AmarthUmelda - Raging Tide Arc User


  • Ok dude, #1, please don't 3x post when the second two are just edits of the first one. #2, this is the blademaster forum, not the help-out-a-nab forum. #3,[this is the part you'll like] You can't do it till lvl 89 neway, so do your own research on your class forums, and sit tight. It's a bumpy ride. Until lvl 70, unless…
  • ^---- Quite true. Archers are usually better than others [except on wood mobs 0:) so much fun!] about agg, as our auto attack is SOOO slow, and any decent tank can just hit flesh-ream every couple of seconds and agg will be fine. If you have a fist BM who's sparking a lot and is a lvl or two higher than the tank, they…
  • My 63 archer can do TT1-1 solo, except for the boss. My bro's 62 tank can do it and MAYBE the boss, if he's having a good day, and has enough pots and remedies. ALSO! You can bring two people into the instance [ik, it's called "solo" though...]. A cleric and tank, or fist bm can EASILY do solo. But a cleric…
  • ^This is so true, you don't even know. At lvl 60+, if you take your quests 1-3lvls late [or 12...b:beatup ] you will only use the following skills [and ur passives, duh] in day-to day: 1. Opener: A sniping shot, either maxed take aim if u go x-bow, or deadly shot if u have anything else. 2. Slow: If you have frost arrow…
  • It DOES seem like the environment for the 20's is DESIGNED to make you die. I'm no pro, but I am mildly intelligent and a fairly experienced player, and ALL my alts have died more times than I can count through the 20's. I think my archer [my first] actually died the least though.... As this guy --^ said, attack from max…
  • tks for all the advice and glitch tips :)
  • Thank you! At least something which seems great actually can be :P So...should I go demon then just for the attack rate increase? Of course, there's also the longer stun time on Drake's Bash, axes being my other weapon tree....
  • ok, thankyou. I could log in, but hte Skeivian [or whatever] Warlocks over there have no bodies, just bows, and there is are two red "RR"'s where their bodies should be. ...and it just crashed again. guess I'll finish that quest and get out of there..... HAHA!! they look normal again!!! :)
  • ok, tks. I think it makes sense now....
  • No drama? -_- yeah, right.
  • ok, tks Brigid and Ksir, 'cept there MUST be rank II armor, since I have a lvl 60 Rank belt [which isn't rank I], Seal of the Assasin, and I can also get the chest and leg Assasin armor at Dreamweaver Port, even though my rep is still ~1700... nethoughts?
  • I'm planing on getting Legendary fists of the annihilator [is that what they're called? I can't remember and I'm lazy {common trend in archers, eh?}] just as quick mana regen's on mele mobs. These will also be the first fists I get for my axe BM when he gets enough dext. They seem like the best way to get chi+manna with no…
  • <raises hand> Teacher!!! I have a question!!b:bye why can I go into the dungeon at lvl 5x[my avatar isn't refreshing...]? of course, there's nothing in there that I can find...yeah. I'm sure this dungeon will make sense to me at end-game, but right now, I'm REALLY confused about help?
  • I bow to the greater experience of Olba in regard to Frost, but maintain that when it requires 15 seconds for full effect, it is much better to in less time spend a bit of extra mana and use the metal tree, especially on wood mobs which can be killed just by going down the metal tree, possibly with only two of the four…
  • Have you stopped beating your wife yet? no, because I never started. When do we become good? never, we're always good, if played correctly. As an almost pure (I added some to mage and vit early on, stupid youth,b:surrender), it is my opinion that if you don't waste your spirit and coin on DoT's, you can lead off with Take…