Bash versus Roar on Herc



  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Reflect doesn't make a difference because both the Bash herc and the Roar herc get it.

    Reflect does make a difference, because it does generate the primary source of threat.
    I don't know how I can make it any clearer. Let me quote myself:

    The Bash herc's aggro capacity is: normal_damage + reflect + bash_damage + bash_threat
    The Roar herc's aggro capacity is: normal_damage + reflect

    We're trying to compare the difference in the aggro-holding ability of these two hypothetical hercs. Both of them do normal_damage, so normal_damage does not make any difference. Both of them have reflect, so reflect does not make any difference. The only factors which make a difference in their aggro-holding ability are bash_damage and bash_threat, because one herc has them and the other doesn't.

    When you're comparing how tall two people are, if both of them are standing on a 1 meter table (reflect damage), it does not change the difference in their height.
    Roar will absolutely re-take aggro when it is used. Bash will not. Threat will be generated from the boss as it's being hit by the herc and taking reflect damage.

    Bash will eventually retake aggro with it's initial damage + threat, but the reflect damage will not affect threat until the herc gains aggro.

    Am I wrong in this much?
    This is correct. But the situations when they occur are very different. At the damage levels where the Roar herc will have just lost barely aggro and need to retake it, the Bash herc would never have lost aggro in the first place.

    If you place a rock on the taller person's head, it will rest there comfortably. If you place the rock at the same height but over the shorter person's head, it will fall and probably crack his skull.
    When the overall dps of the DD squad exceeds what even the Herc with Bash will allow for, the time it takes the herc to regain aggro is longer. It will also take longer for reflect threat to build up because the reflect threat won't build up until *after* the herc regains aggro.

    Please explain how I am wrong here....
    Because you're thinking only of the resulting situation, and not considering what led up to that situation. If you use my numbers, for the situation you've described to occur to the Bash herc, the DDer would had to have been doing ~4.5k DPS against the Bash herc.

    If the DDer were doing ~4.5k DPS against the Roar herc, not only would the Roar herc have lost aggro, it would have used Roar to regain aggro, and lost it again long before Roar's cooldown is up. Basically, if you use the numbers I figured:

    Max damage of each DDer with a Roar herc: ~3k DPS
    Point where DDer steals aggro from a Roar herc: ~3.5k DPS
    Max damage of each DDer with a Bash herc: ~4k DPS
    Point where DDer steals aggro from a Bash herc: ~4.5k DPS

    Do you see what I'm saying? If the DDer can maintain 4k DPS, he would be constantly stealing aggro from the Roar herc. Yet with the DDer doing the same DPS, the Bash herc never loses aggro.

    By the time you crank up the DDer to 4.5k DPS and he starts to steal aggro from the Bash herc, it's pretty much a lost cause for the Roar herc. The Roar herc can momentarily get aggro back with Roar, but the DDer so out-strips its ability to generate aggro that it quickly loses aggro again.

    Maybe you're thinking of barb Roar, which as best as I can tell generates a huge amount of aggro, maybe about 50k damage worth. Pet Roar is not like that. It only generates a paltry 5k-6k damage worth of aggro. Any high level DDer will be able to surpass that with just one or two hits. So long after the DPS level where the Roar herc is unable to keep aggro and thus becomes useless as a tank, the Bash herc is still able to keep aggro.
    You would also need to factor (which I think would be pretty difficult considering it's a very situational occurrence) the time a DD party would need to stop DD and wait for the herc to retain aggro before they can commence attacking. The herc with Roar would immediately steal aggro and from that point would be generating reflect threat. With Bash, the threat slowly increases until aggro is retaken. At that point reflect threat starts adding in while the party must still wait a bit even after having waited for Bash to regain aggro.

    As I've explained several times, the Roar herc losing aggro and the Bash herc losing aggro are not equivalent situations. It happens at a much lower DD damage level for the Roar herc. At 3.5k DPS, the Roar herc would be losing aggro necessitating the DDers pause slightly while it gets aggro back. But at 3.5k DPS, the Bash herc never loses aggro.

    At 4.5k DPS where the Bash herc starts to lose aggro, the Roar herc would be so overwhelmed that if the DDers were maintaining 4.5k DPS you're pretty much looking at a party wipe.
    And that works fine in theory, but the time to revive a pet, summon another one, then stow it and resummon herc, then rebuff it, send to attack... but you might not have time to do all this before a boss cycles through every target and wipes out.
    That's why I said if a secondary tank has taken over. Typically, in the time it takes me to revive, resummon, and rebuff my herc, the boss can wipe out pretty much the whole party. So the only way you're going to escape that situation with either a Roar or Bash herc is if a secondary tank is able to hold or kite the boss til I have the herc revived and resummoned. And if they're able to do that, then they can do it for an extra 5 seconds while I bring out the other pet to Roar.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I know this is completely off topic, but has anyone noticed how a herc's attacks can sometimes seemed ranged? Sometimes it looks like he's attacking up close, and sometimes it looked far away from the mob.
    The pet skills are ranged. It's just that the pet likes to run up to melee range of the target before using them. If they are unable to close within melee range but the target is still within skill range, it will continue to use the skill.

