teamwork lol)... Rofl, what's teamwork again?

    This noob FB only applies to FB 49 and below. Higher level FBs won't have lv 200s running you because the server currently does not have people with no life getting to the max level and the level cap is only at 150 I believe.
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • Thievingsix - Lost City
    Thievingsix - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Just do it with some higher levels. Not much you will gain from it otherwise.

  • SilverTease - Heavens Tear
    SilverTease - Heavens Tear Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Hi I'm new to this game and this is my highest level character. I want to do my level 19 FB soon and I know high levels like to help people with them, but I was wondering at which point do people start to form parties and do content "normally"? FB39??

    I really would like to do my FB19 with people my level but everyone I ask tells me to get a high level to do it and I don't want to be a noob and not know what I'm doing in parties later on :/

    fb runs are not such a big deal. Just kill everything in sight, talk to pillars to "tab in" and kill one or several bosses. Being a "pro" when it comes to fb runs is about knowing the quests required for each fb, knowing which guards to kill (29 and higher) and making sure the tab holder gets everything done at the end of the run. These things you will learn when you run each of your own fbs, with or without high lvls helping you.

    Running a FB with players around your lvl will take ages, and it will be a pain in the **** to get it done if your team mates don't know how to play their class (highly possible for a lvl range 19-25). Considering that you barely got to do quests in archo and maybe made some new friends of different races, i doubt you can rely on each of them to do their job right. Also, in higher lvl fb runs, you might need the advice of a higher lvl that has done that particular fb run before, and knows how to handle bosses that hit aoe, where to get quest drops/digs and to save your **** if you get ganged.

    As aryanna said, i wouldn't recommend it unless you have a team of friends you started with, and got some good hours to waste in the run.

    Good luck b:victory
    ~ Attitude Marshal ~
    b:pleased I love my Neph b:pleased
  • Batseba - Heavens Tear
    Batseba - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    fb runs are not such a big deal.

    Sadly, I have to concur. There isn't much to an FB.

    The only thing making it worthwhile is the EXP/Spirit/Coin you get after killing the boss. If you're doing it in a party of 6 in said level bracket (19 to 25) even getting to that boss will take a while. Monsters might be around level 20, but they pack a lot more and hit a lot harder than your out-door bred monsters. Plus at that level teamwork really counts for something and one false step could mean the demise of the party. You really want to be geared up for this and certain that you can "achieve victory".

    If you just get a high level team (or solo) to shuttle you through you'll be out in 15 to 30 minutes, if they know what they're doing. Then you go to the Elder, get your extra EXP and a shiny weapon; bob's your uncle!

    On the other hand there is more chance of a rare and mold drop on the boss if you go in with a low level squad. If the high levels do the final kill drop rates are HUGELY reduced if the level difference is too much.

    See what works for yourself. I got my FB19s over and done with and am now well on the way for my FB29s, or even past that.

    One more thing. Although so called FB run "guilds" (i.e. people who shout about saying that guild X is helping with FB) promise to deliver good service, which in all fairness they tend to do, you have to realise that once you "tabbed in" at the pillar the only thing that most of them will be interested in is the EXP and Spirit they get out of it; that's the only certainty and the bottom line
  • Tiaque - Sanctuary
    Tiaque - Sanctuary Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Hi I'm new to this game and this is my highest level character. I want to do my level 19 FB soon and I know high levels like to help people with them, but I was wondering at which point do people start to form parties and do content "normally"? FB39??

    I really would like to do my FB19 with people my level but everyone I ask tells me to get a high level to do it and I don't want to be a noob and not know what I'm doing in parties later on :/

    Disclaimer: The following three paragraphs are not based on experience, and have not been proven (at least not by me). I could very well be wrong about on-level parties for FBs 19-39.

    It's possible to do an FB19 on level - if you had a decent party composition, and were willing to take the time for it. I'd suggest a cleric with decent level heals and buffs for their level, some form of melee class (barb or bm), and a venomancer who knows how to lure properly, as a bare minimum. DPS (archer or wiz) would be useful, but only if they know how to let the tank hold aggro before attacking. I managed to get halfway through 19 on a level 25 BM and a level 25 full support cleric, before the mobs started ganging up on me.
    Roughly estimated Time: 1 hour w/ full party

    FB29 would probably only be possible for an on-level party if it's wined. I could be wrong, but I imagine it to be a slim chance for an on level party to survive clearing the final room on an unwined run - the only veno pet at that level that might survive luring is a herc. Again, I could be wrong. If it is wined, basic party composition would probably be a cleric, and some form of tank. Veno's can tank the boss easily provided they spam heal their pet, and wizards (yes, wizards) can take the ranged attack (magic atk, earth based) easily with shields up and a cleric spam healing them. Barbs are amazing tanks in any case, but the cleric still might find themselves spam healing anyway.
    Roughly estimated time: 2 hours w/ full party (unwined), 1 hour wined

