Ana_I - Sanctuary Arc User


  • as its so easy to lure, i dont see any point not luring+ you gotta go that way anyway eventually.I think still best to lure coredash, just send pet in and ruuuun :) And Dijen been 3 minute boss for....pretty long already :) I tryed him alone and got 800k off him, but he got 1.4m, i cant see where i can get extra 600k…
  • well good that most bosses are already known time when they channel, specially tough ones like wurlord.But if genies can interrupt, i really see no point in using 1 herc skill spot on shriek.But as i know nothing about Genies, what skills does that? I know genie is getting way off topic already (not that shriek was not,…
  • Vitenka, there is no way to lose aggro on bosses, and with magic arcane build veno i will steal from mobs anyway unless i hit smart way. Does anyone have any experience with herc+shriek? lvl 5 should have 100% chance? or 90? About bash being more reliable than elemental "bash" , against increased magic it still does ph…
  • they should make a reversable binding charm for sale at 20 or 30 gold, or make a reversable binding stone worth 10 gold, and each lvl of item require different amount of stones, so lvl 12 weapons could already need like 200 gold worth of stone or even much more to bind while lvl 5 weapons would require only 1 stone (well…
  • what about magic attacks vs. bash? where is stated that bash is special aggro skill, it keeps aggro because of higher hit (well pets dont need to outdmage you anyway) and other magic skills are excactly same skill description as bash. Taking wood attack skill would make herc also keep aggro better on earth bosses? I havent…
  • hmm i got 432 magic points,, but im not sure i can take Dijen alone.Maybe need better weapon and rings?
  • Its just sad when u find out what PST is at your time got to TT open door and whoops 1 mob killed and update in 20 minutes.Next time write server time and its easy not PST.
  • I doing it with 1 other veno usually, just to have a company.I let my herc stay near place under where you come in big room.I stay at max heal range, then i let other veno run to center portal and Dimentora run to the wall because thats where other veno get tele'd to.Then just ask herc attack and other veno jump back down
  • well even magmites can be lured well, so i think theres no need of fast pets :)
  • i have some problems in some places, but as i dont have herc anyway i cant solo stronger bosses anyways in TT...i got vit 9 (well +4 vit belt) and +90 HP cape i have 2107 HP.Since now im not feeling its too bad...i sometimes die easy but they hit me like 3k+ so no matter anyway
  • what was your HP btw? im 10 lvls higher and HP 2000, could i do with tanking it? I got 4900 water def.