    I've had my herc hold aggro on some of the harpies in FF like this. The harpy was high enough off the ground that the herc couldn't attack it with melee. But it was still firing Bash and holding aggro.
  • Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary
    Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So would it be possible for a herc (without blessing of the pack) to tank a wb like soul hunter using ranged attacks? Ive seen a veno soloing him with an eldergoth warrior
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    So would it be possible for a herc (without blessing of the pack) to tank a wb like soul hunter using ranged attacks? Ive seen a veno soloing him with an eldergoth warrior
    Only if you can finagle a situation where the terrain prevents the herc from running up to the WB, then place the WB perfectly so it's within Bash range but outside melee range. Like I said, pets like to run to melee range to use their skills, so if there's any way for your herc to get to melee range of the WB, it will try to find it.
  • Ana_I - Sanctuary
    Ana_I - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    what about magic attacks vs. bash?

    where is stated that bash is special aggro skill, it keeps aggro because of higher hit (well pets dont need to outdmage you anyway) and other magic skills are excactly same skill description as bash. Taking wood attack skill would make herc also keep aggro better on earth bosses? I havent tested it myself, maybe someone has.Do bash hold aggro better than magic attack ones.

    Also what about Shriek for herc? Yes its useless 99% times, but when u kill bosses with aoe or channeling hard hitters like wurlord, it helps alot to solo them.
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The elemental bash skills do indeed work just fine. Bash is generally more reliable, since you meet physical immune mobs pretty rarely.

    Shriek instead.... you're going to lose aggro. A lot. But interrupt IS a useful thing to have.
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Also what about Shriek for herc? Yes its useless 99% times, but when u kill bosses with aoe or channeling hard hitters like wurlord, it helps alot to solo them.
    I was thinking about that but I didnt test it yet on herc because... I had a magmite in the past with this skill and I used often at drum for example. When I clicked this skill (not on auto), sometimes pet still took his time to finish his last hit or another. Sometimes was doing shriek after boss casted his spell. My guess is that shriek would be better to control on herc since pet react faster (0.8 atk speed) than magmite.
  • Ana_I - Sanctuary
    Ana_I - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Vitenka, there is no way to lose aggro on bosses, and with magic arcane build veno i will steal from mobs anyway unless i hit smart way.

    Does anyone have any experience with herc+shriek? lvl 5 should have 100% chance? or 90?

    About bash being more reliable than elemental "bash" , against increased magic it still does ph att, and you can turn skill off.Against increased def, bash would be absolutely hopeless. Against immune to wood, turn skil off and let it hit, you cant steal aggro anyway without hitting. I think wood element "bash" works the best for suck veno like me, only wood spells.
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Why is this still being discussed?
    Bash > Roar

    If you don't agree with the people who say bash is better, then use roar on your herc :P
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Why is this still being discussed?
    Bash > Roar

    If you don't agree with the people who say bash is better, then use roar on your herc :P

    where where you at the beginning of this terrible debate?

    and wow! you got an avatar!
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ^wrong. attack speed increases for my nix even if my nix misses stun.

    This is where he was back on page three. And I must say Mystic that avatar doesn't seem to do you justice just lacks something.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Does anyone have any experience with herc+shriek? lvl 5 should have 100% chance? or 90?
    Level 5 shriek has a 100% chance to interrupt. I have it on my cub and have tried to use it against several bosses. The problem is its casting speed.
    Edit: Description gives it a 100% chance to interrupt. Haven't used it enough to say for sure.

    The interrupt seems to happen at the end of the attack animation (think of Flesh Ream, where you order your pet to FR, it does the attack animation, finishes the animation, then the FR icon shows up on the target). I'd estimate this as being 1.0-1.5 sec after you click the skill, which matches with Brael's estimates for Bash's skill delay from videos he recorded. Barb and BM interrupt by contrast has a 0.2 sec delay. Genie interrupt is instant.

    Except for very slow casters like Drummer, this isn't fast enough to interrupt in a reactive manner. You see the boss' cast animation and hit Shriek. The boss finishes casting and fires his AOE or debuff. Your pet finishes casting and fires the interrupt, except it's too late.

    So you have to use it in a predictive manner. Order your pet to use it about a second before the boss is due to cast. If you can guess right, you can leave it on auto and it should stay sync'ed with the boss' casts for a good while (there seems to be some variability in this - not quite sure why). If you guess wrong and were early, you can try again next time. if you guess wrong and were late, the cooldown isn't fast enough for you to try next time and the boss gets a free cast.

    So even though it's a 100% interrupt, it's not 100% reliable like genie interrupt. Of all the interrupt skills I know of (genie, barb, BM, pet), it's the hardest one to use successfully. Kinda like trying to use Lucky Scarab to interrupt with its stun - the 1.5 sec channel delay makes it really tough to use it reactively.
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    if you are lvl 101 with a +11 weapon and don't know how control your damages yet, what power leveling service have you been using?

    I have seen archers have problems dealing with aggro when they switched from some random weapon to a blinding radiance.

    I can imagine people having similar problems when they get a +11 weapon.
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yea sorry, unfortunately the avatars dont show breast size b:surrender
  • Ana_I - Sanctuary
    Ana_I - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    well good that most bosses are already known time when they channel, specially tough ones like wurlord.But if genies can interrupt, i really see no point in using 1 herc skill spot on shriek.But as i know nothing about Genies, what skills does that? I know genie is getting way off topic already (not that shriek was not, but i feel this as topic to ones not believing bash is best)
  • axt57
    axt57 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Earthquake stops channel. Very useful.

    If you get a friendly veno with both of you having earthquake, you can kill 2-3 wurlord quite easily.
  • _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear
    _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    the problem of what skill give to herc was between bash and flesh ream, not bash and roar xD
    bash vs roar was an old noob question. Anyway, the best aggro/dd skill for herc is bash, for 8seconds cooldown and 200% of his atk when maxed.