Auralina - Sanctuary Arc User


  • When I read the OP, it seemed to me that he thought you needed to do the quest to do vana regularly and was just confused about the process.... Maybe it's possible he didn't realize that the 99 key quest is not part of regular vana and it's a whole separate thing? I know my first time to vana I made the mistake of taking…
  • This thread has gone sideways although it is still quite entertaining lol. I'm not in a big TW faction, so my memories are small but important to me... :D Causing a squad wipe cuz I wanted to try doing tempest at fcc pull instead of healing cuz I thought maybe mobs would die fast enough..... NOPE. :D Luckily it was a…
  • Only if you both flew off into a bright pink sunset on a flying sword. Then ya man, that totally counts! I had a dream that a wolf barb was chasing me around a cartoon map. At least I think it was a dream. Dunno anymore lol.
  • I play 8 different characters, and I have at least one or two macros on each, usually a DD macro but sometimes other stuff too if it makes sense to me. Certainly a buff macro on cleric. I don't include chi-needing skills in macros, because that messes you up if you run out of chi, and it can tend to waste chi. You can get…
  • Aura = a field of luminous radiation around a person Lina = palm tree (occording to some obscure website) Therefore, I wish I was surrounded by palm trees. Perhaps my name means I need a vacation in Hawaii. :D
  • This one confuses a lot of people. After you kill Krix, you go to the platform and you get a soul condensing orb and your culti chain dissapears. You now have to go die (just jump into some mobs and don't attack, make sure they are high enough level if you are charmed). As soon as you die, you will get a cultivation popup…
  • OMG OMG I'm in!! Took about an hour total including Direct X and manual patches. Had to figure out to FIND the manual patches and double-click on them (I'm noob with that stuff) rather than try to open client which goes back to the slow updates. Good luck everyone!!
  • Boring boring boring.... Hmmmmm so what's new everyone. Did you ever notice that time stands still when you watch the little bar moving from left to right, yet it's so hard to not keep checking lol. I'm doing manual updates, they each only took 10 mins to download (there's 2), but now they are updating and sorting and I'm…
  • "Once a player surpasses 4.0 attack speed, whether passively or via a buff, they will incur a -5% damage penalty as well as a -20% accuracy penalty." DPS = DPH (including nerfed or not nerfed) x APS Example with average 2k damage per hit: 5aps: 2000 dph x 95% (new nerf) x 5aps = 9500 DPS 4aps: 2000 dph x 100% (no nerf…
  • Sagek, you're a great friend and I admire your efforts at cheering up the forum lol, but good luck I think it's like trying to patch that hole in the Titanic with 2 bandaids. Thanks for helping with the new axes yesterday!! :D I think engaging in forum arguments and grumbling is another form of game addiction which seems…
  • You can get fashion for much cheaper if you look for fashion in auction house or in West Arch catshops, which will already have the color so you can pick what looks decent. Check back the next day if you don't like anything, it can take a little while. Some people even world chat to ask for particular items. I love…
  • All good reasons, and we'd all pick different ones based on our preferences. For me, cleric was a great first choice and still my main. Clerics make lots of friends and are more rare in lower levels now so you'll never be lonely, but some clerics don't like the run-ins with cranky squads. I love the mix of healing and…
  • I learned to play PW on cleric and it's still my main. I do tend to love making alts also, the variety is fun, but so far I always come back to cleric. :)
  • I love the game :) I don't use forum much except for questions and learning, I agree it can be kind of depressing if you start reading too much lol. I still have no gripes about game so far. :D
  • I agree just disregard that old post. Gear is the most expensive thing for most people I think (unless maybe you're a fashion junkie lol), but needing or wanting more expensive gear is not unique to choosing the cleric class. Just choose what class sounds most interesting to you, you'll probably end up trying out different…
  • I think this is a great guide for new clerics, or any new player. Thanks!! I vote sticky either in cleric or beginner forum. Maybe beginner forum would be better as it's more for new players than new clerics. Related to BB heal aggro and the new classes, the seeker vortex aoe (aka the spinning skill that makes me dizzy)…
  • Woot Hurray I will go out and celebrate!! *starts frantically typing "cleric 90 gear" into forum search...* DAMN it says "90" is too short for search.....* b:cry b:chuckle (I got rank when it was one sale a few weeks ago, so I'll get those two pieces. TT for the others I guess and I dunno........ Ugh GEAR....)
  • Every time someone random cleric buffs my alts I leap for joy, I get rebuffed sometimes before the old ones wear off. Clerics are so awesome!! I always feel like giving the buffs back but I can't cuz I'm on an alt with crappy buffs... It's not the same somehow to say "oh hey thanks for cleric buffs, wanna join my squad and…
  • Oh this is such a great thread for the level 75-85 clerics. :) Yup 4k HP buffed will keep you alive in exp room at boss, I'm a bit under 3k unbuffed at level 89 and I'm fine with barb buff there (although HP charm still ticks with every AOE). I've only done one FCC run without a barb so far, which was fine UNTIL exp room.…
  • 86. FASHION!! Why BH or FCC when you can preview, AH, catshop, buy, color, and wear new fashion??? This is the real reason my brother will never convert me to WOW, as hard as he may try... (WHAT, they have no FASHION???)
  • Thanks guys. It could have been Tai Chi, I'll ask next time I see happen. :) *Reminds self not to be so quick to blame the mystics....*
  • I think it was Vital Herb and/or Healing Herb....
  • If it's monsters for a quest, you can click on the name of the monster in your quest log, and it will auto-path you to that location. Not sure if you already knew that. :) You can also click on NPC names and it will auto-path to them too. You can still steer while auto-pathing to stay out of trees lol (although I am an…
  • Great guide. I would suggest including the fact that you can't make level 1 items at the NPC's in Archosaur. This took me a long time to figure out, as I had only upgraded one manufacturing skill in my hometown, and then later wanted to upgrade the others to level 2, but the blacksmith/tailor in Arch didn't have any LV1…