When does a pure dex archer become good?

Remivaughn - Raging Tide
Remivaughn - Raging Tide Posts: 13 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Archer
it may sound stupid but my pure dex archer keeps dieing and i just want to know when they become good and how?
Post edited by Remivaughn - Raging Tide on


  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Are you using Frost Arrow and Knockback Arrow?

    Also, using other skills is generally not beneficial for an Archer, as we deal most of our damage with normal attacks.

    Note: Hooray, 1000 posts!
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    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • Lunnark - Sanctuary
    Lunnark - Sanctuary Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    it may sound stupid but my pure dex archer keeps dieing and i just want to know when they become good and how?

    Pure dex archer can keep dieing in their 80s if they are stupid. They have low HP no matter what (not the lowest, but still).
    Anyway, to answer your main question I think pure dex archer are clearly excellent starting with their 70s.
  • AmarthUmelda - Raging Tide
    AmarthUmelda - Raging Tide Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Have you stopped beating your wife yet? no, because I never started. When do we become good? never, we're always good, if played correctly.

    As an almost pure (I added some to mage and vit early on, stupid youth,b:surrender), it is my opinion that if you don't waste your spirit and coin on DoT's, you can lead off with Take aim, frost (which you shouldn't lvl too much imho so as to keep the mana cost low), knock back, then something in your metal tree (especially if it's a wood mob, which there are plenty of), then just finish it off with physical if you need to. If it is your levl, it will hit you once, maybe twice before it is in the grave if you go all the way through your metal tree and then use winged pledge if they get too close at the end (don't use another slow-to-channel metal tree skill if they're right on top of you). then just follow these simple rules:

    1. NEVER get double teamed. if you get teamed, RUN unless you're teamed with a barb who has agg skills. This is the ONLY reason you should die unless you are stupid and attack things with ranged skills when you can only survive one or two hits from them.

    2. ALWAYS have a health pot of the highest possible level AND a healing/damage absorbing remedy in case you need two quick or a quick then massive heal.(btw, I'm having a sale this week on Raging tide, so pm me if you're interested ;)

    3. (this is a recommendation) Make friends with clerics. they're your race, get used to them. Most of them are very friendly and will gladly buff ne1 who asks nicely and will give them a mana pot.

    Also, it's a good idea to have a genie with Second Wind. That skill is an amazing heal and has saved my but a number of times.

    You're a 26? dude, you are at the top of your game right now! you can KS NE1. Let them get the first hit while you're charging take aim, that should get you ag from ne1 your lvl other than a wizard, if not, follow it up with lightning strike, then knockback then 1 regular. there, you didn't even use ne chi, and you made a blade master really mad because he couldn't keep up with your knockback. AND you made him tank for you on that one hit that you might otherwise have gotten. b:thanks

    neway, that was way too long. You will rock if you just stay AWAY from everything in the "arrow" tree unless you hit a boss and have a tank to help. that's the only place your dots are ne good. other classes have better dots, and archers are about the crits, not the constant damage.

    But Lunnark is right, in the 70's, some of your best skills max out (bow mastery, Thunder strike) and you will hopefully have enough mana to make Barrage of arrows (our best AOE) really useful.
    My _____ are...
    Archer: fun
    Blademaster: Awesome
    Wizard: BIDS. <-- Coming soon
    Cleric: New, idk yet :)
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    This archer is 27 now (*kicks stupid forum avatar lag*). That's about the same as OP. I never have trouble questing... Don't really die either... Unless I AFKed while flying ._. & accidently smacked into a few mobs... Usually most monsters die before even hitting me, unless knockbackk or frost missed, or if it's an Increased Life/Def mob.
  • Olba - Sanctuary
    Olba - Sanctuary Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    , frost (which you shouldn't lvl too much imho so as to keep the mana cost low)

    I disagree here, higher level means longer slow duration, which is good.
    then something in your metal tree (especially if it's a wood mob, which there are plenty of)

    I have barely upgraded my metal skills, as I rarely use them.
    1. NEVER get double teamed. if you get teamed, RUN unless you're teamed with a barb who has agg skills. This is the ONLY reason you should die unless you are stupid and attack things with ranged skills when you can only survive one or two hits from them.

    Except that there are mobs that aggro easily, which kinda makes this impossible. But yes, 2-3 mobs at the same time can spell a quick death for an Archer.
    that's the only place your dots are ne good. other classes have better dots, and archers are about the crits, not the constant damage.

    Um, actually, the "crits" really only get to spike if you go Demon, since you get 10 second buffs for 10% crit. Crits are too consistent to count as spiking.
    If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.

    Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.
  • AmarthUmelda - Raging Tide
    AmarthUmelda - Raging Tide Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I bow to the greater experience of Olba in regard to Frost, but maintain that when it requires 15 seconds for full effect, it is much better to in less time spend a bit of extra mana and use the metal tree, especially on wood mobs which can be killed just by going down the metal tree, possibly with only two of the four skills(though I question the usefullness of the last metal skill). I frequently find that my DoT's do not do enough damage fast enough for my tastes and am constantly wishing I had used a different skill or just not wasted the mana on it period. Except on bosses and increased life mobs I have absolutely no use for my DoT's. The metal and Shot trees (except for the lame duck quick shot) are much more usefull to me.
    My _____ are...
    Archer: fun
    Blademaster: Awesome
    Wizard: BIDS. <-- Coming soon
    Cleric: New, idk yet :)
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The DoTs are pretty useless, yeah. I always use frost arrow (level 10), two or three regular shots (two if you have no interval gear), knockback, and normal hits until dead. If it's an increased life/defense I use aim low, and then when the freeze is about to wear off I stun and knockback when necessary. Those are really the only skills I ever use on my archer besides STA in instances. The metal skills are alright for increased defense mobs as well, but they're a low priority for me.