    FB39 unwined basically requires a cleric. About 40-60% of the mobs (estimated) explode upon death with a magic based fire attack, and rest of them do damage ranging from HP-drain to poison to metal and earth based ranged attacks with physical damage. Also, it is relatively impossible to run this without a veno, wined or unwined, at any level below 60, if you want to avoid the entire party wiping at least once. A good barb also comes highly recommended, and DPS is suggested if you don't want to take forever. Be wary of getting lost, especially if you're new to the dungeon.
    Roughly estimated time: 4 hours w/ full party (unwined), 2 hours wined

    I have run an FB51 on level - you will need at least one cleric, and at least 1-2 tanks (BM or Tigerform Barb to hold aggro). A lurer comes highly recommended, as does DPS to save time. The mobs usually come in sets of 3 or 4 and they're close together - you can either lure them using veno or have the tank pull them at the same time. The only boss that's a real pain in the **** is the final boss, which does amplify damage - I've seen 80+ veno pets go down in one hit, so make sure your cleric has at least one level of purify. Again, be wary of getting lost here.
    Roughly estimated time: 3.5 hours w/ full party (unwined), 2 hours wined

    FB59...I did one of these on level earlier ^^. It has absolutely no reason in heck to be done unwined, so you might want to get the mats and make wines. Melee tank and cleric are a must, and if possible, get two of each. For wined runs, venos are (surprise!) not required, at least not as lurers). DPS recommended unless you want the boss fights to take forever. Most of the bosses in here do magic damage of some kind (each boss is centered around each element in PW), so keep your tank(s) spam healed.
    Roughly estimated time: 2.5 hours wined, 3.5-4.5 hours unwined

    Best way to get people willing to join an on level party is to find people willing to take risks and challenges. You are likely to have a party wipe at least once in each FB if you do it on level, so it's best to find a group of people who will laugh it off, rather then complain about the xp they lost.

    Also, 29 and 59 require no mobs to kill in the dungeons, other than bosses. To make these runs easier on you, make wines in Archosaur. You need 1 wine for FB29 (Second on the list...I forget what it's called ><) and 2 wines for 59 (Cheiten's Spring Wine, 5th on the list).

    Good luck, and have fun ^^
    "In the end, its not about LA vs robe - which is better? Its about knowing your character and how to play it." ~Blosque, Sanctuary

    Director of Tsunami
    Contact me in-game if you're looking for a new home!

    Ayjia (5x veno), Celys (4x full support cleric), Eirel (3x claw blademaster)
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    At your lvl it is VERY hard to do any FB due to lack of skills (Character not yours). You are not yet much of what your class represents and neither is anyone else your level.

    The fact is you can rarely do FB's around your level without at least a couple folks a bit higher than yourself but they do not need to be more than maybe 10 levels ahead of the FB.
  • Wolfgang - Dreamweaver
    Wolfgang - Dreamweaver Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I would suggest you do your fb with lower levels. Don't let anyone over 30 into your fb19. You can cap it @ 25 if you want. Take one or two clerics, a barb, DD, and whatever else you want. Be sure that the people plan it out beforehand and if someone is a jerk, don't do the fb with them. Drop rates are better if the lower levels kill the boss. It's also more of a challenge.

    My own first fb19 was much different than other ones I've been on since. At the time, I didn't know what an fb was and the highest person was 30 (possibly 40, don't remember). It was alot of fun 'cause we had to plan it out. The highest barb, we had 2, was the leader and planned it out for us. He told the veno what to pull and had us follow him in a straight line. Don't quote me on the levels, 'cause it was a long time ago and I don't really know what lvl the people were. (Maybe it wasn't my own fb either, w/e).

    Now, after a zillion and a half fb's I don't really care who is in the party and will usually just fb with friends. For my own tabs, I'll make for a party of people I want in and not just random factionmates/high-levels.
  • Bloodwings - Harshlands
    Bloodwings - Harshlands Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I understand your concerns. I myself just did my EA FB lvl 19. I still have to do my Veno when I get there. *__^

    I found I learned a lot by watching the higher levels. They do kill very quickly but I maintained a good pace and I got to see how higher lvl characters used their characters and I did a lot of question asking. I looked at it as a chance to ask and learn. It's very rare of a MO to be thrust into a situation where you are expected to be helped by high lvls and have them interact with you. So if you can't find a good team near your lvl you might want to look at it as an opportunity.

    Good Luck~
  • Swindynn - Heavens Tear
    Swindynn - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Thank you all for your very helpful replies!!