Wizard vs Cleric?

jared3146802 Posts: 1 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
I've been reading through posts about Wizards and Clerics for the past 2 days but i still can't make up my mind about which one to go with.

From what i know, Wizards are squishy, very squishy, and they don't really get strong until the later levels. However, i've never been a big fan of "cookie-cutter" builds, so taking up a Wizard sounds like a very nice challenge to me, especially that i've played squishy builds in other MMORPG's before and i'm perfectly fine with dying time to time, as long as i earn more XP then i lose.

Clerics on the other hand sound like the most versatile caster class: they can hit almost as hard as a Wizard, they can heal, they can buff, they can debuff, they use both physical and magical attacks, they sound like the kind of class that stands an equal chance vs everyone and that is always wanted by everyone in their squads. On paper they definitely sound better then Wizards but on the other hand they look like the perfect example of a "cookie-cutter" build.

Which one should i pick?

All feedback appreciated.
Post edited by jared3146802 on


  • Batseba - Heavens Tear
    Batseba - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well, you pretty much got the idea there in terms of the character differences.

    Still, to comment on the perceived "squishy-ness" of the Wizard Class. I'm playing a Light Armour Wizard and although the higher damage of the pure build is tempting I will stick with it.

    I don't die much - full stop. That said It takes a lot of kite-ing especially when you're on your own. I wouldn't say my damage is small atm either (currently lvl 26). I think four hits for my level is pretty good. Even if I do get one or two hits I survive and I now have my heal spell which brings me up to full again once I can cast it (long casting time).

    My (even lower) Cleric is Pure INT (+enough STR to wear Robes) and she doesn't do much damage atm and is SO dependent on parties b:sad.
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    If you want to damage go wiz, if you want to heal go cleric.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • Ihazacute - Sanctuary
    Ihazacute - Sanctuary Posts: 435 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Wizard does take more control and skill to be successful, especially at the lower levels. But make no mistake, both are "cookie cutter" when it comes to builds.

    Arcane or Light? If Arcane, you can play with vit.

    Both have their "must-have" skills and both have ones better off left alone.

    The big difference is in squads you will be mostly needed to heal if you go cleric. So, do you like to heal?
  • AngelicArrow - Harshlands
    AngelicArrow - Harshlands Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I have both and i go to say the cleric seems just all round better. First of all people LOVE you, you will never have a problem getting on a squad. As for damage maybe at lower lvls mage will have an edge, but just wait till your cleric learns tempest...if you are pure int build you can go around oneshotting i would definitely recommend the cleric, my mage is only fun when my other friends who are also mage go squad pking it seem
  • Lareish - Harshlands
    Lareish - Harshlands Posts: 647 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You have a pretty good grasp of the differences already. Which you play depends a lot on your personality and playstyle. I brought both a Wizard and a Cleric to level 20, after doing the same with a Venomancer, and decided to make Wizard my main.

    For me, I like the strategy and extra touch of effort that goes into playing a wiz for the PvE portion. I'm still adjusting to the PvP portion, but it turns out I'm not as squishy as I thought I would be.

    PvE: I rarely die to mobs - 5 times total so far. The elite ones have killed me a few times when I tried to take them on at too low a level, with only myself and another low level in the squad. That doesn't work so well sometimes XD But I do just fine on my own, kiting when I don't have Life Powder, and going full-tilt when I do have Life Powder and Focus Powder to keep my HP/MP bars full. Since I'm LA, it's pretty hard for most mobs near my level to chew down my HP bar when I have Earth Barrier and Life Powder on. It only becomes dangerous when Poison gets stacked on me by multiple mobs. In that case, I can cast my heal and meditate between mobs for a second, then I'm back in the grind. Grinding/Questing actually goes pretty quickly, even more so when I squad with my husband (Blademaster) because we make a tough team against the mobs. Most of the time all we need is the two of us to take out a quest boss - he tanks, I heal and DD. It works out very well as long as I'm careful to let him keep Aggro ;)

    PvP: I haven't had much practice with this - I've been PK'd twice in three levels so by no means do I have a clue what I'm doing yet. But I have noticed that with Earth Barrier and Life Powder on, I was a 3-shot to a 6x+ (maybe 8x?) barbarian. 4-shot to an Archer, no clue of his level though. So our one-shotness might be a little overstressed. But then again, I haven't run into The Uber Most Excellent PKer yet. And it still ends with me dead because I'm 3x with a small HP pool. I suspect an HP charm would be a good investment for me at this point if I ever want to finish my Safe Passage quests - it would give me a bit longer to get out of there. It will be a few more levels yet before fighting back is a viable option.

    Gameplay: I can tailor my spells to take advantage of elemental weaknesses. I hated the fact I couldn't do that as a Cleric ;_; Also, I can heal others and myself if I wish, but I'm not being stalked by people going "healplox" like I was when I was on my Cleric. I'm nice and will do it (I heal perfect strangers if I see their bar is down really low and I won't be stealing aggro from them), but it's kind of trying to be... followed... constantly... And as a Wizard, I have a more appealing role ingame. I can basically do as I please aside from tanking a melee boss. I will be able to tank Magic bosses later ^x^ Instead of being relegated to Party Healer.
    Harshlands || Lareish (Wz), Enraged Executor || AKA Howl Leader Garmr

    ~~ ~~~ The semi-sane, optimistic cynic with a light heart. ~~~ ~~