    As for when they become good... well, the first 19 levels are crappy. After you get your FB19 crossbow (or maybe the 20 supply stash weapon, I made my archer long before those came out) and knockback things are easssyyy. You just gotta know what you're doing. xD My archer has no troubles at all at level 79.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
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  • Ksir - Raging Tide
    Ksir - Raging Tide Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    A pure dex archer becomes good past 19 when you get knockback arrow and your fb19 weapon. At that stage it just is frost arrow(which should ALWAYS be maxed) followed by 2 normal attacks then knockback, then normal till dead. Most mobs will be dead or near dead by that time. You may also need to kite but that isnt too bad as long as you know what youre doing. If you find yourself dying alot make some life powders and just meditate when your health gets low. Your level 26 so you shouldnt have too much trouble and once you get to 30 it just gets easier and easier as you level. If you do need help though just drop me a pm and ill be more than happy to help you.
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    the best lvls of an archer 60-70(after u acquire wings of grace) for pvp. no one except a nix can kill u no matter wat ur build is.
    for pve frost arrow + normal+knockback and stun if needed because when u know back the mob comes back like so fast u can only make 2-3 normals shots.. for high hp and elite mobs u'll need aim low sometimes but using skills with high channeling like lightning skills is noo useb:sad
  • Neodaystar - Sanctuary
    Neodaystar - Sanctuary Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    the best lvls of an archer 60-70(after u acquire wings of grace) for pvp. no one except a nix can kill u no matter wat ur build is.
    for pve frost arrow + normal+knockback and stun if needed because when u know back the mob comes back like so fast u can only make 2-3 normals shots.. for high hp and elite mobs u'll need aim low sometimes but using skills with high channeling like lightning skills is noo useb:sad

    I think its more of lvl 70-80s when a pure dex archer shines the most out of any classes within that level range.

    1) An archer within that level range 70-80 can start to tank bosses in instances like bh 59 effectively and low level TTs.

    2) Unless there is a veno with OP pets doing public quest, a high level pro archer soloing or with just one cleric in the squad usually is ranked in the top few with no competition from the other classes.

    3) DD wise, if you use the wind and clouds sling shot (has -0.1 attack interval) and along with an LA arm bracer with another -0.1 attack interval (that being Bracers of blood moon) you can pretty much out dd any class within that level range with the increased attack speeds and crits.

    After lvl 80, you should definately start getting the best gear you are able to get and have them refined and sharded to compete with other classes. One reason being other classes obtaining their level 79 skills, or having the effects of their skills being more amplified. As you know, archers rely more on normal attacks/crits to kill unlike other traditional classes. Wiz and clerics have more nuking potential and silence spells, barbs and bms with higher hp, stun skills and better defenses against your normal attacks, and evasion is no longer an issue for them when they start getting +50% accuracy rings. Your metal skills can't nuke HA wearers like a wiz/cleric/psy can. Robe wearers can potentially have higher physical defense than archers. PVP wise starts to become more challenging for an archer level 80+.

    At higher levels, you metal skills are almost completely useless even if you do combo it with your lvl 10 thunder shock - unless you crit, does the damage seems more noticeable on increased defense or wood mobs. Thunderous Blast is an exception as its an aoe skill doing more damage then lightening strike and is great for RB/FCC/TW when barrage is in cool down. But of course, not a good idea to use on single mobs or two.

    Are you using winged shell and keeping it leveled? For low levels, that is an essential skill to have to keep you alive if you can't kill mobs before it reach you within attacking distance. Its well worth the chi consumption than frost arrow if frost arrow is under level 8 when the slow effect is more noticeable.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    hes talking about pvp dood

    archers can wipe the floor with mob carcasses lvl 20-100000 for all i care. at lvl 80s people start refining their gear so archers have a lot harder time fighting them. plus casters start maxing their nukes which means the range on some of their nastier stuff is now like 3 meters away from getting to you. 79 skills make an appearance as well, wizards especially get their undine + sophoric, barbs get violent triumph etc etc
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    <_< i got lvl 30 archer, my build is pure dex = 1str and 4 dex every lvl .i haven't died much and use only 3-4 skills one of them is Frost Arrow and Knockback Arrow.

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • BloodReap - Dreamweaver
    BloodReap - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    my archer is lvl 31 and i agree with
  • BloodReap - Dreamweaver
    BloodReap - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    my archer is lvl 31 and i agree with Aniella. i go 1str 4dex each lvl and manage fine. and i also use frost and knockback lol. i think ive only died 1 time so far cuz 4 mobs jumped me >.< b:chuckle
  • BloodReap - Dreamweaver
    BloodReap - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    also sorry bout the fragment post. i dnt normally talk on forums lol. im still learningb:cute
  • Fyren - Heavens Tear
    Fyren - Heavens Tear Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    it may sound stupid but my pure dex archer keeps dieing and i just want to know when they become good and how?

    When will they become good?

    Tonight! find your credit card and buy some lucky corals